I l$ursday, May 7, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pag® Seven CLASSIFIED A FOR RENT FOR RENT by lease, 4 room furnished home on the lake with all conveniences. Call or write Ann Brzezinski, 112 So. Sheridan, Lakemoor or phone McHenry 521-W2. 52-2 SUMMER COTTAGE on the Fox river. For information call owner McHenry 1510-W. 1 vNLl RENT 20 acre corn field. Call McHenry 876-J. 1-2 2 BEDROOM modern apartment in Solon Mills for June 1st occupancy. Phone Richmond 2177 daily after 6 p.m. or on weekends. *1-2 2 BEDROOM 4% room apt. in JtfcHenry. Large .attic storayi Occupancy May 15th. Ph. McHenry 883. *1 4 ROOM FURNISHED apt. for rent. Heated. Couple preferred. Phone Wonder Lake 5654. 1-tf 2 BEDROOM apt., heated, waterfront. Call evenings. Phone McHenry 773. 1 FWE ROOM house on RiversiJi Drive, McHenry. Excellent condition, gas heat. Available June 1st. Write McHenry Plaindealer, Box 481. *1 4 ROOM HOME with 5 acres of land. Year lease.. $85 per month. No children. Phone McHenry ,268. 1-tf FURNISHED 2 bedroom house on the river. Large yard, fruit trMfs, located in Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 1975-R after 6 p.m. 1 FOR RENT: Wonder Lake, 216 South Drive. Modern 3% room house and garage, comp l e t e l y i n s u l a t e d , f u l l b a s e ment, automatic oil heat. Also stove, refrigerator and other furnishings. Write or phone H. Church, 4463 AinsKe St., Chi- 30, 111. Phone BErkshire r645 or SPring 7-2735. 1-tf WANTED TO RENT APARTMENT House or small farm needed badly. Will take care of premises. Reliable family - 4 children. McHenry 2099. 52-tf AflkRTMENT WANTED: 3 or 4 room unfurnished apt. desired by widow. No children or pets. Year round, best references, prefer 1st floor in McHenry. Phone McHenry 2090-J. *1 HELP WANTED ORGAN SALESMAN. Exclu sive territory opened. Must have car and musical knowledge. Some evening work. McHenry Organ Center, 308 Elm St. Phone 202 and 2251. 1 LABORERS WANTED. Apply Sompel & Son, Johnsburg, or phone McHenry 1294-M or 1293tJ. 1 HANDYMAN wanted for odd jobs, general clean-up, painting, etc. Call McHenry 1625-R EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Oak Park Hotel, Pis takee Bay. Phone McHenry 176. FEMALE HELP wanted. Ex> perienced grocery clerk for part time hours. Apply in person to Lottie & Gene's, 519 Greenwood Rd., McCullom Lake. WAITRESS WANTED, night work only. Also truck driver salesman. Apply in person, Tomasello Bros., in Johnsburg or phone McHenry 1475. Are You A Gambler? Wholesale hardware operation, under new management, Seeking North Shore and Southern Wisconsin representative. Must have car. Strictly commission. Experience desired but not necessary. Write c/o Plaindealer, Box 482. Excellent employment oppor tunities are now available in our modern plant engaged in the manufacture of nationally known high quality industrial fastening devices. Visit our Personnel Office, open weekdays 8:15 A.M. to 4:45 P.M. Experience Required Die Makers Die Repairman Draftsman Milling Machine Setup Man Engine Lathe Setup Man Cold Header Setup Man No Experience Required Punch Press Operators Heat Treat Helpers Platers Weighmen Machine Setup Trainees General Factory SHAKEPROOF DIVISION Illinois Tool Works St. Charles Road -- Rte. 25 at SE corner of Elgin m REAL ESTATE SALESMEN Experienced on new homes. Mi&t be aggressive and a good closer. Broker's license needed. Opportunity to go in business with no investment. Earnings $1,000 each sale. Find out about this unusual opportunity, Write, giving full particulars iroyjfirst letter. Reply c/o McHenry Plaindealer, Box 480. 