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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jun 1959, p. 8

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Page Eight f THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, June 18, 1959 at M. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Antonson, sons, Dick, Tom and Mike, left Saturday on a few. weeks vacation to the Canadian Rockies. C. H. Duker is home from his teaching duties in New Orleans to spend the summer here. He plans to return there in the fall. The C. W. Beckenbaugh family of Clinton, Iowa, and the Don Beckenbaugh family of Racine, Wis., were recent guests of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bower, sons, Tommy and Jimmy, of Richmond, were visitors in the home of, Mrs. Nellie Bacon Wednesday evening. I Mrs. Glen Shales of Des- j Plaines and Mrs. Raymond Whiting of Lake Geneva, Wis., | pent- the past week in the I home of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. j Nye at Pistakee Bay. | Mi*1, and Mrs. Eugene Nye.! and sons. Tommy and Jimmy, ! vacationed at Was h i n-g t o n. j D. C., the past week. j Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. j Bauer have been entertaining! their daughter. Sister Mary i Helen, R.N. of Milwaukee, j Wis., their son, Gerald Bauer. ! wife and children. Mike. John, i Ann, Joe and Paul, of Tulsa, ; Okla., and another son. Dr. ; Raymond Bauer, wife and j daughter, Cindy, of Detroit, I Mich. A reunion of the Freund ' family was held at the Bauer home Thursday evening, and , "Friday evening members of the ' Bauer family were entertained there. Other members of the immediate family present for a ; dinner on Sunday were the 1 Andrew Steinsdoerfer a nd j Donald Bauer families of McHenry and Raymond Bauer who is home from Marquette j for the summer. The only one ' absent was Brother Paul a ! missionary in East Africa. 1 Mesdames Victor Adams, Al- ! fred Freund, Joseph Adams, j Alex Adams, Otto Adams. Al- ! fons Adams and Misses Julia Margaret and Rose Stilling, ! attended a shower for Miss ; Betty Ann Hosch, a bride of j the near future, held at Rich- j mond Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pow- ! ers and son, Scott, of Pekin, ! 111., were weekend guests of his mother, Mrs. Lillian Powers. Mrs. George Streeter, Mrs. Margaret Luetke and Miss i Charlotte Haase, of Chicago, were Sunday visitors in the ^ome of the Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. James Brandt of Winter Park, Fla., were called here last week by the death of her sister, Mrs" Ray Page. Triends of Mrs. Laura Land- MoHenry resident, will be in- .ver of Barrington, an old time 'erested to know she is spendng the summer in the home of ^er son, Keith, in Bakersfield, Calif., where she went to attend' the graduation of her grandson, Douglas Landwer, from the Bakersfield high school, this month. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Christenson of Park Ridge were Sunday dinner guests in the William Staines home. Afternoon visitors were the Mervin Staines family of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Convay attended a gathering at ie Allan Blanner .home in Crystal Lake, recently, honorhigh school ting Mrs. Richgla ing their son, TV Blanner, a graduate of the Crystal Lake year. Fleming attended the wedding of Miss Man,' Carol Schneider of Chicago and Mr. Howard Stassen of Elgin which took place at St. Phillip Neri church in Chi- I cago, Saturday, with a '-ecep- ! tion at the South Shore Counjtty ciub, folowing the ceremony. Mrs. Alvin Miller and family and Mrs. William Staines returned Saturday from a lew days visit with relatives in Humboldt, Iowa. Members of the Evening Bridge Club, and guests, enjoyed an outing and luncheon at Long Grove last week. Those who made the trip were, Mrs. George Lindsay and sister, Mrs. Reed, Mrs. P. M. Justen, .Mrs. Thomas Phalin, Mrs. H. B. Schaefer, Mrs, Fred Bienapfl, Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mrs. Raymond Powers. : Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kaelin returned recently from a trip to Tulsa, Okla., where they were ; *atp ~0JMary's called by the death of her sis- ' sch0(ji of nursing, Graduates HOME BUREAU i ANNUAL MEETING SCHEDULED JULY 7 Legals ADDITIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS GIVEN LOCALLY SISTKK MARY HELEN Sister Mary Helen, S.D.S., daughter of Mr. and Mfs. Joseph L. Bauer of Ingieside, on^ of a class of twenty-four sen*' ior students, became a grarfuhospital Wausau, June 19-20-21 Country Art Fair -- Junior High School -- Sponsored by Woman's Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital. COMING EVENTS-- June 20 Summer Supper -- 5 to 7:30 p.m. -- Zion Lutheran Church Grounds -- Sponsored by Ladies Aid. June 25 O.E.S. Public Card Party and Bake Sale--1 p.m.