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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1959, p. 4

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Page Four THE McHENHYPLAINDEALER Tuesday was one of those days. The Cubs beat the White Sox on. Monday night and every Cub fan in the town was ready to tell us about it -- ready and anxious. "Ed Doyle unloaded on John •R. Schmitt before he got to us, but had plenty left to pour out. Marie Yegge didn't say much, but her Irish eyes were smiljing. , Then, we had to bump smack 'into Herb Reihansperger .». . . one of the worst of all Cub lfans. Oh - That nasty chuckle •when Junior Freu'nd phoned to Offer sympathy! . . SOFTBALL NOTES We saw Holger Pedersen and George Justen hold a little m e e t i n g o u t i n . b a c k o f George's store to gloat over their victory. They didn't see us . . . and we weren't especially looking for them. • Bill Burfeindt fell asleep before the game was over and 'We have been keeping newspapers away from him since. " ~ "fcut. think of Ed Buss. Jr. and Geno Schaefer having to ride home from the game with _a_Hack of Cub boosters. McHenry Country Club Golf News by Busse i Somebody told the White ' Sox this annual affair is for sweet charity, but even such lofty ideals can be carried too far. This thing has gone far enough. Before we forget, this might be a good spot to make a report on that fellow known as "Muggs" --- has started a baby sitting service to promote business on the West Side. Leave your baby with "Muggs" and go about your shopping with full confidence. We forgot to find out the age limit on babies. Tuesday night Buss Motors and Casey's Sportsman's went into the 7th inning all tied up at 7 and 7, and that's when Buss broke out for 5 runs on 7 hits including Geno Schaefer's double. Ed Buss, Ray Boro and Andy Steinsdoefer each had 3 hits. Andy with 3 for 3 and 3 runs' scored. Casey^ | rallied for one run in the sev- j , I enth but fell short by 4. Big ' blow for Casey's Was Wayne! In t he", semi" final rourtd of | Malzahn's 2 run double in the (thp.president,s tourney. George j . i Rink beat Del Delfosse, and j i Lou Consago beat Tom Evans, ! Buss Motors 210220s 1216 2 jn c]ass jn class A Hal Nil-.1 Casey s 200^301 813 4 jes beat Earl Brown, and In the second game Het er- Qeo,.gp Kinsala beat Frank mann lost their second straight. J()hnson The Kinsala-Johnson this time to Old Bridge 14-*. ,^3^ uen| 19 holes, and the Old Bridge started out hot . Rink Delfosse mafch ^ 2Q . u i t h 3 111ns in the first. -- on h0jes before Kinsala and Rink j Bill Becknell s homer and o emerged victorious. in the second on 6 hits, a walk ^ , ,. and an error. Jerrv Wegener, f Next Su"d f ay "'"'J* q D Uahhomered in the 3rd for Old ' f>inf, round for the Pa?t Pres- , Bridge. Hettermann got only '\dent « Journey in both class 5 hits off of McCarroll. 2 of tA' a"d B~ games committhem were bv Jim Freund who ^ has deflded >'ou. ^y qualify on Saturday instead of Sunday if you notify the pro before-you-tee off--vour i n ten Thursday, June 25, 19^1 J0HHSBUR6 WINS 2 tO 1 FROM ELGIN BRAVES '"Lose To Racine By Same Count Saturday Night ^ By Lee Hiller The Racine Red Birds with two outs in the ninth inning got two straight hits to beat the Johnsburg Tigers 2 to l" on Saturday night, June 20. j The Tigers scored their only run in the second inning I walks to Dick Hiller and Torn ' Oeffling and a hit by Ron Mad- ! den. Racine scored their first • run in the seventh on a walk • by Olbert and scored on a three base error by Britz. They scored the winning run in the bottom of the ninth when with two outs, Caspers hit safely, stole second and scored 011 Larsen's hit. Britz fanned eight batters while walking two. The Red Bird hurler, Larson, struck out two and walked six. JohnshtirK (1) J. Huff, cf W. Frett, lb L. Freund, 2b D. Hiller, rf T. Oeffling, If S. Miller. 