52-2 JANITOR - male - age 25-39. full time day work. Apply at Illinois Bell Telephone Co. Ill Court St., McH-snry. See Mr. Richter. 1 Jfelp Wanted MEN Polishers t ^ Buffers Machine Operators Day or Night Shift Apply In Person THE ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE * Ca w Woodstock, Illinois 1-2 Precision Inspector (MALE) it have at least 3 years recent experience in machine shop inspection. Excellent earnings for qualified inspector. Permanent Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. BARCO Manufacturing Co. 500 No. Hough St. Barrington, 111. Phone DUnkirk 1-1700 Immediate Openings General Clerical Work No Experience Necessary Full Time and Part Time Days Part Time Evenings Temporary and Permanent Positions Apply SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 104 Pearl St. McHenry, m. Open Saturdays Help Wanted MALE Punch Press Operators FEMALE Assemblers & Packers Good Salary Modern Plant Hospitalization Plan and Other Benefits Apply In Person or Phone for Appointment RICHMOND 2031 JOHN STERLING CORPORATION RICHMOND, ILLINOIS HELP WANTED PART TIME waitress wanted. Apply Wing 'n Fin Club, or phone McHenry 345. 1 HEM. ESTATE WANT MAN to mow lawn weekly. Call after 7 p.m. McHenry 1077. 1-tf FULL TIME salespeople, experience desired. Apply Gladstone's, Inc., Elm St. 1 FILLING STATION attendant needed. Hours 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Fox Lake. Call JUstice 7-8281. • ti MAN FOR WORK on f golf course. Phone McHenry 9854, Pistakee Country Club. 1 SITUATION WANTED FOR SALE OR RENT. Small house, 4 rooms, situated on West and Center St. in Lilymoor. Ideal for retired couple. Inquire next door Sunday through Thursday. 1-tf 3 BEDROOM home, full basement, carport, lot 80x167 in Cooney Heights. Will decorate to suit. Any terms. $15,000. Call Lee Cooney, McHenry 119-R. 45-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. ^Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 room furnished apt. attached, prbvides additional income. Call Wonder Lake 5654. 44-tf HIGH SCHOOL BOYS want to mow your lawn. Have power mower, will do a good job. Phone McHenry 2513-J. 1 CARPENTER WORK wanted. Remodeling, additions, garages, porches, -kitchen cabinets, roofing and cement work. Free estimates. Call Wonder Lake 3754. *1-4 HOUSEKEEPER wants position. Well behaved pet, room, board & fair wages. No children, prefer male. Write c/o Plaindealer, Box 484. *1 REAL ESTATE Pistakee Highlands Lot -- No. 9 -- Block 2 Nippersink section, good lopation. High - Level, $1895.00. Water included. Write Richard Ells - 222 Walworth, Elkhorn, Wise. *52-2 MODERN 3 bedroom house. Gas heat, combination storms & screens, garage. $10,900. Small down payment. Terms. 215 Sheridan Rd., Lakemoor. 48-tf LOOKING FOR A HOME •'ilton Homes will build any .void, anywhere. All types of financing. No money down, 5% down or conventional. Model at 817 South street, Cooney Heights. Open Sundays. For information or to see model on weekdays call LEE COONEY Telephone McHenry 119-R 45-ti BRICK 2 STORY business building. Will sell on contract for $8,500 with $1,000 down payment. McHenry Realty, 532 Main street. Phone McHenry 268. 31-*1 FOR SALE • HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 406 Richmond Road McHenry, IU. Phone: McHenry 421.J 42-tf ARE YOU unable to obtain a mortgage to buy, build or refinance your home? WE CAN HELP We also buy contracts of sale and junior mortgages, liens, etc. Write Box 42, Fox River Grove 50-3 Homes For Sale We have exclusive listings. McHenry Shores, Country Club Subdv., Lakeland Park, Sunnyside, Pistakee Lake, Wonder Lake. $6,500 to $53,000. Let us know your needs ACTIVE REALTY ^ Phone McHenry 742 50-tf HEAL ESTATE LOT FOR SALE -- 100x130. Country Club Estates, bordering McHenry Golf Course. Phone McHeniry 439-W. 29-tf THREE BEDROOM home, full oasement, garage; on corner, 3 lots (2 wooded) fenced; forced air heat, bath and cabinet kitchen; lots of closet space. McCullom Lake Estates. Sacrifice. Phone 971 Tor appointment. 