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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 May 1959, p. 2

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Page Two the Mchenry plaindealeh Thursday, May 7, Sliower Honors Viola Sehaefer A bridal shower was held at Ihe Gerasch home on Pearl street last week, honoring Miss Viola Sehaefer, a bride of the near future. Hostesses were CAROL GODINA, WALTER FRETT WED SATURDAY Stilling-Powers Vows Exchanged A beautiful wedding of early May was solemnized last Saturday morning. May 2, at 9:30 o'clock at St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg, when Miss Eileen Stilling became the bride of Mr. Jack Powers. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stilling of Rt. 1, McHenry, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Powers of McHenry. . - - One of the loveliest wed-' Rev- Lucius Del ire, uncle of the Mrs. Clarence Diedrich, the dings of spring in McHenry SrooiT1- officiated at the Rouble Misses Ma rip Misses Marie aanndd DDonrrnotthhvy i took p|ace ]ast Saturday, May ring ceremonV- and the chl1* St of fel and Barbara Gerasch. ! 2, at St. Mary's Catholic Thirty-five guests attended ! church wtfen Miss Carol Gofrom Antioch. Richmond, { dina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Woodstock, Johnsburg and Mc Henry, enjoying games and a buffet slipper. Centerpiece on the serving table was a bride doll and umbrellas. s „ Frank Godina of Lakewood [ subdivision, McCuilom Lake, became the bride of Mr. Walter Frett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frett of Johnsburg, Rev. Fr. John Reuland offimg ceremony dien's choir sang "On This Day O Beautiful Mother" in addition to the music at Mass. The church was attractively decorated with bouquets of assorted flowers. . 1 The' -lovely bride selected a white patterned dress in embroidered tulle, with three tiers FLY TO SPRINGFIELD vvilli many lively gifts. • j mony. The children's choir of- .Slre will be married June 13 i fered music for the nuptial at St. Mary's church to Robert i n*e- Nickols of Woodstock. I The pretty bride was radi-, Sehaefer wwaa:s, pjjr[e»seenmteedu I ciated at the 10 o'clock cere-|°f scalloped iuffles falling in a { _ . ! brush train. The yoke was trimmed with iridescent sequins. She wore a crown headpiece, trimmed .with sequins and rhinestones, to which was at- ; --- - | ant in a gown of imported j iac]ied tulle veiling, lace trim- PTA Will Hold I chantilly lace over nylon tulle, \ mpd Her bridal bouquet con- Instnllation Dinner i with scalloped neckline em-! sjs1ed of a double ring of blush The McHenry Community ; broidered with tiny seed j pink rosebuds. P.T.A. will hold its installa- ! Pear)s- a basque waist, wide j Attending Miss Stilling as tion dinner at the McHenry j flowing skirt and long sleeves, j matron Qf honor was her sis- Counlry club on Thursday eve- i Her attendants were Mrs. | ter, Mrs. Betty Ann Huritt, "ing. May 14, at 7:30 p.m. ! Cynthia Knox of McHenry as I who wore a dress of baby blue Members, prospective members matron of honor and Ardelle J color, with four tiers of tulle j .md guests are a LI welcome. Oeffling of Johnsburg, Judy over a nylon lace sheath dress, j Reservations can be made by : Hollenbach of Fort Myers,! Her headpiece was of French il- i contacting Mrs. Jack Cooper. Fla., and Barbara Ilg of Chi- lusion veiling over a crown | plione 4T9, by May 11. cago as bridesmaids. j trimmed with sequins, and she j j All were attired similarly in i carried a basket of white carna- j Attend Golden ! lavender crystalette dresses, j t ions and white daisies xied ] Wedding Celebration w i t h p l a i t e d c u m m e r b u n d j with a white bow. SStfSB -> * fcllllli Mrs. Dale HeaMess and Mrs, Harry Davidson, both of Wonder Lake,, are shown just before tairing off from Gait airport at Greenwood for Sprihgfield. The two ladies attended a tea and reception last Friday afternoon, given by Gi>v. and Mrs. William G. Stratton for parents and friends of retarded Children. Joseph Rasymas of Greenwood is the pilot. t ' HAROLD BOUGH TO MARRY MAY 10 IN DENVER, COLO. Mrs. Albert Vales, son, Al- sashes ending in bows in front, bert, Jr.. Mrs. Frank Kemp- ; an(j with full, flowing skirts, fer. Jr., and Mrs. James A. ; They wore matching lavender Giosson attended the golden headpieces and white accessorwedding of Mr. and Mrs. Frank : jes Mrs. Knox carried a cas- Vales in Chicago last Satur- i ca(je arrangement of orchid Following the | baby mums, with white in the church observance, at which j centeri whi]e the bridesmaids Rev. Fr. Peter and Ref. Fr. Mackin officiated, a dinner was served at the former McCormick hall to about 100 people. There was a renewal of their marriage vows at a high Mass at 10 a.m. in St. Procopius church, the same church in whi<-h they were married May 2, 1909, l^y^ev. Procopius Neuhad white mums, centered with orchid. Gregory Nowak served as best man and groomsmen were Thomas Oeffling, Loren Freund and Donald Weber, all of Johnsburg. Mrs. Godina chose a silk print in blue and grey, with zil. oys.R. 