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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jun 1959, p. 19

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Page Twenty THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McHenry Shores . DURING SUMMER CLUB WILL HOLD SOCIAL MEETINGS _L Thursday, June 11* 1959 day. with friends, the Boes, thing special, to say nothing from Broadview, helping make of all the fun involved, at 3 a rainy day sunny. ip.m., at Pistakee Country club. The Corcorans visited their Final reports on t+ie fishing son and his family conne. Wis., over in Winne- Mcmorial tournament next week. by Louise Winters--2897 j Sehmitt's ftunt and We goofed' The McHenry !cmisin> 1,10 Callens- from Wau" Sh^sclub met last Ssday Wis" Paid the Schmitts night at the VFW hall for its'3 vlslt ™ently. June meeting, but it was not the last meeting of the season. This year we will meet all summer. With our very active ways and means committee going strong, the summer meetings will most likely be socials. Come out and join in on the fun -it's air conditioned. • Latest on Roads For those few who weren't at the meeting, the road oiling will be entirely up to the indi- : divdual at .the present. The j majority seems to be in favor; of improving our roads, but until such time that the percentage of those interested is muctPgreater, the subject will be dropped. Many thanks to the road committee' for all their work in theJ past few months. j Spring Grove Fifteen Graduate From St. Peter's by Mrs. Charles Freund i Tom and Mary Denigan and their three children, from Costa Mesa, Calif., have just returned home from a two week visit with the,McI}enry Shores' Denigans. Graduation j The Rezniceks are happy to i announce, that two grand- [fore ihe mass in their caps and I daughters are graduating this!"own^ directly to the altar June. Judith, from Riverside where Father Daleiden, presented the diplomas. During A very impressive ceremony was held at St. Peter's church on Sunday, June 7, during the eight o'clock mass when fifteen graduates received their diplomas. They marched in be- ' A report was given on the conj vent ion which was held in a j hotel in Rockford in May. The next meeting will be held in Cary with postmaster from Fox River Grove as host. Holy Name Meeting • Members of the Holy Name society met at St. Peter's hall on Wednesday for their regular meeting. After the meeting there was cards and a lunch was served. Anniversaries Congratulations on wadding anniversaries this week go to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tinney and Mr. and Mrs. George W. May. The Senator Says by Senator Robert McClory the mass they received Holv Brook high school in LaGrange Park, and "sister. Karen Reznicek. from Brook Park school, j ^ ompiunion. This year's gradalso in La Grange Park. Judith | nates are William P. Hart, Lorsang a solo at the graduation j 1'aine h. Miller, Harvey A. i exercises, and Karen had thejMa>- Mafgaret C. Popelka, (lead in the school play. Con- ^Harlan J.. Dam, Sharon M. I gratulations, and are there any i more p roud grandparents around? More Graduation Several of us, along with hundreds of others, gathered at McHenry high school's gym to watch the graduation exerj Smith. Thomas A. O'Meara, | Karen J. Sheets, Randall B. Dickow, Beverly -A. Jones, 'Richard J. Sipa'lt, J. Garrett [ Kennedy, Leonard A. Dam Randolph O. Schoneck, Everett E. May. Beacli Improvements The much talked of. and -- - ~ «=.•-- i r.r-iiltmt^ Frnm hoped for cement slab at t h e exer- /, f°"eKe r beach will come into being jcises last Friday evening. The | ,lotin Jd«J Sheets, son of very shortly, thanks to the ' ceremony was impressive. andlMl- <mc> Mls- John Sheets beach committee's efforts. | the speeches good, but what They are planning on its being impressed us the most was the ready for our picnic on June ' need for an auditorium in this Lotus Club Enjoy Outing Members of the Lotus Country Woman's club enjoyed a dinner and a pleasant afternoon at the Wing 'N Fin near McHenry oil Wednesday. Visits Mr. and Mrs. John Jung of Freeport visited the Walter Browns and Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Kagan and family this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Baldwin visited relatives in International Falls the past week. 'noji, ur stands that the cost is strictly for materials, all the labor is being donated. We understand it takes all kind to make up a subdivision. But we are also very fortunate that the bricklayers and cenment workers in our midst are as generous as they are with their time. By the way. it takes no special j graduatiof area. If a bond issue .'ver comes up for one. we hereby volunteer our services for pounding pavements and knocking on doors. Our local graduates in the class of 1959 were Nancy Lokay and Allen Dilg. Good luck and best wishes to both. Fred Stark attended the rcises of his Club Meets Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Luella May on Thursday evening. A delicious _ham_dinner was served after -4-i'a-imng--l-o--Irrni--you r shove|i tj rm fter~FTurly. at 'the Glenbar which cards were played. Prizes and good stromr back for the! high school in Glen Ellyn, on went to Mrs. Eldred Johnson, graduated from Bradley University with a bachelor of science degree at commencement exercises at Robertson Memorial field house in Peoria, on Sunday, May 31. Mr. and Mrs. Sheets and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young attended the ceremony. digging involved before hand. (June 2. Happy Birthday News and Views To Fred Dodge on Ihe f!f- I Don't be upset and have teenth and jyour glasses changed if you To Albert Simbourger An the 