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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jun 1959, p. 2

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pT,. Pag* Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Install New WSCS Officers The W.S.C.S. met in the "Community Methodist "church dining room on Thursday, May «a, at noon. An inspirational message was given by Rev. George W. Martin, followed by the installation of officers for the ensuing year. Officers installed were Betty Francke, president; Ann Varese, vice-president; Irene Keim, secretary; Berniece Mac- Callum, treasurer. . The Miriam circle served luncheon. Rotation of new circles was announced. PERSONALS Christen Daughter : Off Hubert Liptrots On Sunday, May 31, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. •Hubert Liptrot was christened Jane Margaret by Fr. Reuland at St. Mary's church. Present at the baptism were her four sisters, her grandmother, Mrs. Julia Kent, of McHenry. Mrs. Arthur Lip- ^tiot of Hinsdale and the godparents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. ^Reed, and children of Chicago. Shower Honors Miss McCurdy A miscellaneous bridal shower was held at the home of MPs. Dan Creamer on Monday evening of last week, honoring Miss Helen Patricia McCurdy. Fourteen guests were present to watch the bride-to-be open her many lovely gifts. Refreshments were served from an attractively decorated table. Miss McCurdy will be married June 7 to Gilbert P. Soustek of Fox River Grove. Phannenstill Baby Christened Sunday The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phannenstill was christened last Sunday at St. Peter's church in Kenosha, Wis. Sponsors were LeRoy Spieker of Kenosha and Mrs. Verne Roberts of Gurnee. Movies and other pictures were taken, after which a buffet supper was served to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. John Phannenstill of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martinez of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Roberts and Mrs. Robert Vogt of Gurnee, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Spieker and ehlldren, Steve and Joan, of Kenosha. LOCAL GIRLS - AMONG LEADERS AT ROSARY COLLEGE £ ' Miss Barbara Schroeder, a junior at Rosary college, was cm the committee for the ftiother-daughter tea held May 6. Barbara, who is a homeeconomics major," modeled a formal which she had made. * Miss Kathleen Anglese, als& ^ junior at Rosary, was recently elected secretary of the student government for next year by a vote of the student body She was also one pf twentyfive incoming seniors elected to the Torch Honor society which has charge of the guidance and orientation of freshmen. This selection was made on the basis of scholarship, leadership and service to the school. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muska left Thursday on a trip to Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Homer Dodd and Miss Helen Moran of Waukegan were visitors in ' the home of Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butler of Forest Park visited here last week. Mrs. Delia Matthews has been spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Matthews in Evanston. Mrs. Sophie Kosti spent the Decoration Day weekend in Minneapolis, Minn. Leo Heimer spent the weekend in Indianapolis, Ind., where he attended the races. Mrs. Henry Owens and Mrs. Bess Abrams of Rockford, Mrs. Dora Hahn and Mrs. Beth Hahn of Racine Wis., were guests in |he home of Mrs. J. O. Holly Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer paid their last respects to the former's aunt Mrs. Lena Naggatz. at a Palatine funeral home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Creamer, spent the Decoration Day weekend with relatives in Muskegon, Mich. Stewardess Colleen Ward, who recently received her silver wings in the Air Force, spent a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent the Decoration Day holidays with McHenry relatives. John Schreiner of Elgin spent the weekend with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughter, Diane, of Waukegan visited McHenry relatives Decoration Day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Smith vacationed in Wisconsin over the Decoration Day holiday. Decoration Day callers in the home of the Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel included Mrs. Henry Pierot of Aurora, Miss Helen Frett, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Federo, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Federo and daughter, Debby, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whiting