3b R. Madden, ss M. Freund, c T. Huemann, c T. Britz; p Racine D. Hansen, cf G. Gerber, If L. Gerber, 3b D. Johnson, rf J. Olbert, 2b D. Blasr, c T. Johnso^, lb B. Caspers, e- J.-Larson, p AB It 4 0 29 1 (2) AB R 4 0 3 0 4 0 2 0 2 1 4 0 4 0 2 K1 3 0 went to third on Frett's grounder to second. He scored on Lloyd Freund's liner to center. ' .1: Lloyd Freund scored the winning run in the third on a two base error on the shortstop missed a throw to second by the catcher that went into center field. Saturday afternoon Kenosha plays at Johnsburg and Sunday Crystal Lake plays at the home diamond. Elgin Braves (1) AB R „ H Clark, If 3 0 0 White, 3b 2 0 0 Spawn, p 2 0 1 Steele, c 2 0 0 Green, cf 2 0 0 Torres, 2b 2 11 Johnson, rf 10 0 Rocan, ss . ^2 0 0 Hall, lb ' 2 0 0 PONY LEAGUE OPENING Mike Brown took the above picture last Sunday afternoon as the McHenry Pony League officially opened for the season. Pony League Grads, Dave Klapperich and Bill Di&jcco a r e s h o w n r a i s i n g t h e f l a g a s t h e V . F . W . C o l o r G u a i # stands at attention. 28 2 2 ' Johnsburg 010 000 000 Racine . " • ' 000 001 001 - - In a leagde game on Friday night, the Tigers "snuck" by the Elgin graves by the score of 2 to 1 in a game that was called at the end of four ana one half innings due to: darkness. , " j- Johnsburg scored their first run in the first when Huff led off with a walk, stole second, drove in two of the three runs. R HE Old-Bridge--35-10032 --^-17 2 Hettermann 2010000 -- 3 5 6 Thursday night Bimbo's came up with 8 runs in the tion to do same. Please remember hookey day which will be held on Wednes- 4th inning to stop Hans' win- ' da> July 15, 1959. Tickets for ning streak at 3. Hans' jumped hookey day may be purchased out to a 3 run lead in the first ' from any member of the games on 3 doubles and a single. Af- ' committee. The members of ter they scored their 4th run on Dick Caparros second double they were held to 4 hits. Bimbo's big 4th inning all the games committee are Paul Overton, Emil Simon, Norman Knaack, and Carl Schmidt. With the club championship started after two outs on 6 ! just a little over 4 weeks away, hits and 2 errors. Harold Gol- | most of the lower handicap beck's 2 run homer, his 4th, i golfers will be trying to get in was the big blow of the inn- | a little added practice to ing. Bill Prassell homered in ; sharpen up their games. the 5th. ; RH E Hans' Tavern 3010000 -- 4 10 6 Fred Meyer really had his chest out the past week after his son. Jon, pitched a no-hit, no-run game in Little League. And we don't blame him! Last week the Johnsburg Tigers' box scores were omit- • ted and everybody went 'round j and 'round to find out why. i Lee Hiller and yours truly ' were disturbed. It soothed our feelings some to find that a power breakdown occurred t when these were being set and time ran out before things got straightened out. Some other items were also omitted on the , same account if that helps us | any. Such is life. ' The second round of the , county league starts next Suni day with Dundee at McHenry, ; Johnsburg at Crystal Lake and , Woodstock at Richmond in this i end of the territory. : ' i We have a note asking us to J mention that rain spoiled the program at Waukegan Speedt way last week but the event will take place next Sunday. Bimbo's 003812 -- 14 12 1 In the second game McCullom Lake sent 25 men to the plate in the 3rd inning against Holliday Inn and scored 21 runs on 17 hits and 4 Holliday errors. George Street and Lenny Jensen came up with 3 hits apiece in the wild 3rd. Jensen j June 21st. All games are ex- j finished with 6 for 6 and scored citing and crowds have been : 6 runs. McCullom scored at i exceptionally good. Jon Meyer, least one run in every- inning, i pitcher for the Bluebrids, had Bud Lawrence hit a 3 run hom- j a no hitter last Wednesday er in the 7th. Holliday scored I night with 14 strike outs. He 3 runs in the 4th and 5th on now joins Ricky Justen and LITTLE LEAGUE Standings W L Eagles 3 1 Cardinals •.... 