Wednesday. May 27. 1959 iH£ McHEttRY PLAINDEALER Page Fifteen Pistakee Highlands HIGHLANDERS' MEET TO HEAR SPEAKERS ON INCORPORATION ^Kay Sielisch -- Hyatt 7-3414 fpiazei Morley -- Hyatt 7-8320 The special ^meeting held in the Brill garage was attended by fifty people. It was the most informative and weir conducted meeting we have had the priv ilege, to attend for some time. Larry Booster from Lakemoor and Kenneth Merley of Fairview were the speakers for the evening. When every one left /4tey were well informed on the pros and cons of incorporation. Due to local interest and for those who could not attend, a petition was circulated throughout the Highlands for the express purpose of calling another meeting with the same speakers: The petition with 194 names was submitted Monday evening to President Floyd ^hrison, who called a meeting 9 the board to grant said petition. We hope every resident will give these men their undivided attention. Thanks to all the girls who helped get the meeting together and a hearty thanks to all the women who donated cupcakes and coffee. "Child Bitten By Running Dog" ^In, spite of our constant fadings for people to keep their dogs tied or confined, David Fletcher was bitten by a dog running loose Saturday. David required medical attention. We are hoping the dog was not rabid, it is a very painful '$hing to undergo the shots for tabies. It seems to be the same dogs always on the loose. It is time we all kept our pets tj|d. A law suit can be very "pensive. Having a license for your dog does not give you the rjf$it to let it roam, nor does if give us the right to assume ihe attitude, because we live ill the country, our dogs can ruh:-'There are many children in the Highlands. We hope this Will be the last such incident we have to report and we sincerely hope you will be okay, Anvid. Karls is up and aboi/t and doing very well. Wednesday, the president of the Women's club, Blanche Haefliger, called a meeting of the new officers. They will discuss plans for future events and knowing Blancne we have many nice things to look forward to. Blanche says she hopes she, can do as well as the past president, Meryl Fletcher. "Highland Chatter" Mrs. Osweiler from Chicago spent a few days with her daughter, Audrey Misavice ajid family. Carl and Blanche Haefliger will visit Blanche's brother-inlaw, who is confined in a hospital in Wateska, 111. They plan on spending the night with ®anche's sister in Milford. On their way they will stop at the Irving Park cemetery to put flowers on his mother's grave. Mrs. Anna Cohrs returned Monday after spending the weekend with her son and family in Beverly Hills. Rutly and Jim Lemnons will be h$sy for the next two weeks entertaining her neices and i^phews, the Kennedy children m>m Highland Park. L o r r a i n e L i n d e m a n n i s spending a few days with her daughter., Marilyn, in Lansing 111. Lorraine likes to get away from the grind now and then. Judy Krumvviede's sistor-inlaw, Mary Ann Haoeman, and daughter, Virginia, from Ann Arbor, Mich., called on Judy Monday. Mary Ann will leave Wednesday for Ann Arbor Miere Judy's brother Jim now makes his home. Kay Sielisch's mother and friend, Myrt Slocum, arrived late Tuesday evening. Wednesday they celebrated Myrt's birthday. Kay is hoping for two weeks of good weather so they can get to see a few sights. We are glad to hear Joe "Teens News and Chatter" . H a p p y b i r t h d a y t o D o n Bentz who will be 19, May 30, many happy returns. Terry Phillips is attending a school in Peoria, and is doing very well. He can handle most of the things alone now. Everyone reports a fine time at the prom but the highlight of the evening was our own Judy Jensen who flopped to the floor during a dance contest. Don Bentz let her sit on the floor while he had a few fits& of hysterics. There was a 'teen meeting at the barn May 18. the 'teens talked over mosquito spraying. Questionaires were passed out concerning hobbies, musical instruments and other talents. The rest of the evening was spent in dancing and get-togethers for some gab fests. "High School Graduates" June 5 will find these 'teens receiving their hard earned diplomas. Erna Rockel, Don Bentz, Delores Formella, Kathy Mclnerney, Warren Anderson and Forrest Reinhart. We wish them all the luck and success in their future lives and may fame and fortune follow them. "News in General" The Spankuchs are having a combination graduation and confirmation party for Shirley on Sunday, May 31. Pat Jackson had a baby girl. More details next week and congratulations. Ray and Harriet Taylor celebrate their anniversary May ju. Many more for the ver^ happy couple and hope you have a nice day. Shirley Spankuch is home ill with tonsillitis, which isn't so •ice. The Formellas have had a visitor for the past week. 2*i> year old Chris Johnson, their