} - Pag® Sixiee* THEMcHENBY PLAINDEALER Thursday July 30, l|p9i Pistakee Highlands COMMITTEE TO NOMINATE NEW ASS'N. OFFICERSL Hazel Morley -- Hyatt 7-3820 Kay Sielisch -- Hyatt 7-3414 Monday, July 20, the nominating committee met at the home of Tom Mason. They have been trying to get folks to accept the nominations, and so far have met with pretty good success.^ Joe Murray. Mr. Scnell, and Kay Sielisch were present, Cletus Stewart could not make it. There will be another meeting Friday night at the Masons. News of Your Friends And Neighbors The Herb Lindemanns have had a very busy week. They have their three nieces with / them 'thife past week.,They are .Sharon and Mary O Hara and ^ I.inda Collopv of Chicago. Wed- N^nesday the O'Hara clan assembled at Lindejnanns for a dingier. The weekend found their daughter:" Pat. and girl ' friend visaing with them and enjoying 'Mother's cooking. • Monday. July 20. Kay Sielisch accompanied by Marie Schlick a-1 tended the funeral of Kay's girl friend. Evelyn Patzke. Darlene and David Neesor arc enjoying a week's visit with Darlene's brother. Keith. Blanche and Carl Haefliger are enjoying a two week's vaca- ' lion. Last week they took a trip upstate to visit Blanche's sister and on the weekend they . left for Minnesota for a few days, and when this is printed *-Carl will be back at the desk i slaving away, waiting for an- *,<other vacation. * Frank Krumwiede had an «auto accident last Monday in " Fox Lake, the car was badly 'damaged but fortunately no * one was hurt. * The George Montalbano family returned last week, after ••spending three glorious weeks *in California. * Mrs. Anna Cohrs returned ' last Tuesday from Iowa. After * her brother's funeral, she spent ! some time visiting relatives and • friends. * The Walter Misavice famil> spent last week in LaCross * Wis. visiting relatives. ' They * spent a couple of days at the '.Dells. soaking wet, wallet and all. lA sign should be installed on the beaffh to warn swimmers of the drop off. Birthday Children Greetings to Gordon Murray, who was nine years old Aug. 2, to his b&by brother, Stephen, who will be 1 year old Aug. 7, and to Judy Krumwiede who will celebrate her birthday Aug. 8. ^ Teen News We are happy to report Terry Phillips is improving a great deal. It is a year since his accident. T.he 'teen social scheduled for last Monday was called off, due to so many parents attending the meeting in Johnsburg concerning the high taxes. Lola DuPree, Delores Formosa and Mrs. Formella attended the Fiesta Day parade and said it was really beautiful. Saturday despite a little rain and mud, the teens played a game of baseball, in a mixed earn. Barb Schlick has accepted a job in McHenry. and will be busy the rest of the summer. All the 'teens are very proud of Barb. Even though she did not place in the Fiesta Queen contest, they were all there to cheer her on and thought she looked very lovely. •'Whot Hoppened?" The men beat the boys last Sunday 13 to 1. When the men win they really take the game. b Uncle Saves Two Nieces From Drowning « Last Tuesday night Herb 0&,indemann took his three ^nieces to the old beach for an ^-enjoyable swim. Sharon, who rfs a good swimmer, waded out fcjiot too far from shore and "fetepped into a big deep hole *She became stuck in the mud and her younger sister, Mary tried to free her. Sharon went down twice and Herb, who was fully dressed, never even stoppied to take his shoes off, went in after the two girls. He had to administer artificial respiration to Sharon. A tragedy was avoided. Herb came home Service News Denny Letwin is stationed on the U.S.S. Forrestal and it left last Friday for a cruise to Cuba. Dick Rapp is stationed in Kobi. Japan. Both boys hope to be home for Christmas. It's A Girl Norm and Pat Pederson welcomed a Jt>aby girl on July 15 at the Woodstock hospital. The young lady has been named Gwen Ellen. Another Girl We didn't mean to overlook the birth of little Becky Sue Granger who was born on June 29. Congratulations to the proud parents, Jim and Debbie Granger. Two Children Hurt Two weks ago, Wally Stoneking suffered a badly cut forehead when he fell off his bike down by the beach. Barbara Sisk was on hand to see that he got home to his mother and then to the McHenry hospital where the injury was taken care of. Then a week ago Friday little Dennis Sisk was climbing a tree behind his home. While he was coming down he ran into «i rusty nail and had to be rushed to the McHenry hospital where seven stitches were required, to close the wound. Barb was very glad when the ordeal was over. Bits of News We hope Mrs. Ristow is feeling much better after her recent illness. Marie and Bill Schlick spent ast Sunday in Chicago, where they attended the christening of Robert Scott Heilmann. They stayed over night and did some shopping on Monday. Dominic and Vi Guadanogli ire staying at theii home for their vacation. They are hopng to become permanent residents very soon. The Taylors attended a