'then* pastoTof 'the "latching jacket. Her accesparish and later abbot of St. sones were in whlte and naYy' Procopius abbey at Lisle. and •s^e a corsage °f white Mrs. Vales is still remem- ga^enia" a"d bered for her zealous work in MrS" Frett was attired m a behalf of the parish. Mr. Vales was a member of the police force in the Chicago House of Correction for more than thirty-seven years, later being promoted to captain. Advanced age and failing health necessitated his voluntary retirement. There are four children, Edward, Lillian Marshall Virginia and Albert and one grandson, Edward Jr. Mrs. Albert Vales was their maid of honor and her late husband was best man at the wedding fifty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Bernier are the parents of a daughter, horn April 29 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A son was born April 28 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. William Casey welcomed a daughter on May 2 at Memorial hospital. A son was born May 3 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kotyza of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker of Ringwood are the parents of a daughter, born May 3 at Harvard hospital. A boy was born May 3 at Harvard hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Manson. pink silk dress, white accessories and a similar corsage. A wedding breakfast was served at 11:30 at the Johnsburg Community hall for the bridal party and immediate family. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, 400 invited guests gathered at the hall for an evening reception. The couple left on a wedding trip through the West, the exact destination not revealed. Upon their return, they will reside in McHenry until their own home is completed in Jak-Ana Heights, probably in the fall. The bride is a graduate of St. Benedict high school. Chicago, and is now a bookkeeper at the McHenry bank. The groom graduated from the local high school and completed two years of study at the University of Illinois. He is employed by his father's firm, Joseph Frett Builders. We like the little boy who. asked to describe the taste of chocolate, replied: "It tastes just the opposite of vanilla." Mrs. Joyce Schwanke, a friend, Miss Kathleen Freund, a cousin of the bride, and Miss Roselle Stilling, sister of the bride, were bridesmaids. They wore similarly styled dresses in Nile green, pink and yellow, and carried baskets of \yhite carnations and daisies. Little Diane Powers, sister of the groom, was flower girl, wearing a yellow nylon dress, with full skirt, and white accessories. Her basket of flowers included white carnations and yellow daisies, and she wore a band of the same kind of flowers on her head. Thomas Thennes, a friend of the groom, served as best man. Groomsmen were Donald Powers, brother of the groom, Marvin Bauer and Glen Moehling of Spring Grove, friends. Jerome Stilling, the bride's brother, and Kenneth Blake, friend of the groom, were ushers. Mrs. Stilling chose for her daughter's wedding an orchid nylon lace dress with chiffon flare panel back, with which she wore white accessories and a white corsage. Mrs. Powers wore a navy blue dacron crepe dress, pink accessories and a pink corsage. Dinner was served to thirty members of the bridal party and the immediate families at the home of the bride's aunt. Later, a reception was held at' Chapel Hill Country club for 100 guests. The new'.yweds are enjoying a short honeymoon trip, after which they will reside on Center street, McHenry. Both the bride and groom attended the local schools. She is employed at Magic Slacks, Inc., and he with R. M. Fleming & Son Implements. Mr. and Mrs. Harold , C. Bough of 303 Sunset Drive, Holiday Hills announce the forthcoming marriage of their son, Harold Conrad, to Miss Wilma Taylor of Aztec, New Mexico, on May 10, 1959, at Fitzsimons Army hospital, Denver, Colo. Harold graduated from Harper high school, Chicago, in June, 1956, having been a member of the R:O.T.C. unit of that school with a rating of master sergeant. The day after his graduation he enlisted in the regular U.S. Army for a period of four years and after his I. Q. test was assigned to the Army security agency. On completing his training at Ft. Leonard Wood and Ft. Denvens, Mass, Town, N.M. in 1938, graduated from high school at Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1957 and attended the University of New Mexico, majoring in English. Her special interests'1 are psychology and writing. Mr. and Mrs. Bough are having a buffet supper for the bride and groom at their home on Sunset Drive on Wednesday, May 13, to enable Harold's relatives and friends to meet the bride. The c6uple will return to Fitzsimons Army hospital on Friday to attend the wedding of their own best man and maid of honor on the following Sunday. JUNIOR HIGH BAND PRESENTS SPRING CONCERT he was assigned to duty in Alaska. After completing his assigned duties there, he was transferred to Ft. Meade, Md., ind the National Security Agency army support element. Last January he was trans ferred to the enlisted detach ment, 249th General Hospital, Fitzsimons Army Hospital, where he met his wife, a pfc, n the WAC detachment, F.A.H. Miss Taylor was born in Pie When you're tired, it's refreshing to observe somebody yawn. READ THE WANT ADS F©R THOUGHT they feast on home-stored woolens! mm O. E. S. (Mothers' Street -- HAROLD BOUGH May 7 of A. Business Meeting. May 8 Women's Club Luncheon-- Chapel Hill Country Club--1 p.m. May II C. D. of A. Mother's Day Banquet--High School. May 12 S t a t e d M e e t i n g Day) 107 Court 8 p.m. May IS Style Show -- Wing 'n Fin Club -- Sponsored by Woman's Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital. May 14-15 laJlyxnmage Sale -- Zion Lueran Church Basement -- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. -- Sponsored by Ladies' Aid. May 16 Rummage Sale -- St. Paul's Episcopal Church. May 19 R.N.A. Card Party and Pen- ,ny Social -- K. of C. Hall -- p.m. May 21 C. D. of A. Social Meeting Salad Bar Luncheon -- 12:30 p.m. -- Zion Lutheran Church Rasement. -- Theme, "Yesteryear" Revue -- Sponsored by Ladies' Aid. From CLUB LILYMOOR You've got a date! Club Lilymoor invites you to enjoy a perfect Saturday evening . . On the entertainment menu we have none other than the JPersonality Plus twosome Jerry and Les who have their own inimitable style of music. On the dlinner menu we suggest Southern Fried Chicken served with all the trimmings . . , Reservations will be appreciated on Mother's Day. THE CLUB LILYMOOR AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE 2% MILES EAST OF McHENRY ON ROUTE 120 Be safe, not sorry . . . use our Fill-A-Box, not your closet, for safestoring woolens this summer. Just take the box, fill it brim full, return it to us. We'll vault-store garments individually on hangers until Fall, when they come back to you clean and refreshed, ready to use. BULK RATE BARGAIN for tut low met! SEND: BOXFUL suits, coats, jackets and (including $250.00 Insurance Protection) other woolens CLEANING CHARGES EXTRA SAVE 10% Cash 'n Carry IEANERS Around Corner North of National Tea N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, ILL PHONE 927 Open Daily 8 A.M. To 6 P.M. -- Fridays 'til 0 P.M. ALWAYS PLENTY OF ITREE PARKING AT RAINBOW'S DRIVE IN "How can I borrow most quickly and at least cost?" Those two specifications exactly fit a collateral loan as arranged by our bank. The loan procedure is brevity itself: When a borrower has added his signature to an assignment form and a note (leaving marketable securities or other liquid collateral with us), the credit he seeks is made available promptly. And he gets the loan at lowest borrowing cost. If you have collateral, bring it in and see us about the fast-action, economical loan you need. We are always happy to be of service. McHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 Stanley Vycital, clarinetist, will be guest soloist when the Junior- high band presents its annual spring concert this Friday evening, May 8, at 8:15 p.m. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Sam Leibsohn. The program includes "The Star Spangled Banner", "Nbtre Dame Victory March", "Telephone Tune", "Little Gypsy", "On Wisconsin", "Minuet", "Larghetto", "There and. Back A g a i n", "Venetian Holiday" and "Beau Geste" by the band. Soloists include Diane Chabof; clarinetist; Valerie Peterson, flutist, and James Hans, saxophonist. There will also be a duet by Diane Ch^tyot. and Judy Palmbach. Serving as master of ceremonies for the evening will be Dick Palmbach. Elmer Miller of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will present three scholarships to Egyptian Music camp as a highlight of the evening. Director Paul Raasch lists the following band members: Flutes: Valerie Peterson, Kathy Thompson and Lynn Reihansperger. Clarinets: Susan Prawl, Richard Johnson, Eileen Homo, Judy Palmbach, Nancy Lockwood, Carol Hughes, Barbara Lorch, Kathleen Vetter, Robert Lombardi, Richard Peterson, Diane Chabot, Melody Losch, John Vycital, Susan Gregory and Joyce Wall. Cornets: Hugh Saynor, Arthur Olsen, Terry Markgraf, Ricky Piatt, David Heckman and Mike Cooper. Cornets: Arthur Knisbell, J arises Benson, David Dimon, John Klingberg, Vincent Weyland, Pat Moffet and Greg Paulsen. Saxophones: James Hans, Fred Cooper and Sara ©orchards Baritones: George Lissy and Steven Thomas. Trombones: Floyd Covalt and Ricky Burns. ^ French Horn: Randy JolL> son and Tim Farr. . Drums: John Bos, James Mars. Roy Moss, John Winston and Russell Phillips. Sousaphone: David Miller. BUNGALOW INN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT New Proprietors STEVE and tORIS STANFEL Located In LILYMOOR on ROUTE 120 Come In And Get Acquainted Everyone Welcome QutM euh Fine Gifts or Sift Certificates for Services YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS dverdide Jdair&ttyiincj, *Studio MEMBER OF N.C.H.A. 126 N. Riverside Dr. Phone 147 McHenry, 111. Open Tues., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 < \ ,1^3 - '\ CORSAGES .. • with a personal touch BOUQUETS • • • with a creative touch PLANTS . . . with a lasting bloom GIFTS ... with a distinctive appeal We telegraph flowers anywhere £llm Street ^"foridt Phone: 230 (Across From A&P on 120) 300 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. «

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