¥*age Twelve Hk'-WieSker PERSONALS Walsh and daughter, Pamela, of Fox Lake visited McHenry '.relatives Friday evening. A-3c Dennis Conway of Scott Field Air Force base, is spending an eleven-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conway. The Robert Walters family Mrs. Walter Walsh and Miss Genevieve Knox have returned from a vacation in Muskegon, Mich. They were accompanied by Miss Lillian Cauquelin of Wheaton, Miss Norma Whit- j has moved^ from the Joe May ing of Grayslake, arnd Mrs. Elizabeth Kaddatz of Genoa City, Wis. While there, they visited Mrs. Walsh's niece, place on John street to their new home in Edgebrook Heights. The place they have vacated is being tenanted by Mrs. Kenneth Case, and Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Clem Parker who Kaddatlz's daughter, Mrs. Mau- j have moved from McHenry rice E)e Broux. They enjoyed ! Shores. a trip across Mackinac bridge J Mrs. Raymond Arvidson of and did much sight-seeing in j Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. the vicinity. « | John Watson of Elgin were Mr. and Mrs. George H. guests in the Robert Thomp- Johnson entertained their son, son home Wednesday. George E. Johnson, wife and children of Skokie several days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly of Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe May, and his mother, Mrs. Mildred Kelly, at McCullom Lake Friday evening. Present at a reunion of the Louis Althoff family, held at the Robert Beckenbaugh home, Sunday, were the Mike Beckenbaugh family of Clinton, Iowa; the Fred Chase family of Midland. Mich; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff, the Charles Vycital and Robert Beckenbaugh families of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patzke and daughter, Sally, have returned to their home in Fort Meyer, Fla., after a visit with relatives here. Sunday visitors in the Art Smith home were the Eugene Mendel family of Westchester and the Art Smith family of Chicago. Sunday visitors in the Rob- Thursday,, September 3, 1959 ert J. Conway home were Mr. Friday evening guests i® the ! and Mrs. Donald Blanner, home of Mrs. Walter .Walsh ! Vaierie. Torie and Linda, Mr. were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kim- j and Mrs. Elroy Hermis and mel of Elgin. i Tonya of Rockford; Mr. and Mr; and Mrs. Robert J. Con- Mrs. Allan Blanner, daughter. way enjoyed a few days vacation at Starved Rock last week, where they attended an insurance meeting and dinner. Pamela, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spantiders and son, Greg, of Crystal Lake. Later, the group, accompanied by the Robert C. H. Duker left Sundav for i Conway family and Kitty Mrs.JZ\ E. Sherman returnecl j champaign to spend a few : Phelan, enjoyed a picnic at home Sunday from a several days with his son, Guy, and ; Veterans Acres, Crystal 'Lake weeks' visit in the home of her son, Edwin Sherman, .and family in Lakewood, Colo. She made the trip by plane. Sunday guests in the LeRoy Conway home were Mrs. Joseph King and mM?s. Hugh Howden and sons If Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were weekend guests of McHenry relatives. j Edward Dwver of Chicago spent the past week in the i has moved from 402 home of his sister, Mrs. Walter I street to the Robert Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. family before leaving for New Orleans to resume his teaching duties. Mrs. Neva Bat tern has returned to hei>nome in Woodstock, after spending a week as the guest of Mrs. Maud Jones. Miss Gerri Carey and sister, Mrs. Richard Zieman, have returned from a trip to Bermuda, which they made by plane. The William Weyland family Park Vogt ! place, on Riverside Drive, Raymond J which they have purchased. Mr; and tylrs. Leo Thompson, Roger. Susie, Lee and Stevie, have returned from an enjoyable vacation in Colorado where they visited many places of interest and also spent some time with Mr. Thompson's niece, Mrs. Glen King, in Severance, Colo. Mrs. Louis Girding, daughters, Karen and Joan; Lillian, James and Thomas Girding and Susan Schilling of Fort Jennings, Ohio, spent a few days the past week in the Leo Blake home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wirtz and little son, who have been spending the summer with relatives here, left last week for Springfield, where he will teach music the coming school year. Mr. and Mrs. Joe May and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake attended the auto races at Wilmot Saturday evening. Misses Joan Adams and Barbara White spent a few dayt. last week in the Kenneth Murry home in Mundelein. The Thomas Wilson family has moved here from Waucon da. They are residing temporarily in the Wilson home on the Woodstock road, until their new home in the Country Club subdivision is completed. I Included in the out-of-town folks here to attend the wake or funeral of Mrs. Wilhelmina Block last week were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmitt and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruns, River Forest; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Block. Mr. and M'rs. Theo Bethke. Mr. and Mrs. Art Patzke, Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Sievert Block, Montague, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Patzke, Champaign, 111.; Mrs. Elsie Block, Miss Janice Block and Mr. and Mrs. Aaror^BJock, Marengo; Mr. and Mrs.