29-tf FOR SALE OR RENT -- 4 room house 3 blocks from town and depot. Possession after June 15. Call evenings, McHenry 1635. 50-tf REAL ESTATE NEW 3 bedroom home on Fox River at 203 Riverside Drive, McHenry Shores. Phone owner, LUdlow 5-2563. 51-tf BY OWNER, McCullom Lake front property in Lakewood Subdiyision. Year 'round, 7-room residence, 3 bedrooms, 1 Ms baths, large panelled living room and dining room, patio oarage n'li- oroide patio ens heat. Phone McHenry 1219-R. 52-tf SEE IT TODAY UNIT NO. 3 GRAND OPENING See latest designs 3 & 4 REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL shaded lot for sale in McHenry. Water, sewer, telephone, gas & electric lines are all available. For information call 2541. *1 RIVER FRONT, 6 room home, 60x200 ft. lot. River terrace. Natural gas heat, bored well. Fred A. Reeves, Chicago, SPaulding 2-9221. »l-3 LOST AND FOUND PAIR EYEGLASSES found by •milk machine on Highway 31. Phone McHenry 1027. 1 LOST -- BILLFOLD --^Johnsburg Community Club on Sat. May 2. Keep money, please return papers. Phone McHenry 1259-W with information. 1 MISCELLANEOUS 3 BDRM., 2 yr. old home. Plastered walls, hardwood INSTRUCTIONS -- Organ, floors, masonite siding, 2 car piano and Accordion. Experj garage. 603 Charlotte, Country ienced Teachers. Private les- Club Subd. *1 song an(j teaching rooms. MUST SELL on Fox River ih McHenry. Year 'round 7 room home, 2 extra rooms upstairs, j bedroom with attached garage. House has many extras. Pric- Some with basements, ed below actual value. Call owner' at Crystal Lake 2634. McCULLOM Lake, 302 Spring! Papers). Road, 2 bedroom, large utility, I c.rnjl)1 o i l h e a t , i d e a l f o r c o u p l e o r j t small family. McHenry 3283-R. i 50-tf' Quarter acre lots priced from i $11,900 -- no money down to 1 Vets. (Bring, your discharge down payment to HILLTOP corner and adjoining : lots for sale. Beautiful full i view of lake and surrounding | territory. All lake rights. 80 ft. by 125 ft. Quiet section. Very little traffic. West Shore Beach, McCullom Lake. Reasonable. Terms if desired. Phone McHenry 1560-J. 52-4 LOT FOR SALE --large beautiful channel lot in Villagej of Sunnyside. Will Call McHenry 1803. COUNTRY LANE HOME BUILDERS „ Eastwood Manor Johnsburg Road & Route 120 Phone McHenry 191 1 CITY CORNER LOT on Crystal Lake road & Mill Street. 81x145 ft. Reasonable. Phone McHenry 907-M. 1 McHenry Organ Center. 308 Elm St., McHenry, Phone 20i2 and 2251. 1 WILL TRADE 1 ton 110 volt j Sears air conditioner, used one 3 BEDROOM HOME, living j season, for 14 ft. aluminum room, dining room, kitchen, • fishing boat. Write c/o Plainutility room, and dark room, enclosed porch, forced oil heat, deep well, garage & extra lot. Phone McHenry 3465. 1-2 dealer, Box 483. NOTICE LOT FOR SALE, block east McHenry Recreation. 2 fruit trees, large oak, gas permit applied 1% yrs. McHenry 3465. 1-2 EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal homes, farms, vacant. Home sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry 37 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 10-tf For Sale -- FARMS 47 acres. 7 room home, hot water heat, near town and railroad. 160 acre Dairy Farm. All farm buildings. In Johnsburg area. A good investment. 