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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1959, p. 15

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' «< Tttusday, May 21. 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Twice Told Tales fifty years ago From the Files ot May 13, 1909" ^•JThat McHenry will get its l^^-looked for depot is now ap assured fact. Work of filling in the hollow just west of the Charles Harmsen residence, has been going on during the past week. Besides this, the old depot, which has bee!n an eyesore to the village for many years, and far too small to properly accommodate increasing business that is being extended the C.&N.W.R.R. has be« moved to the southend of the crushed stone platform. Rearranging of the tracks is now in progress and before the PJaindealer again goes to press the work of construction of the new depot will be well underway. Miss Elizabeth May, daughter of Mrs. Katherine May. of Johnsburg, and Fred Justen, son.of the John Justens, Mc- Hrfjfry were united in marriage by Rev. S. Wolfgarten at St. John's church, Johnsburg, at nine o'clock Wednesday morning, May 12. I Finding the farm duties getlung too heavy for him, on May Tji John R. Smith engaged a permanent assistant. He is a light-weight farmer, weighing but ten pounds, but after a few ye«y:s training John R. will be ab™ to take life easy. School gardens are becoming quite general throughout the Country. Miss Nellie Newman, teacher in the Sherman Hill school, is doing some pioneer work along this line. In addi- £ion to flower beds in the school yard she has provided, \yith the assistance of her pupils, a window garden. Supt. and his efficient assistant, Miss Agnes Perry, have been re-engaged to teach the tycHenry' public school at an increase in salary. The teachers are supported by a progressive board in the persons Of J. B. Perry. W. D. Wentworth. P. J. Cleary, J. H. Miller. W. Bonslett. E. S. Wheeler and J. F. Claxton. I' Ferdinand Pfannenstill pass- ^cCawa.v at his home near Lake Defiance May 7. Funeral services were held from St. Peter's church, Volo, Sunday morning FARMAN'S Invite you and your family to our famous Smorgasbord m Every Wednesday E © Serving from 6 P.M. to 10 PJ4. $2.50 per person Children under 13 $1.75 W ALSO SERVING COMPLETE Sunday Dinners An Enjoyable Treat for the Entire Family fARMANI 66 W. MAIN LAKE ZURICH Phone: GEneral 8-2421 Pag# Nineteen FORTY YEARS AGO From the Files of May 8, 1919 Very sad, indeed, was the occasion of a double funeral held here on Wednesday morning, of the week, when a son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Justen, Condo, N.D.; were "brought here for burial The boy, the oldest of the family was thirteen years of age, while the girl was five. Both died at the home of their parents last Sunday, the victims of the much dreaded disease of pneumonia. John R. Brents, McHenry's only colored resident and who for many years acted as janitor, at the McHenry public school, was taken to the county hospital at Hartland, last' week. Announcement has been made of'the marriage of Miss Laura Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Young of this city, and Private Arthur Smith, sort of Frank Smith, of Johnsburg, which took place at Camp Gordori, Ga., on April 30. One of the largest classes ever initiated into the Knights of Columbus order, in McHenry county, took place at the armory at Woodstock Sunday afternoon, at which time the second and third degrees were impressively exemplified upon a class of 100 candidates. The McHenry coancil sent ever forty candidates. Miss Elizabeth Thelen of this city and Mr. Charles Pich of Chiacgo, were united in marriage , by Rev. Edward Berthold, at St. Mary's church at six o'clock last Saturday morning. C. W. Goodell, local agent for the C.&N.W.R.R. company, returned last week from an extended visit with his wife at Eleanor, Ala. He informs us that he is quite pleased with the south, and that his farm down there is looking quite prosperous. T WE 1ST Y-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken From the Files of May 10, 1934 Louis King, 35, a native of Johnsburg, passed away at St. Catherine's Hospital, Kenosha, Wis., May 5. He is survived by his wife, Helen, and three daughters, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John King of McHenry, three brothers and four sisters. A new store is being erected at Lily Lake, where G. Weisbaum will open a grocery, market and general merchandise store on or about May 30. Fire destroyed the tool house and its contents, at the McHenry Country Club about 2 o'clock Wednesday morning. The entire equipment was destroyed, including two tractors, a Model-T Ford, small mowers and other tools and machinery. 0 St. Mary's school is closed this week because of several cases of scarlet fever which originated there but the building is beinj^&eaned and fumigated and school will reopen next week Monday. Members of the Past Oracles club of McHenry county were guests of Fox River Valley camp at the home of Mrs. George H. Johnson Tuesday afternoon. Sixteen members were present from McHenry, West McHenry, Woodstock, Crystal Lake and Harvard. The first of a series of diminishing teas was held ato the home of Mrs. C. W. Gibbs Wednesday afternoon. The teas are being given for the benefit of St. Patrick's church. The Senator Says by Senator Robert McClory Moose Nent Women of the Moose June 2 is membership night and Helen Wegener is chairman. Helen and her committee as follows: Ethel Wolff, Dorothy Meineke and Alyce Kowal, have informed me that they are planning a very surprising night and would like all members to attend. They are having a guest artist who is considered the world's worst singer. So come to the meeting and hear this great artist, you may be surprised. Every member attending this unusual meeting will receive a gift. So come along for a lot of fun and surprises. Don't forget June 2 and a night you may never forget. Olga Johnson Publicity Chairman A question on the lips of many new members of the Illinois General Assembly is "What is a lobbyist?" Many will recall the passage of "An Act to Regulate Lobbyists" at the last session. This act, now in effect requires each lobbyist to reveal the organization which the lobbyist represents, to furnish a recent photograph and to pay a $5 registration fee to the secretary of state. In turn, the secretary of state furnishes each registered lobbyist with an identification card which, presumably, entitles the holder to lobby to his heart's content. To the uninformed, the word "lobbyist" denotes^ an evil and corrupt "fixer" who buys the votes of ^members of the legislature. Informed persons, including the senators and representatives themselves, know that lobbyists are employed by organizations a n d groups to influence legislation. Frequently, these lobbyists carry titles, such as "legislative advisor" ot "legislative counselor." In each instance, they are paid for watching, advising, and influencing legislative measures pending before the Illinois General Assembly. Lobbyists are usually men-- and women-- of the highest character, who possess a profound knowledge of our state government and state laws. The most powerful lobbyists represent taxpayer organizations, business associations and labor unions. Other lobbyists appear for the teachers, firemen, policemen, banks, railroads insurance companies, municipalities, and many other groups. Today, there are an even 400 lobbyists registered under the new act, which means there are about twice as many lobbyists as there are legislators. Lobbyists have one primary aim-- to influence legislation. They oppose bills which might affect adversely the interests they represent. Conversely, they support bills beneficial to their clients. An intelligent legislator will listen attentively to a lobbyist's advice, knowing that the lobbyist^ill present accurate facts and an enlightening point of view. The lobby law, passed at the last session,-,, was directed against e^ery organization which "employs any person to promote or oppose the passage of legislation." The law was never intended to affect persons who volunteer as witnesses before legislative committees, or other persons who interest themselves in legislation having no connection with their employment. Earlier in this session, some witnesses were embarrassed by u n t h i n k i n g l e g i s l a t o r s w h o charged that every witness appearing before a committee was required to be a registered lobbyist. Speaker Paul Powell and Minority Leader Warren Wood clarified this situation recently in the House of Representatives. by making known Jhat the legislative intent was to regulate lobbyists who are paid as such by tfie organizations which they represent. The act to regulate lobbyists lias been helpful to members of the legistlature in that, for the first time, lobbyists are clearly identified as to the organizations and interests represented. Legislators now know exactly with whom they are speaking and the particular interests which the lobbyists are being paid to promote. Without these professional lobbyists, our legislators would lack much of the helpful information. which now reaches them through these individuals. Lobbying serves a useful and desirable purpose in the legislative process and is definitely an institution which is here to stay. Save More by Shopping at Home Treasurer's Annual Report City of McHenry (Continued from Page 18) V e r a k o Products, Inc. 112.93 V e r a k o Products, Inc 152.52 Badger Meter • Mfg. Co 1.24 Ace Hardware .... 3.89 V e r a k o Products, Inc. 102.14 Thomas P. Bolger . 3.59 Mayme Buss 9.85 V e r a k o P r o d u c t s , Inc. 242.95 V e r a k o Products, Inc. 185.06 Rockwell,Mfg. Co. . 10.19 The McHenry Plaindealer 57.49 James B. Clow & , Sons, Inc. ....... 316.76 Badger Meter Mfg. C o . . . . . . : V 2 . 3 4 H. E. Buch & Sons lj8? Warren Chemical Co., Inc 168.00 V e r a k o P r o d u c t s , Inc. 34.26 N a t i o n a l D i s i n fectant Co 48.67 V e r a k o P r o d u c t s , Inc 60.70 F i s h e r R e s e a r c h Lab., Inc 1.82 H. E. Buch & Sons .33 Althoff's Hardware 13.82 Verako Products Inc 41.30 W a r r e n C h e m i c a l Co.. Inc. . 168.00 The McHenry Plaindealer 121.82 Weber Plumbing & Heating .. 21.30 Adams Bros. Repair Shop • • • , 4.50 Albert Krause & Son 15.75 2,275.21 POWER FUND (Sewer) Public Service Co. 223.71 Public Service Co. 224.37 Public Serivce Co. 216.09 Public Service Cb. 212.29 Public Service Co. 240.24 Public Service Co. 226.90 Public Service Co. 234.98 Public Service Co. 193.02 Public Service Co. 213.60 Public Service Co. 312.16 Public Service Co. 285.26 2,582.62! POWER FUND ; Public Service Co. I Public Serivce Co. ! Public Service Co. ; Public Service Co. 1 Public Service Co. Public Service Co. Public Service Co. Public Service Co. ! Public Service Co. Public Service Co. Public: Service Co. (Water) 51.02 59.85 79.08 62.54 81.94 91.64 88.38 69.23 67.41 66.02 55.25 Bank & Trust Co 7.50 Looze and Kinne • 325.00 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 6.99 Elgin Storage ' & Transfer -Co. ... 37.84 Th^McHenry Plainaler . ? 9.50 Lakeland Construction Co., Inc 72.00 American National Bank & Trust Co. 8.45 Charles F. Carpentier. Secretary of State 2.00 Northern Illinois Gas Co. 1.09 Thennes Oil Co. ... 88.08 Northern Illinois Gas Co 8.40 Illinois Bell Tele- | phone Co 8.98 i Northern Illinois Gas Co. 10.36 Northern Illinois Gas Co 10.44 772.36 TRUCK FUND (Sewer) 12.50 12.50 12.50 i2.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 ; Joe Diedrich | Joe Diedrich j Joe Diedrich j Joe Diedrich 1 Joe Diedrich 1 Joe Diedrich | Joe Diedrich Joe Diedrich j Joe Diedrich ! Joe Diedrich ! Joie Diedrich I Joe Diedrich I Kenneth 150.00 PROFE^iOnRl DIRECTORS1 DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 304 East Elm Street McHenry, III. Honrs: Mon,, Tuos., Wed. & Fri. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone McHenry 743 DR. C. R. SWANSON Dentist Offire Hours: Daily Except Thursday 9"to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed., & Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 TRUCK FUND (Water) Joe Diedrich 12.50 Joe Diedrich 12.50 Joe Diedrich 12.50 Joe Diedrich 12.50 Joe Diedrich 12.50 Joe Diedrich 12.50 Joe Diedrich ...... 12.50 Joe Diedrich 12.50 Joe Diedrich 12.50 Joe Diedrich ....... 12.50 Joe Diedrich 12.50 Joe Diedrich 12.50 u 150.00 EQUIPMENT FUND (Sewer) Vycital's, Inc. ... 122.50 Central Scientific Co. 1810.47 H. E. Buch & Sons 66.00 Walker Process Equipment, Inc. . 51.12 W. H. Stewart, Inc. 84.69 Carey Electric Contractors 40.65 H. E. Buch & Sons 9.15 Bell & Gossett Co. 42.26 Buss Motor Sales 3.00 Clark Chevrolet Sales 27.28 Carey Electric Shop 8.58 McHenry Electric Co 1.68 2,267.38 EQUIPMENT FUND (Water) Municipal Instrument Co 17.38 Automatic Control Co 131.32 The American Well Works 954.50 McHenry Television & Electronics ... 25.50 MISCELLANEOUS (Water) Diedrich . Kenneth Diedrich The McHenry Plaindealer . - Margaret Freund • . Exon Motor Service Earl R. Walsh . - . S u r b u r b a n O f f i c e Supply Earl R. Walsh . ,. . Northern Illinois Gas Co. Illinois Bell Telephone Co. Northern Illinois Gas Co. Northern Illinois Gas Co. 604.63 FUND 5.09 5.00 143.00 1500.00 6.98 2.27 6.29 6.76 4.65 1.66 6.26 17.08 1.705.04 REPAIR FUND (Sewer) H. E. Buch & Sons 77.29 Clark C h e v r ol e t Sales 24.59 W. R. Meadows, Inc. 27.00 Elmer Glosson .... 21.50 Al's Welding & Repair Service .... 121.95 W. S. Darley & Co. 17.59 M c \ i , " > n r v E l e c t r i e Co . 3.30 Al's Welding & Repair Service .... 35.35 Peter A. Freund . - 49.00 377.57 EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Ins. Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Green & Elm McHenry III. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms S Miles South on Rt. S PHONE 950 DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office phone McHenry 186 Res. phone McHenry 604-M-l Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 - 9:00 Closed all day Wednesdays Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Repair Service CONSTRUCTION (Sewer) Preston Woodall Co. Preston Woodall Co. Lakeland Construction Co., Inc. -.. Preston Woodall Co. Preston Woodall Co. 1,128.70 FUND 7402.32 15904.37 228.50 5676.53 722.48 CONSTRUCTION (Water) Lakeland Construction Co., Inc. .... Lakeland Construction Co., Inc. ... Lakeland Construction Co., Inc 29,934.20 FUND 6298.22 5669.41 1692.31 GO DIAL IN STYLE! WHEN McHENRY GETS DIAL SERVICE Telephone installers are now putting dial telephones in McHenry homes. You can save money on the installation of extension phones and color telephones by having them put in when the installer visits your home. Only $7.50 for a phone in color, but NO INSTALLATION CHARGE! Enjoy a telephone arrangement for modern living, with phones in your bedroom, living room and kitchen . . . a l l t h e r o o m s y o u u s e m o s t . No longer do you have to chase madly through the house to answer the phone when it rings. All you do is simply reach. And, of course, telephones in color are a big part of modern living. They're as decorative as they are. useful. You can have your choice of nine smart colors. ^When our installer visits your home, tell him you want to Go Dial in Style! He'll show you how convenient and good-looking extension phones in color can be. A moderate, one-time charge for color, but there's no charge for installation. Evecy telephone employee carries an identification card.( When the installer ;r oaoo FroTTraxn .Aumst. 19JJ calls^ to put in your dial telephone, he will be glad to show you his card. ILLS BELL DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes examined .- Glasses fitted Contact lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours Eve.: Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays - 3 to 6 p.m. Phone McHenry 2262-J Loop office - 108 N. State St. Phone DEarborn 2-2096 13,659.94 ENGINEERING FUND W. A. Rakow & Associates 621.23 W. A. Rakow & Associates 23.28 W. A. Rakow & Associates 82.25 W. A. Rakow & Associates 210.50 City of McHenry Gen. Fund Eng. Acct 1040.00 W. A. Rakow & Associates 366.00. REPAIR FUND (Water) Elmer Glosson .... 6.00 Lakeland Construction Co.,e, Inc. . • 145.09 Al's Welding & Repair Serivce 20.40 Lakeland Construction Co., Inc. .... 55.51 Herb Simon 40.25 Otto Buenzli 40.25 Irwin Walter 40.25 Wilbert Hecht, Sr. . 40.25 Robert Hay Construction Co., Inc. 5.00 Al's Welding f& Repair Service .... 1 10.00 403.00 BOND and INTEREST FUND American National Bank & Trust Co. 1945.72 METER FUND (Water) Northern Illinois Meter Service • • • 33.97 Badger Meter Mfg Co. 342.72 Badger Meter Mfg. Co ^ 461.76 Badger- Meter Mfg. Co. 307.84 Northern Illinois Meter Service • • 95.90 Badger Meter Mfg. Co 144.99 Badger Mfg. Co. .. 329.88 1,717.06 INSURANCE (Sewer & Water) Earl R. Walsh 80 64 Earl R. Walsh 125.95 The Kent Corp. . • 97.52 Earl R. Walsh s .. 50.46 Earl R. Walsh w . 72.68 427.25 2.343.26 GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agent The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sickness & Accident and -Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 111. Phone: McHenry 2538 HEATING FUND (Sewer) Northern Illinois Gas Co Northern Illinois Gas Co. Northern Illinois Gas Co. Northern Illinois Gas Co. j Northern Illinois Gas I Co. Thennes Oil Co. .. . i Northern Illinois Gas 1 Co. INTEREST FUND (SeWer) American National Bank & Trust Co. 2062.50 American National * # Bank & Trust Co. 3540.00 5.602.50 9.35 15.50 7.06 7.43 6.77 90.26 AUDITING FUND (Water) J. W. North & Co. • 125.00 AUDITING FUND (Sewer) J. W. North & Co. • 125.00 SPECIAL ACCOUNT Bond & Interest Retirement I Fund I Balance on hand I April28. 1958 719.87 Received from Vernon Kays County Collector 24.071.44 24,791.31 8.95 145.32 HEATING FUND (Water) Northern Illinois Gas . Co 6.94 I Northern Illinois Gas I Co. , 2.54 ! Nor flier n Illinois Gas Disbursements Principal Payments 17.000.00 Interest Payments • 2,883.00 Service fee 27.50 Balance on hand April 27. 1959 • • 19,912.50 4.878.81 ROLAND A. HERRMANN Lawyer 308 W. Elm St. Phone McHenry 1609 Co. Northern Illinois Gas Co 2.61 13.38 25.47 MISCELLANEOUS FUND (Sewer) Buss Motor Sales • 2.00 American National SPECIAL ACCOUNT Andrew Worwiok Memorial Rind For The Benefit of The McHenry Library Received 9,080.69 Disbursement 0.00 Balance on hand April 27, 1959 •• 9,080.00

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