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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1959, p. 17

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May 21, WST THE McHENRY PLABtDEXEER Bag* Tweaty-Oner Pistakee Highlands CLEVER SKITS "FEATURED AT IRE-TEEN DANCE ?• .-JKay Sielisch -- Hyatt 7-8414 .-Jiazel Morley -- Hyatt 7-3320 |h e pre-teen presidential held at the community center on May 8 had a good turnout. The dads in the group sang, "You Made Me Love You" to the mothers in the group in honor of Mothers' Day. Some very cute skits and Jcikes were presented by the 'teens themselves.; Ken Thoren and Ken .Fletcher had a very nice magic act and Barb Sicic|£ and Ken Fletcher did a pantomine to, 'Tan Shoes and Pink Shoe Laces.' Lee Barr h a d a c u t e ' d u m m y ' a c t and we hear he did quite a professional job. Also in another skit on how to run a meeting, were Jim Messell, Ken Fletcher, Ken Thoren, Karen Lowery, Jackie Wilcox, Cheri Janquart and Laura Burke. In a cute outhouse skit were Jim Mess4P, Jackie Wilcox, Lee Barr, Ken Thoren and Ken Fletcher, afterwards cake and coffe were served. Much of the credit- for the success of the evening goes to Geri Moore who worked hard and long with the children. Family Social On Sunday May 24 at the community center at 6:30 the Mi. Hope church will hold a family social and pot-luck dinner. This will be a chance for interested persons to get together for an evening of fellowship. The movies that were taken on Easter Sunday will be shown and a group picture ftf the charter members will fie taken at that time. Why not bring along a dish for the pfi^-luck dinner and spend a lew hours with your friends and their families. Remember |t's this Sunday at 6:30 p.m. girl to go along with the three boys. Congratulations. Revolving Dinner Held A revolving dinner was held last Saturday at the Dobecki, Janquarts, Masons and Bales homes. First to the Dobeckis for appetizers, then to the Janquarts for fried chicken, potato salad, relish try, jello mold, hot rolls and butter. On to the Masons for delicious pie and coffee. Last but not least the group ventured , to the Bales home for a few hours of social fun. Along with the above mentioned were the G. VanZeverens, Erbins, Novotnys and Morleys. Each lady put in her share of the dinner and the trimmings. The delicious dinner was prepared by Janice Janquart, Dot Erbin and Marilyn VanZevern. stay strapped in their- bunksl for three days due- to the rough - ocean, they had run into the tail end of a typhoon. They landed In Yokohama. Jim has been very busy taking in all the sights in Japan, he says it is very beautiful this time of year. The trip over took them a longer time than usual, leaving April 16 and arriving May 8. They will leave Yokohama May 18 for Bangkok, Siam. Jim reports he is enjoying the cruise very much. Happy Anniversary A very happy anniversary to Don and Wanda Dobecki who celebrated ^eleven years of marital bliss on May 15. We wish you many more. | Dinner Held For Faculty * On Tuesday, May 19 the exe c u t i v e c o m m i t t e e o f t h e Johnsburg P.T.A. held a luncheon at the school for the faculty. Many tasty dishes were prepared and the teachers as as the executive committee had quite a nice. meal. Room mothers were on hand to assist with the classes so an hour could be had to enjoy the. dinner. Mr. Dority was presented with an electric razor by the past president of the P.T.A., Mrs. Zetterburg. Tour Chicago j May 9, Mr. Barney and i^Btor Swanson drove to Chicago with the confirmation class. While there they visited Pastor S.wajison's alma mater and various other places in Chicago. They all had a wonderful time and came back very tired and weary. It's a Girl Yet, indeed, it's a girl for and Ron Jackson. Little Awiee Lou was born on May 11 at the Woodstock hospital. She weighed in at 5 lbs. 13 ozs. Needless to say that the Jackson household is in a happy state now that there is a little Birthdays Happy birthday to Bobby Heilgeist who celebrated his sixth birthday on May 7. He had a group of friends in for cake and ice cream. Also a happy birthday to Susan Conway who celebrated her ninth birthday on May 8. Many more are wished for you, Susan . On May 15 Hazel Rodge celebrated her 32?? birthday with her family. We all wish you many happy returns of the day. Hazel. Sorry we missed Marilyn Lammert's birthday on May 2. But we would certainly like to wish her a very happy belated birthday. Hazel, Martin and Trudy Rogde went to Chicago to help their son, Roger, celebrate his twenty-fifth birthday. On hand along with his family were loads of friends. A very happy birthday to Darlene Smolinski who was 11 years old on May 16. On hand helping Darlene celebrate were Mary Lynn Johnson, Allannah Collender, Paullette Griesbach. Karen Paddock, Gwen Wornack,- Cheryl Spellman, and Rita Harbetke. Mama Smolinski served cake and other refreshments to the girls. Here and There Mrs. Nickelson was out to her home over Mother's day. Her daughter came along and took her mother out to dinner. Marilyn Lammert has her grandmother staying with her for two weeks. We hope she likes her jglay. here in Ihe,Highlands. Mrs. Kent is back in the Highlands for a month. She has been staying in Chicago with her son. "News of Boy in Service" Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peloquin of Woodland avenue received a letter from their son, Jim, Tuesday, after not hearing from him for a month. Jim, who is serving in the Navy, had quite an interesting letter to greet his worried parents. His ship left the States April 16, they encountered very bad weather. They had to "Teen News and Patter". Judy Jensen, Don Bgntz. Pat Johnson and her date, Ralph, went to the Sand Dunes for an after-prom picnic on Sunday. May 17. Ron Spankuch Barb Schlick, Lola Du- Pree and Butch Fort were going to William Point for their picnic. Lee Johnson and date, Honore, were going to Big Foot beach on a picnic. Everyone has big plans. . . ' All the 'teens are patiently awaiting the twenty-third of May for the beach party to be held on the old beach. They are all planning on going. There is a rumor that Don' Roekel may come home on leave from the Navy May 15. All his friends are hoping he makes it so they can,get to see him. Eighth graders who will graduate May 29 from the Highlands are Shirley Spankuch, Barbara Beamer, Maureen Schuble, Kenny Thoren. Jerry Philips, Ralph Mueller and John Cynowa. We wish them all good luck next year, when they enter high school. All their friends are happy for them. Dolores Formella received a pin fend medals at the Chorus banquet for winning in a state contest. She should be very proud of her accomplishments. Bruce Novak also received medals for his accomplishments in the recent state contest. The folks in the Highlands are very proud of these 'teens. |$>n Mother's Day when her hubby. Eddie, and children took her to dinner in a nice restaurant in Antioch. Tom Fowler and Kathy Mc- Onerney attended the prom and had great plans for a' wonderful evening. The Wally Misavices are pretty busy getting ready for their relatives who helped celebrate with them. Dawn was confirmed May 17. Wishing a* speedy recovery to Mrs. Mary Sheldon who underwent an operation, at St. Theresa's hospital last week. The Schlicks will have steady weekend guests for a while, their friends, the Mc- Enaneys of Chicago, are building a home near here. It' is a pleasure writing the column with Haze every week, but doubly enjoyable vytien you can have your cake arid eat it. Wednesday^night Barb Schlick brought tlie Teen news to me, along with a huge slice of her mother's delicious chocolate chiffon cake. Marie can really turn out a cake. The |?etts are again residents of the Highlands and we would like to welcome them back, we are sorry though, that Mr. Pett is not feeling good. Mrs. Wojiechowski had a minor operation last week and is feeling very well. Hope Dawn Misavice will be feeling much better. She was home from her classes a few days due to illness. Kay Sielisch has been busy getting ready for a visit from "Condolences" We wish to extend our deepest sympathies to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wroblewski. Mrs. Wroblewski's brother was burried May 13. They attended the funeral in Chicago. Our sympathies to Mr. Erdmann w h o s e m o t h e r j u s t passed away. "Highland Highlights" Mother and son celebrate birthdays two days apart. Tommy Brill became a 'teenager May 11, his mother, Eleanor Ball»^celebrated,4}er birthday May 13. We wish them a very happy belated birthday. We were sorry to hear Mrs. Anna Cohrs was very ill last week with a very bad throat. She was confined to bed all week and her daughter-in-law spent a couple of days caring for her. We are happy to report Anna is doing fine. Take it easy Anna we want you around for a long time. Dorothy Rodarmel is back in St. Theres's hospital. Let's all send her a card. Little Dorothy sure has had more than her share of- bad luck. Marcia Dowd was surprised FOX RIVER PICNIC GROVE SAT., MAY 23rd The Perfect Spot for Parties, Banquets, Wdiigs, and Family Picnics F©@d Catering for Any Sfae Group We Now Specialise in Broasted CIMeken, and Shrimp » Nchen Open D©% from 11 A.M. to 10 P.M. KIDDIE PARK -- BOAT LAUNCHING Speed Boat Rides, Row Boats, Canoes, Put-Puts, Swimming, Dancing, Fire Places and Plenty of Picnic Tables - For Special Rales and Reservations Plum© MErcury S-3S21 FOX RIVER GROVE, ILL. her mother, Mrs. Barry from Cadillac, Mich. Mrs. Slocum and Mrs. Busher also of Cadillac are expected to accompany Mrs. Barry. They plan to spend two weeks \& the Sielischs. --_There will be more news in detail next week on the results of the special meeting held in the Brill garage May 14. Larry Booster was to talk all about the cons of incorporation. Watch for the news next week. Herb Lindemann has been very busy building a fence around his property. 'That seems to be a necessity out here, if we are to have lawns and beauty in our . yards. Even the dog catcher has not done much in scaring the people to keep their dogs tied, but Mr. Zenner has done a bang up job as dog catcher and there is only so much one man can do, it is bad we have to keep, harping on this topic. Bye novv, see you next week. SHOP IN McHENRY ED'S RENTAL RENTS Electric Hammers to Wheel Chairs PHONE 32 COUNCIL EXPERT GIVES SURE-FIRE SAFETY SUGGESTION , A safety man has come up with a sure-fire suggestion on how industry can save itself a lot of money each year. "Extend your safety knowhow and resources beyond the factory gate,-' advised Harry C. Johnson. "Keep your workers as safe off the job as you do on." Johnson is staff representative of the National Safety C o u n c i l ' s o f f - t h e - j o b s a f e t y committee. "A worker injured off the job," he points out. "is just as absent from work as one who has been hurt at his machine. "Off-the-job accidents," he said, "cost industry a huge amount of time and money." Johnson cited figures from a study of the off-the-job accident experience of eighty-four firms .employing nearly 350,000 workers. The statistics show that accidents occur much more often off the job than on -- "as much as five to twenty times more often," according to Johnson. .---The companies represent a cross-section of industry in the United States, Canada and U. S. territories. They are divided into two categories -- 80 companies employing about 210,000 workers, and four companies with 137,000 employes. The companies are engaged in activities ranging from manufacturing heavy machinery to operating paper mils. No. 1 hazard to employees of the 80 companies, the study indicates, is slips and falls. No. 2 hazard: auto and truck accidents. The reverse is true among the four large firms -- autotruck accidents edge out slips and falls' as the main injurydealer. For deaths alone, autotruck accidents are the No. 1 killer of employees of all eighty-four firms, regardless of size. • "All this," said Johnson, "emphasizes the urgent need for greater effort to prevent accidents off the job. "The safety movement desperately needs the kind of leadership business and indus-1 try can give to cut down on accidents and injuries, which cause untold suffering and each year waste huge amounts of money." The art of living is the process of getting along with people you do not like. NOTICE THE McHenry Plaindealer WILL BE PUBLISHED ONE DAY E A R L I E R MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND. ALL COPY DEADLINES WILL BE MOVED UP ONE DAY. Jos. FRETT & SON BUILDERS Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 lA mile east of Fox River Bridge Phone McHenry 976 Really FRESH... ffimwdlilMu CANDIES /J FROZEN FRESH the day they're mad® I •* 4 NOW AT BOLGER'S DRUGSTORE McHENRY PHONE 40 Here's money-saving proof...IT PAYS TO OWN A DODGE! 111# Dodge Introduces the SILVER CHALLENGER Get all these extras at no extra cost! • Special Interior • White Wall Tires • Wheel Covers • Floor Carpeting • Dual Arm Rests • Electric Windshield Wipers • Total-Contact Brakes • Torsion-Aire Ride NEW LOW PRICE Costs less to buy! 1 Costs less to drive! Gives more for the money! 59 DODGE 2530 50 * •Manufactorsr't Suggested Retail Price, exclusive of transportation and handling costs. jRPOMTIOIt -DODGE DELIVERS 21.7 M.P.G. TO SCORE VICTORY IN MOBILEGAS ECONOMY RUN A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, 301 E. Pearl Street PHONE 156 nc. McHenry, 111. SALES DEPT.: OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- WED & FRI til 9 P.M. -- SUNDAY til NOON SERVICE DEPT.: OPEN DAILY 7 A.M. to, 5 P.B|| ^ ^ - *

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