ft^ge Eighteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER lakeland Park ELECT FOUR NEW BOARD MEMBERS AT LPPOA MEET Vk-ktfi Bottarl--2262-J - 1524-J At the last meeting of the Lakeland Park Property Owners association board of directors meeting, the following were elected as the new officers of the bqard who will direct your association: Jerry- Rogers, president; Ray Rode, vice-president; Audrey Ellmer, secretary and Alf Hegland, treasurer. Other remaining board members are Joe Leone, Foster Glorch and George Leone. Let's all give these new board members our full cooperation in all their undertakings. Spring Dance The fourth annual spring j dance,sponsored by the Lakeland Park Property Owners association this year-will be held on Saturday, May 2 starting ,ai 9 p.m. at the American Legion hall. Your tickets can be pur- | chased through your block cap- j tains, so get your tickets and j reserve that • Saturday night ! for a real good time. j Spring Fling I The dance held by our 'tcons j on Friday night. April 17 at the American Legion hall turned out to be a success even ; though the weather was so bad , with the terrific downpour we • had. j Dinner Is Served ! Don't forget if you have not j as yet purchased your tickets for the "Dinner is Served " to ( be held on May 26 at 12 noon I at the American Legion hall do so just as soon as you can and you can do this by contacting members of the welcome committee, namely Lyda Radisch, Jean Parisi. Fran Cina, Jean Gagnon, Louise McEnery or myself. County Art Fair The third annual Art Fair will be held on June 19, 20 and 2l at the McHenry Junior high school. Come on all you artists, get out your brushes and paints and get your registration in hot later than May 18 by contacting Mrs. Richard Wilhelm at 204 Main street. Hnppy Birthday To Ray Barle whose birthday was Sunday. April 19, but he had his birthday party on the sixteenth with the following boys to help him celebrate his tenth birthday : Bruce Okal, Ray Bottari, Jimmy Laursen, Jimmy Hansen and Forest Vista. To my daughter, Elaine, who celebrated her fourth birthday on April 16 with cake and coffee being served to Jean Parisi. Fran Cina, Lee Glorch, Elaine Jett, Dorothy Humphreys. Esther Cygan and daughter, Lynn, and Marge Franklin and her two little girls, Debbie and Dale. To Daisy Krupinski who celebrated her over 21 birthday on April 19, but on Friday afternoon she thought she was coming over to my house to just celebrate Elaine's birthday duo to the fact that she could not come the day before and instead we were all singing happy birthday to her when she came in the door and she»was ically surprised. Those who were in good tune that daywere Lee Glorch. Esther Cygan, Elaine Jett, Dorothy Humphreys, Rita Zimney, Marge Franklin and of course, me. We presented her with a loveiy planter. White Elephant Sale A white elephaht sale will be .held on June 28 at the Anleriean Legion hall by the Lakeland Park Women's club.: The sale will .'start after 12 o'clock in the afternoon and wtv would appreciate- receiving the articles to. be sold just as soo.i as possible so that the girls can start to get them ready as the\ come in so that it will not be too much work at the last minute. We will .receive anything and everything no matter how large or small, that is. any- j thing but clothes, this we' do j not want as this would necessitate cleaning and storing more carefully due to the fact that if there are woolen articles they may become moth eaten, so please, evcrvlhing but wearing apparel. All goods will be stored at Gayle L.n.ur«en's home, so as soon as you have your stuff together Vou can either deliver it to her home at 134 Pleasant avenue or if you have no way of getting it a) nor home mny call Gayie McHenry 2234-R and she w'll be glad to nr.ike arrangements: to pick it up. Prairie Fi res This is a warning to anyone who starts a fire in any of the empty lots and lets it get so bad you have to call out the fire department. Make sure that you have your water hose ready at all times, because if the fire does get out of hand and the fire department has to be called, you will have to pay quite a heavy fine. Lakemoor Marion Sulok--592-R-l Fire Station At the meeting of the firemen of