Tfrursday.May 14, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER lakeland Park MAKE PLANS FOR LUNCHEON SERVED AT LEGION. MAY 26 Vickie Bottari--22R2-J - 1524-J I " ?L.y°u have hot as yet purcht »d your tickets for the '"Luncheon Is Served" which as being sponsored by the jLakeland Park Women's club to be held on Tuesday, May 26 fit 12 o'clock noon at the American Legion you better do so as soon as possible as the tickets are going fast and you want to be sure to be included as one of the guests to attend this affair. Tickets may belpurchased from Lyda Radisch, Jean Gagnon, Louise McEnery, Jean Parisi, Fran Cina, Jo. Rizzo or myself. hospital where she is to undergo an operation Tor gall bladder trouble. 1 Joseph Cina underwent an emergency appedectomy at the McHenry hospital last Thursday morning. He is coming along quite well and will soon be back home where he will undoubtedly have to convalesce for some time. White Elephant Sale Don't forget that this is going to be a real good time to look in all your closets, basements and attics to see if you have anything that you hauft .been hanging on to over th^years just waiting for a time like this when you can really get rid of it and it can be sold , and earn some money for the Lakeland Park Women's club. In previous issues I stated that we did- not want clothing, but as of this writing, this" has been changed, we Will take articles of clothing but they must be CLEAN and W^GOOD CONDITION. As pornr as you have all your merchandise ready you can bring it to the home of Mrs. Gayle i^aursen at 134 No. Pleasant tivenue, or if you have no way of getting this merchandise to Her you can call at McHenry and arrangements will qe ma<|e to nick it up. f- 1 Table Cloth you may know by now, tfiere is going to be a picnic tinned for this coming Aust which is also being spon- »|red by the Lakeland Park l&omen's club and they are ittaking up a table cloth of, if possible, all the names of the residents of our community, so when they come to your door, see to it that your name appears on this table cloth. AfteJ^ iyou have written your name on this cloth, .the girls Of the committee will embroider it on so that it will be something permanent and will be used at many of our affairs. It's A Girl Mr. and Mrs. Kohls are the proud parents of a baby girl born on May 6 at the Woodstock Memorial hospital. The little miss has been named Cheryl Rose and she. tipped the scale at 5 lbs. 4 ozs. They have one other child also a girl Holly, age 5.' Baby Boy A little boy weighing 9 lbs. 8 ozs. increased the population in the Martin Mahoney family. Little Michael Duane was born to Mrs. Rita Mahoney in the Woodstock hospital on Friday, May 8 at 10:40. Waiting for their new baby brother and their mother to return home are Martin, Jean, Joyce and Bobby. This little man also increased the number of grandchidren for Mr. and Mrs. Larry Strandquist as Rita is their daughter. In Hospital For the past week Dolores Belohlavy has been confined ini the Woodstock Memorial Return From Trip Mr. and Mrs. Otto Abbinante of 418 McHenry Road returned recently from a short trip to Florida and while there they went over the Skyway which connects St. Petersburg and Bradenton with just a little bit of fear because the bridge is so steep. At the peak it is 4M.> miles above the ocean, but after going up there the first time they returned for several more trips because everything was so beautiful. Kiwants Award Again this year the Kiwanis has awarded the merit award to two grammar school children from Lakeland Park. Both children attend St. M a r y ' s C a t h o l i c S c h o o l a n d they are Margaret Parisi and Tommy Gates. This award which stands for thoughtfulness to others, leadership, courtesy, scholarship record, personal hygiene, sportsmanship and honesty was presented to them at a dinner in their honor held at the American Legion hall. Congratulations, kids. Belated Birthday Belated birthday wishes are extended to Alfred Glover on his twenty-first' birthday. Happy Birthday To Mrs. Dorothy Humphreys VARIABLE PAYMENT FUND, INC. A mutual investment fund investing primarily in common stocks with emphasis on growth PROVIDING VARIABLE PAY-OUT OPTIONS Ott complete information in a free prospectus* booklet. Write or call: COLLETTE ZONE MANAGER, 405 Richmond Road Phone McHenry 421-W Diversified Services, Inc. FovmM 1894 , ®. ^7oalth • < • • • to g«t you well and guard your health! O Our largt prescriptions volume permits us to maintain ample stocks, including many rare drugs and the newest specialties. Thus, we are prepared to compound all prescriptions promptly--ciEid precisely as directed. As a special precaution, we double- check each compounding step. Yet, you'll find our prices no higher than elsewhere. Try us, next time. Bolger's Drugstore 10S So. Green Phone 40 McHenr who celebrated' her birthday last Tuesday at the home of Mrs: Marge Franklin with the following other girls there to help her celebrate and present her with a lovely planter: Lee Glorch, Dotty Becker, Esther Cygan, Elaine Jett, Daisy Krupinski and myself. Cub Scout News Den 