'saw Mr. Mueller on channel 9, fifteenth, and To the Whetherhult boys. Jimmy and Mike. Jimmv will be 11 on the eighth and Mike will be twelve on the thirteenth. Many happv returns to all. Visits and Visitors Memorial Day weekend was a while ago. hut reports are'next? still coming in on all the com- j pany in our subdivision Mr. ' and Mrs. Dunran entertained son, Andrew, and family from Kenwood. Mrs. Charles-Freund and Mrs. Dolores May. Mrs. Norbert Klaus had tlie birthday of the month and was presented with a gift. The club will meet next at ihe home of Mrs. Johnson in Woodstock. Attend Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, Pauline Anne and Chuckie attended the wedding of Gary Wageman and Susan Blake at Tljat glow on Miller Drive j Sacred Heart church in Meyer, comes from the Sehmitt's new Iowa, on Saturday, June 6. gas lamp, who's going to be I They also visited relatives over and happened to notice him going to church at the same time last Sunday morning. Irene let us in on the secret, and we found that the show was taped the previous Wednesday evening. Brownies M r s . V i r g i n i a T h o r n t o n , Troop Leader, and Brownie Troop 518 enjoyed a hike and a visit on the Eugene Rober farm on Tuesday of last week. Graduation Dinner Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Kagan entertained approximately sixty guests at a dinner on Sunday, May 31, held in honor of their son, Leigh Kagan, who graduated from Minor Seminary on Saturday, May 30. • Something the public can't understand is why we continue to permit uninsured motorists to operate their automobiles on our highways. Complaints Rave been addressed to your state senator dozens of times by the victims of car accidents where the other driver carried no insurance. "Why flo we let them drive?" they ask. There is no adequate answer when the victim has been maimed or otherwise permanently injured *by a careless and "uninsured" driver. • - The Illinois Safety Responsibility Act is no adequate answer. Like the proverbial one free bite of the vicious dog it permits a driver one accident before steps are taken to revoke the offender's driver license and require him to get insurance. So-called "compulsory" insurance laws-- as enacted in New York and Massachusetts --are bitterly opposed by the insurance lobby in Springfield. Such laws require the insurance companies to issue policies to all drivers upon demand, and drive rates upward as the "poor risks" are issued their policies. Two alternative proposals to c o m p u l s o r y i n s u r a n c e h a v e been offered by your state senator and Senator James W. Gray (D„ East St. Louis). One of these bills, S. B. No. 418, would merely require each auto liability policy to contain an "uninsured motorist" clause. Thus, if an insured motorist is injured in an accident caused by the negligence of an uninsured motorist, the insured motorist's insurance company becomes responsible to pay the damage claim. The additional premium for such coverage is small, is now available on a voluntary basis and is carried by many policy holders. Senate Bill No. 418 would bring this coverage to all policyholders. Another advantage of this bi}l is that protection would be given in cases of accidents with out-of-state drivers and against hit^and-run drivers, as well. (Two categories which are not covered under the compulsory insurance laws) Another proposal, Senate Bill No. 419, would require all uninsured motorists to pay into a fund at the time of applying for vehicle licenses. This fund would be used to satisfy claims for injuries when an uninsured motorist caused an accident. Of course, persons who show evidence of insurance coverage at the time of securing motor licenses would be exempted from making payments to tne uninsured motor- \ : /sts fund. Under Senate Bill No. 419, the secretary of state would administer this alter, nate plan. Unfortunately, opposition to both of these alternative proposals has come from lobbyists for some of the insurance companies. The reasons for this opposition must be extremely difficult for the public to understand. With respect to the uninsured motorists fund (S. B. No. 419) to be administered by the secretary of state-- the insurance companies object to the State "getting into the insurance business." ' Still, this bill affects only those risks which the companies are unable-- or unwilling-- to serve. If there ever was a legislative obligation in the public interest-- this is it. In 1958 alone, more than 38.000 Illinois motorists who carried no public liability insurance had accidents causing injuries. As a result, more than 28,000 uninsured motorists lost their licenses to drive. Part of the opposition to a mandatory uninsured motorist clause (Senate Bill No. 418) is glllllillllllllllllUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiii^ I VILLA NURSIf HOME f { ON PISTAKEE BAY NEAR McHENRY | 1 1 ( Home for the A§@d | 1 S E N I L E . . . . BED P A T I E N T S I i = s s= i PHONE McHENRY 461 I = EE n11llllltlllllllIIIIIIIIIII||||||||||||||||||||||imi|||||||I||||||I||||||||||||||||1||IHI||||N|||||||||||||||||||||t||||||||||trH that insurance coverage in some areas would have to be refused. Such an objection must be shocking to the public, for it means that the insurance companies would not want to protect their own policy- holders from the real- - and frequently tragic-- riO of injury or maiming at the hands of an irresponsible and uninsured motorist. A distressing thought, isn't it? How much more distressing is the suffering-- physically, emotionally, and financially- of the persons who were the victims of those 38,- 000 uninsured Illinois motorists! M aasssaMMaaMaai