Station 3, Lakemoor on Sunday morning the election of the captain, lieutenant and secretary-treasurer was held with the re-elections of Captain John Sulok. Lieutenant Harry Strnad and Ted Winkel replacing Ray Blades as secretary- treasurer. all with an unanimous vote with Ivan Gustafson as officer in charge for the day crew. Thursday, April 23, 1959 i* Mrs. Anne Sossong, Mrs. Anne Bolda, Mrs. Rita Erickson and Mrs. Sylvia Whynot as her helpers. The ladies will appreciate all the help that the villagers can give in this worthy cause. Watch for This We hear that a retail merchandise store will soon open in the formef Danny Daniels club on the highway. We can all btl looking forward to a new business in the village. Village News The' amount of $8,000.00 from the motor fuel tax .will be used""on" the improvements of 'the vo;u'.s in the village as, soon •>s al! the gas pipe lines have been, put in. Notice Anyone who follows the fire tiuck to t*he scene of the fire without being a fireman will be fined for not obeying the rules. Py eli.'<rg the truck vou may be hampering the boys on the truck and also blocking the traffic so that another truck could not reach the scene to give help to the other boys. Please observe the rights of the firemen and keep away from the fires. You can help the firemen by staying away and not getting in their way. Passover Party *On Wednesday April 22, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sarley attended a Passover party in Chicago given by their daughter-inlaw's grandfather. The Sarley's sons, Doctor Vincent Sarley and Doctor Irwin Sarley and their families also attended the holiday party. Ladies League The ladies met at the firecommunity- building for their evening of fun .on Wednesday. A five cent social was held and the large group of ladies had a merry time. The members enjoyed playing cards and bunco and later were served cake, cheese and crackers, tea and cofl%e> The next business meeting will be held on April 29. Pinochle Club The club met at the home of M r s . A l f r e d D e m b e r on W e d n e s d a y " a f t e r n o o n . T h e members who were in attendance were Mrs. Tony Leen. Mrs. Walter Para, Mrs. Roy Erickson, Mrs. Ed Bolda, Mrs. E. Patterson, Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. Casey Brzezinsld. Winners for the afternoon were Mrs. Erickson, Mrs. Leon and Mrs.' Para the booby. Mrs. DofnTTt'K, the hostess, served deviled eggs, jelie salad, cake and coffee. Happy Birthday To Mrs. Jennie Vallone who added another year on March 29 and to Florence Mix who marked up another year on the eighteenth of April. Troop 309 - On Monday evening the girls enjoyed a good grooming course given by Mrs. David Kent beauty counseler. Mrs. Kent instructed the girls in the care of their hair, the use of cosmetics for teenagers, proper c^re of nails and hands, also their posture. The troop did very well in the cookie and nut sales and appreciate all those »that helped. Girl Scouts News The father ard daughter banquet will be held at the McHenry high school cafeteria on Wednesday evening April 29, at 7 p.m. < Carol Booster and Patricia Morrison will receive their curved bar which is the highest award in scouting. All the folks connected with scouting MAY 5 HEARING On May 5, at the city hall in Crystal Lake, at 3 p.m., David B. and Judith Brough will ask a variation of the McHenry county zoning ordinance which would allow them to erect a residence closer to the center line of Griswold Lake road than is requifed by the ordinance. The property is lo-< cated on Griswold Lake road, adjoining Scheid's first subdivision, on Griswold Lake southeast of McHenry. Diplomacy is the art of letting someone have your way. Cancer Fund Within a few days the following ladies of the village will call upon you for the donations for the 1959 Cancea drive. Mrs. Alberta Bressman, the chairman of the drive in the village, has Miss Nancy Chadwich, Mrs. Edith Lubke. ^liss Agnes Lubke, Miss Lorette Lubke, Mrs. Lillian Vacondia, Miss Judy Vaconrtta, Mrs.- Othele Brady, Mrs. Winnie Steadman, WATCH REPAIRING AT ITS FINEST By "" McHenrv's Oldest,.. Most Reliable Dealer STEFFAN'S JEWELRY STORE 514 W. Main McHenry , Phojie ,123-J . DR. HINRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS -HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. . EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 cM edical Mirror • Whiskey Nose • Odorous Shoes • Bedwetting Q. "Can doctors do anything for tvhiskey nose?"--B. J. -A. Yes, the condition can be greatly improved by proper treatment. The term "Whiskey nose" is misleading because many sufferers are strict abstainers from alcoholic drinks. Mild cases can sometimes be helped by skin planing. Plastic surgery with removal of excess tissue is required if the nose is markedly disfigured. <?. What can be done to prevent or remove perspiration odor in shoes? A. There is no really satisfactory method of deodorizing leather once unpleasant odor has developed. Howeyer, unpleasant odor can usually Be prevented by daily foot care. The feet should be thoroughly washed and dried. Use of a foot deodorant also helps. Q. *'Please discuss bedwetting." --A grandmother. A. Bladder control requires voluntary and involuntary actions. When tjie bladder reaches a certain fullness the retaining muscular valve automatically relaxes nntqhmhnmkdqe the bladder contracts,.and emptying takes place. This is the process in babies and young children. Complete control is gained as the child grows and develops. As a Swedish physician said, night bladder control is not so much a training process as it is a maturing process. Children dont deliberately wet the bed. They need medical attention, not punishment. Try to convince the youngster that the doctor can u i no circumstances should a big fuss be made over bedwetting. Answers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of oil doctors. The diagnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's personal physician. Questions directed 10 Or. J. D. Ralston, Srietier Editors, P.O. Box 396, Madison Square Station, IS. Y. 10, /V. Y. n,// he incorporated in these columns n iu n possible. ue** DRUG STORE GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. AND MORE WATER . atm&i&acMt with a RED JACKET fam-JetM" . WATER CAPACITIES TO 1670 GAIL PER HOUR PUMPING DEPTHS TO 120 FEET EASILY AND ECONOMICALLY CONVERTIBLE FROM SHALLOW TO DEEP WELL SERVICE Dollar-for-dollar, hare is your best pump buy. Heavy, durable construction throughout. Quiet, lubrication -- free operation -- only one moving part. A product of a worldrenowned pump manufacturer with over 75 years' experience in building water service products. The Centri-Jet "HB" Water System will more than satisfy you in every Come in and $•• for yourself. JETS It* Submersible Pumps ON DDI at*it,•}•>«*<!! PLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service AIX MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake Sunnyside Estates RUMMAGE SALE BENEFITS HOME BUREAU UNIT by Lois Anderson Don't forget the rummage sale this Saturday sponsored by the Sunnyside unit of the Home Bureau. The ladies will be on hand all day in the Leakey garage on Spring Creek road. (That's not a pun, they spell their name Leakey but it is pronounced "Lakey"). We hope by now that you have turned in your donations of clothing, furnishings, etc. as these women work very hard on their projects and would appreciate our support in this undertak-1' ing. •legist ration for kindergarten children and j first graders at the .Tohn^burg public school' will be held on May 11, 12 and 13 between the hours- of 9 and 12. To qualify 'or kindergarten, a child must be five years of age by. Dec. 1,- 1059; for. first grade they must be six and should have a birth certificate.. Keep these dates jn mind if you have a child you plan to send in the fall. Tale of Woe Eighteen month old David Noah hasn't been too happy Ihcse past weeks. After just ire veiy proud of these two girls who most certainly des e r v e t h i s h o n o r f o r a l l 1 ho hard work they have done to reach such a goal. recovering from one misery he came down with the mumps. Just when the weather was getting nice too, a bit more patience little man (and mother) and before you know it you will be out enjoying the nice spring air. Wedding Announcement Donald Barbarsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barbarsky of Mayfair drive, married Dolores Thiel of Johnsburg on April 4 in