240 acnes, 2 miles to city and R.R.; schools and shopping. For inspection call at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. Tel. McHenry 37 48-tf We Will Build You A 2 BEDROOM COMPLETE HOME On Your Lot FOR AS LITTLE; AS $7,700 $300 Down Balance to 30 Years Also REMODELLING & REPAIRS on FHA TERMS 21 years of building experience For Free Estimates PHONE McHENRY 430 ATLAS BUILDERS & REAL ESTATE 2 Blocks Bast of bridge on Highway 120 49-tf CHOICE CORNER lot in beautiful McHenry Shores; short block from Fox River; connects with Chain O' Lakes; private beach and boat dock; reasonable. Mount Prospect, phone CLearbrook 3-4065. 52-tf MALE HELP WANTED Experienced wood cabinet or model maker to assemble wood demonstrator models displaying our products. Good Salary, modem plant, hospitalization plan and other benefits. _ . - Apply in person or phone for appointment -- Richmond 2031 JOHN STERLING CORPORATION RICHMOND, ILLINOIS 2 BEDROOM, gas heat house on huge 100x205; landscaped lot. 52 gal. hot water heater, combination aluminum storms & screens. Private park pier and beach rights. Located Pistakee Bay, Regner road. $lu,- 900, the buy of the year. McHenry 2800. 1 5 ROOMS, full basement, lot 60x160 ft. year 'round home by the lake. Lakeland Park, McHenry. Write Dr. Michael Musacchio 8523 Stony Island Ave., Chicago 17, 111. or Phone Saginaw 1-7751. 52-3 FOR SALE On Fox River -- 2 bedroom year 'round home remodeled from stem to stern. New modern kitchen, full basement, oil furnace, 50 ft. water frontage. Price $15,500. 3 bedroom home in McHenry. Living room, dining room, kitchen, sun room & bath. Basement, oil hot air furnace. This is an older home but location makes up for it. $16,200. 2 bedroom year 'round home. Full basement, oil furnace, river rights, can have your own pier. REAL ESTATE Office Ph. McHenry 1655 Home Ph. McHenry 1216 2 BEDROOM HOME in Hunterville Park. Plastered walls, hardwood floors, lVfe car garage. Price $10,800. Phone McHenry 708-R. 1 Brick 3 bedroom with built sacrifice.' in kitchen. 2 car attached gar- 1; age, underground sprinkling system. $32,000. CHOICE CORNER LOT in Edgebrook Heights for sale by owner. Call McHenry 1470-M. 44-tf FOR SALE New, 3 bedroom ranch home located end of North Riverside Dr. 1*4 baths, recreation room 13x38 ft., basement, at- WOODLAWN PARK 3 large bedroom ranch on beautifully treed 110 ft. lot. Full basement, heatilator fireplace. Including all furniture. $23,500. LAKELAND PARK This 2 bedroom frame ranch FULLY IMPROVED lot, 1 block from Catholic church and school. Phone McHenry 875-J. 41-tf SACRIFICE 3 bedroom ranch home. , Living room, cabinet kitchen, utility room, cabinets, stationary tubs, hot water heater, gas FA furnace, breezeway, adj. garage. Reasonable. Call McHenry 561-R-2. *1 garage, low taxes. tached garage, birch cabinet is an exceptional buy. Only 4 kitchen, hardwood floors, nat-! years basement, atural gas heat, alum, storms & i screens. Lot -- 70 ft. on river, $12,600. 110 ft. facing road, sea wall. PRICE $25,000 Call GEneral 8-7175 Cliff Benjamin Constr. Co. Lake Zurich, 111. 51-2 FOR SALE BY OWNER Modern 2 bedroom home! Gas heat, storms and screens. Paneled living room, sliding door closets, many extras. Full basement, basement garage. Scenic view, lake and beach rights. Lot fully landscaped. Many evergreens. Six miles from McHenry. Phone HYatt 7-3235. 1-tf We have over 75 homes listed in all price brackets and in all locations. CALL MR. HEINEN McHENRY 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. FOR SALE Water lot with sea wall in. Natural gas.' City water -- sewerage. In McHenry. 3 bedroom ranch, birch kitchen, large living room, aluminum siding. $12,500. No money down if qualified. 