'age Four THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, August 20, 195% Yon will sro full information | on the winriup of Lit tic League in. a separate story, but. i.\>n Me\er ;'?ks th.it wo remind | .Mill of events to lake place next Sundav. We suspect Pon. would like to see a whoppin' bu; crowd 0:1 hand. We hope' you \\i!l be there. Had cards from ihe Paul Yanda.s ia dou.*\t fmm Ihe Dan Creamers (a beauty 1 and from the Hohzer IVteit-ens ta cutie). U Johnsburg Team Travels To Dundee r Saturday Game Bv Helen McMahon Youngx Dick. Drat/., makim his best appealanee of file .Sea folder that showed son,' pitched • the Johnshun. around Wiseon- Timers to a tremendous victorv over Richmond in a league SOFTBALL NOTES By A1 Fritz Monday night Buss Motors came up with 21 hits to defeat Casey's 26-7. Ray Boro, Gene Schaefer and Ray Bujack each had 4 hits. Lee Williams his his second homer in as many games in the 1st inning. Casey's biggest trouble was 17 errors. Bob McWilliams led Casey's witfy 2 singles and a double. Connie Kasprzyk drove in 3 of the 7 runs with 2 singles. R H E Casey's 2010040-- 7 1117 Buss Motors 552824x--26 21 3 In the second game Hettermann stayed up on top by defeating Old Bridge 16-12. Old. Bridge gave Hettermann a scare in the bottom of the 6thy when they scored 6 ryas-afia At least 1ho:" was one cutie on 1 hi 11 h us the \ sin's beautiful Door"County On Tuesday. Aug. 11. there \ had the tying and lead runs was a meeting ol the Women's j on base when the last out was auxiliary with' i\ delicious fruit j made. Hettermann put the salad luncheon prepared' and game on ice in the 7th when - „;imc The <-ame was called af- scivcd b>' Mrs- Kcinefh Jen- j they pushed across 3 runs We cot the feeline that mav- Tor S1-- innings because of rain; I son- chairman, and her com-]4- hits and an error. Jim an be Iloleer went up there to It unned out to be ih- game • mit'tee- which consisted Of Mrs. i Lloyd Freun^'Ted Hettermann srout up some plavers for the piaved over the' weekend'with i'I ?- G Francke. Mrs. Deno Bur-! with 4 hits apiece. Lloyd hit C ahS. It is no time to relax, but the White Sox seem to have * the situation in hand in spite i of some cooling remarks and nasty chuckles by our "pal" , Junior Fround. j It look- like -Tim I.ennon will . have lo give those Milwaukee Brave- a pop talk. Rain spoiled the Pony.League . f.nafc last Sundav' so the exciting finish will he staged this (Thursday i evening. j Louis Swede's Braves and ; Fred . Petersen's C.iants will j cross hats at .V30 p.m. to play j off a tie-for first place honors. ' 'Hfcopliies will be presented immediately after tire eham- ! p'.otlShip is decided. | Patient: "I live in one of the , "fin.'Sl homes in Memphis, have tw--> Cadillacs, a swimming poofj a yacht and memberships ' in two country clubs." i T'sychiarist: "Well, what's ' your problem?" ; four g'amo.s scheduled. Arseneau was on the mound for Riehniorfd ami held the Tigers to only lour • runs oh eleven hits. He walked only two a.ird fanned seven. However. Drafz did not allow a run in giving out five hits. Drafz struck eut twoi\e baltois iind walked thi'ce. The Tigers jumped off to an early lead in the first as John I Inf f doubled. Ron Madden j walked and- was out at second I on Lloyd Freund's fielder's