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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jun 1959, p. 17

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Thursday, June 4# 195^ THE^McHENRg BLAINDEMgR Page Sevanieea ^cCuUom Lake LADIES OF LAKE SPONSOR BAKE. RUMMAGE SALE Eve Levesque ifffasty pastry" and duds for the whole family will go "on the block" Saturday morning in t h e beach house. These events have proved so popular in the past and this one promises to be bigger and better. The members of the Ladies of the Lake .will accept any and all contributions of • good used clothing or other useful articles this (Thursday) aftern^| n and evening. Bring your merchandise early so it can be sorted and tagged to facilitate sales.' Any and all types of bakery goods, especially home-made bread, will be welcome. If fudge is your specialty--make that your contribution. Here's hoping every gal in the community will donate something. J^member--you don't have to Tfc^pa member to help. This is a community project "which will benefit everyone. Will you db YOUR share? Funds realized from the sale will be used to repair and purchase bigger and finer quality gate and street signs. This is everyone's show!! Report To The Village At the last meeting of the v£ige board, Monday, May 25, trustee Art Stuhlfeier called for an addition'to the minutes. He wished it stated that he protested the right of the president to make appointments. All members of the board were present plus a large group of spectators. In his report, road commissioner Don Parenti reported on the meeting which was held at tfiP beachhouse the previous Saturday morning. Present at this meeting were the president and all trustees with the exception of Bob Zahn. W. A. Rakow, village engineer discussed the proposed ditching and drainage project on Orchard Drive and Park View. This is the second step in the long range road progress jich was set up almost four Irs ago--after the incorporation. The work will be done with motor fuel tax money. Further discussion was tabled in order to obtain more information pertaining to installation of a storm sewer which should be part of the project. Hie following appointments of committees and chairmen was made by president J. R. Leyesque. Don Parenti will cmitinue to serve as road commissioner and will be assisted by Art Nelson and Bob Zahn. Building and zoning be under the chairmanship onArt Nelson with Roy Zody and Don Parenti on the committee. The new police commissioner is Arthur Stuhlfeier, assisted by Chuck Thacker and Bob Zahn. Don Parenti will continue as pon between the village and Fike concerning the dogs. It was noted that a $10,000 judgement has been filed against the village in the case of an arrest last year of a citizen, not a member of the community, by two of (Mir police officers. Earl H. Murray was voted 6- 1 to fill the vacancy in the police department. Paul C. Brendle was the other applicant. The next meeting will be held Monday, June 8 at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. It is encouraging to see so many of the villagers attending these .meetings. May the interest continue. Our officials can do a better job with our wholehearted support and co-operation. ly Inspiring Were 'the Memorial Day services which were held at the beach on Saturday morning. Fortunately, the weather held up beautifully all during the affair. The memorial wreath was placed at the head of the plaque honoring our three war dead by the brother of one who made the supreme sacrifice. Lt. Col Fox accompanied by one of his daughters made the presentation. . Sincere thanks from a grateful community to Father John Reuland and the Rev. Burton Schroeder for their spiritual offerings, to Past Commander of the Legion post William Althoff for his impressive address, to all the members of Legion post including the color guard, women's auxiliary, and the Viscount Drum and Bugle Corps for the lar^e part they contributed towards, the success of the program. The youngsters staged a musical drill which thrilled the audience. Miss Lynne Schultz, daughter of Theresa Schultz who was the chairman of the services, gave the pledge to the flag. We of the village are extremely fortunate to have this memorial park which is so outstanding and well-kept, and these yearly services do much to remind us of those who served. Ambulance Summoned Jake Kantorski was taken to McHenry hospital Sunday afternoon after suffering a stroke and received oxygen. His condition was reported as still critical as of Monday morning. He died that evening. Son Bob who had come home for the holiday did not return to Cleveland on Monday. The entire community extends deepest sympathy. Accident Victim Debbie Brendle, 3% year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Brendle of JPark View West, was struck by a. car in front of her home Sunday afternoon. The vehicle was driven by a resident on the"-next street. The youngster's mother, Ethel, was talking to a neighbor on the side of the rtiad when the little girl dashed out into the street, directly into the path of the eastward .bound car. She was taken to McHenry hospital for x-rays and one stitch in the head. According