nephew. Deloros has been chief baby sitter and doing a grand job. In fact she accompanied Barb Schlick, Tuesday evening to bring the 'teen news to Kay Sielisch for which Kay can •never be too grateful. The Joe Murrays had a house fuil of relatives over the last weekends some ihey_Jiad, . aot. seen in ages. Sylvia gave them n meal to remember, turkey and that delicious fruit salad. Your reporters enjoyed that. M.Y.F. The M.Y.F. group is busily making plans for a fund raising event so that they may go to summer camp. Whatever they decide on let's hope that everyone will come out and support this fine youth group. • Looking for Bowlers Registration is now open for the Women's fall bowling season which starts in September. The league will melt every Monday evening at 9 p.m. If vou are interested you can register at the bowling alley or call Marilyn VanZevern, Hy~ 7-3202. vacation school for all interested Protestant children; Classes will be held every week day morning from v9 to 11:30. There will be separate classes „for the different age groups. Things will be made by the children and will be shown to their parents after the two week session. To register for vacation school you may do so by contacting Mrs. Eugene Sarver, Hy 7-3468. Timely Tid-Blts Happy birthday to William Moreth who celebrated his sixty-fifth birthday with his family on May 24. We hope that Mr. Moreth is feeling much better after his recent illness. To Tommy Hurckes we wish a very happy birthday today. May 28. Tommy is 7 years old and will celebrate with a few of his friends after school. Ann and Jim Mclnerney were sponsors for Tom Fowler who was baptized on the fourteenth and confirmed at. St. John's church last Sunday. The lucky Zetterburgs will be leaving our fair surroundings for Oklahoma on June 11. We all wish the whole family a very happy vacation and God's speed along your way. Don and Wanda Dobecki entertained the former neighbors from Maywood over the weekend. May and Dwight Elliott spent the day here with their three sons. Dot Erbin spent last Wednesday visiting with her mother in Chicago and going to see her father who is in the hospital. Hank Sikora is back at work after spending his two weeks vacation landscaping his yard. Floyd Johnson. Steve Vrbik. Skip Wilson, Bob Hurckes and Mr. Moore had a bowling match in-Fox Lake a week ago. The boys came in second out of the two teams. Afterwards along with their spouses they joined^, the other team for a buffet 'supper. Brownies and Girl Scouts There will be a picnic on June 2 for the Girl Scouts, Brownies and their mothers. At this time seven Brownies' will " fly" up to Girl Scout. Those in the fly-up will be Jeanne Janquart, Susan Nurse, Charlotte Boesenburg, Linda Dobecki, Linda Sluga, Judy Messell and Janice Erbin. Happy Birthday A birthday party was held for Audrey Zetterburg last week and was given by her good friend and neighbor, Jean Peterson. Each lady came bearing a very pretty hankerchief. Now Audrey should have enough to last her for the next year. Those on hand giving Audrey their best wishes were Lorraine Hurckes, Ann Mclqr erney, Mrs. Kolb, Pearl Smolinski, Mrs. Heilgeist, Ginny Emmerick, Carla Bales, Mrs. McNamara and Betsy. Michael Madock celebrated his third birthday with a group of his little friends on May 19. After the party all the kiddies gathered in the back yard for playtime. Please Addresfe Correctly The postmaster has asked that Pistakee Highland residents please use 'Pistakee Highlands' when addressing their mail. It helps the postal service get your mail to you faster and is a big help to our mail carrier. There are similar street names in McHenry so the subdivision name on all mail makes for easier and faster handling. Also at this time seven new Brownies will be invested. The girls anxiously awaiting this special event are Karen Shastel, Karen Darmody, Melissa Montalbano, Rosemarie Thelen, Mary Ellen Mclnerney, Mary Beth Thelen, and Linda Leuth. The Brownies will als^pi'esent a play which should be very enjoyable. We hope that all the Brownies, Girl Scouts and their mothers have a nice day for their picnic. It's June 2 at 11 a.m. Careful Please With the school season drawing to a close and children For Man's Best Friend Kai Hansen's BOARDING KENNEL! • Clipping • Grooming § Bathing • Obedlenoat PHONE McHENRY 632-M-2 2*4 MILES SOUTH OF FOX LAKE AND 2 MILES NORTH OF VOLO ON ROUTE -12 • ft--BRANDENBURG - RD. " We Will Gladly Pickup and Deliver Your Pet kicking., up their hgels, once again ..we ask motorists to please be careful and cautious on or near the road. They are so absorbed in their play the oncoming car is the farthest thing from their minds. So please be careful and watch for the youngsters. The Pistakee area residents are asked to save their waste paper. Members of the Mt. Hope church are collecting it for the young