3 bedroom 7 room house. 2 car garage, with work shop. In McHenry. Log cabin on lake. Large living room. Ideal home for summer. $8,000. BUYING or SELLING A. H. Gallagher McCullom Lake Year 'round 2 bedroom home. FA oil heat. Built-in bunk beds and TV. New jet pump. A real bargain at $8,500. Sunnyside Fine 3 bedroom Ranch with attached garage and basement Oak floors. Large birch cabinet kitchen. Only $15,000. Country Club Subdivision A darling grey-shingled home with 4 large rooms. Quiet street. Fenced back yard. 2 car garage. Carpeting incl. 220 line. $16,500. TWO BEDROOM HOME on corner lot overlooking lake; needs some repair. Price $5,000 $500 down, $50 per month. For information call McHenry 3349-R. 1 HOMES FOR SALE McHENRY -- 3 bedroom home, garage, full basement, 2 lots, near Country Club. Price $14,500. PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS -- 2 bedroom home, full basement. Large living room. Price $10,500. LAKELAND PARK -- 2 bedroom home, garage, corner lot 77x150. Price $10,500. McCULLOM LAKE -- 3 bedroom, living and dining, full basement, 2 car block garage. Price $13,250. RINGWOOD -- 4 bedroom home, basement, garage. Lot 88x186. Price $10,000. 4 room all year 'round home. In Wonder Lake area. Garage. Price only $6,500." 4 bedroom farm house -- i Cooney Heights Beautifully appointed corner Ranch. 3 bedrooms, very mod- . . . . e r n k i t c h e n , c e r a m i c b a t h . O u t - S'V/Tl „ aC beautiful home and surrou"n7d-' ;I slanding fireplace. Basement, Ex(ras Qnlv sl8 400 ings. PHONE McHENRY 430 Edgebrook Heights ATLAS BUILDERS & REAL ESTATE 2 Blocks East of Bridge on Highway 120 Brand New Beautiful 3 Bdrm. Deluxe Ranch Home For Rent with option to buy NO MONEY DOWN 1% baths -- Carpeted Modern kitchen Loads of Extras $115 per month in Crystal Lake Manor on U.S. 14 -- % mile west of Rte. 31. Turn South at Crystal Drive-In sign. Inquire at 112 State St. Crystal Lake 3340 or RAndolph- 6-3907. 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Owner transferred -- Must sacrifice this beautiful 2 bedroom home with natural fireplace and sun porch. Fully carpeted. Full basement. 1 Vz car garage. Many other features. $19,100. Two story 5 bedroom older home on beautifully wooded lot 200 x 200 ft. with water rights on Fox River. $11,200. Very attractive 2 bedroom home, fully insulated, on lot 85x150 ft. Gas heat and 1% car garage. Price includes electric stove and refrigerator. $12,500. Immediate occupancy. 2 bedroom home with full basement and 1 car garage on corner lot. In excellent condition. $12,500. Fi 210 S. Green St. -- Phone 1126 1 Contemporary 3 large bedroom home in lovely neighborhood. 1 iy2 tile baths. Paneled family room. Cathedral living room. Electric kitchen. 2 car att. garage. $23,000. Terms to qualified buyer. Johnsburg A real family home. 4 bedrooms, IV2 baths. Family rm. Large birch cabinet kitchen. Basement. 2 car att. garage. Lot 86x440. $21,000. McHenry Investment 2 flat with room for 3rd apartment. Basement. Gas heat. 2 car garage. NOW ONLY $28,500. Emerald Park 165 ft. on the Fox River. Remodeled home with electric kitchen. Fireplace. Heated porch. IV2 baths. FA gas heat. Basement & utility room. $26,000. Wanted Summer rentals. We have clients waiting. Please phone in your listing. We'll give results. WATCH FOR THE GALLAGHER SIGN A. H. Gallagher & Associates OFFICE: FOrest 9-6700 Jinny Gallagher: McHenry 1629 James Roesch: McHenry 3549 1 For inspection call at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ Realtors Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 37 48-tf WANTED TO BUY TOP prices paid for scrap iron, metal and junk cars. Phone H. R. Ketchum at McHenry 516-J-l. 51-4 HAVE PURCHASED Harry's Tavern. Will not be responsible for any debts other than my own from May 1st On. Robert Chrisman. 