--Masonic Temple. June 27 Smorgasbord Dinner --Ringwood Church --- 5 to 7 p.m. -- Sponsored by Ringwood W.S. C.S. June 30 Card Party and Luncheon -- St. Peter's Hall, Spring GroVe -- 12:30 p.m. The McHenry county home 1 Bureau annual meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 7. according to Mrs. Mil- ! hi ed Olsen, home adviser. The meeting will be held ^n the Westwood School auditorium beginning at 1:30 p.m. Demonstrations of 4-H clubs ; in foods and flower arranging, i and a 4-H dress revue will high- | light the afternoon program, j nlong wit^i the regular business meeting. Ail Home Bureau unit members are urged to attend this annual meeting to become better acquainted with fellow members from other units and learn more about their Home i3ureau organization. Because of July 4 falling on a Saturday, the McHenry county Home Bureau office will be closed on Friday, July 3. County Medical Group ter, Mrs. Millie Brown. They , wis., jn an impressive cere- xHoldinCI Clinic Dav also visited their daughter, Mrs. j mony Sunday, June 7. Diplo- | 9 7 Don krug and family, in St. mas were presented to the Joe, Missouri, while away. j graduating class by Sister JThe McHenry County Medi-, The Bernard Jung family Marv Jean director" of~ the ' society f Clinic visited Brookfield 7oo Sundav ^ ' director °r \isnea tsiooKiieia z.oo t»unaa>„ ; Day on June 18 at^Memorial school. Guest speakers for the , wnsnit ii fnr M^Hpnrv rvMir.*,, and also called in the horfh? of ooccccaassiioonn wweerree *Frr. cCaammpDiioonn, ;i .S\V, oPoJd sft oc"k". MThceH epnrorygr aCmo unwtiyll Mrs. Eleanor Manning in Park. I Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller! left Saturday for a trip to j Alaska. They plan to be gone j a month. j Mrs. Nellie Bacon attended ! a gathering at the Robert j Croak home in Woodstock, j Sunday, honoring her great 1 occasion were j O.F.M., and Fr. Edwin Knauf of Augusta, Wis. L. OFFICERS ARE NAMED FOR COUNTY HEART COMMITTEE begin at 5 p.m., with a break for dinner at 7 p.m. The first of Ihree speakers will be Dr. Edmund Foley, cheif of medicine. Cook county Hospital and University of Illinois. His topic will be "Diseases of the Liver". He will be followed by Dr. Manuel Lichtenstein. chief of surgery, Cook Countv Hospital and University of 111., talking on "Diagnosis and Treatment of Bowl Obstructions". At 8 pm. Dr Ben Lichtenstein. chief of At a meeting held last week, , the McHenry county heart granddaughter, Cathleen Ther- j committee re-elected Dr. Tamese Croak daughter of the-i bone as chairman for the com- Richard Croaks of Chicago, 1 jng year. Mrs. Raymond Portwho was christened by Rev. ! er Crystal Lake was re- F r . E g a n a t S t . M a r y s c h u r c h j e l e c t e d v i c e - c h a i r m a n , a n d that day. ; Mrs Everett Eickstaedt of Mrs. Anna Miller, Mr. and j Harvard was re-elected secre- I neurology Cook County Hos- Mrs. Eugene Miller and daugh- | tary treasurer's office | pit?U and University °f Illinois ter, the Chuck Miller, Jerome | be fi,]ed at a later date. | wi" address Ihe group on Miller and Carl Neuman fam- ! Thie fund drive report for the \ Epilepsy ^ - Diagnosis and ilies attended a party at the i county indicated that $7,283.43 ,Treatment"- William Miller home in Fox has been raised throughout the : -- River Grove Sunday, honoring ; countv this past year. After j CRIISE their daughter, Mary Rita Mil- | the ciose of the fiscal year on I Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoenler, who graduated from the j .June 30. a report by towns will jholtz'and drughler, Ruth Ann Crystal Lake high school re-, be released. Lnd Mrs. Edna Leonhart have ~ ™ x. i A new member of the board- j returned from the U.S.S Misses Dolores Rogers, Nan- < Mrs. Arthur Olson of McHenry, .Northampton flagship "depency and Judy Stilling returned vvas vveiCOmed. ; dents f.rUise" earlier thir The committee adopted a j month. The cruise ended at the plan