, r* , Thursday, June 4, 1959 I. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Eleven Lakeland Park WOMEN'S CLUB MEETS TO CLOSE SEASON JUNE 4 Vickie B o t t a r i -- - 1 S 2 4 - J 1®ere will be a meeting of the Lakeland Park Women's club this evening, Thursday, June 4 starting promptly at 8:30 at the Rizzo home, 323 Home avenue. Let's all try to make this meeting as this is the last one we will have until next September when the meeting for that month only wijl be held the second Thursday instead of the first Thursda£ of the month due to the pressure on most of us getting the children ready for the beginning of their new school term. ' Luncheon a Success The luncheon held on Tuesday, May 26 at the American Legion hall by the welcome committee of the Lakeland Papk Women's club was a succe^ P both financially and socially even though the day was quite hot and muggy. There were ninty-five adults, six children and two lappers making a grand total of 103. Games were played and the table prizes were beautiful blooming white begonias.. The tired and worn waitresses for the day were Fran Cina, Jean Pa^i, Louise McEnery, Jo. Rim), Donna Rode, Ann Whonrode, Rosemary Przetacznik, our chairman Lyda Radisch and myself. Ann Herzog and Gladis Hafer assisted on the games. Visitors Weekend visitors at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parisi were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ca^cci and family from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laursen had as their guests Mrs. Florence Svitanek and her three children who most of you remember when they lived here in * our community. She visited several of her old neighbors and had herself a real good time talking over old times. Memorial Day Parade Several of the children from our community marched in the Memorial Day parade among .them being Francine Parisi who marched with the Brownie Group, Josephine Cina and Margaret Jean Parisi in the McHenry Twirlers group, Janice Parisi as one of the drummers in the McHenry high sc#ol band. The following boys marched along with the Cub Scout group: Jimmy Laursen, Billy Bates. Phil Bucaro, Bruce Okal, Jimmy Hansen, Raymond Barle, Ken Prazak, Raymond Bottari of Den 4, Pack 361 and with them for the first time was their new cub master my husband. Dr. Leonard Bottari. Den 4, Pack 454 consisted of John O'Brien, Drpald Sesko. David Garrison, Frank Moran and Frostie Viita and Den 2 Pack 362 had Billy Krater, Dale Davis. Edward Ozog, and Allen Raiford. Den 4 Pack 454 Cub Scouts Den 4 held their last meeting of the season and Mrs. Moran baked little individual Cc^es and had the names of eaiPi of the boys on one of them and the boys consisting of John O'Brien, Donald Sesko, David Garrison, Frank Moran, Frostie Viita, Kenny Spencer, Edward Fesanco, Martin Mahoney and Stephen Criscuolo made leather book mark's which they will present to their fathers on Father's Day. Christened v^ttle Kathy Arline Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis, was christened on Sunday, May 31 at the Zion Lutheran church of McHenry. Her godparents are ^ Mrs. A. Grentzner and Eugene Davis. After the christening Mr. and Mrs. Davis took the godparents out to dinner and then at 4 p.m. they had an open house for the following guests: xvlr. and Mrs. Fred Brieschke, maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crandell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Losey, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pappas, Donald Brieschke, Mrs. Arndt and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bujak. She received many lovely gifts and from her godparents she received money and a gold locket and bracelet set. Carnival If you have not yet pur- Chased your carnival ride tickets, you had better do so real soon as the time is growing quite short as the carnival starts on June 11 and runs through to June 14. As you know this is the largest project, put on each year by the beach committee of the Lakeland Park Property Owners' association. Happy Birthday To Vickie Johnson on Vier fourth birthday. A birthdayparty was held in her honor on May 28 with the following children and their mothers joining in on the fun: Donald and Larry Glorch, Dianne and Sandy Dargatz, Billy Burmann, Lance Kuhn, Kathy and Terry Brooks. The children were served cake, ice-cream and pop and of course the mothers omitted the pop and put in the coffee instead. Sympathy Our sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. A. Waychumas on the untimely death of Mrs. Waychumas* father, George Aijala, who apparently died of a heart attack late Thursday afternoon. He was born Mav 15, 1890. Rlngwood THREE STUDENTS GRADUATE FROM RINGWOQD SCHOOL Baby Shep&rd The Ringwood eighth grade held their graduation exercises in the church basement Wednesday night, May 27. The program included: Interlude of music by Evelyn Harrison and Ida Mae Walkington; Invocation, Rev. James McChesney; vocal number, lower room; piano solo, Evelyn Harrison; tap dance duet, Donna Low and Ida Mae Walkington; presentation of American Legion award, Wilbur Haak and Robert Kiddell; vocal duet, Susan Fossum and Linda Low; introduction of speaker, Jack H. Williams; message to graduates, "On Becoming an Individual", Rev. Weston A. Stevens; presentation of diplomas, Richard Tazewell, County Supt. of Schools; benediction, kev. James McChesney. The graduates included Danny Lee Carlson, Walter Irving Hunt, Patricia Louise Low. Faculty members are Valletta S. Macklenburg, Jack H. Williams. At the close of the evening coffee, punch, ice cream and cake were served. Wtyitp Elephant Sale Come on let's clean out all those basements, crawl spaces, garages, and attics and bring all the stuff you no longer need to the white elephant f!ale to be held on Sunday. June 28 at the American Legion hall starting at 12 o'clock with an auction to be held at 2:30 p.m. Call any of the following girls of the committee if you have no way of getting it to them: Gayle Laursen 2254-R, Mickey Gladmann 2543-J, Carol Humann 1847, Dorothy Zimney 2601, and Audrey Ellme'r 3264. Bunco Club The Bunco club was entertained in the home of Mrs. Viola Low Thursday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ruby Shepard, Mrs. Lizzie Thompson and Mrs. Emily Beatty. School Picnic The pupils of the Ringwood school and their parents held their picnic on the school grounds Sunday. Omission In last week's issue of the paper Jimmy Laursen was omitted from the list of boys in Den 4 Pack 361 who received their wards. He was also presented with his wolf badge and his gold and silver We know the answers to yesterday's problems but today's I are baffling. m Goes to Atlanta Yours truly will fly to Atlanta, Ga., Tuesday to visit my son and family for a week or two. I will be accompanied by my g r a n d d a u g h t e r . N a n c y Ainger. j Personals i Mrs. Lester Carr and Mrs. t Oscar Berg wore visitors at 'Hebron Tuesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walking- Mon returned home Wednesday from a visit in the home of their daughter. Mrs. Ansel Dewey and family at Armstrong, III. Mrs. Dewey and daughter, Joann, brought them home. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank returned home Monday from their trip to Montana. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brenner of Grand Rapids, Mich., spent Friday in the Dr. William Hepburn home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales of Woodstock were visitors in the Ben Walkington home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Anchor Rasmussen of Woodstock visited Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Heine, of Chicago spent the weekend with Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mrs. Ralph Clay and daughter, Maxine, and Mrs. David Poiter of Rockford were wallers in°1he Mrs. Lena Peet home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Neilson of Crystal Lake were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Tuesday. * Mrs. Lora Peet, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wilke of Woodstock were callers in tlie Mrs. Lena Peet home Saturday. - Mi*s. Ella Walkup of Greenwood and Mrs. Raymond Powers of McHenry called on Mrs. Ruby Shepard Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schwartz of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake were callers in the Mrs. Lena Peet. home. Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alan vAinger and family of Hebron. John Dreymiller and Will Claxton of McHenry spent Saturday with Mrs. Ruby Sfyepard. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ellsworth and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gilpin of Gary spent the weekend in the B. T. Butje^ hon^e. Mre. Grace Owen and Mrs. Carl Meyer of Elgin were visitors in the Mrs. Lena Peet home Friday Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown of Clarendon Hills were visitors in the B. T. Butler home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gunard Carlson and Mrs. Clara Godson of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall and sons and Mrs. Anna Reinwall of McHenry spent Saturday afternoon in the Louis Hawley home. Ray Page of McHeiiry spent Sunday with his cousin, Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mrs. Earl Shales of Woodstock, Mrs. Ansel Dewey of Armstrong. 111., and Mrs. Ben Walkington were callers in the Mrs. Lena Peet home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Elsie Williams of Honolulu spent the weekend with her cousin. Mrs. Ruby Shepard. She was on her way to South Dakota to visit her mother after a trip around the world. Wolf Shadle left Saturday for a trip to Germany to visit relatives. 4-H News There were eleven members present at the Ringwood Sunshine Girls 4-H Sewing club meeting. It was held May 25 at 7:30 in the Ringwood church basement. Leslie Decker gave a demonstration on "Measuring For Your Pattern." Sandra Larson gave a talk on "Studying Your Pattern". Evelyn Harrison and Ida Mae Walkington gave a demonstration on "Straighting and Shrinking Your Cloth". Pat Hogan gave a talk on safety and Evelyn Harrison gave a talk on health. It was decided that our next meeting would be June 4 at 7:30 at the church. The homework assignment was to get your cloth and pattern and shrink it by the next meeting. Evelyn Harrison Reporter LICENSE ACTION Secretary of State' Charles F. Carpentier has announced action by the drivers' license division, affecting residents of the county as follows: Frances Bagge, Cary, and Leo Wilson, Ringwood. revocations for driving while intoxicated; Harry Peterson, Wonder Lake, Robert Rayfield, Cary, Fred Romanus, McHenry, and John D. Sexton. Crystal Lake, suspensions for three offenses, and Bruce Pet ska. Spring GroVe, suspension for permitting fraudulent use of a license. SHOP IN McHENRY SPECIAL AWARDS ARE PRESENTED TO YOUNG PIANISTS Special awards are being made this week by Sister Andreella of St. Mary's parochial school to the following young pianists: Senior 2 Certificate: Patricia Walsh; Junior 4, Deno Buralli and June Miller; Junior 3, Thomas Brefeld and Lorraine Miller; Junior 2, Valerie Brefeld and Dorothy Kerr; Junior 1, Gary Hunt, Kathleen Justen, Rodney Mauch and Patricia M'ller. Preparatory Diplomas, grade 4, go to Nancy Adams, Katherine Boone, Katherine Brzejzinski, James DeVos, Connie K»p,jnd, Reverly Grote, Pamela Leight, Kathleen Meyer, Theresa Newkirk and Kathleen Pitzen; preparatory certificate, grade 3. to Vicki Brda, Charles Brefeld, Irene Caparros, Beverly Grote. Dolly Myers and Raymond Pollock. Preparatory cert i f i c a t e s, grade 2, have been won by Kathleen Bolger, Joseph Caparros. Gregory Freund. Robert Mauch and Vicky Miller, while K a n d y C a p a r r o s , R o b e r t Mauch, Carol McMillan, Barbara Toren. Karan Justen, Mary Malpede,--Gail---Parks, Wagner won preparatory certificates. No. T. An introductory certificate goes to Jef- (Sry Caparros. SHOP IN McHENRY 3% INTEREST On All Savings at McHenry State Bank effective July 1. 1959 (M edical Mirror WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT. lumMqe Note to- readers: Thanks for all the nice letters. As many questions as possible will be answered in this column, but for vbvious reasons replies must be brief. Be modern with TAKES MOW AND PUliS! ^ Famous firest one CHAMPION GROUND GRIP No other low priced tractor tire gives a deeper center bite... 19" WllllWIi® Windl- Y new S9-Ja. Whirlwind gives ,/P*» «n°re tor yoor money than any *Mher rotary mower. There are no extras to buy! It is a complete yard machine with bag, cfeute acid leaf teiukhGr Use in spring, frwnmer and fall. Coes^are th? features of this mower mth any other and ace why it is troiy a tarmnrmT quality and performance. • • Mows Gross • •CuK weeds • Tfwws cl®&© • Ovick heigM-o*-«rt Smith Lawn Mower Sales and Service 165 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Phone 1200 Crystal Lake, 111. other tractor tire gives so much for so low a price i y NEW SINGLE HANDLE FAUCET > IN YOUR SHOWER one handle does the work of two H. E. BUCH & Plumbing & Heating Hwy. 120 East Phone: Q. Several rears ago t received 'jyalment for varicose veins. The skin tvhere the injection* were made is now quite dincolored. Can the blotches be removed? A. Darkening of the skin is not uncommon after injection treatment for varicose veins. The discoloration tends to fade with time. However, if the skin is still discolored after si* months or so. it is not likely that the spot will disappear completely. A dermatologist (skin doctor) might he consulted about the possibility of improving the condition. V- "According to school authorities, our 8-year-old tort can t learn. Is there any point in keeping him in school?"-- A mother. A. ^ our son should be given a complete examination by a physician. There may be several reasons why he "can't learn." He may have poor eyesight or hearing or be afflicted in some other uay that can be helped. If the doctor should find that medical treatment is not indicated, don't close the door to possible progress by taking away all opportunity for training. There may be good arguments against keeping slow-learners in public schools but some type of training program should be provided. Mental authorities have said that retarded children may profit by continued education as much as or more than their brighter comrades. This doesn't mean that all retarded children can improve. Even those who do advance may not become completely adequate adults but at least they will not be entirely dependent and socially useless. It seems strange, said one Professor of Education, that greater efforts have riot been made to provide mentally retarded children with long-range educational programs. In tact, society seems to have done a good job in denying them opportunities. Answers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all doctors. The diagnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's personal physician. Questions directed to Dr. J. D. Ralston, Science Editors, P.O. Box 396, Madison Square Station, N. I'. 10, A. V. »/// he incorporated in these columns when possible. 0 Cft* DRUG STORE GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL, MORE WATER atm&tZiawtt • with a RED JACKET QmPii-JttVB" WATER SYSTEM < CAPACITIES TO 1S70 GAL. PER HOIIt PUMPING DEPTHS TO 120 PEET EASILY AND ECONOMICALLY CONVERTIBLE FROM SHALLOW TO DEEP WELL SERVICI Dollar-for-dollar, hart it your best pump buy. Haavy, durable construction throughout. Quiet, lubrication -- free operation -- only one moving part. A product of a worldrenowned pump manufacturer with over 75 years' experience in building water service products. The Centri-Jet "HB" Water System will more than satisfy you in every way. Coma in and see for yourself. •Wf 74.1• Submersible Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry Counff Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake miles from McHehry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. PHONE McHENRY 713 * \ v - * 1 iliiPiWwi We Specialize in Tractor Tire pairing! Truck, Tractor and Passenger Car Tires . . . ALL SIZES SPECIAL- &70xl5 CHAMPION" plus tax and recappablc tire FIRESTONE DRY CHARGE BATTERY McHENRY TIRE MART WALT FREUND, Prop. 526 MAIN ST. TELE. McHENRY 294 The Exciting Dodge Silver Challenger A Luxurious New Model at a New Low Price! Here's the perfect answer for economy-minded luxury lovers. A striking new '59 Dodge that's packed with special quality features, yet priced up to $306.50 below other cars in its class. It's big, solid, and comfort-sized. It has all the famous Dodge driving advances that make Dodge so much more satisfying to drive -- features like sway-free, dip-free Torsion-Aire Ride and safer Total-Contact Brakes. This new Silver Challenger costs less to drive, too. It gives you better gas mileage than many low-priced V-8's. See and drive this car for vourself. Look over the many added features -standard-on every^model. You'll know why "It Pays to Own a Dodge." DODGE DELIVERS 21.7 M.P.G. TO SCORE VICTORY IN M0BILGAS ECONOMY RUN GET ALL THESE EXTRAS AT NO EXTRA COST! • Special Interior • White Wall Tires • Wheel Covers • Floor Carpeting • Dual Arm Rests •. Electric Windshield Wipers • Dual Sun Visors • Torsion-Aire Ride (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price, including all equipment listed, exclusive of transportation costs.) IT PAYS iTO OWN A '59 DODGE A DIVISION OF CHRYSLER CORPORATION • Be sure to watch the "Dodge Dancing Party" with Lawrence Welk every week on ABC-TV. Check your paper for time and channel. A. a. BLAKE MOTOR SAL 301 E. PEARL STREET McHENRY. ILLINOIS