and family of Elgin called on McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Owen and daughter, Martha, of Lincolnwood, were Sunday visitors in the Robert Thompson home. Decoration Day callers were Mr. and Mrs. Granger Smith and Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevens of Waukegan. Mr; and Mrs. Thomas Mc- Cabe of Waukegan were visi- MARRIAGE LICENSES Ronald W. Kloss, Chicago, and Frances Handrock, Crystal, Lake. tors in the Arthur Kennebeck home Decoration Day. William Sutton of May wood called on relatives here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Woll, daughters, Mrs. Cynthia Geddes and Phyllis Woll, of Washington, D. C., spent a few days this week with local relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walsh, daughter, Patricia, and Miss Ellen Walsh were Dubuque, Iowa, visitors Saturday, where they saw the former's daughter, Ann Loretta, receive a bachelor of arts degree in sociology in exercises held at Clarke college that afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Engdahl, Jr., and son, Mark, of Detroit visited in the senior Engdahl home this week. On Friday they will all leave for a week's vacation in the home nf Lt. and Mrs. J?>nk Pepping in Grand Rapids, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. William Berndt and daughter, Jacqueline. of Des Plainer, were weekend guests in the home of Mrs. Kathryn Freund. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway nnd son. Mike, attended a family gathering and dinner at the homo of Mrs. Hugh Howden in Harvard Sunday honoring her son. J>mes. who graduated from the Harvard high school last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tomlinson and daughter. Lynn, spent Sunday with relatives in New Lenox, 111. Mrs. F. Vaughn Jones and Mrs. Peter M! Justen entertained the members of the McHenry Garden club at a luncheon at Delavan Tuesday of Ifi'st week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mc- Omber of Highland Park were McHenry visitors Friday. Visitors in the Herb Simon home during the weekend were the Robert Wayman family of Arlington Heights and the .Tamps Wagner family of Milton. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake, s o n s , J a m e s . G e r a l d a n d Thomas, daughter, Clarice. Miss Joan Lubinski of McHenry. and Mr. and Mrs. John Wolowic and sons of Druce Lake, attended the wedding of the former's daughter. Miss Dolores Blake to William German, which took place at St. Joseph's church in Fort Jennings. Ohio, Saturday, with a reception following at the American Legion home in Delphos, Ohio, Mrs. Joe Glosson, daughter Patsy, and Mrs. William Staines attended graduation at St. Mary's high school, Woodstock. Mrs. Staines grandson, James Allen Whiting, was a graduate. A reception followed at the Lee Whiting home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walsh and daughter, Patricia, attended commencement exercises at Clark college on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hollander attended the wedding of her cousin, Miss Jean Litz, in Chicago recently. Mrs. Carl Behnke, Mrs. Jack Hollander and Mrs. Hans Behnke attended a bridal shower in Chicago last week, honoring Miss Marilyn Mullard. Miss Mullard will become the bride of Alfred Behnke, Jr., of L a Floor Sanders to Rotary Tillers PHDWE 32 FOR GRADUATES W SIZE ONLY 2'/2" x 4" -- FITS IN YOUR SHIRT POCKET! • Six Transistors • Choice of Colors wjfc Includes Leather Cas«j, Battery and Private Listening Earphones Powerful, receives all stations Complete - $21.95 GE AC DC PORTABLE RADIO A 8 way portable with printed chassis, 4" speaker. 4 tubes plus dry plate selenium rectifier Complete with Batteries $29.95 Chicago, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. *Carl Behnke, on June 27. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mc- Cracken of Bensenville visited in the Leonard McCracken home recently and attended the annual music festival at the high school. FINE PROGRAM PRESENTED BY MUSIC PUPILS An excellent musical program was presented by students of Sister Andrella in Stj. Mary's hall Tuesday evening, May 26. The program opened with "Strings on Parade", featuring Katherine Brzezinski, Kathleen Pitzen, James DeVos, Raymond Pollock. Beverly Grote, Dolly Myers, Joseph Caparros, Bonnea Bonder, Francine Parisi, Carol McMillan, Pamela Parkhurst, Mary Maipede, Terrance Schmitt, ^Christine Perry, Charlene Meyer. Barbara Toren. David Wagner, Gail Parks, Karan Justin, Victoria Freund and Wayne Kidd. The maypole dance followed by the fifth grade' girls, ac-' companied