^Theo. Holtz, Robert Holtz and Mrs. Teresa Hoffman, Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kamholz, A. J. Kamholz, H. C. Kamholz and Gordon Kamholz, Cary; Mr. and Mrs. Armand Bethke, Mrs. Marie Bethke, Charles Block, Mrs. Effie Boldt and Mrs. Florence Bethke, Dundee. Robert Frisby, Sr., has returned from a visit with his sister, Mrs. Margaret Curly, and brother, Walter Frisby, in Sioux Falls, S. D. The Leo Thompson family a n d D u a n e D i e d r i c h w e r e Rockford visitors recen 11 y, where they visited Rev. ^Fr. William Collins, former assist ant at St.'Patrick's, now Of S Edward's. Mrs. „ Rose Staines and Mrs. Irene Guffey accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henniken of Woodstock to Kenosha, Wis., Sunday for a visit in the Elmer Smallfelt- home. „ Present at a family gathering at the home of Mrs. George Miller and daughter, Mary, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward and a friend from Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saelens and family, St. Charles; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Boone and daughter and Mrs. Alice Woods, Elburn; Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty, son, James, Miss Mary Ann Sossong, LeRoy Conway, the Walter and Robert Miller families. The Juvenile Foresters enjoyed a trip to the Brookfield zoo Tuesday, sponsored by St. Clara's court of the Catholic Order of Foresters. ONE WHOLE YEAR'S SUPPLY COVERS GRAY in 'A a mimf§! NO PEROXIDE-NO TOXIC ©YES NO RINSING Just Comb i f m- / eme COLOR COTE through your hair! Both men and women use Lome regularly to cover gray-->at only pennies per application. See the true-to-life Lome colors at the cosmetic counter. Try Lome today! NYE DRU6. Inc 129 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE EVERGREEN 5-4426 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson and sons of Sterling have been spending the concluding days of their vacation visiting in McHenry. Earlier, they enjoyed a trip through Minnesota and the Dakotias. . While in North D^Kota they visited his uncle, Fred Carlson, and family in New Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Butler and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson and sons of Sterling were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson in Crystal Lake. ^ Most schemes for making money revolve themselves (jit to the intelligent application or perspiration. BUY AT RlfiHT PRICE RED JACKET PUMPS OLDEST DEALER T PUMPS VJ-HP. Shallow Well... '88.00 Va-H.P. Shallow Well... *108.00 i-H-P. Deep Well . .. *129.5Q. TANKS •-Gal $7.00 21-Gal $20.00 .42-Gal,..^ $34.00 * " (Complete Installed) CLEM J WIRFS' EVergreen 5-2051 MOST WIDELY ACCEPTED HOME IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS" HUNDREDS OF FAMILIES HAVE SEEN IT . . . NOW YOU CAN DO THE SAME -- THE ALL NEW ALUMINUM' VIKING" Home by National Home Builders The World's Largest Builders of Homes" Follow Route 120 through McHenry approximately one mile. Look for the Twin White Barns > IN m- Eastwood, Manor McHENRY. ILL IMURDAY, SUNDAY and LABOR Y SEPTEMBER Ith, fell & III HOURS: 11 A.M. 'til DUSK Special Showings by Appointment wm SSSH&Kitra itsm«f ISttW.vW.tiWi.: WE WILL ON YOUR EVEN IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN LOT COME OUT TO EASTWOOD MANOR . . . one of our salespeople Ivill be glad to give you the full details on how you can owm one of these fabulous homes. THIS IS OUR THIRD BIG WEEK OF SHOWING The " V I K I N G I ISV'.f.ii!" '••i'.V'V' • v, iiiiiiiai • •••.•v.. •isiftiiis ...... iS'risiiiisS . . I ' " ^ •a wis « • •;;;;«•»;!!!!! ; MONEY DOWNR TO QUALIFIED VETS - BRING YOUft PAPERS ; ; . . • m •%:;j Low Down Payment to Non-Vets Converati®nal Financing As Low As •f»nM • MM!', n'-iiiii PiK MONTH Inc. Princ. & Int. "B Viimilll" 'far, aailliw •Mum "MUX Keep Your Radio Dial Tuned to WKRS - Waukegan For Further Information NOW! A NEW HOUSE COUNTRYLANE HOME BUILDERS, Die. Tel. EV. 5-0191 -Hife MORE HOME FEATURES: McHenry, HI. Builders of • Choice of 18 Exterior • Tile Beths • Full ft • Choice of 3-4 Bedro • Mar-Proof Kitchen Ca • Large Roomy Closets • Mud THAT W ! l MORE "EASTWOOD MANOR" FEATURES • '/4 Acre Lots tie • Seeded Lots • Gas Heat • Close M ^ NATIONAL HOM ES PLUS MANY OTHER FEATURES - '*•<