Pag* Sixteen THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER McCullom Lake LAKE CLAIMS JFIRST VICTIM, HARRY BERRY. Jit Eve Levesque The sound of the siren at the McCullom Lake beach Sunday evening pierced the ears of all residents and struck terror in their hearts. The lake had claimed another victim. He was Harry Berry, Jr., 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry * Berry of 100 Orchard Drive. Details appear on the front page of the Plaindealer. Each and every member of the community extends deepest sympathy to this family in their hour of grief. It was a tragic accident and we sincerely pray that there will be no repetition. All of us are grateful to the McHenry fire -department, to> Dr. Mussato, ..and to Fathers Nilges and Reuland who so promptly answered the call for help. . Sound the Alarm In order to prevent further tragic accidents, Chief of police Larry Murray has requested that NO TIME BE WASTED in sounding the alarm. The siren was mounted on a pole located in the center of the beach for emergencies. If there is any chance that someone may have gone under, CALL FOR HELP. Every minute counts and may mean the difference between life and death. A word of caution-- youngsters are warned not to tamper with the siren or send out a FALSE alram. Annual Fun Festival The fun festival which is being sponsored by the Cullom- Knoll association will be held sometime in July. Bill Walter of Orchard Drive is general chairman and will be assisted by the Parentis--Lois and Don, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hammerstein, Bill Reid, Barbara Thacker, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zody, Leon Hanna, Theresa Schultz and others who have not as yet been selected. Some of the outstanding features will include the selection of "Little Miss McCullom Lake, a doll buggy parade, and a "white elephant" sale. There will be a refreshment stand for those who would like to sate their appetites. This promises to be an outstanding affair and one you won't want to miss. Watch for further details! Howling Success!'. Was the rummage and bake sale held by the Ladies of the Lake on Saturday in the beachhouse. The affair grossed $135 and there will be very few expenses. This money will be used to purchase new and bigger gate signs at the entrances to the village and to replace damaged street signs. Vmt MI an Only HUMAil" You don't like stale food, why should the birds? Give your parakeets or canaries FRESH feed. They'll love Evr-Fresh BIRD SEED IN CANS As fresh as the harvest, vacuum' packed with its freshness, flavor, natural oils and vitamins sealed in. BOLGER'S Hats off to Louise Hammerstein, Betty Poledna, Marie. Howe, Laura Slater, Emma Pyritz. and "Petey" Schmidt who took care of sales and brought the affair to its successful conclusion. Verbal orchids to all the grand folks who baked goodies in spite of soaring temperatures and to all who donated merchandise. And let us not forget to express appreciation to the many customers who came, saw, and paid! This was truly a community project in the best spirit. Thursday# June 11, 1959 residence in Chicago. They plan another trip which will take them to California some time this summer. Best wishe's a n d m u c h h a p p i n e s s . . t o t h e young couple. Top Scholar We point with pride to Tom Olsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Olsen of Spring Road who led his class of 171 young high i school students in scholarship. His picture appears on the front page. Tom had hopes of being tied for second place position and was completely surprised when informed of his standing! This young man is not only a top scholar, but a fine yong man as well. As the eldest in the family, he has been a great help with the two younger children, Ted and Margie, and has held down a job of some sort since he was very young, or many years he was the faithful news carrier of the Plaindealer. We think he deserves heaps of praise! On Sunday, a graduation party was held at the home of his parents in his honor. Among the guests were his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodor Olsen, <^ffie Willard Schultz family, Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting and daughters (especially Sandy!) Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wells and family, and the Levesque tribe. It was a wonderful party in honor of a pretty wonderftil guy! Mourn Los of Friend Elsie and Ray Osterby were deeply grieved by the recent passing of Elsie's brother-inlaw, Leif Monge of Chicago. Ray and Leif were boyhood chums and Mr. Monge was instrumental in furthering the romance between the Osterbys. During the depression, the two men earned a living by peddling fish on the northwest side of Chicago. Hradly a stranger to our locale were the Monges for they managed to visit with Elsie and Ray every two weeks for the past 15 years. stocked with black bass afi'd blue gills in October. There should be very good fishing by the spring'of 1961 and the water will clear up. % Orange Blossoms A summer wedding reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmidt of Fountain Lane for Bill's daughter, Patricia and her bridegroom, Mr. Maurice Zikry on Saturday, May 30. The young couple were wed earlier in the day in Skokie and were attended by Miss Marlene May and Richard Ferme. After the nuptials, the wedding party and about twenty of their young friends gathered at the Schmidt residence for the festivities. Mr. Zikry was born in France and came to this country three years ago. He made his home in Chicago where the couple met and their romance progressed. Maurice and his beautiful young bride honeymooned at Sunset View in the Brown's Lake area of Wisconsin for one week and have now taken up CREAM OF THE CROP MEANS BEST THE L01> NATURALLY WE'RE REFERRING TO FREUND'S DAIRY MILK PRODUCTS A BALANCED FOOD c lOTM _dairy, inc.; I C&EAM ( mcUCNRYI Burred •E.G.CZS \ I OD7'r*G£CW££s£\ IXCALDAIRY" Apply For Gas • It is requested that villagers who wish to install gas in their homes, make application for same as soon as possible. The number to call is Crystal Lake 2200. Lack of applications is holding up the work. And for those who are concerned about their lawns-- they will be cared for also, in the very near future. Under Age Drivers According to police chief Larry Murray, there are parents who are allowing their youngsters under 16 years of age to drive the family vehicle. This is a direct violation, and parents are asked to co-operate. It is against the law even with a licensed driver in the car. Please wait until your young son or daughter reaches the legal age. Lake Conservation Program Work to clean out the lake will get under way Aug. 27 and continue through the twentyninth. It is estimated that there are between 40 and 50 ton of carp and thousands of pounds of stunted fish that must be removed. From Floyd Fry, president of the McCullom Lake Sportsmen's club, comes word that the insurance has been okayed and permits received, including the one for Rotenone. The entire project is being carried on with the co-operation and advisement of the Illinois Conservation Department. When the lake has been cleaned out, it will be re- Scheduled For Surgery Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kinsey, former residents, have been spending the last couple of weeks with their children who purchasea the Kinsey residence on Orchard Drive. Myrt apd Roy. who moved to Florida, have come back in order that Myrt could undergo another operation which was scheduled for Tuesday of this week. She has had the first of the series and we hope the second will be as successful. She checked into Resurrection hospital in Chicago on Monday night. Good to see both of them looking. so well. Country Art Fail- Mrs. Barbara Brand is entering two of her oil paintings in the Country Art Fair which will be held Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, June 19, 20, and 21 at the McHenry junior high school, and is under the auspices of the McHeifty hospital auxiliary. Many fine events will be featured during the three days including artist, beginners. and children's workshop, gallery tour, and auction. Why not plan to attend? Little League Schedule Our young Cubs will challenge the Wonder Lake Indians at the McCullom Lake beach on Tuesday, June 16 at 6:30 p.m. These games are mighty serious things to the young players and provide stimulation for the spectators. Everyone is welcome. Ladies of the Lake Will meet tonight at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. All women of the community are cordially invited to attend. Natal Day Greetings To Fred Matthesius who is "birthday boy" of the week. You can congratulate him on Saturday, June 13. Belated greetings to Bob Fernandez who celebrated his birthday on Sunday, June 7. Sunday, June 21, is Father's Day, so plan on something special for the "old man". He deserves it. Bye for now. See you next week. SHOP IN McHENRY A» SKIN IN itQUIRK 'WINGS OF GOLD1 Navy Ensign Terrence E. Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus L. Ward of 615 Allen Avenue, McHenry, has his '"Wings of Gold" of a naval aviator pinned on by his wife, Mary, at the Naval Auxiliary Air station, Kingsville, Tex. He received his wings recently upon completion of advanced flight training. GIRL SCOUTS t Sunshine Girls There were thirteen members present at the Ringwood Sunshine Giris 4-H Sewing club meeting. The meeting was June 4 at 7:30 in the Ringwood church basement. Susan Low gave an illustrated talk on "Sewing Equipment". Safety talks were given by Linnea Larson and Leslie Decker, a health talk by Cristy Fossum and a demonstration on "Staystitching" by Evelyn Harrison. After the meeting some of the girls cut out their patterns. Refreshments were served by Cristy Fossum and Evelyn Harrison. The next meeting is scheduled for June 11 at 7:30 in the church basement. Evelyn Harrison, Reporter BAND IN CONCERT Pictured as they performed in a recent concert are members of the McHenry Junior high school band, with Paul Raasch, their director. A highlight of the program was the appearance of Stanley Vycital as clarinet soloist. VA ASSISTANCE A Veterans Administration representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, June j ing, second 16, to inform-and assist veter- i stock. ans, their dependents, and the I general public regarding all I READ THE WANT ADS benefit programs of the VA. Their representative will be on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the U. S. Post Office buildfloor, in Wood- OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 Front Street McHenry, 111. FRFF tire INSPECTION (Parts Additional) wilh GREASE & OIL CHANGE THIS WEEK ONLY WITH AD Happy Clovers The third meeting of the Ringwood Happy Clovers was held June 5, at the home of Evelyn Harrison. Evelyn Harrison gave a demonstration on mixing a cake. Donna Schmelzer gave an illustrated talk on safety of fires. Ida Mae Walkington gave a demonstration on safety of children! Tommy Walkington gave a talk on cleaning up the kitchen. He also gave one on safety of lawn mowers. The next meeting will be held1 at Pat Hogan's home Friday, | June 12, at 7:30. Refreshments! were served by Evelyn Harri-J son. Linda Low - reporter ' CRYSTAL LAKE ~ ' GIRL WINNER OF # : NURSE SCHOLARSHIP Another young McHenry county woman has accepted a nursing scholarship from the auxiliary of Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, and therefore the hospital at Woodstock is guaranteed at least' a • j year of service from a registered nurse who has graduated! from an accredited school Wl< nursing. j Miss Karen Koehler, daugh-i ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph' Koehler of Rt. 1, Crystal Lake,! has been chosen as^the 1959 * recipient of the $3Q0 scholar-; ship which is awarded yearly ( by the hospital's auxiliary.' Miss Koehler will enter North- i western university in Septem-1 ber, will take nurse's training j at Chicago Wesley MemonK i hospital, and will emerge with' a B.A. degree in nursing four and one-half years from now. If there are any young worn-; en in the county who are interested in the nursing scholarship, and who will enter their senior high school year this fall, they should contact Mrs. Charles Parker of the hospital auxiliary. A --fr ANNOUNCEMENT With the permission of the state law, I would like to announce to the people of this and other surrounding communities that Shan-Gra-La Home for the Aged is allowed to have two bedridden patients. We have facilities and accommodations for two such patients. We can also care for elderly people who want to live in a home away from home that are capable of taking care of themselves. Enjoy our hospitality, good food; beautiful grounds and comfortable modern home. All people here live on the first floor with no fear of being endangered by fire or other accidents. ^ If interested in placing your loved ones in our home, call McHenry 419. SHAN-GRA-LA HOME FOR THE AGED COOL DOWN... DlteSS UP IN A (MILAN BY for "the look of eueeesa" Why be a hothead this summer? Cool down and dress up in Champ Centredent Milan. Here's the famous Champ "Pinch-of-front" styling, caught in an *5.95 elegant weave. Perfect for summer - - for business - for you! Straw Hats McGee's men PHONE 47 117 So. Green St. McHenry, 111 Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon SIS MONEY SAWIH© OFFIR! SDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY ON E 11-14) ML RJLIES Rug Shampoo Set $4.00 a day ( reg. $5.00) Floor Scrubber & Polisher, 13" brush . . $2.00 a day (reg. $3,001 Red Devil Twin Polishers . $1.00 a day 542 MAIN ST. The Nation's Neighbor • WE oruT Most JtiV7¥B. McHENRY 2916 in a cool, enchanting mist of C'CVkOM. INC., J94#-' * ' AQUAMARINE SPRAY MIST From this moment on surround yourself with all the freshness and bouquet of the first spring flowers ... envelop yourself in Aquamarine. Cool ... so cool.., it tingles with excitement AQUAMARINE $P*AYMtST...lAU Oe COCOON6 ... LOTION ...TALC • •. BATH POWDC«... #©A* AT BOLGER'S