2 -- Pack 362 «• The monthly meeting of this Pack met on May 7 with the theme for the month being "Musical Hoe Down." Awards given were a silver arrow to Billy Krater, Bear Badge to Ed. Ozog, and Dale Davis received the. highest honor awarded in Cub Scouting and that is the Webelos badge. The parents attending were Mr. Raiford, Mr. Krater and his daughter, Diannep Mr. Ozog and Mr. Davis. Cub Scout News Den 4 -- Pack 361 On Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 5 the boys of this den had a tea in honor of their mothers which was held at the home of one of their den 'mothers, Mrs. Berniece Boyce. The boys,, Ray Barle, Phil Bucaro, Jimmy Hansen, Billy Bates, Bruce Okal, Jackie Laursen, Ken Prazak and Ray Bottari, with the help of their two den mothers, Mrs. Okal and Mrs. Boyce had made corsages for each of their mothers out of paper and each of them had the honor of pinning them on their mothers after which they recited a poem all about mother which was followed by the boys serving their own mothers tea, cookies and petits fours and believe me when I say that each of the mtfttiers was really thrilled at th<*4vay the boys made our <ky&ages and later served us. vC great deal of credit really must be extended to Mrs. Okal and Mrs. Boyce for their time and efforts which is always spent on these boys every Wednesday afternoon. Thanks. Word of Thanks A word of thanks is extended to Walter Woods for his help in locating the first boat to be missed this year. Carnival Don't forget if you have not as yet purchased your tickets for the rides for the coming carnival which this year will be held June 11 thru June 14. Tickets , for the rides must be purchased on or before June 10, that is the night before the carnival opens and these tickets can be used all day Saturday and Sunday. Tickets can be purchased from members of the Beach Committee which consists of the following men: Roy Meineke, Ed Altmann, Bill Casey, Joe Stanekr Floyd Leigh, Jerry Rogers,- Walter Woods, Harold Krug, Norbie Kwiatek, A1 Kujak, George Leone, Larry Strandquist and Mel Malinowski. The carnival will be held across from the DX Station that is sputh of 120 up to where the old barn wa£ torn down. A lot of help will be needed for the^ carnival will run and if you ,are interested in helping you cancontact the following men to help them in their booths: Ed Altmann 1801-J. Wallie Woods, George Leone 3582, Mel. Malinowski, Roy Meineke 2506-J. Beach Committee There will be a meeting of the beach committee this evening starting at 8 p.m. at the Roy Meineke home. Will all members of this committee please try to attend. Gone Astray It seems another boat has gone astray, this time^it is an aluminum crestline boat with a large dent on one side, whkfh- was deliberately ' cut from its chain. If you are out on the lak<* and see a boat of this description, please contact either Mr. Meineke or Mr. Bernard. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Steen and daughters, Virginia, of Lombard, paid an unexpected visit to the home of Mrs. Steen's mother, Mrs. Ann Herzog, on Mother's day and presented her with a very beautiful chaise lounge. Art Fair If you have not as yet reg- Page Seventeen istered for. the coming Art Fair to be held at the McHenry Junior high school starting on June 19, your time is getting short, in fact you have only until this coming Monday, May 18 to get this done. If you are any kind of an artist at all get your applications filled out and sent tc Mrs. Richard Wilhelm at 204 Main Street so your paintings will he eligible for the fair. Install New Officers The Lakeland Park Women's club last Thursday night installed their new officers for the coming year. They are Mrs. Helen Strandquist, president, first vice-president is again Shirley Ozog, second vice-president is also again Mrs. Jo. Rizzo, secretary --- Dorothy Glorch and treasurer Carol Altmann. Our past president, Mrs. Berniece Boyce, presented the following chairmen of the different committee with very lovely corsages: Lyda Radisch -- welcome and by-laws. Shirely Ozog -- ways and means, Jo. Rizzo -- entertainment and refreshments, Ann Herzog -- Sunshine, Betty Bockman, secretary and myself for publicity. After a very short business, meeting games were played and Berniece Boyce finally won for the first time since she has been a member of our club and that is since it started just about three years ago, and she not only won once but twice, which was quite shocking to her. with her mother, Jackie, along side of her. She wore her Communion dress and veil which she was unable to wear along with the other children of her First Holy Communion class because she came down with the chicken pox which were later followed by the mumps. NEW RECORDER A f t e r s e r v i n g R i v e r v i e w Camp, No. 6818, R.N.A., as recorder for several years, Mrs. Margaret Creamer resigned and left McHenry to make her home in Milwaukee, Wis. \Mrs< Mary Ellen Russell has taken over as recorder and all camp dues should be sent to her at Kent Acres, Rt. 6, McHenry. While members regret the loss of Mrs. Creamer, they welcome Mrs. Russell