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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1959, p. 17

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Thursday, April 23, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Eastwood Manor PROTECT CHILDREN FROM ACCIDENTS IN SUBDIVISION Lois Ryan--2310-K ^If you were to ask anyone in Eastwood Monor if they loved their children, you could be sure that the answer would be irf the affirmative. Everyone is concerned about their own. They see that their children have proper clothing, good food, religious and academic education, and protection from the elements. There is, however, another type of care--of •otection. You can help your neighbor protect his children by driving carefully through the subdivision. Still another way is to keep your children out of the street. Keep them from following the workmen -who- run the big equipment. Make sure that their toys are out of the street so that they won't someday cause an accw dent. By doing this you are «'lping your neighbors to protect children because you are setting an example for him to follow. You won't be sorry. Faith Presbyterian Church Xews The sermon topic for Sunday April 26, is entitled "The Recovery of Urgency" from Mark 8:22-38 and is based on the «ird commandment. The choir actices at the church every lesday night at 8 p.m. All who enjoy singing are encouraged to come. There will be a general meeting of the women of the church on Monday, April 27, at the church at 8 p.m. Block Rosary On Tuesday, April 28, the block rosary will be held at the «>me of John Coughlin at 139 ill Lane at 8:30 p.m. All Catholics of Eastwood Manor are invited to attend these weekly meetings. Zion Lutheran Church Zion Lutheran church now has two services. The first service begins at 7:45 a.m. and the second service begins at 10:30 a.m. Sunday school is £pld at 9 a.m. Happy Anniversary Best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lottchea who celebrate their wedding anniversary today. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Saynor are next to be congratulated. The anniversary of their wedding day is April 26. (| Happy Birthday * Today is a big day for Kathy Monahan, who is fifteen. Dan Mathes will blow out his birthday candles Saturday. On Sunday Sheri Landin will be three years old. Throe Eastwood Manorites share April 29 as their natal day. Brian Hansen, who will be two. Mike Mc- Cormack, who will be five, and Linda Louise French, who will be one year old. "•* Club Xews Wednesday, April 15, was the day for club meetings in Eastwood Manor. The bridge club met at the home of Elpha Philippi. Elpha kept within the theme of spring when the prizes she gave were potted plants. Hannah Harner won first prize. Travelling prize went to Helen Mathes and Mim Hansen won booby prize. Marion Alford substituted for Rita Simpson, who was home caring for her brand new baby girl. The Tripoli club met at Marie Dalton's home. Elaine Rogers won. It's reported that this is Elaine's lucky streak. However, Marie Dalton reports that she lost as usual. But it was fun. The meeting of the Octettes turned out to be quite a surprise for Lydia Fenner. Vern Bauer was hostess to the gdjs for two reiasons. The obvious reason was the meeting of the Octettes, but behind it all was a riot so obvious reason. Not to Lydia anyway. It turned out to be a baby shower for her. And it was kept a very deep, dark secret. She's still surprised. The table prizes were storks holding babies attached to pink and blue streamers. A cake with one pink sugar shoe and one blue sugar shoe on top was served. Soda refreshments were served with the cake. Marge Tinkler took home a blue and white duster for first prize. Lydia Fenner took home a load of clothespins for second prize. She can really use them now. Bertha Stoll will be hostess for the next Octette meeting on April 29. Sick List George Thienes was home from work for a week nursing a cold. He seems to be fine now. Mary Lou Barry was down with the flu. She still has a bad cough to remember it by. Don Cisewski is off of work keeping company with a virus. Charlotte Urban is staying home these days also. She has a strep infection. The flu got around to see Lena Campbell this week. Mike Stuart has the mumps. Not much more can be said about that. Please everyone get well very soon. We want you to enjoy this wonderful weather that has finally come our way. 4-H Cardinal The S u n n y s i d e Women's Home Bureau-and the 4-H Car- ^iftdfe'"Ttrtrifnage Sale will ' be held on April 25 at Spring Creek road one half mile north of Johnsburg in Sunnyside. It is going to be at the Leaky home on the black top road across the street from the store. There will be several signs to show the way. There will be a meeting of the 4-H Cardinals on April 23. Accident Alfred Ritter broke his right wrist at school on Tuesday. April 14. It's a new experience for him to use his left hand now. He doesn't like the idea of being in a cast for six weeks, but his friends are trying to make his stay in the cast^pleasant by using crayons to decorate it. Art Fair The third annual country art fair, sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary of McHenry hospital, will be held June 19, 20 and 21 at the McHenry Junior high school. Anyone from Eastwood Manor who is interested in submitting art work may contact Mrs. Wilhelm, 204 Main street, McHenry. Phone 128-M. Sympathy Our deepest sympathy is exr tended to the Len Hansen family. Lens father passed away quite unexpectedly Friday. April 10. He was Adolph Hansen of Antioch. The funeral was held in Chicago. . On April 14 Marie Dalton and her mother journeyed to southern Illinois to visit Mrs. Mary Sherman, Marie's