choice. Huff wont to third on the out and scored on Art Jackson's grounder to the pitcher with Freund out at second base. Sonny Mil'.er grounded to second tp end the inning. They alii. Mrs. Klsa Sessler Reese a *2 run homer in the 1st and and Mrs.. Preston. Hayes: j had 5 RBI's. Howie Knox and Seven boats sailbd in the! Jim Kennebeck had 3 hits sporty. ThU'i sday race on Aug. j each for Old Bridge to lead in 13 with 1st place going to Ron j that department. Kennebeck Sehloemer. skipper of Y36, j drove in 4 runs with a pair of 2nd place to John Maselter. j doubles. -kipper of YIII and 3rd place | . R H E to Hetty DoYoung, skipper of j Hettermann 542002S--16 17 4 Y27. !oid Bridge 0501060--1214 6 Don Looze. skipper of YIII, ; Tuesday night Bimbo's held took 1st place in Saturdays onto the 1st division by derace. Sid Peterson. Jr.. skipper feating Hans' Tavern 26-3. of Y2 took 2nd place and Ron russ Weyland held Hans' to Sehloemer, skipper ol Y36 took ' only 5 hits, two oj/them were 3rd place. j homers bv HurcKus and Thel- The winners of the Saturday j en RV1SS Weyland pounded out dinghy race were: 1st place, j 5 h its and Charlie Cuda 4. Danny Arkema; 2nd place, | Goldbeck hit a 2 run homer in j Henry DoYoung; 3rd place. | the 7th, his 8th of the year 1 Rickey Looze. j and Bill Prassel hit one in the ! Another Saturday night of ! Gth. j fun for young arid old was ' added another in the third on j made possible by Mr. and Mrs. a hit by Dick Drafz. a sacri- j Edwin A. Rowland, chairmen j ffans" Tav fice bv Huff and a single by | f01> the evening, with a truly Maikbn. , wonderful roast beef dinner. Bimbo's R H E 2830463--26 23 2 0001020-- 3 5 13 McCullom Lake held onto a Tom Iluemann started the 1 They-were assisted by Mr. and j t,e /°r firot,by„d?.^'ning, ^°1!" fiflh with a double, stole sec-, Mrs. W. I.. Kercher. Myron A. • ^ 8"3\ . ay ond and scored on an error j Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. C l a r - i \he «f J innings 3-2 but 3 by Arseneau. They sent the j once Peterson and Mr. and j lu.ns, 'n the •">t„ ' . on Ed Todd s final run across in the sixth 1 Mrs. Herbert K. Havemeyer. j . on a walk to Art Jackson. Af- j The party treasurer for the \ . bth- 2 on 8th homer of the year and 3 Bill Schmidt's homer sewed it up to j for McCullom Lake. Bill Schmidt lead the team in hit- Patient: "I only make $50 a tor stealing second. Ire scored j evening was John Looze. week." on. Wnlly Frett's double. i The committee seemed -- . ' Richmond left six men on : have just as much fun as ev- . . . , , , , Someplace we heart! this: I base in scoi ing positions. In j eryone else with their exuber-; ,a s 'n£, e- doub.e and "Nothing, is so likely to turn j oach instance, the fine Tiger ant exhibition of the Charles- j ^°IT1.or- J"hn,Rfr rv a"d ^e®r.^e a middle-aged woman's hair . defense and Drafz's pitching ton. Cha Cha Cha. etc. , Cray as running oiit of rinse." _; qot them out of the inning. j The Sunday series race was j,or Hollday- | Next Saturday the Tigers'! not held because three of our ^'00 Frett sends word that ; will take on Dundee at the ' boats attended the annual In- Schlung had 4 of the 6 hits innings which proved to be enough to defeat Buss Motors 7-5. The first 2 runs came on John Barry's homer. Jerry Long homered in the 