by the "Sports Coats", Deno Buralli, Ronald Bykowski, James Brefeld. Edward Parks and James Bykowski. A musical hike camp^next, fealuring the talentsjSi Francis Mazzone, Mary Jo Gilpin, Dobra Varese, Robepr and Rodney Mauch. Linda Blake, Vicki Brda, Cathy Boone, Josephine Cina, Lorraine and Patricia Miller, Kathy Steinsdoerfer, Donna Schiller and Valerie Rrefeld, Gregory and Connie F r e u n d , P a t t y , T h e r e s a a n d • T u d y N e w k i r k , R o s e m a r y Blake, Pamela Leight and Kathleen Meyer. A concert by piano pupils followed, featuring Patripia Walsh. Charles Brefeld, Dorothy Kerr, Renee Leight, Vicki Miller, Carlotte Olson, Theresa Freund, Susan Brown, Christine Crane, Christine Chelini, Kathy Bolger, Laura and Jane Phannenstill, June Miller, Susan McClarey, Donald Klapperich, Connie Freund and Patricia Mann. "Newlyweds Introduce New Nurse Trainees To 40 et 8 Kotallk Studio Photo THE RONALD BECKERS Miss Monica Wever of Oakhurst subdivision exchanged nuptial vows with Ronald Becker of McHenry in a ceremony .performed at the Community Methodist church on Saturday, May 23. Two Graduate At Seminary Graduation ' ceremonies at Salvatorian seminary St. Nazianz, Wis., opened with a solemfi jjhigh Mass offered on Safur(j4jf, May 30. This marked th^fformal closing of the fiftieth* Scholastic year at the seminary, which was begun in 1909. Two young men from Spring Grove were among the graduates. William Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith, and Louis Leigh Kagan, son of Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Kagan, received diplomas. Both young men plan to continue their further studies for the Rockford diocese in the fall. The graduation address was given by the Rev. Denis Cooney, S. D. S. Let every dawn of morning be to you as the beginning of life. AL. CAJTHAML NAMED PRESIDENT OF HONOR SOCIETY Al. Cajthaml was installed as, president of the local chapter of the National Honor sodTety in an impressive program held in the high school cafeteria after Baccalaureate last Simda& evening. r. Installed with him Wer^|Rck| Aritonson, vice- president; Patty McCracken, secretary; *ind Ron Smith, treasurer. Parents and faculty members were present to witness the impressive installation ceremony. Miss Maurie Taylor is faculty adviser, and the faculty,! council is made up of JjflrsH Dolores Kreuger, Mrs. Clarence Anglese, George Haasl and Jack Vick. You do not have to be a resident to trade in McHenry but it helps. 3% INTEREST On All Savings at McHenry State Bank effective July 1. 1959 New county nurse trainees were introduced to the 40 et 8 voyageurs in their promenade at the Woodstock Legion home recently. There are n6w twenty. the newest appointments being Judith Schuler and Mary Stuck of Woodstock and Barbara Grochocki of Wonder Lake. Among those who have already graduated under the program are Jpan Wenzig of McHenry and Mary Clinton of Wonder Lake. Undergraduates include Joan Hanson of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stach are, the parents of a son, born at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, on May 25. A son was born at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, on May 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dawson. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richafd Parker of Spring Grove at Harvard hospital on May 31. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Busch of Richmond are the parents of a daughter, born May 28 at Memorial hospital. Brenda Marie is the name chosen for the daughter born on May 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Roman J. Bauer. There are three other children, Michael, Julie and Sheryl. EASTWOOD MANOR BARN SCENE OF KIWANIS AUCTION One of .the McHenry Kiwanis club highlights of the year will be held on June 20. The annual auction will be held at the barn in Eastwood Manor at that time. There will be many articles to chose from and it looks like everyone will have a good time. Chairman Robert Roalsen reports there will be a jalopy that can be smashed with a sledge hammer. The Kiwanis auction slogan might well be, "Don't hit your wife: hit the car." Anyone wishing to donate any articles should contact Mr. Roalsen. Pick up service has been arranged. Plans are also under way for the Kiwanis Pancake Day, which will be part of the McHenry Fiesta Day.. Last year this event was a big success. The McHenry Kiwanis club is interested in helping Fox Lake start a club. Dr. Urban Comes and Robert J. Conway are in charge of this project and have made some contact^ in Fox Lake. Club After Glo and the merit award dinner are annual projects jointly conducted by the McHenry Township Kiwanis club and the McHenry Kiwanis club. These events were held in May and from the reports of the chairmen were most successful. , The Lake Region Choraliers will present their sixth annual spring concert on Wednesday, June 10, at 8 p.m. in the Wauconda high school auditorhA. Mrs. Kenneth Giysing of Griswold Lake is a member of the group. Highlights of the program will include "Count Your Blessings", "In The Still of the Night", selections from "My Fair Lady" and "Battle Hymn of the Republic", with organ and piano. There is no admission char^. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our beloved husband and father, ,George King, who passed away fourteen years ago, on June 9. A precious one from us is gone, A voice we. loved is stilled A place is vacant in bur home Which never can be filled*. Mrs. George King®- and Family 5 If it will please her at her age, why not tell her she's beautiful? But don't yawn when you say it. PHOTO PRINTING AND DEVELOPING 24 H@UR SERVICE AT Q Thursday, June 4, 1959 Choraiiers Present Concert On June 10 AMERICAN CLEANED FREE BY RAINBOW CLEANERS NEW 49-STAR FLAGS available for our customers too! We have made » special purchase of a limite™ number of the new 49-Star Flags which may be bought at a very reasonable price. Still Housecleaning? Let Us Help You With Your DRAPES SLIPCOVERS RUGS, Etc.® SAVE 10% Cash 'N Carrj RAINBOW" CLEANERS Around Corner North of National Tea North Front Street PHONF 027 Open Fri. Eves. Til Always Plpty of.'fcft- g free Parhig at " Rainbow Drive-In McCMSY STATE BANK To Pay Krfe of Interest We Have A Complete Line Of GE Transistor Portable* Radios J24.J5 to $59.95 IEE S RAY ELECTRIC PHONE 882 516 W. Main St. MoIKenry, 111. The Board of Directors of the McHenry State Bank,has approved a 50% increase in the interest rate on savings accounts effective July 1st, the Bank will boost the rate from 2% to 3% per annum. The new rate of 3% is the maximum amount of interest allowed by law. The maximum amount of interest which commercial banks are permitted to pay is set by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank. The increase will benefit more than 7,000 savings customers with an accumulated savings in excess of $6,000,000.00 according to figures released by the Bank. The new higher earning rate is in keeping with the Bank's policy of giving savings customers the highest possible rate of return consistent with maximum safety and liquidity. It is hoped that thrift will be encouraged and savings deposits stimulated because of this additional incentive to save. The average individual not only benefits himself from a program of saving but will be helping to suppress inflation tendencies. The McHenry State Bank which has been serving the McHenry community since 1906 is McHenry County's Jargest financial institution with resources in excess of $14,000,000, and is a member of both the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. McHENRY Established Since 1906 Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 LADIES' BRASSIERES-- Cotton Broadcloth •• Special 2 for $1.00 • Reg. 79c -- $1.00 Value Ben Franklin said: "A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned.'i i Save Lots of Pennies on these Super Values! Friday -- Saturday Only! YOU CAN TRUST BEN FRANKLIN'S ADVERTISED SAVINGS No fictitious^ comparative claims. You can be sure the Savings indicated are True Savings from our regular everyday low prices. Reg. $1.49 Round Woven CLOTHES BASKETS 90 Reg. $1.29 CUTLERY TRAY Poly Stack-o-matic Reg. 89c MAILING ENVELOPES 100 to Box 29 Reg. 19c PLASTIC CEREAL BOWLS ass't. colors lor ..Reg. 29c Pair CANVAS WORK GLOVES 3 p, for 57° Reg. 98c 45 RPM -- 78 RPM RECOBBS for Reg. $8.29 SUMMER BLANKETS 72x90 $2@e Reg. $2.98 Men's White BROADCLOTH SHIRTS $237 ea. 2 FOR $4.50 Reg. $1.49 CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS 14 % 17 $|ii Reg. $2.49 White BED SHEETS 81x99 -- 72x108 -- Twin Fitted 77 Slight Irreg. 81x108 -- Full Fitted -- $1.97 Reg. 59c PILLOW CASES 42x36 -- Irreg. <T| 47°... SUMMER BLOUSES Ass't Styles -- Colors Sizes 32 -- 38 i>^s© Boys' -- Girls' RUBBER PLAY SHOES 8V2 - 12 12% - 3 $139 Reg. $1.69 Boys' -- Girls' TEE SHIRTS Sizes 3-6 (Irreg. of Famous Make) White -- Colored DINNER NAPKINS 250 Pack 37 €1 STRAW RUGS SIZE 24x48 79' SIZE " SIZE SIZE ---SIZE 36x60 48x72 5'x8' 6x9' -gii--188-- 3®9--£§8- BEN FRANKLIN STORE - McHenry . - In The Heart Of MeiiUfy's Greater Shopping Center §

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