Page Fourteen THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER r •$y. ARLENE WIJAS, |AMES FREUND WED SATURDAY MORNING Thursday, September 3, 1^9 August 22 was the date selected by Miss Arlene Marie Wijas for her wedding to James Freund at St. Mary's Catholic church. Rev. Fr. Rennell performed his first wedding ceremony in* uniting the daughter of Mr. and Mrs JEPPE JEPSEN RETURNS FROM WESTERN TRIP Jeppe Jepsen has returned from a month's trip through the West and Northwest, making the trip by train, bus and boat. He. spent one week at the Oregon state centennial at j HERE AND T HERE IN BUSINESS James J. Morgan and Michael D. Dougherty of Chicago have purchased the Chapel Hill Country Club from Dr. Milton Smith. The two men are moving to this community to bet- Portland witli a cousin he had i ter conduct their new business. nevet seen and another cousin :-- and family. He also visited the | Attends Banking School Shrine of Our Sorrowful Moth- Richard J. Zieman of the er monument o\erlooking the McHenry State bank is among \alle>. describing it as one of 1/149 students from thirty- Photo by Kotalik Steve Wijas of Lily moor and ^ the^son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter of McHenrjv^Fr. Edward WaijriTakf~S^Vj5T, of Gir ard, Pa., a relative of the brid^ read the 9:30 o'clock weddi Mass and Chris Wijas, the bride's brother, assisted as an acolyte. The music was furnished by the choir, with Sister Andree!- la at the organ. -e. The bride was charming in a cathedral sweep bridal gown with tiers of imported chantil- | ly lace, accented by a sabrina | neckline sparked with seed 1 pearls. Her fingertip veil was ! attached to a queen's crown 0! 1 lace, outlined with pearls and j sequins. She carried a small | bouquet of camillias and a j white pearl rosary given to her j as a wedding gift from the j groom. • j Miss Patti Miller of McHen- ! ry acted as maid of honor and j bridesmaids were Barbara 1 Becker, Pat Shaw and Judi j Dahl, also of McHenry.. They j selected taffeta dresses in a j rich apricot shade, with match- j ing accessories and had tiny 1 veils accented by lace head- j pieces. They carried white j glads with apricot tinted car- j nations. Roy Thompson, Jr.. served as I best man and groomsmen were | K e n n e t h L a w r e n c e , R o n a l d Becker and Ray Poll it t. Mrs. Wijas selected a chiffon dress in cocoa color, with white accessories and a small hat adorned with pearls and sequins. Mrs. Freund wore a dusty pink, satin dress, featuring an imported lace V neckline, and matching accessories A wedding breakfast was served at 11:30 o'clock at the Wing 'n Fin lodge. Later, 350 guests gathered at Club Lilymoor for a reception. Later, ""the couple left on a trip into Wisconsin. Both young people are graduates of the McHenry high • school. The groom is serving with the Army at present, and his bride will accompany him for his period of duty in Germany. Upon their return, they expect to live in McHenry. the most impressive sights of the entire trip. Another week was spent on Vancouver Island. At Victoria lie visited the museum and P a r l i a m e n t b u i l d i n g , a f t e r which he took a trip by steamer to Seattle. From Ma pie ton. Ore., where he visited relatives, he went to Sacramento. Calif., on a scenic route over Mount Shasta. There he visited his grandson, Robert Tracy, and family. ; nine stales, District of Colum- ! bia, Puerto Rico, and Panama who have been attending the annual two-week residence session of the school of banking at the University of Wisconsin. ENTERTAINS GUESTS " The well known TV star, Jim Lounsbury, was a guest of the "Tip" Tiptons recently at their home at 512 , Crescent Drive in the Country club subdivision. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Don Fohrman of Gages Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- | If Dial Finger Slipst ' ! Hang Up And Try Again I If your finger slips while j dialing -- or you think you've made a mistake in dialing J be sure to hang up the receiver j before dialing again. Here's why, according to j Mrs. Margaret Barton, chief ; operator: "The dial equipment is ready I for your call and goes back to 1 normal only when you've hung I up the receiver. I "Wait a few seconds, then I listen for the hum of the dial {t(3ne and try again," Mrs. Bar- I ton suggests. | She reminds users of the new Evergreen telephone numbers I to hang up at the end of a call i before dialing a new call, too. J "If you don't, you won't get I a dial tone -- and^you won't i get your number," according to j Mrs. Barton. ILLINOIS 4-H ENROLLMENT AT ALL-TIME HIGH RECORD NUMBER ATIENTS AT LOCAL j liam Beaton, William^Fads, Mr. MrtPnTT TXT TTTT V ancl Mrs- John Nihill and HOSPITAL IN JUL I 'daughter. Martha, Mrs. Esta j Meeker, Mrs. Millie Earl, Mr. A record high was hit in j and Mrs. Robert Anderson and July, 1959, when 143 patient® ' Ira Sexton of McHenry; Mr. were admitted to McHenry 1ios- land Mrs. Carlos Adams of Lapital, according to a report re- ! Grange and a number of leased by the institution. ^\ ! friends of Mr. Tipton from ^This represents a 40 per cent "fWaukegan, Chicago, and other increase over the number admissions in July. 1958. During the six months ending July 31, 1959, there has been a sizeable rise in the number of admissions. In February there were ninety-eight patients admitted, in March, 116; April. 