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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jun 1959, p. 18

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Pagelfighieen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, June 18, 1959 Lilymoor RUMMAGE SALE JUNE 27 AIDS THE RETARDED ' Xanoy Kitter--560-M-l In McHenry county ther'e is an association devoted entirely to retarded children. Some of the women who reside in Lilymoor belong to this organization which is sponsoring a rummage sale on June 27 in Wonder Lake. Anyone wishing to donate clothing or other articles please call Mrs. Karmel at 5^6 M-l. -Also if an.Vone is interested in joining this organization please contact Mrs. Karmel. June 6. Those 'teen-agers attending were: Joyce May and Harry Diedrich, Janice May and Butch Acquire, Joni Lubinski and Jerry Blake, Beverly Spohr and Dennis Kaiser, Sandy Whiting and Tom Olsen, and Kathy Thompson and John Piotrowski. The party included dancing; games and the sight of Jim opening his gifts. tillage of Sunnyside Must Display Stickers, Tags lrma Gunther--1577-J (larbape Piok-I'p The next garbage pick-up will be Wednesday. June 24. It would be best to set out your garbage can the night before. Garden Club Xetvs Six members of the Lilymoor Garden club attended the luncheon given at the home of Mrs. Gardeners for all the chapters in Illinois. Those attending that meeting were Mrs. Latimer. Mrs. Leske, Mrs. Haines. Mrs. Hollenback, Mrs. Bassi and Mrs. Crawley. This meeting was held in Evanston. After the luncheon a lecture about the Shakespearian Garden in .Evanston was presented. Mfs. Gardeners has the most famous fern garden in the Illinois chapter. In the Shakespearian garden there are roses, herbs and other flowers about which Shakespeare wrote. The Evanston club cares for and manages this garden. The women enjoyed touring this lovely garden. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Sam .Winters of McHenry Shores visited Mr. and" Mrs. Belfofd. Mr. Belford attended the high school graduation. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schuerr from Chicago are staying with the Schuerrs for the summer months. Mrs. Schuerr's sister. Mrs. Caswick. is also spending the summer with the Schuerrs. Visitors «; The Crawley residence has been filled with guests for the, past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Richard -Rader from Napa, Calif., were the guests. While visiting with the Crawleys they took in the toy show presented in Chicago. The .Crawleys enjoyed having Mr. and Mrs. Rader as their guests. mer guests and visitors „ to please obey speed sighs and to be extra careful because we have a lot of very iittle children who forget to be careful when out playing. Birthday Greetings To I hope all of you people Nancy Fritz, Gail Lehman, i know that when you purchase Theresa Schneider and me too. stickers and tags you are sup- Jackie Cios won't forget her posed to put them on your j birthday for a long time, her cars and on your pets, because j birthday and her sister's, June you can be ticketed for not j Stuart, were celebrated todoing so. If you have a dogjgether with the family at the older than six months you had ! Cios home and Jackie sure was better get a tag for it other- | surprised when she went down wise you are going to be very ! to the basement and found evangry when you ticket. Birthdays Mr. Eggert celebrated his birthday on Memorial Day May 30 and his son. Mike! eel- i ebrated his first birthday on \ June 6. Happy birthday to both ! of you. ervone there including the washer and dryer which she's been wanting so badly and Beaches and Parks never dreamed she would get. I have been told that some j of the children and adults, too, j Girls Scouts who picnic at the beach just | Nancy Monte went with her drop their garbage wherever 1 troop on a--wonderful trip to they sit instead of putting it in the city by chartered bus. the can where it belongs. You They visited the Airport, Muknow that refuse thrown on ! seum of.Science and Industry, the ground only invites rodents j Chinatown, which intrigued all and bugs and I'm sure no one the girls, and Maxwell street, likes that so how about telling ; which I'm sure they won't forthe children to throw unvvant- Se<- ed things into the container | that is provided for that pur-j Brownies pose. j - The Brownies went to spend Mr. Valeski should have the | the day at Honey Bear Farm, raft finished and in the water j The girls who went from here by the time this copy comes were: Alice Niemiec, Mary Kay out. Don't forget you can have Fredrick, Cheryl Patterson, a good time swimming if there Christine Kerr and~*HSJiiela is no rough stuff going on and if Smith. the bigger kids remember that Mistakes Sometimes I make mistakes in the spelling of names so please forgive me because I don't lio it on purpose and there are times that I know some news but I don't print it unless the parties involved call me to say they want it printed so if you have some news won't you please call me? Honor Student David Fantus came home from college on May 27 to spend the summer vacation with his family. We are all happy to hear that Dave made the '"A" honor roll. Congratulations. there are little ones in the water too. so enjoy yourselves but be cautious. Home Bureau Don't forget our meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Mac- Laughlin on June 24. It is time Honor Koll Anniversary Margaret Karas. Charlene j Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leske Thorton and Connie Ritter celebrated their thirteenth anwere placed on the "A" honor ro'l. Linda Baker made the "B" honor roll. Congratulations. Keep up the good work. Graduation Miss Rosemary Mercure received a local county scholarship oh graduation night. We are all very proud of her. Mr. and- Mrs. Ketchum of Kent Acres held a party for Rosemary. Those present at this cohering were Mr. and Mrs. PScwla, Marge Dirkman. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mercure, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sokolowski. Mry and Mrs. Stanley Zahorski and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Wirfs and daughter, Eleanor, and son. Wayne. niversary on June 4. Congratulations to the both of you and may you have many more years together. Tour Pete.IIaines and two of his friends have taken a trip to Florida. While in Florida they have a number of engagements for their band. They intend to remain in Florida for three months if they like it. We wish tfc*m much success. Surprise Party A surprise party for Jim Hamil's graduation was given by Nancy Ritter. The partytook place on Saturday night Surprise Shower Faint light from the silver candle sticks fell on the four tier colorful bouquet of snap dragons and iris on the table. Scarcely visible in the living room were a group of ladies anxiously awaiting the guestof- hondr, Roberta Hollenback. This surprise shower was given at the home of Mrs. Belford. Mrs. Belford's daughters, Cindy and Diana assisted her. Those attending the shower were: Mrs. Salmons, Mrs. Victor Bassi, Mrs. Herman Crawley. Mrs. Leske. Mrs. Fantus, Mrs. Fred Karmel, Mrs. Schueler. Mrs. Laura Belford and Mrs. Hollenback. The ladies were served cake, coffee, mints and pecans and Roberta received many lovely gifts. The clean streams c n,m • , tee got in touch rnth the-vrt-; we Iine u our h , lage to say they w,l be out as f ,h d h , ^ soon as they can with the peo- !worki „ the fair A , so pie who will see .a bon~u*t t havi*n g i: won t yo„u p,l ease at..t end the water cleaned. The water i „ „ h, as never ,b een so d,i.r t, v or ,h ad, 1 im•por.ta nt . meeting? • W. e. ar,e ., . >. • , going to have a verv interestthat green skum on it as long...i ng local, lead, er ,l•e sso'n on flow- as some of our long-time residents can remember, so please bear with this wonderful committee which is doing everything possible to make our er arrangement which should be of interest to everyone. Milk Day Parade Did you see the snappy lookchannels and river clean and , jng b]ue convertible that was safe for all of us. j loaned to us for the parade? " j Our village president Bill Lin- . Summer Visitors j ^en ancj police chief Bob San- The police department wishes : born were our representatives all villagers to tell their sum- in the parade. To those who tell him that life's too short to worry about weight. Milton Widder retorts that if you don't worry about it, life gets shorter. SHOP IX MeHEXRY For Man's Best Friend A Home Away From Home At Kai Hansels BOARDING KENNELS • Clipping • Grooming 9 Bathing • Obedience PHONE McHENRY 632-M-2 2Vi MILES SOUTH OF FOX LAKE AND 2 MILES NORTH OF VOLO ON ROUTE 12 ft BRANDENBURG RD. We Wfll Gladly Pickup and Deliver Your Pet We are always ready to keep your tractor going during the busy season with OM=THi=SPOT • TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRS • HYBM-FLATION (Liquid-Weight) TIRE SERVICE Truck, Tractor and Passenger Car Tires . . . ALL SIZES LOW PISCO ' on 7.10x15 Tires FIRESTONE DRY CHARGE BATTERY We Allow from $2.00 to $6.00 on Your Old Battery DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU GET OUR PRICES! McHenry Tire Mart ' 626 W. Main St. WALT FREUND, Prop. PHONE: 294 McHenry, 111 4-H NEWS 4-H Cardinals The Cardinals met June 9 with eleven members present. Mrs. Lockhert, Mrs. Patryas, Mrs. Obstfelder, and Mrs. Stuart were the four mothers present at this meeting. Linda -Charbonnier gave a talk and Lynnda Stuart gave a demonstration. We discussed many things and decided not to make a float for the fair. The 4-H Constitution"1 was read and refreshments were served by Nanette Lockhart and Pam Obstfelder. After the meeting the Cardinals surprised June, their leader, with a beautiful birthday cake. Reporter, , Carol Niemiec RED CROSS COLLECTION The final collection in the recent Red Cross drive in McHenry was reported this week to be $1,200 against a quota of $3,300. During the past nine m o n t h s , f o r t y c a s e s w e r e handled within the city by the Red Cross. FAMED SKYLINE ILLUMINATED FROM DUSK TO MIDNIGHT A new and permanent attractiveness was given to Chicago's world famed skyline last week when the exteriors of all of the. Museums and other public buildings on the lakefront are illuminated nightly from dusk to midnight. First of the landmarks to have