as new recorder. First Holy Communion Mary Hagen made her First Holy Communion on Mother's day in St. Patrick's church MEAT INSPECTION I Illinois has more than 650 j meat and poultry slaughter j plants operating without ben- ! efit of inspection of either the animals before slaughter or the j finished meat product. Still- | man J. Stanard, director of agj griculture, said instances have | been reported to the department of animals dying from disease and then being processed for wholesale and retail sales. Proposed laws call for inspection of animals before slaughter by a veterinarian and inspection of meat products dup£ ing and after processing. The proposed legislation, scheduled to take effect on July 1, 1960, exempts persons slaughtering their ' own animals on their own farms or property. SHOP IN McHENRY CARPETING • LINOLEUM .HE .WINDOW SHADES \ * % NIESEN S FLOORS PHONE 38 528 W. MAIN ST. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Moose News Women of the Moose Our May 5 meeting was called to order by the Senior Regent Mabel Thomas with nine officers, seven chairmen and five escorts. June Banker, hospital chairman, and her committee was in charge of the evening. June's son, Dennis, entertained us with a selection on the accordion, which was very good. The two new members enrolled were Olga Kozubal and Bonita Ratzel both sponsored by Bertha Jager. A favorable ballot was held for two new members. We are going to have our birthday party at our next meeting which will be May 19, so let us have a big crowd. Reports that are to be read at our next meeting will be hospital, .June Banker, chairman; library, Bertha Jager, Chairman; ritual, Imogene Grist, chairman and publicity, yours truly. The birthday gals for this month are Marge Fernstrom, Olga Lishamer and Winona Hutton. A special thanks to Ethel I Wolff from Alyce ^o\yal, | (which I forgot to mention in ! my last issue) for helping so | much in the kitchen on acad- , emy of friendship night, sorry ' gals. A very special thanks to all the girls who helped with the runimage sale. Delicious refreshments were served by June Banker and committee. Just a reminder, election is the first meeting in June so make an effort to be there. Olga Johnson Publicity Chairman The way a motorist uses the automobile horn is a test of good manners. ' 1 Trouble is only opportunity dressed in work clothes. Hooooray! TRACE-MINERAL. BLUSALT is here now!" "And are we cows gladl There's nothing like Sterling Blusalt to give us full-time protection against trace-mineral deficiencies. Blusalt contains manganese, iron, sulfate sulfur, copper, cobalt, iodine and zinc--blended with highquality salt, the ideal natural carrier." STEPSL.0M® BLUSALT--Product of International Salt Company, Inc. AUTHORIZED BLUSALT DEALER: McHenry County Farmers Co-op. McHENBY. ILLINOIS Now is time to buy an Electric Range Save important money on special flat-price insti er $29 Offered by Electric Range D@@brs to homeowners in this are© {for a limited time only During "E" Days the dealers who sell the famous make Electric Ranges listed below will have some spectacular values to show you. (Including a flat-price installation offer of only $29.95.) This means substantial savings on whatever wiring you may need to install your new Electric Range. It means that if you require 3-wire, 240-volt electric service into your home, you'll get it. And if you need an electric range circuit inside your home, it will be added ' and hooked up to your new range. It means that for a fraction of the actual cost, thousands of families will be able to start cooking better, living better-- electrically! How to tell if your family is eligible. This special offer covers standard range installation in any single family dwelling served by Commonwealth Edison-- Public Service Company. (Details at your dealer's.) / A gift of extension phones adds ease and smoothness to her busy life! For the one-women "plant" she's running, extension phones are just what the thoughtful husband orders. Placed where she needs them, these lowcost extensions help her cook, clean, chauffeur and tend the toddlers with a minimum of lost f motion. She'll thank you for the steps she saves --and for the beautiful colors, (her choice of nine, including a feminine rose pink). Why not consult her, and call your Service Representative? Your kitchen stays far cleaner, much cooler when you cook with a modern Electric Range. And nothing cooks food faster. So start with the "heart" of your new All-Electric kitchen now--during "E" Days at your Electric Range Dealer's. Get in on this special low-cost Electric Range Installation offer and start cooking better, living better--Electrically! (J Public Service Company ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE 11^ N. Court St. Phone: 9981 j Just tell us her choice of color and where she wants the phones. I Your Service Representatives will do the rest I Exlro! 1 TITKainlt off«re" ---rT«tO Offer ends (Look for a Big Red Letter S2888288fcSfifi8242SSSfii2i mm at ©©oilers of These Famous Brands « Sear PSSS vinaror • © Commonwealth Edison Company