people's summer camp program. Please leave it out on your porch on the morning of June 6 and it will be picked up by a member of the church. Memorial Day Your reporters hope and' wish that all their readers have a happy and safe Memorial Day. If you're driving please be careful and watch out for the other guy. Bye now, see you next week. DAYLIGHT TIME Gov. William G. Stratton recently signed a bill providing for statewide daylight time to go into effect July 1. That is the date the bill" bocomes a law. House Bill 3, by Hop: Peter J. Miller, provides for fast time throughout the state from the. last Sunday in April to the iast Sunday in October. The bill makes it unlawful for any political subdivision of the state to use any other time over this period. Any officer of a political subdivision who violates this provision of the act shall be fined not les$ than $10 or more than Sri00. CUB SCOUTS ... i Pack 362 Cub Scouts of Pack 362 recently enjoyed a mother and son banquet at the McHenry Country club. Guest of honor was Chief Thundercloud and family, Princess Morfiing Star, Princess Little Fawn. Little Beaver, Chief Thundercloud, Jr.. and Mrs. Thundercloud. The chief is a direct descendant of Chfef Pontiac. His mother was Marie Pickett, daughter of General Pickett. Chief Thundercloud is head of the All North American Indian foundation. He is of the Ottawa tribe. His daughter. Princess Morning Star, was Miss Indian of Chicago, 1958, and will compete in the Atlantic City contest for Miss Indian of America in August. She also was crowned Miss Cheese Queen of Wisconsin.. The chief and his family entertained the group with singing, dancing and interpretations of Indian sign language. He also initiated a Cub Scout, Gary Anderson, into the tribe and bestowed an honorary chief title on him. Gary's name ED'S RENTAL RENTS Floor Sanders to Rotary Tillers PHONE 32 was drawn from the highest ranking Lion scouts who have received the Webelos badge, or will receive it, in June. The Webelos badge is the highest award a Cub Scout may receive and is earned through hard work. It is comparable to the Eagle Scout rank in Boy Scouting. FOXES PROVE EXPENSIVE Since last Jan. 1, ninetynine foxes have been killed in the county and the amount of $297 was paid in bounties. McHenry led all other townships with twenty foxes killed for a bounty of $60. Little words never hurt a big idea. The art of living is the process of getting along with people you do not like. SHOP IN McHENRY 3% INTEREST On All Savings at McHenry State Bank effective July 1. 1959 BE A STUDENT NURSE APPLICATIONS STILL ACCEPTED FOR SEPTEMBER '59 CLASS SOUTH CHICAGO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF MURS1N© FULL SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Contact Registrar ESsex 5-4400 2320 East 93rd Street CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Prepare for SUMMER COMPLETE MISS 01 flAOiil! COLORS Glidd«i ENDURANCE loust Paint Baptized Aimee Jo Jackson, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jackson, was baptized on May 24 at the St. Peter's church in Spring Grove. Vacation School For two weeks Trom June 29 through July 10 the Mt. Hope Methodist church will have a Potent Drugs? We have a wealth•< your healthl • Our largo prescripdoes volume permits as to maintain ample stocks, including many rare drugs and the newest specialties Thus, we are prepared to compound all prescriptions promptly--and precisely as directed. As a special precaution, we dou ble-check each -compounding step. Yet, you'll find oar prices no higher than elsewhere. Try us, next time. 103 So. Green Phone 40 McHenr Now Alkyd fortified for oaslor brushing, longer wear, higher gloss. Non-chalking. OPEN F R I D A Y EVENIti&S 'lil 9 P.M ) IICNMONI C V: V>V] 0\t i«eiee* MORE WATER JACKET tkm-JaWB" . W^TER SYSTEM-^1 •<H IN CAPACITIES TO 1570 OAL. PIR HOUR PUMPING DEPTHS TO 120 FEET EASILY AND ECONOMICALLY CONVERTIBLE FROM SHALLOW TO MEP WELL SERVICI IVll wull Doller-for-dollar, here It your best pump buy. Heavy, durable construction throughout. Quiet, lubrication -- free operation -- only one moving pert. A product of a worldrenowned pump manufacturer with over 75 yeers' experience In building wafer service products. The Centri-Jet HB Wafflr System will more than satisfy you in every way. Como in end see for yourself. AND Submersible Pumps .. and so unnecessary storm windows lion's finest enable in cost » siJ, wot" frVnlVrtf -l-r .r--,,- -» it; $8^5 If- J| SPLA SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry Counff Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake RcL PHONE 71S OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On IHHghway 31 - South of Mcsin Street - McHenry, ISs&ois 1424 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 'ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS" V