3 1 BJuebirds 2 1 Falcons 2 2 Owls 1 3 Orioles 0 3 Total standings including GOODWILL WINNER OF 19S9 /JNJURED AT 6lRTH/ 34 YEAR OLD WILLIAM JUNKER WAS UNABLE TO FIND A JOB/ WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF THE GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF ^ JOALLAS, HE OBTAINED A POSITION AS A CLERK/ AN» THROUGH EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE AND PERFECT ATTENDANCE RECORD/ JS NOW ON HIS WAY TO A SPLENDID SECURE FUTURE/ all 8 of their hits. McCullom 42211223 -- Holliday 00 03300 -- STANDINGS Bill DeCicco with a no-hit, noil H E run game. 35 32 2 6 8 1 0 EXTINGUISH FIRES W L Bimbo's 5 1 McCullom Lake 4 2 Old Bridge 4 2 Buss Motors 3 3 Hettermann 3 3 Hans' Tavern 3 3 Holliday Inn 2 4 Casey's 0 6 | Firemen were called toiexj tinguish a grass fire at West , Shore Beach, McCullom Lake, | Saturdiay afternoon. On Sun- ! day morning at 11 o'clock I there was a brush fire at Sun- ! nyside Estates which was taken care of by members of i Station 2. HELP WHEN IT'S NEEDED! GOODWILL INDUSTRIES THROUGHOUT THE U.S. TRAIN AND EM PLOY OVER 35,000 HANDICAPPED PERSONS/ THESE WORKERS EARN OVER. $17,000,000 IN OPPORTUNITY WAOBS BACH YEAH.// Tonight's games will match Hans' Tavern and Hettermann and Old Bridge will take on i Bimbo's. We also have word that ! AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP ' many McHenry racing fans are • attending the Wilmot Races ' each Saturday night. Some of the bays were telling us that Bob Stevens of McHenry Sand and Gravel has a car entered. While most of the names do not ring a bell from a local interest standpoint. we hope to pick up a few notes on this sports event. It must be popular - - 3.100 people attended last Saturday night. Robert Regner of Regner j road, Pistakee Bay, has been j awarded an Illinois scholarship, i according to word from Gov. | William G. Stratton. The names I of four others who received I similar scholarships were made ! known last week. ED'S RENTAL RiiTS Cham Saws to Sanders PHONE 32 LAKE C6UNT1Y CLUB Ml KE COJTNE, Manager SEMI-PRIVATE 11 UOLI COURSE On Et. 12 & Geneva Rd., Fox Lake, 111. For Tournaments, Weddings, and Banquets We Have Complete Private Facilities A.G.A. Members & Guests Welcomed NO WAITING ON TEE! PHONE JUSTICE 7-0609 18 1 2 Johnsburg (2) AB R H J. Huff, cf 110 W. Frett. lb 2 0 0 Lloyd Freund, 2b 1 1 0 D Hiller, rf 0 0 0i T. Oeffling, If 2 0 0 I S. Miller, 3b 0 0 0 R. Madden, ss 2 0 1 i B. Nowak, c 2 0 0 j Loren Freund, p 2 0 0! 12 2 1 010 00 101 00 SJ5SE <2*0^4' Elgin Johnsburg GAME NAN N SPITE OF THE LOSS OF HIS LEG IN WORLD WAR II, COLORFUL-DYNAMIC. BILL VEECK HAS FOUGHT HIS WAY TO THE TOP OF THE BASEBALL WORLD 5E3V AS TOE NEW BOSS OF THE CHICAGO isstfV WHIT6 SOX. H IS M OTTO 9 *NEV£R SAY OtE "// by Verona Kent On Tuesday of this week our contest was low puts. Following is a list of winners: Class A: LaVeryne Hanley -- 29 putts Julia Kralowetz -- 29 putts Class B: Ethel Conway -- 32 putts Dorothy Freund -- 24 putts Class C. Anita Vaupell -- 32 putts Mary Rita Stilling--24 putts Low Net Class A: LeVeryne Hanley -- 102 - 22 - 80 Class B: Dorothy Freund -- 113 - 3 8 - 7 5 place P • Anita Vaupell -- 122 - 52 - 70 Next week, June 30, will mark the start of match play and ringer tournament, also low net. DAILY PIXI PS: An old-timer is one who remembers when there were no rackets, only racquets. The fair sex is made up of all types of women; some sweeter than honey, some slightly persimmon. Brain-ti-ust: self confidence. Looking on the light side of the road makes the traveling j easier. j Capsule contentment is the ! kind that lets you feast on a frankfurter and banquet on a ! bun. »• ANONYMOUS. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAIN DEALER WANT ADS BE KENN 1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In PHONE McHENRY 2436 T1AINING and BRAIDING FOR ALL BREEDS • Stud Service • HeaSed & Unhealed Kennels * German Shosihair Pups For Sale Qbedience - Hunting - Retrieving LET'S GO iteujR ii NG AT Kt KB FIM ME RINK ROUTE 31 -- McHENRY, ILL. Open Tues., Wed., Fri„ Sat. 8c Sun. 8 to 11 P.M. TIME TRIALS . . 