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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1959, p. 18

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e Eighteen j, THE McHENRT PLAINDEALER Thursday,' April -16,1(69 lymoor ASS'N. BENEFIT CARD PARTY HELD APRIL 18 by Nancy Hitter--560-M-l Bunco and Card Party The date of the bunco and card party of the Lilymoor association is drawing near. The party will be at Club Lilymoor on April 18 at 8 p.m. and refreshments will be served. The association members would like to have a nice turn out that evening. Garbage Piok-l'p The garbage will be picked up as usual on Wednesday, April 22. It is best to set out your garbage can the night j be anci Dong. At the meeting before so it isn't forgotten. „• : they all tape recorded their voices and piayed them back. who attends Clemson college in South Carolina. While there they visited Charleston and Columbia, the state capital. They had a pleasant and wonderful trip. This and That Mr. and Mrs. Belford attended the commission of education on Monday. April 6 at the Methodist church! Mr. Belford was voted chairman of the official board of the Methodist church. Tuesday night, April 14 was a meeting of the Arc Angels held at Belfords' residence. Those present were Allann Maker. Sharon C6unley, Judy Cannon and Juav Vacondia and two new members. Dianae Kib- Twice Told Tales Communion Party The DeMarcos had open house for their son, Joseph' DeMarco, who made his first Holy Communion on Sunday, April. '•>. Those who attended Were, Mr. and" Mrs. Tibbits and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Tony De- Marco and son, Mr. and Mrs. LaRocoah, Mr., and Mrs. Faymans and'Mrs.. Sam Smith and son.- ' . . Joe received many useful gifls. The party was a great success. Mi', and Mrs. Summers went I to Harrington to ,an aunt's j home for a smalf get-together. ! A lovely luncheon was' served, j Miss Jane Mason visited.some j old friends in Lihmooi: last , Sunday afternoon, j Remember to call me if any- | thing happens over the week- 1 end. Accident On Saturday, April 4, Mrs. J. Wollak fell' on the platform while boarding the Northwestern irain When the train ar-- rived in Chicago she was sent to a hospital, where x-rays taken showed no bones were broken but she was badly bruised. We're all sorry to hear about the accident and hope Mrs. Wollak feels better. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS New-Comers A new family is now residng in Fritzsches Estates in the Root house. The family consists of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Krumwiede and their five children, Nancy who is a fresh- j jjijcts GRANTED CHARTERS _ The, state has granted chartors to two. local, non-profit corporations. One is McHenry Window, Inc., Rt. 120 and Kern road, to engage in the manufacturing, marketing, selling, exchange and installing, repairing and rescreening of combination storm and screen doors, storm and screen windows, awnings, etc. The other was to Moto-File Fabricators, Inc., 105 PJchmond road, to manufacture all kinds and varieties of mechanical appliances, instruments and machines and any and all processes and pro- FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from the files of April 15, 1909 The members of the Week End club entertained their gentlemen friends at the home of Miss Zue Gallaher Saturday evening. Progressive cinch was played, with first prizes won by Miss Lillian Wheeler and Will Gallaher Jr., while the consolations were given to Miss Irene McOmber and Chancey Harrison. Two of Uncle Sam's boys were here Tuesday inspecting the post office and rural routes. The inspectors found things in good shape here and left town wearing a satisfied look. H. C. Hankermeyer, who during the past few years has acted as legal agent for the Scoenliofen Brewing Co. has retired. Martin Bickler of Elgin has taken over his job. While cleaning the drain tile in the bottom of. one-of the ceils in the jail at Crystal Lake Marshal Henderson found a silver watch which was stolen from Albert Jeschke last fall, and which was hidden there by the thief. Patrick Conway was seen coming up Green street Saturday morning, wearing an aristocratic smile. The ever inquisitive reporter was informed that a bouncing boy, who had arrived at his home on Friday, man in high school. Ronny, an eighth grader, Kathy, who is in third grade, Mike, a first grader and Karen, who is four years old. We hope the Krumwiedes will find our community a pleasant place to live. Mothers Club's Activity The card party given by the Mother's club had a small turn out. The party was on April 4 at club Lilymoor. Refrshments consisting of coffee and cake were served by the mothers. . Brownie* • . The brownies are giving a play for a mother's day program, "The Brownie's Story." • The officers for this and next ji'eek are Christine Scheft and Mary Lou Secherf. Irene Cooper will bring cookies for re- . freshment at the next meeting. The usual meeting is Thursday after school. The Associated Organ and Piano Co., Inc., 112 East Elm street, was granted a charter to conduct and operate a wholesale and retail business for the sale of electronic musical instruments of every type, etc., to deal in retail records, music in sheets, books and to 6uy and sell at wholesale or retail china, glassware, tableware, etc. Also granted a charter \vas Main Paint and Decorating, Inc. to conduct and operate an interior and exterior painting and decorating business, buy and sell at wholesale and retail paints varnishes; shellacs etc. was the cause. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes last Friday, but we are sorry to state passed away Tuesday. The annual school caucus and election will take place at the village hall Friday and Saturday, April 16 and 17. Members of the board whose terms expire- this year include James B. Perrv, president; George Hanly and C. L. Page, trustees. Two candidates have announced themselves as aspirants for the offices of trustees. They are John H. Miller and Patrick J. Cleary. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken from the files of April 10, 1919 Word has been received here of the death of Rev. M. W. Barth, which occurred at Sierra Madre, Calif. April 6. Father Barth served as "pastor of fcit. Mary's church here from'January, 1901, to November, 1907. Other deaths the past week include Mrs. E. W. Howe, who conducted a milinery store here many years, who died at her home, on Green street Monday; and Mrs. Joseph Neuman, who passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Anton Schneider, Thursday of last week. Henry Heuser is now sole proprietor of the East Side market, having acquired his brother's interests the first of the month. Miss Annabelle Heimer has given up her position at the M. J. Walsh store. Her place has been filled- by Louis Adams, who has been employed in one of Chicago's, big department stores. Walter H. Fay, recently discharged from Army • service, has entered the employ of J. W. Schaffer, Pearl street garage man. Miss Mayme Sehaefer, daugh ter of Mr. .and Mrs. Theodore Winkle of this city and Atty. William J. PeTkinson of Chicago were united in marriage at St. Andrews' church, Chicago, March 1. They will reside in that city. Mr. and Mrs. William Sherman have move to Genoa City, Wis., where he has opened an ice cream parlor. Mrs. Joseph Buss has broken up her home on John street and has taken up her abode with her daughter, Mrs. Martin Coriway, on Waukegan street. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the files of April 12, 1934 Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Rosalind Nye, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye of McHenry and Atty. Harry Hitzeman, of Chicago, which took place in Chicago, April 6. Mrs. William Fleming, the former Nellie Walsh, a native of McHenry, died at her home near Woodstock Thursday, after a few days' illness, at the age of 54 years. Friday, the thirteenth, is an excellent and fitting date for the mystery-comedy, "The Valley of Ghosts," which is: $he senior class play to be presented at the high school auditorium Friday evening, April 13. BucH&tUiPmm® I Carolina Vacation ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Belford and their children, Diana, Cynthia, Kathleen, Earl Jr., and Christine spent the Easter week in South Carolina. They visited and stayed with Mrs. Belford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gramling Sr., who live in Orangeburg, Va. Mrs. Belford and her four brothers got together Easter weekend and had a family reunion at her parents home. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Grampling, Jr. of Orangeburg and his five children, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gramping and three children of Myrtle, S. C., Alfred Gramping and his two daughters and Fred Gramping THAT OLD HOUSE \ I SUFFERED MANY YEARS [ WITH PLUMBING OLD NOW S DRY ITS I TEARS INSTALL MODERN PLUMBING H.E.Bl oucU- SONS PLUMBING-HEATING AIR CONDITIONING :$uWM<HENRY 48 - ' w§ & ET CLEANER TOTAL $83.90 VALUE OUR PRICE Model 31 *69.95 --- CAREY APPLIANCE, Inc. 119 S. Green St. PHONE 251 Members of the cast include Jeanne Powers, Marvin Meyers, Guy Duker, Stanley Vycital, Marian Weingart, Mary Sutton, George Kinsala, Anna Fox, Beatrice Weber, Leonore Frisby. Charles Brda and Willys Schreiner. A group of old schoolmates were guests at a gathering at the A. J. Wirtz home Saturday evening, honoring Miss Ernestine Freund of Chicago, who was spending the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Wirtz. Lyle Litweiler, formerly a state highway- policeman, was bound and gagged early Monday by tvtfo masked and armed bandits who looted the safe in the Sinclair refining bulk station at Grayslake of $122.48. The robbery occurred when Litweiler was opening the safe at 7:30 a.m. John D. Donovan, former