Page Ten THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday/ June 18; Legal NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids close June 30, 1959, 8:00 o'clock P.M. (D.S.T.) Community School District No. 12, McHcnry (Jolinsburgt. Illinois, will receive sealed bids Illinois, entitled "An Act Regulating the Wages of Laborers, Mechanics and Other Workmen Employed Under Contracts for Public Works", approved June 26, 1941, the Board of Education has determined the general prevailing rates of per diem wages of the totality where the building is to be built, and the general for an addition to the pi esent j proVailing rates of legal holi- Johnsburg Grade School Ruild- j days and overtime uork for I each section of work described l herein and said wage rates are ing, McHenry (Johnsbwrg). Illinois, until 8:00 o'clock P.M (D.S.T. I, June 30. 1939, :it 11 sot f( ) rth in full in the Genera meeting of the Board of Kduea-1 p0:i rji tj0ns contract Docution to be held at the office ments and are herebv incorof the Superintendent. James | porated herein by rcforences. C. Bush, in the pi esent Gi ade ppospeetivc bidders should fa- ^ ehool Building. M c 11 r in \ ^ nijiii i rize themselves with the (Johns lurg), Illinois. ;m<d im-i provjsjons of this act, all t)ther mediately theieatter bids \\ ill, j ) o rtinent legislation" and. in «be publich opened and lead a(|^jtjon should make an in- DRIVER ACTION Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the suspension of the driver's license of Malcolm P. Flood of McHenry, third offense, and has granted a probationary permit to John Sexton of Crystal I.ake. Little words never hurt a big idea. AMERICA'S DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT aloud. Bids will he received separately for the contracts' as follows : (A.I General Construction :<B,) Heating & Ventil iti-ng j (C.) Plumbing . ' I • (D..'Electrical Work j (••E. Equipment' Each successful bidder will! be. required. V furnish a per-' formance bond satisfactory toi the said Board of Education) in the amount of the contract.! The Contract Docimie in-' eluding plans and s])eeifieations, are on file and may be e\amin-[ ed at the office of Bradley £- B r a d l e y . 9 2 1 N o r t h M a i n ; Street. Rockford. Illinois: at ; the office of James C. Bush, : Superintendent of School District No. 12, McHenry (Johnsburg I, Illinois; at the office of F. W. Podtre Corpora1 io i.- Merchandise Mart. Chicago, II-: linois; and at the office of: Building Comarctors Associa-1 tion of 'Rockford. 121 - 7th; Street, Rockford. Illinois. " j Copies of the documents may | b e o b t a i n e d b y d e p o s i t i n g : Thirty-Five 1 $3-1001 Dollars with the Architects. Rockford.. Illinois, for each set of documents so obtained. ' The amount of deposit for one set of documents will be: refunded to each actual bidder! who returns the plans and doc- I uments in good condition within ten (10) days after the opening of bids. Twentv ($20) vestigation of the existing l;i bor conditions and negotiated i labor agreements which may; j exist, or are contemplated at ! I this time. 1 By order of the Board Education, 'School District No i 12. McHenry (Johnsburg), I'l 1 ii nois. BY. Albert W. Albrecht President BY: Richard R, Marsh; Secretary Date'd: This 26th Day of May, 1959. (Pub. June 18. 19o9) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will be received by the President and' Board of Trustees of the Village of Sunnyside until 8:00 P.M.. C.D.S.T.. July 6. 1959 for Street Maintenance in the Village. The work will consist of furnishing and applying asphalt. MC-5 and seal coat aggregate. on streets. Proposal forms may be obtained at the office of W. A Rakow and Associates. Consulting Engineers. 202 E. Chicago Street, Elgin. Illinois. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bank cashier's check or certified check in an amount not less than 107r of the amount of the bid. A bid bond will not be acceptable as a proposal guarantee. The Village Board reserves the right to reject any or all BIRTHDAY (dg&faaZion, 1859-J959 STEAKS SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY M-man! Thick, red, juicy Super- Right Sirloin Steak, Porterhouse, T-Bone or Club. There's a barbecue treat that's hard to beat because the quality of this grainfed beef is truly outstanding. SIRLOIN WEDGE BONE REMOVED PORTERHOUSE T-Bone or Club, Tail-less MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND THE CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR TO BE HELD JULY 3rd THRU JULY ISth As'an additional service to our A&P customers A&P js^handling the advanced sale of tickets at a special price for a limited time only. These special rates will end Saturday, June 27th. ADULTS $•©0 SAVINGS OF 50c CHILDREN 40' SAVINGS OF 10c super- i I tz ode i no |lb' O O | lb %/0 \ Cut up or Whole Pan Ready Fryers Luncheon Meal 3 t 99 Liver Sausage •OWC lb. lb. Halibut Sleaks 49* Whilefish Center Cut Pan Ready, Fresh, Flavorful C A R E Y APPLIANCE. INC. Phone ?">1 - "095 119 S. (Jreen St. McHenry, 111.; PROF^iOtlAL DIRECfORV I ! ! II Dollars will be refunded for. , , , . , . , ,, ., . r , | proposals and to waive technieach of all other sets of docu- i lments so returned. ! cahties. The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject a iy or all bids and to waive any informalities in bidding. A certified check or bank draft, payable to said School D i s t r i c t N o . 1 2 . M c H e n r y (Johnsburg), Illinois, or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and a surety company, in amount equal to five (5%) per cent of the bid shall be submitted with each bid. 1 No bids may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids, for, at least thirty (30) days. j Wages of Laborers, Mechanics; and Other Workmen j In accordance with Ihe provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the State of By order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Sunnyside. MRS. LEAH FRITZ. Village Clerk (Pub. June 18. 1959) WATCH your Steaks and Chops Charcoal Broiled - at ART & LEE'S 204 X. Kivcrside Drive DR. JOHX C. (iOKTSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Xaprapathir Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 304 East Elm Street McHcnry, 111. Hours: Mon.. Tues., Wed. & Frl. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 |\m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone McHenry 743 Palmolive Bar Soap 3 reg. AI size 01 Palmolive Bath Soap 2 bath i| «ixe Cashmere Bouquet 3 reg. AI size 01 Cashmere Bouquet w 2 bath A|| size Lifebuoy Bar Soap 3 reg. AA size 00 Lifebuoy Bath loip 2 bath AA size 33 CANTALOUPE Jumbo 27 Size, Serve with Ice Cream wz FOR Large Tender Ears 29c DK. C. R. SWAXSOX Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed.. & Fri. Evening"! ^ By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 TJmMRait-QMA WE RENT MOST ANYTHING of McHENRY, ILLINOIS i "THE XATIOX'S NEIGHBOR" COME IX: OR CALI 542 Main Street 144 Washington St. McHenry 2916 Woodstock 2962 United Rent-Alls is a service business designed to rent to vou various types of equipment which you occasionally need but do not wish to purchase. Listed below are a few of the items available for RENT. Ask for it . . . WE RENT MOST EVERYTHIXG. This is another home owned United Rent-Alls Store. Licensed by I'nited Rent Alls, Inc., 2627* No. 27th, Lincoln, Xebr. j EARL II. WALSH a INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Ins. Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When Vou Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Green & Elm McIIenrv III. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 3 PHONE !)."><) /v fGinunar#riannttAeAe<ld by Good Housekeeping SPARKLE PUDDINGS Slieial! 5 PKGS. 29* Sweet Corn 6 F»r29c Head Lettuce SPECIAL SALE ON FAMOUS EIGHT O CLOCK COFFEE MILD & MELLOW b. Bag Pka.' ^ < C a.) ?"«! 53 Mar-Vel-ou* Washday Helper 2* o< Pkw. tiff Vel Detergent Ai Detergent Amer. Fam. Detergent 2 Z. 67 Sultana Brand, 5-Clioice Fruits Perfect for Auto. Washers 2lge. pkgs Fruit Cocktail 3195 SANDING MACHINES Floor Sanders F1 oor Edicts Belt Sanders Oscillating Sanders Car Sanders and Buffers POWER TOOLS Drills Electric Hammers Circular Saws Skil Saws Water Pumps and Stuff CARPENTER TOOLS Hoists Tap & Die Sets Soldering Irons Wheel Pullers Fixits LOADING TOOLS Car Top Carriers Luggage Carriers Appliance Carts House Jacks Siding Cutters Linoleum Rollers Icouldaduneits CEMENT TOOLS ' --^ers-- Trowels & Hawks Cement Mixers Caulking Gur.s ^MECHANIC'S ' TOOLS/ PAINTERS EQUIPMENT Paint Sprayers Ladders Ext. Ladders Ladder Jacks PARTY & BANQUET NEEDS Lookit overs Coffee Urns Dinnerware Banquet Tables Whou (juldathou^ht its What isits Dishes & Glasses Card Tables Bridge Chairs Folding Chairs Hot Plates Punch Bowls & Cup;- Serving Trays INVALID NEEDS WALLPAPERING EQUIPMENT Paste Tables •Edger & Cutters Wallpaper Steamers Elec. & Gas Ifdoseits Dlf! JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office phone 'McHenry 186 Res. phone McHenry 60 l-M-1 Honrs: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. A: l-'ri. Evenings 6:30 - 9:00 Closed all d;iy Wednesdays Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Repair Service PLUMBER'S TOOLS Blow Torches Pipe Cutters Pipe Dies Pipe Vise Tripod Plumber's Furnace , Sewer Hod Flaring Tools . Tubing Cutters HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT Hot Plates ^ •*' Rug Shampoo Set Floor Polishers & Scrubbers Rollaway ]>ds BABY EQUIPMENT Wheel Chairs Hospital Beds (Siderail) Crutches Bedside Table Commodes GARDEN & YARD TOOLS Thingamabobs Hedge Clippers Lawh Mowers (power) Post Hole Augers Tree Pruners Whatehamaeallits Lawn Rollers DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI • Optometrist Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Contact lenses 105 Richmond * Road Honrs E\e.: Wed., ThurX. & Fri. | 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays - 3 to 6 p.m. i Phone McHenry 2262-J i Loop ottie^ - 108 N. State St. | Phone Divirborn 2-2096 GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agent The PrudenUa! Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sickness & Accident and Group Insurance 82ti Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. III. Phone: McIIenrv 2533 & BEDS Baby Cribs Hi Chairs Play Pens Baby Scales Seed & Fertilizer Spreaders Wlveel P.arro-v-; Wire Stretchers Weed Burners I>oohickics Call us for the item you need, we probably have Keep this for Handy Reference it. ROLAND A. HERRMANN Lawyer 308 W. Elm St. Phone McHenry 1609 1/ elaeek the flavor! >/ cHaaefe. the pt#«eS Sliced Peaches Orange Drink Nibiet Corn . „ , 29-oi. lona Brand Yellow Cling tin 46-oz. tin 12-or tin Hi-C Brand Golden Whdle Kernel 23° Nutley Margarine 2 X,. 29 6 Apple Pie Jolp Fl" .. 39 5° Pi Mild Gentle Detergent 2 For Auto. Washers fauiKDUS' since IffiS® 48 OUR OWN ' TEA BA@§ 49c There's a bonus m flavor in every glass of iced Our Own Tea. It's hearty but not heavy, and that positive tea taste stays with it from first sip to last. It's delicious, refreshing and thrifty tool lash SMirg Amer. Family Soap Spii & Spai lleaner Comet lieanser All IMirg@i Fluffy 111 Detifg® Praise Beauty Bar Praise Beaiff lar Contains Clorinai Perfect for Auto. Washers TEA BAGS OUR OWN BRAND 16 CT. BOX 19c OUR OWN TEA I-LB. BOX 99c 3 2 3 2 2 Ige. pkgs. 12-oz. tin 25-oz. pkg. Ige. bars 16-oz. Pfcg. 14-oz. tins 6§e 39G 29® 29° 24-oz. pkg. lb. pkg, reg. size bath size 39c , W IT Aged Fancy £0^ Wisconsin lb. Spry Shortening All Vegetable 3 8 3c Salline Crackers Nabisco Fresh, Crisp lb. pkg. 6 Grisco Shortening All Vegetable 3 i 83c sio Shortening All Vegetable 31- 83e AH Purpose 15-ot. btl. 39c fj o THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY All Prices Effective Through June 20th SHOP IT PAYS o