proposed by the Illinois , nava] operating base at Nor- . Heart association that a heart i f0]^ Mr. Schoenholtz, novvj as- Mrs. Eleanor Nye and Ar- | representative be secured inisisfant superintendent of thur Martin were Waukegan j every community throughout j schools served in the Navy and Harvard visitors Sunday. -- • • The Leo Blake family were Sunday visitors in the John Wolowic home in Druce Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Monday from a vacation in New York. They made the trip by plane. the county. This person will become identified locally as a heart representative, and will i be a resource person for information in referral services of Freund entertained at their j the Heart association in her home Saturday evening, hon- ; community. oring their daughter, Diane, of j Dr. I. Levine of McHenry St. Joseph's Convent, Milwau- j and Mrs. Thomas Andrews of , kee, who is spending a few Algonquin were appointed as : weeks here. Guests were Mr. j representatives to the Region and Mrs, John May and Mr. i III executive board who. along and Mrs. George May, of Wau- ; with Dr. Tambone. will help kegan; Mr. and Mrs. Albert 1 form the policies of Region III , Rosing, daughter Janet, of of the Illinois Heart associa- : Libertyville; the Norman tion. Freund family of Wauconda; ! the Jay Seymour family of j It won't kill you to be care Wheeling; Mr. and Mrs. Leo : ful. 1 Blake, Tommy and Clarice and ; I Mr. and Mrs. Herman Etten, j J McHenry. ! Mr. and Mrs. HP^P^ Enedahl, Jr., and son, Mark, have Returned to Detroit, Mich., af- . ter a vacation spent with his , parents, the senior Engdahls. j I Mr. and Mrs. George Dues- | : ler returned recently to Re- ; : dondo Beach, Calif., after j ! spending ten days with Mc- | Henry relatives. , during World War II. 3%1NTKST On All Savings at McHenry State Bank effective July 1, 1959 OBITUARY PETER PETERSEN Peter Petersen, 86, who had Inimed in McHenry most of his life, died Tuesday, June 16, at the Kenneth Petersen home on the McCullom Lake road, j where he resided. After his retirement Mr. Petersen remained on the home farm, which his son now operates. Death ended a short illness. He vvas born Aug. 16, 1872, in Denmark and came to the United States at the age of 19. Survivors include the son and one 1 daughter, Frances Petersen, of McHenry; five grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. , The body rests at the George ,1 listen & Son funeral home until 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon, when Rev. George Mar- 'in of the Community Metholist church will officiate at last rites. Burial will be in Woodland cemetery. Annual American Legion CARNIVAL July 1-2-3-4-5 McHenry, 111. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a tentative budget and approi. i iaiiun ordinance for road and bridge purposes of McHenry Township ,in the. County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning March 24, 1959, and ending March 22nd, 1960, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at McHenry Post Office Station from and after 9 o'clock A.M., the 8th day of June, 1959. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said Budget and Appropriation Ordinance will be held at 8 o'clock P.M. Tuesday, June 23, 1959, at Supervisor's Office in this McHenry Township, and that final action on this Ordinance will be taken by the Highway Commissioner at a meeting to be held at the Supervisor's Office at 9 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, June 23rd, 1959. CHARLES J, MILLER Highway Commissioner H. WALTER ANDERSON Clerk (Pub. June 18, 1959) Take It Easy -- Take A Cab! When the weather's bad . . . When you want to reach your destination in a hurry . . . When you have luggage or heavy packages with you, it's time to call us for t» cab. Remember our number. Radio Dispatched McMlNHY CAB PHONE 723 The names of 493 additional I l l i n o i s s c h o l a r s h i p w i n n e r s were announced this week by Gov. Stratton. The appointment of these winners was made possible by withdrawal of studenls from the group of 2 , 9 9 6 a n n o u n c e d e a r l y i n March. Among the new names were four from the McHenry ar«V The local students are Dale Bares, Rt. 3, Robert Bates, Lakeland Park, Albert Cajthaml, Sunnyside Beach, and John Moss, of Mineral Springs. Approximately 60 per cent of the awards being announced provide financial aid, while the remainder are honorary. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness, cards and floral offerings received since the loss of our loved one. We are also grateful to the many people who assisted^Lig at the time of the accident The Harry Berry Family GRADUATES WITH ! HONORS ; Peggy Stamer graduated • with honors from the Univer- J sity of Illinois last Saturday, ; June 13, She was recently inii tiated into Pi Mu Epsilon, na- ! tioiral honorary society. To be able to read is not the same as to know what to read. j GIVE FLAG HISTORY < Ellen Clark of McHenry^ I valedictorian at St. Mary's j high school in Woodstock thi$ j spring, was one of three Wogd- ! stock students who recited the | history of the flag at the aril! I nual Flag day ceremonies held I by the Elks club on Sunday.^ edical Mirror . WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT: Through mhmkdae Note to readers: Thanks for all the nice letters. As many questions as possible will be answered in this column, but for obvious reasons replies must be brief. Q. "Is it unusual for menstrua* tion to be delayed many months after a miscarriage? Will the cycle return to normal without treatment? What does D & C mean?"--A Minn. reader. A. A considerable delay in reestablishing the cycle after miscarriage or full-term delivery is not unusual. Special treatment is not often required. "D and C" refers to dilatation and curettage (pronounced cure'i-tahzh'). this procedure consists of widening the cervical opening just enough to permit the scraping or cleansing of the inner cavity of the organ. D and C is performed for various reasons and under various circumstances. Q. My skin breaks out every time I tvear nylon stockings or other pieces of clothing cow taining nylon. Is there any way to overcome this other than by avoiding nylon clothing? A. No. So far as is known, there is no really effective way to desensitize against nylon. Just avoid nylon clothing. Q. "Will you please tell me what causes strep throat fol- >* lowed by Bell's palsy?" --. Mrs. C. A. "Strep" is short for streptococcus, a germ which causes in- ! fections in various parts of the body, the throat included. Bell's palsy, in which the muscles ofev one side of the face are partially paralyzed due to involvement of the facial nerve, can follow in- . fections but the true cause of the ' condition is very often unknown. ' The paralysis of Bell's palsy usu- ' ally starts to clear up within one ' to several months. sv •s* Q. "This may sound like a "a silly question but it doesn't feel funny. I am 21 and for several months I have had a tickle ii^< my throat that makes me cough• * I also sneeze a lot. What do ! you suggest?"--Miss T. ? A; The only suggestion is to see a physician and let him find out what's wrong. Constant throat " tickle with cough might be due ' to any number of things, from nose or throat irritation to an elongated uvula (the little finger- - like projection that hangs from the soft palate). Question! directed to Science Edi-*\ tors, P:0. Box 396, Madison Sq. Sta., N. Y. 10, N. Y. will be incorporated in these columns when possibjere** DRUG STORE GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. PIZZA su AT THE COUNTRYSIDE PIZZARIA c ON ROUTE 120 EAST (Next To The Moose Club) DRIVE-IN AND For a tremendous selection of the newest in cool Short Sleeve Sport Shirts See Our Selections CARRY OUT SERVICE HOURS: Sun., Tue«., Wed., Thurs. 5 p.m. 'til Midnite Fri. & Sat. 5 p.m. 'til 1 a.m. -- Closed Monday Phone 292© COOL SPORT SHIRTS by Van Heusen, Enro and McGregor 52.95 - 54 - «5 - 55.95 - $7.95 cGEES Store For Men 117 S. Green St. Phone 47 STORE HOURS: Open Daily from 8 A.M. to 6 I' M. Open Friday Evenings until 9 P.M. Open Sunday Mornings from 9 to 12 Noon 3rd ^ylnnnal Country Aft^ Fai* FRIDAY. SATURDAY & SI McHeurf Junior High School -- SCHEDULE OF EVENTS -- FRIDAY 0 OPENING 2:00 P.M. ARTIST WORKSHOP 2:00 - 4:00 BEGINNERS' WORKSHOP 7:30 - 9:00 (50c fee for materials) ARTIST WORKSHOP 8:00 - 10:00 SATURDAY OPENING 2:00 P.M. ARTIST WORKSHOP 2:00 - 4:00 CHILDRENS' WORKSHOP 2:30 - 4:30 (50c fee for materials) ARTIST WORKSHOP 4:00 - 6:00 BEGINNERS' WORKSHOP 7:00 - 8:30 (50c fee for materials) AUCTION 8:30 -StJMDAY 7 : OPENING 10:00 A.M. ARTIST WORKSHOP 11:00 - 1:00 ARTIST WORKSHOP 2:00 - 4:00 LOAN SHOW TOUR 3:00 € <

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