3rd to led off. Bob Peisert doubled in the first run for Buss and Dick Stilling homered "in the 4th. R H E Buss Motors 1001102--5 12 3 Holiday Inn 213001x--710 0 Casey's won their second game of the year and also knocked McCullom Lake out of a tie for first by an 11-10 score. Dick Grau tied up the score in the 7th with his 4th straight hit and Ray Beard won it in the bottom" of the 7th with' a hit through the box scoring Bob Stromstead. Bob Coss nomejed in the 5th for Casey^^Mcpullom's big inning \\71s the 3rd when KoutneV walked. Street tripled and Grau singled, good for 3 runs. McCullom Lk. 0232111--1014 6 R H E Casey's 1240121--11 12 2 Tonight the play-offs will start at 7:15 and will continue weeks. STANDINGS W L Bimbo's 10 3 Hettermann 10 3 McCullom Lake 10 4 Old Bridge 8 5 Hans' Tavern 5 8 Buss Motors 5 9 Holiday Inn 4 10 Casey's 2 12 SHOP IN McHENRY ffi i ne ft ENDS THURSDAY "SAY O^E FOR ME' FRI thru MON 2 Terror Topping Horror Hits! "RETURN OF THE FLY" and "ALLIGATOR PEOPLE" his'Tigers will plav the Elgin Dundee Ball Park at 2 in the I land Lakes Yachting Associa- V.F.W. nine at Wing Park. El- ; afternoon {rin|»at 7:30 this (Thursday 1 ! n':r$it. Algonquin will be at ! Rieltmond for a - game next Sundav starting al 12 noon. Diiily .Pinups The philosopher takes for better or for worse, pessimist takes the worst granted. life the minutes aren't the only things that count up. The seconds are much on the menu. Copying a good example is good practice, not plagiorism. When love f'res out the window, marriage becomes a mira gel Age is not a visitation, but a reWarding accomp 1 '• shment. True happiness is doing the , Mack bo3t with what you have and doing without what you have- 11' i. Anonymous Johnsburg (4) . i AB R II J TTu'ff. rf 4 1 1 R.. Madden, ss 5 0 3 I Jnyrl Freund. 2b 5 n 1 A. Jackson, rf 3 l 1 : P. Miller, 3b 4 0 i; W. Frett, lb 3 0 I T. Oefflinp, If 4 0 0 1 T. Huemann. c 4 1 1"! O. Drafz, p 4 1 2 | 36 4 11 1 Richmond (0) I AB R H Stilling. 2b .4 0 2 Shaw, 3b. cf 2 0 0 Kramer, If 4 0 •0 H. MilVr. cf <) 0 n'; RVh Miller. °.b ! 0 (1 J], Srhmitt. lb 3 fi 1 T'on Miller, c 0 ' 0 I.. Milk-r. rf o 0 ( ! Mark, ss 3 f) o Arseneau. p 3 0 0 tion Regatta at Minnetonka, Minn. We wish Sid Peterson, Jr.. Run Sehloemer and Waters- S!a1or combine lots of luck. The scrub race which was 10 be hold in place of the regular race was called off because of rain. The outstanding social event of the summer is coming up next weekend when we look forward to a gala evening at the Commodore's Ball. It is on ored. R H E Holiday Inn 0102000--3 5 3 McCullom Lk. 101033x--8 11 4 Tuesday night Holidav Inn scored 6 runs in the first 3 SHOP TN McHENRY Attention High SfchooLAthletes S: All high school ho\s planning on coming oui lor an\ ; spofi this year, plea.se remember 10 report for your physical ; examination on Friday morning August 28. at S:30; in the ; nurse's office in the ha-') school. The lee for the 1 \amination is SI. All boys who plan to p!::,v football this fall, also come prep; 1 red to nay the .S3 insurance foe at II:,- time i:;ke your phy dcal. No fool hall equipment will be ,:--ued until this S3 fee has been paid The order ol. l h e p h y s i c a l e x aminations aie follows; First Seulor boys Second - .iiin-or boy- Third --- Sophomore bo> s t Fourlh -- Frr-hm -n hovs NORTHKliN ILLI.M Arclicn The North.ern Illini T'ov.