its beauties "lit up" for night time spectators was the Museum of Science and Industry at 57th street and the lake -- described by many as the finest example of classical Grecian architecture in America. Most of the other lakefront institutions had their first lighting,. tests Tuesday night, June 16. The entire program calls for the outdoor lighting of all of the buildings to be in full nightly operation before the visit of QUeen Elizabeth II to Chicago in early July and the Pan Americap games later. Chicago's ever-growing family of camera fans is expected to get a particular thrill from this newest of lakefront "Spectaculars." It Pays To Advertise! CONTRIBUTIONS ARE NEEDED FOR REPAIR OF ROADS At the -Lilymoor association meeting Tuesday, June 9, road signs, speed signs and road collections were discussed. During the past several weeks, almost all the road and speed signs have been installed. The roads cannot be repaired until ay contributions are in. About 50 percent have turned in their contributions toward the road improvement fund. The remaining 50 percent will be personally contacted by members of the road committee. Anyone who has not been contacted and wishes to contribute may contact Val Fradinardo, 512-J-2, or anyone on the road committee. The speed signs request a limit of 20 miles-per-hour. Also discussed at, the meeting was a pot-luck picnic, to be held Sunday, July 26. The next association meeting will be held Tuesday, July 14, at 8 p.m. at the little white schoolhouse. /The last half of the dues is due July 1. Anyone wishing to pay their dues can do so at the next meeting. Be Wise--Use the Classifieds READY-MIX McHenn a Until someone thinks of a betfe? way, let us stick with our present system of getting the most for the least effort. ED'S RENTAL RENTS Floor Sanders to Rotary Tillers PHONE 32 YES* We Have SATURDAY Delivery! DONT PUT OFF GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH SURE, BUT WHEN WE TRIED )T AT OUR OFFJCE OUR CLEPK6 NICKED THE BOSS FOR A RAISE ,4FJD THE J/, CASHIER SKIPPED E/L, WITH $|©,000! I WOULDN'T WON'T IT TRY THAT METHOD McHENRY READY-M IK OR YOU'LL MISS YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY. DO N T PUT IT OFF - Mcffettby / READY Af/X CO. fNC. McHENSY 920 > ANTIOCH • -/&£./. FR££1 S£G\</C£ 6RAYSLAKE • £f>J7EQ{=>G/&£ <?2oa MCHENRY LEGAL NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of KATHRYN M. „ HOWARD KEMPFER, De' ceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons Jthat Monday, JW& 6, 1959, is the claim date in the estate of KATHRYN M. HOWARD KEMPFER, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. CHESTER W. HOWARD Exeeut^f Joslyn, Parker, Kell & Cone™ Attorneys 116 Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois Telephone: Woodstock 1135. (Pub. June 4,-11,-18, 1959) SHOP IN McHENRY Dairy Tales IT'S NO EXAGGERATION THAT MILK FROM FREUND'S DAIRY WILL STRENGTHEN © LOCAl TRADEMARKS. I faster. Cooler (Jeaner Cooking ihan evetbefbte/ WATE1 atnoezfazoMt aiD j^eiciT W WATER SYSTEM A • CAPACITIES TO 1570 GAL. PER HOUR • PUMPING DEPTHS TO 120 PEET • EASILY AND ECONOMICALLY CONVERTIBLE FROM SHALLOW TO DEEP WELL SERVICX Dollar-for-dollar, her* it your bejt pump buy. Heavy, durable construction throughout. Quiet, lubrication -- free operation •--only one moving part. A product of a worldrenowned pump manufacturer with over 75 yean' experience in building water service products. The Centri-Jet "HB" Water System will more than satisfy you in every Com* in and se* for yourself. JETS AND Submersible Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK *71, PIKC'IU Yours... Gold Star EASY TERMS McHenry County Well & Pimp WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake iVs miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. PHONE McHENRY 713 Only the finest ranges from the world s great GAS range makers qualify for this emblem of excellence. Gold Star Award GAS Ranges are automatic all the way. They're FASTER: your cooking heat is there the instant the burner lights. No warm-up wait, ever No hold-over heat to over-cook your rare roasts. They're COOLER better insulation keeps heat inside the oven. They're CLEANER The flame consumes smoke and grease. GAS burners are easy to remove, simple to clean And remember: GAS COSTS LESS TO USB> INSTALL AND MAINTAIN! \ Arte/So Automatic... € Automatic Meat Thermometer... Assures you of proper doneness just the way you like it. Burner-with-a-Brain... Ends pot-watching. Top-afthe- range cooking is thermostatica lly controlled just like your oven. Automatic On-Off Clock Timer ... Does your cooking for you automatically . .. even while you're away. Built-in Griddle... Thermostatically controlled for perfect results ... converts to a 5th burner if needed. Automatic Rotisserie... Delicious outdoor flavor indoors--anytime! See Gold Star quality ranges now at your Dealer's! RCA WHIRLPOOL ...Visit our nearby store--ask about our trade-in allowance on national brand Gold Star Award range values-- tgig PRICED AS LOW AS A MONTH SMALL DOWN PAYMENT up to 36 months to pay PHONE McHENRY 2081 NORTHERN I L L I N O I S Gas COMPANY

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