to reports she suffered a skull fracture, but was due to be released from the hospital on Monday. Fortunately the driver of the car was going slow or the results would have been tragic. Parents are warned by the father of the young lady to be especially careful with .their children during the next few months when traffic will increase considerably. And, by the same token, drivers are urged to use EXTRA caution on the village streets! More Hospital Patients The ambulance was summoned on Saturday, May 23 for Louis Block of . Park View West and he was taken to McHenry hospital. His condition improved and he returned to his home last week. Still hospitalized is Mrs. Evelyn Nichols of Fountain Lane. Another ambulance patient was Mrs. Louis Tomasello who was rushed to McHenry hospital on Monday, May 25 about 8:15 p.m. She was transferred to a private hospital on Tuesday. Callom-Knoll There vrtll be a meeting of the association tonight (Thursday), June 4 at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. Plans are under way for another Fun Festival which will be held some time in July. Sounds good. All members and those who wish to join are urged to attend. This club is responsible for beach maintainance. Breakfast Is Served The McCullom Lake Men's club will don their aprons and "man the stoves" on Sunday, June 7 when they will serve b r e a k f a s t at B e r n i c e and Whitey's. These affairs are held on the first Sunday of each month. The menu is extensive and dee-licious! Bring the family. Children are served for half price. This Time They "Clobbered" Their opponents, that is! We are referring to the tremendous victory that the McCullom Lake softball team enjoyed on Tuesday}- -May 26 CRUSHED STONE For Driveways FLAGSTONE FOR WALLS - WALKS • PATIOS , WE DELIVER F© RIVER STONE CO. Elgin SHerwood 2-6060 when they "slaughtered" Hettermann's by a margin of 39- 9!! This more than makes up for their previous defeat. The games are played every Tuesday night at the V.F.W. field and spectators are invited. That trophy is still in sight. Postponed Because of the tornado (how I hate 'em) warnings which where posted Thursday night the Ladies of the Lake did not hold their scheduled meeting. The next one will be held Thursday, June 11 at the usual time and place. "Nominated For Bravery" There should be a special award for the heroism of Kathy Schlitt and Lois' Parenti! When it was app&rent that they might be "attacked" by a yellow jacket (a type of wasp) these two stalwart women RAN for the protection of the bedroom leaving their youngsters to defend themselves! Imagine the sight of the two of them trying to get through one doorway at the SAME time! Betty Murray, the hostess, enjoyed the entire proceedings and has promised the two gals they will NEVER live it down! Not after being in print, they won't!! Special Events Department Master Kevin McKim is a big boy of six today ai ly awaiting the arrival-1 new member of the fasrtily. Happy anniversai*y is ip order for that very nice couple, Myrt and Gerald Burg who are wed fourteen years .today, June 4. Virginia and Dominic 'Tomasello of Fountain Lane will observe their anniversary on Sunday, June 7. One candle was on the cake for little miss Vickie Anna Kauki on Saturday, June 2. Big sister Gail Marie will be 7 on Monday, June 8. Tomorrow, Friday, June 8 will mark another year for Bud Brendle. Best wishes to all! Newly elected trustee Chuck Thacker is due for natal day greetings on Wednesday, June 10. School is out and for the next three months, the pitter patter of little feet and BIG voices will be with us. care motorists, we likeVoi kids! See you next week? Gold was so plentiful i^HHl ombia in the early days that fishermen used it for making fishhooks, according. to World Book Encyclopedia. * < 1 LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to an order of the COUNTY COURT OF Mc- HENRY COUNTY entered in Case 59C72 on May 28, 1959, the following notice is given: An election will be held in tfie unincorporated, area known as "Pistakee Highlands" to pass on the question of incorporation of a portion of "Pistakee Highlands" as a Village. The election will be held on Saturday, June 20, 1959 at the Premises located at 114 North Woodland Drive, Pistakee Highlands. Polls will be open from 7:00 AM. to 7:00 PM. The legal description of the area sought to be incorporated is: Part of Section 5, in Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, as follows: Commencing on the North Line of Section 5 at a point 520 feet East of the North Quarter Corner thereof for a beginning; thence East along the North Section Line to the East Line of Section Five; thence South along the East Section Line 750 feet to a point; thence West 1640 feet on a line parallel with the East and West Quarter Section Line to a point; thence South on a line drawn parallel with " the North and South Quarter Section Line to a point 33 feet South of the East and West Quarter Section line thence West on a line parallel with the East and West Quarter Section Line to a point 495 feet West of the North and South Quarter Section Line; thence North 1327.65 feet to a point on a line parallel with the North and South Quarter Section