BUCHj&bk PLUMBIR® A NEATER GIVES A_ _YOU WATER A] HOT- $ A LITTLE iWATER OR A LOT FOR [HOT WATER HEATERS! H.E.BUCtl om,OL SONS PLUMBING-ME ATI AIR CONDITIONING $lu>*tL M'HENRY 4Q ^ Christening The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert May was christened Nancy Ann at St. Mary's church in Aurora cm Sunday, June 7. Sponsors for the baby were Mrs. Ray Callaway of Michigan City, and Eddie Murphy of Minnesota. i t he weekend. Visits and Visitors Lorraine Paul of Evanston was a visitor at Alice Dilg's home for the holiday. Lorraine Gus and Helen were hosts i spent part of the time at Daisy to the brothers Kropps. Wil- j Smith's, an old friend. One of <inm. from Milwaukee, and ' those coincidences that make Emil, from California, and this a small world. their respective families. This ! past Saturday saw the Smiths j s Golf at Long Beach (Indiana, that Don't forget the two hole is) enjoving Gus' office picnic. foursome for Father's Day. Art The Schwiekerts had an in-iCicchini or Clare Mueller will donr p;<"njc to celebrate both I furnish all the details. We unthe holiday and Agnes' birth- derstand the prizes are some- Postmasters Meet Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund attended a dinner meeting of the McHenry County postmasters held at Big Foot, Wis., >on Wednesday night, June 3. BENT YOUR Formal Wear for AU Occasions at ojkt Store -for Men RFAKD^SIOVAIL n/Art ncrnri' II t A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service p All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling iyro-rs 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 616 Front St. McHenry, 111. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R edical Mirror HAT DOCTORS SAV ABOUT: Katmkdqt • Club Foot Q. "Would you please write something about clubfoot?"-- I. P. A. Clubfoot occurs about once in each thousand births, affecting boys more often than girls. The cause is unknown but clubfoot does seem to pop up in certain families. According to most • doctors, the chance of haying a second child afflicted in this way is about 3 per cent (3 chances in 100). Treatment of clubfoot is often started during the first six months of life. Casts are used at first. Later the child's feet are held in proper position by use of a splint or bar. After the first birthday the child can often do without the splint during the day, using it only at night for the next several months. Special shoes are then used. With early correction, about 9 out of 10 ; youngsters will wind up with per- ! fectly good feet Surgery is required in about 10 per cent of , cases. , Q. What cauies low blood pre*- ' *ure and is there any treat' ' ment? ! A. Low blood pressure (hypotension) of a severe degree can be associated with several rather serious diseases. However, somewhat lower-than-aver^ge blood • Low Blood Pressure pressure is commonly found in normal people. Low blood pressure in such cases simply represents an ideal pressure. These persons have no symptoms and they can expect to live just as long as the next fellow. There is another kind of low blood pressure called postural hypotension. Here, the blood pressure falls when the person rises to a standing position. The fall may be sufficient to cause dizziness or even black-out. Symptoms disappear when the affected person lies down. Some people with this type of hypotension seem to be helped by wearing tight fitting elastic bandages about the legs or a tight abdominal binder. Drugs are useful in some cases and in others all that may be needed is treatment for an under* lying nervous disorder. Answers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all doctors. The diagnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's personal physician. Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O. Box 396, Madison Sq. Sta., N. Y. 10, N. Y. will be incorporated in these col' umns when possible. Yon may pay more bat yon cant get better Prescription Service. e** DRUG STORE GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. MORE WATER . no Sofia oftt with a RED JAeifiT Qrihi-Jetm WATER SYSTEM • CAPACITIES TO 1S70 GAL. FIR HOUR • PUMPING DEPTHS TO 120 FUT • EASILY AND ECONOMICALLY CONVERTIBLE FROM SHALLOW TO DEEP WELL SERVICE Dollar-for-dollar, tare 1$ your bait pump buy. Heavy, durable construction throughout. Quiet, lubrication -- free operation -- only one moving part. A product of a worldrenowned pump manufacturer with over 75 year*' experN •nee in building water service products. The Cantri-Jet "HB" Water System will more than satisfy you In every way. ComQ in and see for yourself. JITS AND Submersible Pumps IT'S EJWllrsiNEXPEHSlVE UMJb-Ul ... WITH THESE ALUMINUM BMCKFTC You Save JJp To eo% Keep Cool and have good ventilatiM B Sure To See Our Complete LJii<§ ®i New Building and Cabinet He ware Just The Thing For Your B-B-Q Cookouts' • Simple to erect • Easy to maintain • Folds compact foi easy winter storage ) IICNa»N» COMPUTE RAN©! 1)1 MODERN COLOR** GlldcOoD INDURANCi House Row Alkyd fortifiod for msIm1 brashing, longer wear, higher gloss. Nob •chalking. leaveeltRHy i LAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry £@unty Well 1 Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullonl Lake V/2 miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Hd. PHONE McHENRY 713 Our Compeieni Staff Is Equipped To Assist You With Any Building Problem ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" I On Highway 31 - South of Kiaiei Street - McHenry, Illinois PHONi 1424 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING "ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE TO t)UR CUSTOMERS" I

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