-men will iiold tr.eir months :;>•••• ing at the Nine;-can Le/> a Hall in MfHcn-y »•; Than August 20th at r:lo p in, 1.,- ervone invited. Doubles: John Huff. Frett. Tom Huemann. Ed Mack • Walks: Drafz 3 and Arsenj eau 2. I * Strikeouts: Drafz 12 and i Arseneau 7. Johnsburg Richmond Wallv 101 011 000 000 000 000 flSH WED thru SAT, AUG 19-22 Double Feature Program Walt Disney's "SLEEPING BEAUTY" Technirama - Technicolor and "TARZAN'S GREATEST ADVENTURE" APPROVE HP;-ZONIN(J y\bout one and one-half acres of land located at an interseciion near Ihe Wondei- Lake dam was re-zoned from farming lo business l>v the board of <.uper\ isors his\ week. The ho .rd of appeals had reported 'hat there1 i*- a detinile need for commercial usage due to ihe crt-owth !n in! dr>- \ • 1 <<T !n"r,t. Tiie pel it ion was -ubmitted hv Frank and doraldine Wiedemann. READ TITE WANT AD& TIME TRIALS . . 7:15 RACES ... . . . 8:30 WAUKEGAN SPEEDWAY Wesf WashinqtoB St. between Green Bay Rd. & Skokie Hwy. MA 3^9540 - Free Parking - Adults $1.25 -- Children 2Sc ADDED EVENTS ROLLOVER RACE DEMOLITION RACE SPECTATOR RACE TUES - WED - THURS Spicy French Farce ys American Best Seller Brigitte Bardot "LA PARISIENNE" and Robt. Ryan -- Aldo Ray Tina Louise Fay Spain "GOD'S LITTLE ACRE" WATER TRIAL HELD LAST SUNDAY AT WING 'N FIN CLUB The German Wirehaired Pointer Club of Illinois, Inc., announces the following results of the water trial held last Sunday, August 16th at the Wing'n Fin Club near Mc- Henry: Judges: Bill Burfeindt and Merle Tigerman. Open All Age: 1st place: Olaff v d Schlepperiburg (Shorthair) owned by Roy Thompson. 2nd place: Herr Schmardt v Fox River (Wirehaired) owned by Virginia Gallagher. 3rd palce: Herr Schmardt's Alfie (wirehaired) - owned by Ma^rmn Winrt. Open Gun Dog: % ' 1st place: Herr Schmardt's Alfie (Wirehaired) - owned by Marian Winn. 2nd place: Olaff v d Schleppenburg (Shorthair) owned by Roy Thompson. 3rd place: Herr Schmardt v Fox River (Wirehaired) owned by Virginia Gallagher. 4th place: Beppe (Wirehaired) owned by Cliff, Oliver. Open Derby: 1st place: Herr Schmardt's Alfie (Wirehaired) owned by Marian Winn. ' 2nd place: Sheg's Schatz (Wirehaired) owned by C. A. McElevey. Open Puppy: 1st place: Bingo af Odense (Wirehaired) owned by Rod W i n n . 2 n d p l a c e : H e r r Schmardt's Alfie (Wirehaired) owned by Marian Winn. 3rd place: Strauss's Scooter (Wirehaired) owned by Wes Reeves. 4th place: Sleppy (Shorthair) owned by Frank Key. SEE ADDITIONAL, SPORTS ON PAGE 8 91 (c -i k . STARTS FRIDAY AUGUST 1 4 - 2 7 "SOUTH PACIFIC" Rossano Brazzi - Mitzi Gaynor Color by DeLuxe FOR THE BEST RATES and SERVICE 'IN FINANCING Autos - Boats Appliances see the McHeitry Slat® Bank •tliitiilllllllllltlllllllllllllliiilllllllllllllNlIIIIIIIIIili)' One Mile East of McHenry On Route 120 Show Starts at Dusk L THURS - FRI - SAT AUG 20-21-22 All Color Program Walt Disney's SLEEPING BEAUTY' and "TARZAN'S GREATEST ADVENTURE" For This Program Only -- CHILDREN 25c SUN - MON - TUES AUG 23-24-25 The Three Stooges in "HAVE ROCKET. WILL TRAVEL" also "THE LEGEND OF TOM DOOLEY" FRI' --' AUG 28 'ANATOMY OF A MURDER" WED - THURS -- AUG 26-27 All Color Program "GIDGET" Sandra Dee Cliff Robertson and "DECISION AT SUNDOWN" Randolph Scott John Carroll Every Wed. is Ladles' Nite llllll!lllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|i|l!llll LATE SHOW SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 Vera Ralston.