line; thence East 495 feet on a line parallel with the East and West Quarter Section Line to the North and South Section Line; thence North 610 feet along the North and South Quarter Section Line; thence East 520 feet on a line, parallel with the East and West Quarter „ Section Line; thence North to the place of beginning in McHenry County, Illinois. The foregoing description includes: The South side of Sunrise, both sides of Bunny; both sides of Woodland Drive; the East side of Agatha; both sides of Fox Lake Road from US Highway 12 to Broadway and a strip of land along US 12 750 feet \yide from Fox Lake Road to the Lake County-Mc- Henry Courfty Line. Robert J. Heilgeist, , Attorney at Law 135 So. LaSalle St., Chicago 3, 111. (Pub. June 4, 1959) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of KATHRYN M. HOWARD kEMPFER, Deceased. • £> Notice is hereby given to all persons "that Monday, July 6, 1959, is the claim date in the estate of KATHRYN M. HOWARD KEMPFER, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. CHESTER W. HOWARD Executor Joslyn, Parker, Kell & Conerty Attorneys 116 Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois Telephone: Woodstock 1135. (Pub. June 4,-11,-18, 1959) / It's too bad that the fellow who gets carried away with his cleverness isn't. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES PITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO S P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:S0 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT L. PHONE McHENRY 452 RABID DOGS DECLINE-- tj f, St a t e compulsory vaccination of dogs has resulted in a major- decline in the number of rabid dogs reported by health authorities. In 1952, when the state began vaccination, there were 322 cases reported. Last year nine rabid dogs were reported. The number of cases in the intervening years, according to the state Departments of Agriculture and Health, were: 1953, 174; 1954, 206; 1955, 41; 1956, 59; 1957, 21. Insufficient funds have brought many a pleasant occasion to an abrupt conclusion. SHOP IN McHENRY ED'S RENTAL RENTS Chain Saws to Sanders PHONE 32 --"•There is no law of God or man which suggests that wealthy criminals should not pay the- full penalty for their crimes. SHOP IN McHENRY Bucn£Mk PLUMBW®, (we ONLY SELL - AND PLEASE JAKE MEED, II GUARANTEED 1 PROPERLY INSTALLED H.E.BUCH (Med SONS: PLUMBING -ME ATI NG 2JJJ) AIR CONDITIONING mm/' Your Savings Do Bctter AT MARENGO FEDERAL Above average Dividend rate 33/4% All accounts insured up to $10,000.00 by Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Stability of Principal always -- no fluctuations All customers and dollars are treated alike. There is no special or preferred class. Open an account any time, in any amount Marengo Federal AND LOAN SOWINGS ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. Stale St. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 Total Assets Over $10,000,000.00 SAFETY Of SAVINGS BENT YOUR torntal Wear for All | Occasions ai llkt St ore for f y1 en BENRDSTOVAU WOODSTOCK I L L I N O I S ti THE BEST HOME BUY NORTHERN ILLINOIS! MODEL ©PIN DAILY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SUNDAYS 10 am. to 8 p.m. THIS HAL 1ST CAN'T II BEAT... COMI OUT AND SE FOR YOURSELF! VALUE-RATE~iffeTROCKET The man who knows value goes Olds! - <$ More and more medium-price car buyers who want the moat for their money are joining the swing to Olds. Why? Because they figure up all the extra quality features and conveniences Olds has as standard, equipment. They sai^efully eon* sider the economy of the Rocket Engine •• ; the low-cost maintenance of am Olds ... its higher resale value. Bat most of ail they ask themselves, mIs this the kind of car my family and I will be proud to own ,ii one that will give us the full measure of fun and comfort we want • • i is this the car whose style tall stay in style?" The overwhelming "yes1* can be foood in the zooming sales success of the *59 Olds- % mobile. See your Oldsmobile dealer today i s • Value-Rate the Rocket! 4 MINIATURE MODIL With appraisal. . . and Rocket Road-Tost - , W- V* EASILY FINANCED NO MONEY DOWN TO QUALIFIED BUYERS! ^llltr tlfftlitil : v HiLLCREtr L® S ATI In Hillview Subdivision on South Edge oi Richmond, Illinois . . . Off Hwy. 12, Between the High School and Hillview Shopping Center . . . Watch for Signs and Banners. '13,950 scote nodal of a *59 Ote far yo*. Aft ycso have to do is drKn in and bowa ywar preraketiMr yov VALUS-BATE H»« Bockal «• FE* KXXM ON YOi New 60 Lot Addition Just Opened -- City Water, Gas, Sewers . WITH THESE FEATURES: -• • 1188 Sq. Ft. of LIVING SPACE • ATTACHED GARAGE • 11/2 BATHS • OAK FLOORS • 3 BEDROOMS • PELTA WINDOWS, STORMS7 SCREENS LER PLUMBING FIXTURES • BIRCH CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS > KOHRANGER. X OVERTON MOT#R SALES 403 FRONT STREET •oi mi wrarmrctt^ PHONE 3202 « fOW tOOtt WHOMIP «r EVERY Mmsw&.oo HIE VALUE CAR Mrraqtfli' MUCE an McHENRY. jn T. I TMTMITT «lft m MASTER HOOD and FAN • CHOICE of EXTERIOR FINISHES CLOSET DOORS • RHEEM HOTWATER HEATER! BI-FOLD A. N. MAY BUILDERS, Inc. RICHyOND, ILL TEL. RICHMOND 4381 m i »

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