HC < "ttucea C^v (Joust, Evestyday Needs wsrThw** t Wednesday, Kay 27, 1959 FEAST - INDOORS OR OUT FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE TOUR FRIENDLY JEWEL FOOI^ STORE WILL BE . . . OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY iVENING MAY 28 & 29 'TIL 9 p.m. CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY WHOLE FULL . SHANK HALF Yours a Jewel Ham! HORMEL READY-TO-SERVE Mains 10 TO 14 LB. SIZE ib. 49. Whether you choose a regular smoked ham or a quicker cooking "ready to serve ham" set your oven at 325. Bake till the meat thermometer reaches 160 for regular hams or 145 for ready to serve hams, which, you see, really do require cooking before they're good to eat. % Shop at Jewel this week ... the friendly folks there want to have a part in making this Memorial Holiday the most pleasant in your memory. SWIFT PREMIUM SMOKED HAMS BUTT PORTION LB, 45 d- SHANK PORTION 6-7 LB. / MP* JEWEL 100% pure Ground Beef .49* /0 MEAT--GOVT. 'HSP* Skinless Wieners r* 1*5 fe-V. 89* 5 ,o 12 IB. AVERAGE Small Turkeys LB. 39* jeli-o -rr 6*»49< n *~Moff8§ AppleSafUfge; 3'?•" 49* Hawaiian Punch $3^M00 Wisk Detergent * 59* ^W c c YTO°UsRc oGuRRILL of 18 VOO7c Hunt's Tomato Juice " r TO C@mpbell'gioup^E3'°^39e f Me Brown Picktes & 19* ; Paper Tablecloth J PICNIC TIME 5°i 39 J1* ; HI ft; |ii 14 ©2. j&t, ffitmccd / Angelu Aarsliallows '^19e Libby's Beans VARIOUS 2'^25e Realem@n Juice & A 49* Barbecue Sauc© %T 3 'w^ $1°° Hamburger Buns MAID -29« Hot Dog Buns ££ 2 39< Salad Dressing SEE? £39* Heinz Itefchup " 43# 2 mT45c ** • o n ^ CRACKIN OOC Sand Crimes •»* jw Premium Mustard **' Morton Selfw§ Do * Sug su HANOI PACKS *-\J Jewel Maid Potato Chips £ 49$® Iral ^weaBAck&ur/ ROOT BEER AND OTHERS Yummy IMEEK 7vtge£yfeae,/ WHITE Hudson Paper Napkins kV. h f«TS f* Visit Your Friendly Jewel At 313 WIST ELM McHenry, Illinois BROADCAST Dried Beef TRY IT WITH FRIED CHICKEN OCEAN SPRAY Cranberry Sauce 16 Oz. 41< 45e Lg«. Pkgs. 63c "3^ OFF" LABEL ( Cheer FLORIENT . -- Floral Room Deodorant Can h *foo<L$wus SCOTT Jumbo Towels ASSORTED COLORS Waldorf Tissue '254 OFF" LABEL a .. A . Dash Controlled Sudser Pkg.'2#®9 lvorY Liquid Def®r§@nf 69c Cans " w" O'Cedar Dri Glo Polish TWINKLE - Roll 33c Copper Cleaner Ivory Flakes 6bS* 49c 4^~49< box of 80 Dreft Joy Detergent Spic and Span Giant A| c Pkg. ®l 22 0i 71c Can Pkg. of OEc 4 Roll* **3* Lgo. Pkgs. 69« American Family Flakes nig!' ?lc Amer. Family Detergent 2 Pk^L 69c Ivory Snow 2 ik£. 69« Oxydol Gjanf 3|C 2 St 67' 4 Ewmijday Low "Tducea Cjk> [Jcwsis Event/dag A/ee/fo Evesu/dcu/ Low- "J^ucei CM/ (Jouto Emtujdoff Need*