123: May. 122; June, 129; and in July. 143. The per cent of occupancy in July was the second highest recorded during the first seven months of this ear. This figure was 89.5 per cent. The nigh (90.5 per cent) was recorded in May. The accepted operational. norm is 80 per cent. Trouble is only opportunity dressed in work clothes. dVCH&j&t PLUMSIK®, WE FEEL WE HAVE I ACHIEVED A MISSION -] i V WHEN PEOPLES HOMES WE AIR-CONDITION/) of ' cities in this area.. h Pays to Advertise; I960 SOIL BANK SIGN-UP DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 10 J McHenry county farmers who wish to put cropland in the 1960 conservation reserve can apply for a basic annua! per acre rate during the period Aug. 24th through Sept. 10 in Woodstock, Bert Bridges, chairman of the county ASC committee, has announced. Some of the provisions of the new program are different than last year's. FariViers are urged to make their application as soon after Aug. 24 as possible. Illinois 4-H Club membership reached a record high of 171,435 this year. This total is more than 3,000 above the previous record . set in 1958, according to George Daigh of the state 4-H staff at the University of Illinois. Daigh credits part of the increase to new 4-H projects, such as photography, automotive maintenance and bird study, which have encouraged more small-town and city boys to enroll in 4-H work. Another reason for the record enrollment is a concentrated effort by local and state 4-tf leaders to keep youngsters in the 4-H program longer. U. S. Department of Agriculture estimates point out that, although about 65 percent of all rural young people are members of 4-H Clubs at sortie time in their lives, less than 20 percent are active in 4-H work at any one time. ^ihe Illinois program is increasing the re-enrollment of members by making 4-H activities more attractive to young people up to 20 years of age. Total U. S. 4-H enrollment is also increasing. In 1958, 4-H enrollment throughout the nation, reached 2,253,999. This is a gain of 2.4 percent over 1957. DRIVE CAREFULLY Kids Dorl't ' Always Thinkl FOR THE BEST RATES and SERVICE IN FINANCING Autos - Boats Appliances see the McHenir State Bank SHOP IN McHENRY WE RENT Almost Everything from ... PORTABLE BARS to LAWN SWEEPERS vengreen 5-291 United Rent- 7># \atoon i Srtgktxx WmiHT MOST tkbVTHTBE 542 W. Main McHenry Open Daily 8-6 -- Wed. & Sun. 8-12 •fr ID LOCAL TBADI MARKS. VALU ES! luiillftlMMMM H.E.BU a*U SONS PUJMBING-MEATING AIR CONDITIONING EY7ergreen 5-0048 White & Wyckoff STATIONERY VALUES TO $1.2 98* SeamSSi Sports Cardigan. New 4-button, weot fashion with duo-tona] trim on front and inset pockets. $10.00 McGE Store For Men 1J7 • S. Green St. Phone EV 5-0047 STORE HOURS: Open Daily from 8 A.M. to 6, P.M. Open Friday Evenings until 9 P.M. Open Sunday Mornings from 9 to 12 Noon 12 TAS8JTS SUPII,, ANAHIST Rtlltv* Hay Ftvtr ilS/ REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE ALL SW|M CAPS REG. PRICE 59< VA $2.5 79* 59* HALO SHAMPOO 49< Going places and doing things over the Labor Day Weekend? Then stop in at BOl - GKR'S first and stock up on these big values to help you look better, feei better and have a more enjoyable time. WRISLEY'S NEW MAGIC0L0R BUBBLE CQCqfs G Ms bath water whh magk bubblts. VJen'fl stain tub, toivol @r child. it SCHOOL SALE GIANT PACK FILLER PAPER 25* ea. milAMS mmiN rich SUSTAIN LOOSE-LEAF $2.25 VALUE Wash '• Cur SHAMPOO *1 5 PAL BLADES M 40 DBL. EDGE . 1ACTINE nQ ft SPRAYER 29c West's g TOOTHBRUSH 5gc SUCARYL SWEETENER 89<s 10* TUMS ANTACID ;...& for 49* NEW 50 TABLET SIZE ST. JOSEPH FLAVORED CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN 39/ McKesson 5 Gr. ASPIRIN 2 FOR 54/ 100 TABS. ANNOUNCING If E W D I A L N U M B E R S Office Answer M 65* ALKA SELTZER Ji5 TABS. HALF PRICE SALS RYBUTOL 2® ¥8¥AMIN§ & MINERALS REG. $1*98 85 CAP SIZE 99* II Carter's Liver Pills PRESCRIPTIONS filled promptly n® malting NSW CURLS BABY'S HAIR gnaw ^ismi Hfii! ^LUtttL WAVING SHAMPOO BY LANOLIN PLUS SENSATIONAL NEW PRODUCT CLEANS, CONDITIONS & CHANGES WISPS TO CURLS IN MINUTES. CURLS LAST FOR DAYS. 79< issd MEAD'S 1 POLHS SOL CHIWMM VITAMIM TABLETS ?0E CHILDREN 24'* $^5© BOVGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. GREEN STREET EV 5-4500 McHENRY. ILL. LIQUIPRIN-0, LIQUID ASMMN **% Plus 10% federal fcteito Tob an TotUtrlaa • ANNOUNCING JUST RECEIVED. 75 RED JACKET (CADILLAC CLASS) Vi HP. (Ill JET PUMPS ON D I S P L A Y SEE*fBEM WORK OVER 100 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS HANDLED EXCLUSIVELY BY -- McHBfe? COUNTY WELL g PUMP 4 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd.