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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jun 1959, p. 13

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lursday, June 4, 1959 McHonry Shores SHORES CLUB HOLDS FINAL MEET OF SEASON by Louise Winters--2897 ••ti -- The final meeting of the Mc- Henry Shores club for this season will take place tonight (Thursday) at the VFW hafl. Let's have a good turn-out, and don't forget to let the committee know if you and yours are planning on enjoying the picnic on June 27. fttfi dcftlENRY PLAlNDEALEH »VT Page Thirteen SSAC News t^There is still time to register for the fishing tournament beginning at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 6. The awards have been in Justen's Furniture Store window for the past week and have been getting favorable comment from other subdivisions. The three awards will be for the largest fish, the next largest, and the most Jish caught by one individual. Many <5Uier prizes will be distributed after the contest closes at 2 p.m. Sunday, at the family picnic that will be held at the beach immediately afterwards. The committee is in hopes that the youngsters will take top honors and be the proud possessors of the trophies. One rule that will govern this contest is that all fish are ta be caught from the shores McHenry Shores, either along the Fox river or the channel. This will include any pier within the area, so get down early and pick your favorite spot. Don't forget, to be eligible, you must register with Sam Zeimet or Chuck Whitney. Residents only. They were especially impressed with our parade, with Patty marching in the Girl Scouts. On Sunday, Helen's sister, and her husbdnd, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-i seph Ziderowski, came out to complete the "picture, an/1 help eat up the turkey. Welcome home to the Lindwalls, who have just returned from a trip back East. They visited Vermont, near Montpelier, and then on down to New Haven to see Bill. Then on to New Jersey to see relatives, and on home. A lot of territory in one week. We're all looking forward to seeing Bill again shortly when school vacation begins. Julia and Sam Zeimet spent Memorial Day visiting relatives in Menominee Falls, Wis., and Milwaukee. A good time, but always glad to see McHenry Shores again. Soft-ball Jf you've wondered why a lot OF the fellows are walking with a limp, or favoring a right arm lately, it was caused by that great American pastime •-- baseball-- in its modified form of soft-ball. The Sunday workouts are attracting quite a few, and it looks like fun from our grandstand seat. Golf father's Day, June 21, has Been chosen for the two-ball foursome at Pistakee Country club. Tee-off will be at 3 p.m. Contact Art Cicchini, 3436-R, or Clare Mueller, 553-R-l, for registration and information. Since there will be several beginners, only nine holes are scheduled. Happy Birthday l0To Ed Olbinski on the seventh, and to Carl Kleine on the fifth. Ilany happy returns to all. Visits and Visitors We all had our share of visitors for the Memorial Day weekend, but in our book, we think the Whitneys must rate some sort of prize. They entertained eight couples, and in all tftit rain! Those from Chicago were Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kindelin, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Noakes and Mr. and Mrs. John Hill. From Park Ridge came Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore, from Mt. Prospect, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Morgan, a"hd from Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. Dink Salat. We know they all en- Hfed themselves; jfhe Simonsens entertained Helen's brothers, Frank and Ray Rielly, for th? weekend. News and Views The Winters joined several couples from the "Homebuilders" group from the Community at ,a dinner at a nearby country, club. The occasion was a "Sweetheart Dinner", when the husbands get the wives away fi'om the dishes for a change. Lon and Laura Smith were also present. It's so good to see Ruth Dodge home from the hospital, and looking so well. Happy vacation to all our little darlings, and if the stock market interests you, look for a jump in aspirin. For mothers. OLD BETSY Old Betsy (No. A-292) is a veteran of state service. The old girl with the name like a locomotive has given her all for the people of Illinois without a whimper. No vacations. No holidays. A straight shift r i g h t t h r o u g h S a t u r d a y s a n d Sundays for 365 days a year. For 15 long years. Now she has been removed from her friends in the herd at Dixon State school. Officials at the Division of Institutional Farms of the Department of Agriculture reported that the earnest old Holstein didn't even have the distinction of being '"registered" among the elite of the cow world. But Betsy produced a total of 138,000 pounds of milk and 6,233 pounds of butter without even thinking of it. Translated into basic arithmetic, Old Betsy produced between 16 and 20 quarts of milk a day during her productive years. She will be missed by all who admire high productivity coupled with good nature. Sunnyside Estates Hold Election In Area June 4 by Lois Anderson Today, June 4, is election day ip Sunnyside Estates. As you read this if you have not already voted, you have until 7:30 tonight to do so. The polls are at the Kanter residence on Oak drive. You know by now who the candidates are ana for whom you will cast your vote. If you can't cast your ballot this afternoon you will be given the opportunity this evening at the meeting in the Johnsburg school. However, it would be better t6 get it done earlier so that the votes cah be counted and we can learn the results, at the meeting. . Home. Bureau News A health talk on "Your Emotions and Your Health" was held at a joint meeting of the Sunnyside and Richmond units on Tuesday evening, May 19. A film was presented explaining how a child's early growth and environment, his basic emotional needs and lack of them can be carried into adult life in many forms of frustrations. It suggests amazing evidence of thought transference, affecting bodily functions that result in many psychosomatic disorders. Many physicians these days are suggesting either spiritual or psychological solutions to our daily fears and conflicts. It can be as simple as cultivating unemot i o n al common sense instead of being grievance collectors. Anxiety is the malady of our times. Few of us have completely ideal conditions yet we must manage to keep a certain balance of mind and cope with, more or less success, the problems of life. To mature emotionally is to face any situation realistically, in service to ourselves as well as to others. With vacation thoughts near at hand, let us not neglect our secret pals this summer, ladies. You may also keep in mind the 4-H picnic on June 14, in the McHenry park, with camp and county fair a little later on. Plans and presentations are in the offering. We are looking for volunteer help and especially some good pie makers. Let's all pitch in and have a good turn-out worthy of every member in our group. Call Mrs. Spindler at your earliest convenience, she will be happy to hear from you. Cab Scouts On Saturday, May 23, the cub scouts of Den 8 journeyed to the Glenview Naval Air base with other dens of Pack 362. The cubers were treated to a tour through a bomber and were allowed to sit in a helicopter. Adeline .Zeiger, den mother of the Suhnyside Estates cub scouts, drove her son, Dave, along with Bill Davis and Paul McDonald. Another treat the boys enjoyed was lunch in the mess hall. This was just one of the many fine excursions afforded boys in scouting. Accidents A couple of our yong residents were the victims of mishaps last week. Alan Kennebeck tumbled front' his new trike and his head connected with a rock that happened to be in his path. A trip to the doctor was made for a patch job of one stitch to close the deep cut on the forehead. Johnny Lakowske was enjoying a look from the front door when a cross current breeze blew the door shut and unfortunately his fingers were in the way. He too, took a fast trip to the doctor and x-rays disclosed no bones broken but they were chipped. He sported a splint and a sling for a few days but is now on the mend. Measles Judy Walczynski got over the measles just in time to get back to school for exams. Good thing too, 'cause who wants to go back to school for tests when everyone else is on vacation. Birthday and Anniversary Only one birthday child this week in the person of Alan Kennebeck. On June 9 he will be a big number 3. Happy birthday, Alan. Congratulations to George and Grace Owen who celebrate their fifty-first wedding anniversary on June 10. A Newcomer Ray and Alice Bieschke are the proud parents of a new baby girl born on May 26 at St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan. Tamara Lee, as she will be called, weighed 7 lbs. 6 ozs. at birth and is the first child of the Bieschkes. Congratulations to the new parents and welcome to Tammy Lee. Surprise S o m e t h o u g h t f u l w o m e n made Sarah Humphrey very happy by helping her celebrate her eighty-seventh birthday on May 27. The Mesdames Davis, Fry, Lundsburg, Olsen, Reece, Schweiger and Senkerik surprised her with a birthday* cake, coffee and a small remembrance for the occasion. Mrs. Humphrey is mother, grandmother and great-grandmother to the Schweigers and Bankers of Mayfair drive. "CRASH STUDY". Gov. William G. Stratton proposed that one of the major private foundations begin a '"crash study" of the tax, structure at state, local and federal levels. In a talk last week marking the 40th anniversary of International Harvester factory location in Canton, the governor said "some states are bankrupt and some local governments are already casting about for new ways of raising revenues. The federal government itself finds it difficult to stay in balance. Here is a field of study and work which could be backed by the millions a foundation could apply to the task." Village of Sunnyside INFORM PUBLIC ON METHODS OF REACHING POLICE Irma Gunther--1577-J take it easy for awhile so you will probably see him puttering around his home. If at any time you want to call the police all you have to do is call 2790. Please do not call Mr. Linden or Mr. Cios because they will only give you the police number to call. Don't forget the speed limit in the village and don't forget to remind your guests about it, that way no tickets will be received and everyone will be friends instead of enemies. Graduation Day Well, the school term has come to an end and vacation days are here for the children. There are some who have completed the first big hurdle in their education and I'm sure they are breathing a sigh of relief. From the Johnsburg school on Friday May 29, Janice Ripley proudly received her diploma. Sunday morning at the 8:30 Mass among the proud graduates were Susan Schultz, Billy Niemiec and our son, Fred. Our congratulations to these young ladies and .gentlemen and we wish them success for the future. WIN COMMISSIONS Forty-four members of the Illinois Officer Candidate school will be presented second lieutenant commissions in the Illinois National Guard by Gov. William G. Stratton in ceremonies at Camp Lincoln, near Springfield, Sunday afternoon, June 7. The public is invited to attend the program, which will include a concert by the 33d Infantry Division band and a reception. READY-MIX McHenn YES, We Have SATURDAY Delivery! THANKS, DOC SORRY I HAD TO D(?A6 YOU WAY OUT HERE ON SUCH A BAD NIOHT- 1 HAVE ANOTHER PATIENT OUT THIS WAY, SO I'LL BE ABLE TO KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE. YOU NEEDNT KILL TIME SHOPPIN6 ALL OVER TOWN FOR WHAT YOU WANT. THATis X? WANT. MeHENRY 4 RIGHT iiAoy-Mix HAVE THE BEST SELECTION AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRCES CLEARANCE SALE Everything Must Go! Everything IsXut In Price! Come In Arid See Us (Watch Repairing as Usual) Noonan Jewelry Store 200 S. GREEN McHENRY Birthday Greetings Belated wishes are sent to little Alfred May who was all of three years old. Sick List Well the Metzger family is finally recovered and you can tell Elizabeth is better because you can see her busy in the garden trying to get all her planting done that was delayed for two weeks. Harvey Murray is home from the hospital and coming along nicely, he has to cards and I hope all of you got them in on time. Because 4-B Cardinals I wonder if you mothers of 4-H' girls realize how hard their leader, June Stuart, works, and she sure can use help especially now with all of. the doings that are plahned for the coming months, so when she hollers help! help! you will know why.: JuBe 1 was to be the deadline for the signed enrollment 11 Jf . Bee she will be a counselor at camp June will have pre-camp classes on June 11 and 12 to get acquainted ' with the 4-H camp program. Six of her girls Will be attending camp which will be from July "20 to the 24. On June 14, the 4-H Cardinals will sponsor a pot-luck dinner at McHenry city park. This will be a family affair and all parents should co-operate with the girls. You will meet at 6 o'clock but will not begin to eat until 7 thus enabling the Benoche family who have to close their business first to be able to attend. Two softball games are planned fathers and daughters against mothers and sons. The younger children have things to do to amuse themselves also. The girls have some surprise entertainment to put on also. Each family is asked to bring their own beverages and two dishes of their own choosing and if your family is large then bring three. The Sunnyside Home Bureau unit will help. Next week I will have a list of things that will be coming up for July so now you mothers know why June calls for help! with all the things that are planned for your children. Well I guess that is all for now and don't forget to let me know about your vacations and the different things you plan to d6 now that the children are out of school. CATTLE TESTS Brucellosis and tuberculosis tests on 79,527 head of cattle during April by the Illinois department of Agriculture showed a low percentage of reactors. In a report to Gov. William G. Stratton, Director of Agriculture Stillman J. Stanard said that of the 42,469 cattle tested for brucellosis only 1.07 were reactors. Tests on 37,058 cattle for tuberculosis showed only .09 per cent reactors. 3% INTEREST On All Savings at McHenry State Bank effective July 1, 1959 --\ Take It Easy -- Take A Cab! When the weather's bad . . . When you want to reach your destination in a hurry . . . When you have luggage or heavy packages with you, ttfa time to call us for a cab. Remember our number. Radio Dispatched KfeHENRY CAB PHONE 723 Petent Drugs? We have a wealth•« fit ye# well and guard year health I e Our Urge prescriptions volume permits to maintain ample stocks, including many uses drugs and the newest specialties. Thus, we are prepared to compound all prescriptions promptly--and precisely as directed. As a special precaution, we dou« Mo-check GECIJ compounding step. Yet, you'll find our prices no higher than elsewhere. Try as, next time. Bolger's Drug Store 103 So. Green Phone 40 McHenr T J Mctknfoj ^ - c / R E A D Y MIX C o . / > v c 920 ANTIOOH • f=o& -/CH. /_ N?&?V/C£ G RAYS LA K £ • 9200 McHENRY FOR THAT LAST MIHUTE GRADUATION GIFT CHOOSE FROM OCR COMPLETE SELECTION OF GIFTS a n d CARDS AT BOLGER'S Sometimes overlooked -- in the light of Cadillac's many visible virtues--is the car's efficiency of operation. Its world-famous quality has reduced maintenance expense to the practical minimum--and gasoline mileage in the 1959 Cadillac approximates that of cars built and sold largely on the basis of economy. Very likely you have been tempted to investigate Cadillac ownership. Why not visit your dealer soon and be persuaded by economy? 77ie standard of the world in 103 S. Green St. McHenry, I1L FlfeNT Street VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. er 3800 McHENRY, ILL.

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