- Anthony George "GUNFIRE AT INDIAN GAP" SUN - MON - TUES AUG 23-24-25 Double Feature Program j THE THREE STOOGES ! "HAVE ROCKET, ! WILL TRAVEL" and J Michael Landon Jo Morrow I , THE KINGSTON TRIO | "THE LEGEND OF i TOM DOOLEY" j WED - THUR - AUG 2B-27 i Double Feature Program ; "HOW TO MAKE | A MONSTER" j and ! "TEENAGE | CAVEMAN" ELM THEATRE Tel. JAcksorr6-142I Waucondau III FREE PARKING - 125 CARS CALL ANY TIME -- Morning, Noon or Night and <1 answering service will give you the Theatre Schedule ami) exact feature hours. THURSDAY thru WEDNESDAY AUGUST 20 thru 26 WALT DISNEY'S REST YOURSELF . . . GET FRESH AIR . . . SEE A BIG SCREEN OUTDOOR SHOW! Sl«22^_ FflfW UTD( HM GRAYSLAKE, ILL. FINE PICTURES -- BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDINGS TASTY REFRESHMENTS ENDS THURS -- AUq 20 Friday thru Tuesday AUG, 21 - 25 (John Sophia Rossano B N DYALISCOPE ROOOUMA* TKHNKXHM And Co-Hit i roiMiitt cmot KMMIIDIBHIBS COMING! WED - SAT AUG. 26 - 29 PAT BOONE in EASTMAN COLOR by Pathe SYLVA K0SCINA GIANNA MARIA CANALE 'MARDI GRAS" & "BUCHANAN RIDES ALONE" Randolph Scott 'FACE OF A FUGITIVE" eeoe®@Qoe% IMcHenry Theatre 218 S. GREEN ST. PHONE 144 ED'S R Electric Hammers to Wheel Chairs PHONE 32 FOX LAKE COUNTRY CLUB MIKE COYNE, Manager SEMI-PRIVATE 18 HOLE COURSE On Rt. 12 & Geneva Rd., Fox Lake, 111. For Tournaments, Weddings, and Banquets We Have "Complete Private Facilities A.G.A. Members & Guests Welcomed NO WAITING ON TEE' PHONE JUSTICE 7-0609 LET'S GO 10LLER S1CA¥0( AT 1 KM ROUTE 81 -- McHENRY, ILL. Open Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat. & Sun. 8 to 11 P.M. NOW...FOR EVERYONE A Magnificent NEW Motion Picture from. Walt Disney Wondrous to See! Glorious to Hear! WALT DISNEY'S n® Two Weeks! Fri., Aug. 14 thru 28 ^ Feature shown once each evening during the week at 8:00 P.M. TWO SHOWS SAT. & SUN. BO & 9:00 P.M. # AH the romance... songs...and spectacle of the entertainment world's most wonderfs entertainment! THE GLORIOUS MUSIC OF TCHAIKOVSKY AND FIVE DELIGHTFUL SONG HITS. "One# Upon A Dream" • "I Wonder" • "Skumps" "Hail The Princess Aurora" • "Sleeping Beauty Song" "CRUISE OF THE EAGLE" Weekday Shows at 7 and 9 P.M. Sat. & Sun. Shows at !5, 7, and 9 P.M. ADMISSION PRICES^Adults 75c Children 25c Released, by 2a Century Fob 1 Mile East of the Skyline I)rlve-In PHONE MeHENRY 2436 TRAINING and iOAROMG FOR ALL BREEDS Stud Service • Heated & Unhealed Kennels • German Shorthair Pups For Sale Obedience - Hunting - Retrieving WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY AUGUST 26th & 27th DOUBLE FEATURE GHOST CREATURE FROM SPACE? AM ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE THE GIANT BEHEMOO GENE EVANS An ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE STARTING FRIDAY, AUGUST 28th "THE NUN'S STORY" v COIOR by nE'L'UXt, starring ROSSANO BRAZZI W1ITZI GAYNOR • 10HN KERR featuring RAY WALSTON • JUANITA HALL Produced by Directed tor Screenplay by BUDDY ADLER -JOSHUA LOGAN K!±S?.RN In the Wonder of HIGH-FIDELITY STEREOPHONIC SOUND ADMISSION FOR THIS FEATURE Adults $1.25 Children SO* I t