aunt. While they were enroute Mrs. Sherman passed away. She had been ill a long time. Marie and her mother returned here Friday. Our sympathy is with you. This and That The Jack Rogers hosted a Tripoli party at their home for Madeline and Les Freckman and Jackie and Bob Grom on April 12. Fourteen year old Kathy Monahan left for Rock Island April 16 to participate in a contest with the girls octette from school. Sandra Monahan is in charge of a progressive dinner for young people from her church in Crystal Lake which was held Saturday, April 18. The Galbavy family enjoyed a weekend visit from Lou's mother, Mrs. Katherine Galbavy. On Sunday his brother and his family, Mr. and Mrs. John Galbavy, came for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Howell Little of Commerce, Ga., were guests at the home of the Dan Matheses. Marilyn and Jack Fultz had the pleasure of a weekend visit from their dear friends, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngblood and their two boys. Mary Theines' nephew, Billy Bel), from Evansville, Ind. spent the weekend at ihe Theines home. Pat Cistfski is mighty proud of the honor she received. She has been appointed publicity chairman of the VFW Women's auxiliary. Helen Mathes had a wonderful time working in her husband's office in Chicago on Tuesday. She stayed in the city for dinner and she claims that she really had a ball. She'd like to do it again, but not for always. Please keep those calls coming in. This column is what you make it. I'm only a middle man. There will bie a report on the EMPOA meeting for April next week. Bye now, see vou next .week. CANCER DRIVE CONTINUES IN McHENRY AREA Local drives to raise funds for the American Cancer societv have started in several of the county's communities and will start in others in the near future. At McHenry, Mrs. Albert Barbian and Mrs. Fred Rogers, co-chairman of this year's drive, launched the crusade at a breakfast meeting last Thursday morning. About fifty women were {resent to receive materials and to hear details of the campaign outlined. Each street in the residential area canvassed. There will be no canvassing in the business district, although donations from businessmen will be gratefully accepted. Mojiey collected by the American Cancer society is used primarily for research and for education. The county chairman ol the Society is headed By Mrs. James W. McCullom, J*., of Woodstock. " ^ SHOP IN McHENRY *get season long EEB CONT in corn with one application of PRE-EMERGENCE HERBICIDE • IpS;. effective, full season control of most annual weeds -- both broadleaf and grasses. safe to humans and animals. Non-irritating to sfcin. Non-corrosive. No drift hazard. economical- cuts labor costs. Reduces need for cultivation. profitable -- extra corn yields. No weed competition for soil nutrients and moisture. No cultivator damage to com roots. ORIGINATORS OF & Apply Simazine 50W at planting time--forger" weed problems all sea* son. See your farm supply dealer today for Simazine 50W herbicide-- another outstanding product of Geigy research. Write for free brochure. •"SIMAZINE" Is • trademark of Geigy Chemical Corporation &P - fkJfs *** . - Page Seventeen McHenry Shores by Louis Winters--2897 The most colorful note of spring so far is evident on several corners as our long awaited safety signs sprouted up recently. Now that they are in place, let's obey them. Many thanks to Messrs. Whetherhult, Santilli, Risting, Stark, Granso and Olszewski. May Social Don't forget to keep the night of May 7 open. Our favorite caller, Ernie Useman, will be at the VFW to oversee our social. Besides square dancing, there will be waltzing and fox trots. And, of course, refreshments. Find three more couples and make a square. tions in town with broken toys. This will sure give us ap ex- • cuse to clean out some toy j boxes which need it badly, i They ask that the toys be re- • paii able, however. The col- ; lection is for the month ol : April. May will be spent in fixing them up for use in orphan- | ages. Wonder how many boys i will end up fixing baby brot'h- [er's toy, which they wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole at home? Happy Birthday To little Caryn Schmitt who will be two whole years old the twenty-ninth. Many happy returns. oor iMsccncioes ©EISV AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS Division of Geigy Chemical Corporation • S*w Mill River Road, Ardeley, N.Y. A kitchen extension frees you to do so much--without missing a beat! Gals who've felt "tied" to the kitchen are delighted by the new freedom they gain with an extension phone nearby. And at such small cost! Hardly surprising when you consider the running and interruptions they save. Your Telephone Service Representative will explain how easy it is to have an extension in your own kitchen-- and she'll tell you about the lovely color selection in these modern phones. Why not call her right now? ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE 111 N. Court St. Phone: 9981 Just tell us her choice of color and where she wonts the phones. Your Service Representative will do the rest. Bridal Shower - All those cars at the Lakoys last week turned out to be guests of Lee Lokay, who, with several others had a shower for Marge DeGennaro of Wonder. Lake. About twenty-five friends and fellow workers wished her good luck and happiness in her marriage to Robert Arens of Crystal Lake on May 2. Co-hostesses with Lee were Mrs. Freda Olson, Mrs. Mary Faunt, and Kay LeFehrevr. Art Fair Do your hidden talents include - painting o.