1 REGISTER SOON FOR EASTER SEAL SPEECH CLINIC Speech examinations for the eleventh annual Easter Seal summer speech clinic will be conducted on Saturday, May 16, at the new therapy center at 708 West Washington in Woodstock. Children and adults may attend the clinic that day for diagnosis of disorders, as well as registering for the summer session. This summer session will be held from June 15 to July 24. There will be two therapists on the staff this summer. Bill Dial, a therapist in the Harvard public schools, and Miss Mary Nye, of McHenry, who is a therapist in the Elgin public schools. Mr. Dial served on the clinic staff in 1958. He is a graduate of Illinois State Normal university and Miss Nye is a graduate of Northern university. Referrals to the clinic can be made by parents, teachers a n d p h y s i c i a n s . R e f e r r a l s should be made to the Easter Seal therapy center as soon as possible. Speech lessons will be available in the afternoons as well as in the mornings, and all who register for speech therapy, regardless of age, will be accepted. The summer clinic is sponsored by the McHenry county chapter of the Illinois Association for Crippled Children and Adults. FIFTY-THREE TAKE NATIONAL MERIT QUALIFYING TEST WOOD BURNING cook stove in good condition. Phone McHenry 1505. *1 CASH IN YOUR attic and basement. We want articles of all kinds for our (resale store. Anything from antiques to modern. Bring them in or phone us. Royal Oak Sales, Hwys. 14 & 176, Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 4278. 1-tf WANTED TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. £d Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf WOULD LIKE ride from McHenry to Woodstock. Leave McHenry around 12 midnite. Fifty-three juniors in t h o McHenry high school took the National Merit Scholarship qualifying test last week, according to Clarence Anglese, guidance director. The test is the first step in competition for merit scholarships provided by some ninety corporations, foundations, professional societies and individuals, as well as by the National Merit Scholarship corporation itself. Some $15 million in merit scholarships has been awarded in the first four years of the program. The test is a three hour measure of educational development and college aptitude. Emphasis is on broad intellectual skills, and on understanding and ability to use what has been learned, rather than on sheer knowledge of facts. Some 10,000 semi-finalist the highest scorers in each state, will be named early next fall. Each semi-finalist will take a second examination. Those who repeat their high performance on the second examination will become finalists. Further evaluation of their grades, citizens h i p. and extra-curricular achievements will follow, and the winners will be announced in the spring of 1960. Not so many kids are runn i n g a w a y f r o m home a n y more. The average television Phone JA 6-7140. 45-tf set is too heavy to carry. Reopening Our Dining Room THIS SUNDAY -- MAY 10 CHAIN O' LAKES GAME FIELD AND STEAK HOUSE Serving Dinners Daily from 5 P.M. to 9 P.M. Sunday, 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. CLOSED MONDAYS Game Dinners Served By Reservation Only Call MRS. KARL EFFERS -- McHenry 166 LOCATED ON ROUTE 134 2 miles west of Hwy. 12 between Volo and Fox Lake
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809 N Front St.
McHenry, IL 60050
email: mplgenealogy@mchenrylibrary.org