house warming last Sunday in Rolling Meadows. They have Edward Paulson as their house guest. Mrs. Rodarmel's sister is spending the weekend with her and they are hoping for good weather so they can enjoy the outdoors. The Huppenbaues' daughter is spending a few days visiting with them. Kay Sielisch was thrilled to have been Barb Schlick's attendant at the Fiesta Quepn contest. She not only assisted Barb, she helped a few more I with their changes. Around the - Highlands Janice Janquart's sister. El-i len Straubharr and her nusband and their four children, were visitors of the Janquarts for three days last week. The Straubharrs drove in from Milwaukee and were proudly showing off their four week old daughter. Dot and Jack Erbin and their family returned from a delightful trip to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Meyer were recent visitors of the Mayers here in the Highlands. Mrs. Moreth's sister, Mrs. Gates from West Chicago, spent the weekend visiting with Marge and Bill. <?-. Jeanne and Renee Janquart are spending two weeks in Milwauke visiting back • and forth between their aunts and grandparents. George Lammert returned to work after spending his two week vacation taking life easy and doing a little puttering around in the yard. Gladys Mayer entertained her card club last Wednesday evening. On hand for some hot card games were Shirley Montalbona, Rosemary Thelen, Virginia Thoren. Lois Amore, and Joanne Kennebeck. Gladys served some delicious refreshments afterwards. Janice Janquart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz, and a friend, Mrs. Cole were weekend guests of the Janquarts. Jack Reilly is back at the old grind after spending his two weeks vacation just loafing around and we hear getting in Kay's way. That's just what we heard, Jack. Father Ted Wrobleski is visiting with his brother, Stanley, here in the. Highlands. Dick Morley is spending his vacation catching up on some extra work and taking the family to the zoo and other places of interest to small children. The Shivelys had a party last Saturday night for a group of their friends and neighbors. Enjoying the refreshments at an informal get together,were: Lois and Bill Leuth, John and Hi la Heineman, Jerry and Janice Janquart, George and Marilyn Lammert, Dick and Lee Conway, Dot and Jack Erbin, Tom and Lois Mason. Reb and Barb Sisk, Dick and Haze Morley and last but not least Jim and Carla Bales. The Janquarts left last Tuesday for Milwaukee for a visit with Janice's mother and sisters and many other relatives they haven't seen for awhile. Jack Rielly's sister* Mrs. Machel, is spending a week here in the Highlands keeping Kay company and entertaining little Terry. Mr. and Mrs. Moreth visited with their daughter, Margaret, in Chicago last Wednesday. This is the first trip that Mr. Moreth has taken since his recent illness and it is good to see him feeling so much bet> ter. We would like to remind all of you of the association meeting next Wednesday evening at the barn. Your nominating committee will be there to give their report and there will be other topics of interest. Try and attend. Dick and Hazel Morley were hosts to Hazel's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson and their twin sons, last Tuesday. Also on hand were Hazel's mother and dad from Spring Grove. They all enjoyed potatoes and com cooked on the grill and some very delicious steaks that were made to order. A belated happy birthday to Chester Smolinski. who celebrated his birthday on July 18 and also a very happy twelfth wedding anniversary to Chester and Pearl Smolinski. They celebrated their anniversary on July 19. Many happy returns of the day. Watch next week's column for the names of the winners of the races held at the picnic last Sunday. We will have all | the highlights of the picnic for j you to the best of 6ur ability, j As always your reporters are I glad to accept any bit of news no matter how small it may seem to you. If you have anything that we could use for the column we are both glad to hear from you and chat for awhile. Call either Hazel or Kay at any time. We are always ready with our pencil in hand. Bye now, see you next week. RECORD COAL OUTPUT Eighty - eight Illinois coal i mines reporting during June j produced a total of 3,635,843 i tons. This is 160,459 tons more i than May and *267,09% tons 1 more than June 1958. ; For the. second straight > month, according to the Illi- : nois Department of Mines and Minerals, production was j reached without a single fatality. Lilymoor BIKE RIDERS, CHILDREN MUST HEED WARNINGS By Nancy Ritter - 500 M-l It has been called ,to my attention that a number of youngsters have been 'riding their bicycles in the middle of the roads. Cars can't always stop immediately to avoid hitting their children. So abide by the rules and ride your bicycles on the right side of the road, not down the middle. Not only bike riders, but children should stay out of the middle of the road. It isn't