^ other art work? The third annual art fair will be held June 19-21 at McHenry Junior high, end wouldn't it be a feather in our caps if McHenry Shores was well represented in entries. Amateurs are especially welcomed. Entry blanks are available from Mrs. William Wilhelm, 128-M and must be turned in bv May 18. Scout News Troop 131 asks your help in filling boxes at all the gas sfa- Anniversary Congratulations Anniversaries outnumber birthdays this w^eek as the Gerald Morrises celebrate their ninth on the twenty-eighth and we Winters have put up with each other for thirteen years on the twentieth. We're looking forward to many more. Dinner Party The Lindwalls were hosts at a dinner party which they gave for last year's ways and means committee, husbands included, of course. Enjoying a turkey dinner were the Whitneys, Olbinskis. Sehopps, and Olszewskis. The guests surprised and pleased Connie tremendously with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Connie also had a pleasant surprise recently when daughter, Karen, held a birthday party for her. The Corcorans, G. Smiths and Simonsens showed up to wish best regards, and to share the birthday cake Karen had ordered, all without her mother's knowledge. For the benefit of those readers who don't know, Karen is fifteen. News and Views We wonder if the daily round trip between McHenry Shores and Chicago, past freshly plow- From where I sit... fy Joe Marsh Magic- Easy Does It Little Pinky Roberts was so fend of her two baby rabbits Eur didn't have the heart to tell her they had run away. "Just had to replace those rabbits before Pinky came home from school," Easy said. "^Trouble was the only two available were full grown. "I figured they'd have to do," he went on, "so I just hoped for the best. Then, when Pinky saw the rabbits she ran into the house, yelling, 'Wait'll you see my rabbits! Those vitamins made them twice as big!'" From where I sit, children see things as they'd "like them to be," but adults ought to see things as they are. For instance, we can't close our eyes to intolerance and call ourselves "good neighbors." If I don't respect your choice of tea or coffee and you don't respect mine for beer, that's Intolerance and no excused. On the other hand. tolerance makes good friends "multiply." $oe Copyright, 1959, United States Brewers Foundation ed fields, new wheat crops sprouting up, and animals cavorting in pastures, had anything to do with the appointment of Clarence Mueller by the president of the American Meat Institute, Homer,Davidson. to represent the meat packing industry again at the meetings of the Illinois Agricultural association. He', with represent ati\es of ether industries, will help plan the 1959-60 program to help keep Illinois at the top of the agricultural list. The state program for the past several years has received national recognition with its theme "Food Comes First" for health and happiness. Part of the program that has been highly successful is bringing the farmer, processor, and retailer together for a better understanding of their mutual problem of keeping the supply moving to the consumer. Harold Echternach of nearby Crystal Lake will represent. the Illinois Retail Grocers association at these meetings. John Smith was guest of honor at a retirement dinner given by the members of the post office in Chicago. About fifty of his friends over the years gave him a royal sendoff. plus a bond and a gift of money. We wonder if they know he hasn't retired at all, but is eating his meals at regulars hours, at least, now. ! Jack Schmitt's mother is tryj ing an apartment in town on I for size, it must be quiet after ; having the little ones around. | The Hat tans, Kleines and Daisy Smith dropped in on the , Muellers for an evening of cards recently. Clare? slapped ' on some Hawaiian records to stimulate Daisy's enthusiasm for her coming trip this summer. (As if it needs stimulat- ;irfg1. j Many thanks for the news j that has been coming in. rather i nice to have a long coluitin, 'isn't it? Haven't heard of a j contest, but we'd like to enter ! our five tulip bulbs that bloomed on April 15 as among the ; earliest in this area. Any tak- !ers? IS COMING TO McHENRY SHOP IX McHENRY Tour ordor I# our law*# • © © OGGuopound If without flaw! O Bring your Doctor's prescriptions to thift professional pharmacy when precise compounding Is m specialty. Skilled Registered Pharmacists and ample ttodks enable ae to compound all prescriptfesao promptly and oaaedy so the Docs©2 (Streets. ctep doablo-@h@c!s©d for mmmcj. oar prices an always fair. Try as next rims! Bolgers Drug Store 10S So. Green Phone 40 McHenr J TOP TV-Tho Dinah Shore Chevy Show-Sunday-NBC-TV and the Pot Boone Chevy Showroom-weekly on ABC-TV. /b this Kingswood, every window is Safety Plate Glass. cesi wagon Chevy*s station wagons should really be called family wagons. You can choose from five models, including the four-door nine-passenger Kingswood, with its rear-facing rear seat. Here's a brisk and breezy wagon that'll take on any chore you name, from a trip to the beach to a journey home from the lumberyard. There's room, you see, for a whole half-ton of cargo--a space ten feet long, with the rear seat and tailgate down. These wagons are easy to load, too--you just roll the rear window into the tailgate and flip it down flat. No liftgate to wrestle with. Chevrolet's so easy to handle it's a natural for the lady of the house. Big, safer brakes, too. Chevy's even got bigger tires--they come as standard equipment on every one of our wagons. But why not fall in love with a Chevy firsthand--at your Chevrolet dealer's! The car that's wanted for all its worth! For a "Spring Sales Spectacular" deal see your local authorized Chevrolet dealer! CtARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 West Elm Ei. McHenry, I1L Phone 277

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