7:15 RACES 8:30 WAUKEGAN SPEEDWAY Wesf Washinqfon St. between Green Bay Rd. & Skokie Hwy. MA 3-9540 - Free Parkinq - Adults SI.25 -- Children 25c ADDED EVENTS SPECTATOR RACES and Demolii}e@n Race (Where stock cars are purposely smashed) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of OLGA KATHERINE LIETZ, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that August 3, 1959, is the claim date in the estate o f OLGA K A T H E R I N E LIETZ, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry C o u n t y , I l l i n o i s , a n d t h a t claims may be filed agains* the said estate 0*1 or befor? said date without issuance of summons. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JRL. Administrator CARROI .L&LEALI Attorneys 110% Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois Telephone :A 1384 (Pub. June 18-25, July 1, 1959) We know the answers to yesterday's problems but today's are baffling. It's too bad that the fellow who gets carried away with his cleverness isn't. What danger is there in an atomic bomb--among friends? mi l l € f t Air Conditioned ENDS TONIGHT Brigitte Bardot . "THE GIRL IN THE BIKINI" and "FLESH AND THE WOMAN" FOR 7 DAYS J STARTING FRIDAY "RIO BRAVO" Color John Wayne - Dean Martin Ricky Nelson - Ward Bond Walter Brennan UJtra-Modern One Mile East of McHenry on Route 120 W Show Starts At Dusk FRI to TUES -- JUNE 26-30 In Color "RIO BRAVO" John Wayne -- Dean Martin Ricky Nelson WED - THUR -- JULY 1-2 "NIGHT OF THE QUARTER MOON'f Julie London--Nat--King--Cole and "FIRST MAN INTO SPACE' Marshall Thompsou Maria Landi Every Wed. is Ladies' Nite! ATRE 218 S. Green Ph. 144 Doors open every day 6:45 pan. FRI - SAT -- JUNE 26-27 Double Feature Program "RODAN!" THE FLYING MONSTEHf Technicolor and Creeping Black Horror! "THE SPIDER" $ SUN - MON - TUES - WED JUNE 28-29-30 JULY 1 Lana Turner - John Gavin "IMITATION OF LIFF." Eastman Color Added Color Cartoon £ TREAT YOURSELF ... GO OUT . . FOR BIG SCREEN ENJOYMENT . . SEE THE BEST OUTDOOR SHOWS! 1% INTER! On All Savings at McHenry State Bank effective July 1, 1959 R & L HIDING. JSTABIC R I D I N G $1.50 PER HOUR HAY RIDES HORSES SOLD HORSES BOARDED PHONE McHENRY 3531 FIRST FARM §OUTH OF 120 ON CRYSTAL LAKE BLACKTOP GIVEN W0TH <-W60 tn AUS mm !M Mt tujH tit m mui STAMPS! CRYSTAL FRI - SAT - JUNE 26-27 "HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL" Vincent Price and Steve Cochran-Diane Brewster "QUANTRILL'S RAIDERS" CinemaScope & Color Late Show Jane Russell - George Brent "MONTANA BELLE" Color SUN - MON - TUES JUNE 28-29-30 Double Feature Program John Wayne - Sophia Loren "LEGEND OF THE LOST" Technirama & Technicolor and Brigitte Bardot ^ Charles Boyer "LA PARISIENNE" Technicolor A(lo» Brawing Cotf Chicago, ill. WOW! Have You Tried BULLDOG MALT LIOUOR? WED - THURS -- JULY 1-2 Double Feature Program Clark Gable - Eleanor Parker "THE KING AND FOUR QUEENS" CinemaScope & Color and Gary Cooper - Julie London "MAN OF THE WEST CinemaScope & Color FAfM GRAYSLAKE, ILL. Open 7:30 P.M. Weekdays -- Show at Dusk Children Under 12 -- In Cars -- FREE ENDS THURSDAY, JUNE 25 MARILYN MONROE -- JACK LEMMON "SOME LIKE IT HOT" PLUS "THUNDER ROAD" ROBERT MITCHUM T. CURTIS FRI. & SAT 2 DAYS ONLY JUNE 26-27 2a JBcn*o mm mwmM - WMM • FONDA > X DOROTHY DOLORES MALONE • f.HCEJELS iWARI^Cl _Cinbma3cqp6 COU* If HUH • 8EKVH0MC «MD | Plus -- Extra Feature LATE SHOW SATURDAY • CMKMASCOPE 1 * mute weoucTion wmsrn rr toa twwnfjK with JEFFREY HUNTER SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY JUNE 28-29-30 HOUSE jtiaUNTEDHni VINCENT PRICE VICTOR MATURE-ANNE AUBREY ANTHONY NEWLEY mom* wctmb ytwtt a mama mncrtm WED THURS FRI - JULY 1-2-3 JOHN WAYNE "Barbarian & The Geisha" AND "Raw Wind In Eden" ESTHER WILLIAMS JEFF CHANDLER ELABORATE -- DAZZLING -- SAFE! Friday, July 3rd FIREWORKS About 10 P.M. I

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