safe for children to play in the middle of the road, because they can be easily injured by passing cars. I hope all of you think about these warnings seriously, because someone is likely to have an acciderrt. Sunday School Outing Fox River Grove was the setting place for- the Sunday School outing. The high-light of this outing was the kiddieland in Fox River Grove, The youngsters all had a merry time going on the many different rides and still wanted more. Mrs. Florence Naslund and Mrs. Carter packed a picnic lunch for the children and acted as chaperones. The outing was held on Wednesday, July 15. MEW SINGLE HANDLE FAUCET ISM YOUR DCQTCHEN mv trims or oM • ¥ for leratwy VM WVWi I-M-Z99 *™®H=>W 9no1d HI 'oioa - zi o)noH jo :j8«a - 0ZI «M»oh 8SOAVU SIMS NVWHSO 31181 • saovsnvs jo saixaravA zz • N03V9 aaHOKS AHOH3IH NV31 • SKVH aaHOKS ahohdih snoionaa • saovsavs aavK ahxnuos • NNVW3N30X I11IM 01 3W0D HOAVLI OHMOIHSYJ CTIO 1YH1 HO J Training Howard Segermark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Segermark, just returned home fronf a ten day stay at Lake Wright-Patterson, Dayton, Ohio, an Air Force Base. This is an annual incampment of the Illinois Wing. Thia year it started Saturday, July 11 and continued untiUSaturday, July 19. Howard flew up and back in a flying box car. One of the many different things he did was scraping fifty pounds of carrots and breaking thirty dozen eggs. Besides the kitchen duty he still had a grand time. Birthdays Louis Schueler added another year to his age on July 13. David Fantus is getting up in the < wqrld, he just turned nineteen on July 19. Mr. Karas celebrated his birthday on July 25. Happy birthday, to all of you Ajid many more. . .! . "i j General News . 1/ Mr, and Mrs. Young had four couples from Chicago out last Saturday afternoon and evening on July 25. Dinrer was served by Mrs. Yocmg. This gathering is known as tlie Mr. and Mrs. Club. Please telephone me if you have or know of any news/ I j will be glad to print any of* your news you give me. Think you. V When you're checking your list of things to do on your vacation trip this summer, Remember to Check your speed . . . slow down and live. READ THE WANT ADS. Jos. FRETT & SON . BUILDERS Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 VA mile east of Fox River Bridge i Phone McHenry 976 » H. E. BUCH & SONS Plumbing & Heating , Hwy. 120 East , Phoq^: 4f New Allstate Insurant® NOW OPEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Here's where you can get that better-value Allstate Insurance you've heard so much about. Stop in and talk to an Allstate Agent soon. He'll be glad to answer your questions about insurance for your family, home and car. Allstate's modern approach to insurance has already won nearly five million friends--many right here in this community. Why not get the facts about Allstate for yourself. Remember, until you get the Allstate facts, you don't have all the facts about insurance. Stop in or call soon. New Allstate Insurance Office 105 RICHMOND ROAD PHONE: McHENRY 398 ilcHENRY, ILL. You're in good hands with I M S U K A N C B C O M P A N I E S Pouhded by Sears'. Roebuck and Co. with Independent aeeets and liabilities. Home Offices: Skokie, III. MORE WATER (t£x0g*$&OMt wlffe a RED JACKET WATER SYSTEM • MPA@07tlS.TO_ ©AH. FIR HOUR rUMPINd DEPTHt TO 120 PUT IASILY AND ECONOMICALLY CONVERTIILI PROM SHALLOW TO DEO? WQLL SERVIC8 Boller-faf-dollar, fiera h your best pump feuy. Hasvy, durable eenjtfrueflow throug^isulh Quiet, lubrication -- free operation -- only on* moving port. A product of a worldrenowned pump manufacturer with ovar 7E yoort* experience in building water service products. "Hie Centri-Jet "HB" Water System will more than satisfy you In every Come in end tea for yourself. *}ir AND Submersible Pumps % RED JRCKET water setvicr products f 1 ON DOSPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IM STOCK EASY TERMS Menry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake tVz miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. PHONE McHENRY 713 Picturesque and practical, GAS Lights bring you traditional charm in a modern manner. You'll delight in their soft-as-moonlight illumination. You'll find them ideql for driveways, walks, patios, swimming pools---in fact, anywhere outdoor lighting is needed. Plan to enhance the beauty of your home with Gas Lights--they're available in a variety of styles, black and white finishes, for post or wall mounting. Choose from these styles and others by Arkla and Modern Products ••• Only *5 down , , , 3S Ilttl6 9S *2.31 2 month, (prices include installation wittiin 50 feet of Gas source) * J Fill in and mail i V this coupon, or... • Z Visit our nearby store ! today -- select the style NORTHERN ILLINOIS OAS COMPANY ROOM 202 • 615 EASTERN AVE. BEILWOOD, ILLINOIS I would lik* tnor* information about outdoor GAS Lights. NORTH CRN I L L I N O I S Gai o NAME ADDRESS CITY COM PA NY for your needs. Fr~^EP£NQABlE^MCB\ MCHENRY 2081 * \