St. John's church. After a small family reception ror the newly weds at the Barbarsky resdence, the couple left for Chicago vyhere they will reside. Notice Wo may be needing a new welcomer since Betty Lakowske has decided to retire. The job will be open for anyone who likes to-meet people and as Betty will tell you, it is quite a bit of fun "greeting new residents in our community. It isn'j, hard and affords the opportunity of being one of the first to greet these new people. Betty will be happy to snow you the "ropes" so if anyone is interested fcnll her at McHenry 2475-J lor further information. Birthdays II"ppy birthday wishes this week to Ihe following male trio, Michael Bott who is seven tod> y (Thursday), Kerb Rose who celebrates on April 27 and John Mischke on April 29. Anniversaries Bud and Carol Kenneoeck nruk off number four on their anniversary calendar today and Red and Pat Frisby will celebrate another happy year together on April 27. Congratuiations to uie iour of you. Visitor Stan and John Walczynaski were very pleased last week to have Joan's mother, Mrs. Holtfodt of Chicago, visiting them. She and Joan's dad own a lot here in Sunnyside Estates and someday hope to build so spending time here now is an investment so to speak, in their future. Their choice of property is a wise one and we hope soon to have them as neighbors too. TITLE COMPANY INVITES PUBLIC TO OPEN* HOUSE - Official opening ceremonies for the new office building and title plant of McHenry County Title Company in Woodstock, will be held Friday, April 24 from 2 to 7 p.m. at the company's new location--101 North Troop street in Woodstock. The general public is invited to visit the building during the open house, ceremonies to inspect the new facilities and meet members of the staff.' Guests will include county and city officials, lawyers, realtors, builders, representatives of lending institutions and other friends of the company. For more than 100 years McHenry County Title Company and its predecessors have fifcfc nished title evidence to prop-, erty in McHenry County, ^he new structure, which will hovise the title records of the company, provides the most modern facilities for real estate title insurance and abstract services Smith-Craft IS COMING TO McHENRY 1 For Man's Besi Friend A Home Away From Home At Kai Hansen's BOMBING KENNELS i Clipping t Grooming • Bathing • Obedience PHONE McHENRY 632-M-2 2/2 MILES SOUTH OF FOX LAfcE AND 2 MILES NORTH OF VOLO ON ROUTE 12 <& BRANDENBURG RD. We Will Gladly Pickup and Deliver Your Pet jn-' t ' , wrasyg. EFFECTIVE Monday, April 27 The Price of Men's Haircuts Will Be Increased a Children's Haircut Price will remain the same McHENRY & VICINITY U BARBERS 1 Fester, Pooler. C/eam -than ever before/ Yours... on Today's Gold Star a Pnly the finest ranges from the world's great GAS range makers qualify for this emblem of excellence. Gold Star Award GAS Ranges are automatic all the way. They're FASTER: your cooking heat is there the instant the burner lights. No warm-up wait, ever No hold-over heat to over-cook your rare roasts. They're COOLER: better insulation keeps heat inside the oven. They're CLEANER: The flame consumes smoke and grease. GAS burners are easy to rejjnftve, simple to clean And remember; GAS COSTS LESS TO USE, INSTALL AND MAINTAIN! AM/ So Aufamtic m --^%-miles from^McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. PHONE 718 Automatic Meat Thermometer ... Assures you of proper doneness just the way you like it. Burner-with-a-Brain... Ends pot-watching. Top-ofthe- range cooking is thermostatically controlled ]ust like your oven. Automatic On-Off Clock Timer ... Does your cooking for you automatically . . yeven while you're away. Built-in Griddle... Thermostatically controlled for perfect results ... converts to a 5th burner if needed. Automatic Rotisserie... Delicious outdoor flavor indoors--anytime! See Gold Star quality ranges now at your Dealer's! CALORIC CROWN MAGIC CHEF RCA WHIRLPOOL ROPER UNIVERSAL ...Visit our nearby store--ask about our trade-in allowance on national brand Gold Star Award range values-- PRICED AS LOW AS* 9!2 A MONTH SMALL DOWN PAYMENT up to 36 months to pay NORTHERN I L L I N O I S Gasi) COMPA NY Phone McHenry 2081 PROM?'