banker and ex-mayor of Woodstock, died at his home Wednesday morning at the age of 82 years. EDGEBKOOK MENU April 20-24 . Monday: Spaghetti, lettuce and fresh fruit salad, honey drop cookies and peach Cobbler. Tuesday: Ham, scalloped potatoes, wax beans, celery sticks fruit jello and blueberyy muffins. Wednesday: Hot dogs, baked beans, lettuce and fresh fruit salad and peanut butter cookies. Thursday: Pork, noodles, mixed vegetables, celery sticks, fruit--jello, apple--crisp and cheese. Friday: Fish sticks, potatoes, cole slaw, carrot sticks, pears and cake. LEGALS NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE E s t a t e of JOSEPH X. WAYNNE, also known as JOSEPH S. WOJNOWSKI, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that May 4, 1959, is the claim date in tha estate of JOSEPH X. WAYNNE, also known as JOSEPH S. WOJNOWSKI, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. STEPHANIE WAYNNE Administor Alexander J. Ross, Attorney 188 W. Randolph St. Chicago 1, Illinois (Pub. April 9-16-23, 1959) MASTER IN CHANCERY'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF McHENRY) ss In the Circuit Court thereof in Chancery, General No. 36459 MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation of the United S t a t e s of A m e r i c a , , Plaintiff vs. WESLEY P. WAHL and PA*TRICIA M. WAHL, his wife, et als, defendants. , PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a Decree made and entered by the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 30th day of March A.D. 1959, I, CHARLES T. SMITH, Master in Chancery of the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 1st day of May, 1959, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon thereof, at the East front door of the McHenry County Courthouse, in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular the following described real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot sixteen (16) in Block three (3) in Hunterville Park Subdivision, a Subdivision of part of the Southwest quarter of Section twenty-five. (25) and of the southeast quarter of Section twenty-six (26), Township forty-five (45) North, Range eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to^ the plat thereof recorded^ March 30, 1929 in Book 7 of Plats, page 4, in, McHenry County, .Illinois. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 2nd day of April, A.D. 1959. CHARLES T. SMITH Master in -Chancery F. R. KELLEY Marengo, Illinois Plaintiff's Attorney (Pub. April 9-16-23, 1959) HERE & THERS, IN BUSINESS., * -y GETS WRITE-IN VOTES,,', 'Donald Parenti received" twenty-three write-in votes for highway commissioner on the Peoeple's ticket in PreciricOfr, according to information supplied the Plaindealer. COMPANY SALES Record sales, highest for any first quarter of operations, was reported by ^National Tea Co., when H,. V. McNamara, president, announced sales for the company's third four week accounting period, which winds up the first quarter withVa gain in excess of $J0 million. The biggest r^om in the world is room for improvement. ED'S RENT-ALL RENTS Chain Saws to Sanders PHONE 32 1111 For Time Tested Oipendable- Fair-Pricedloot! UMTS flUCOME II TOUR UVi ^ AGENCY DRUG STORE NYE DRUGS, Inc. 129 N. Riverside Dr. PHONE 26 McHenry, 111. FRETT & BUILDERS Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 VA mile east of Fox River Bridge Phone McHenry 976 LITTLE BILL'S" ON ELEC RICITY (These values are available to everyone... 24 hours a day... every day) McHenry, 111. WIRTH DISPOSAL SERVICE RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL FEE MOMTH FOR REGULAR RESIDENTIAL PICK-UP "WE WILL SIGN A YEARLY CONTRACT AT THIS PRICE IF YOU SO DESIRE" PROMPT WEEKLY SERVICE 1 We Have Our Own Pi£ COMPLETE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PHONE 1655 Managed by Freddy Wirtz, Jr. Owned by Chas. F. Wirth. Represented by Wilbur Hechl. REAL COOL DEAL Refrigeratiin full hours Coffee ELECTRICALLY BREWED "Stitchin' Time" Savings SEW! ihours only RADIO (20 complete Soap Operas) "Spectacular Value'* J--T Television VIEWING 0 / action-packed m We took this way of demonstrating that if your electric bill seem* high--it's not becauco electricity is expensive, buS because electricity makes life so much better, you're using much, much more of it--actually 4 times as much as you did a few years ago. o hours 24 hour Ifiome Delivery No need to phone--just flick a switch--we deliver INSTANTANEOUSLY anytime of day or night 365 days a year Nighttime Special ELECTRIC L 75w. bulbf 3 AH Special BOTTLE WAilER "A WAIL OF A DEAl" 3BOTTLES only COLD FEET Special Electric ilanket full NIGHT just "Clothes-Out" Value AUTOMATIC WASHING 2 only ^. «an Q^0«te lesfrtoday you Ediwp For the appliances Little Bill operates so economically--see your electric appliance dealer know ...than it did 25 year8 a&0/tt <^J Public Service Company

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