Page Sixteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday* September 10, }dfb Lakeland Park WOMEN'S CLUB OPENS SEASON AT RIZZO HOME Vlckey Bottari - EV-5-2262 The Lakeland Park Women's club will hold its first meeting of the year tonight, Sept. 10, at 8:30 p.m. at the Rizzo home, 323 Home avenue. This will also be a social, starting with just a short business meeting and then going on to. the social part of the evening. Let's see a real big turn out for this meeting. Welcome Committee Meet The Lakeland Park Women's club welcome committee met Sept. 3 at the home of Mrs. McEnery where plans were discussed for our first welcome parfy of this new season. Those attending to make plans were Mrs. Lyda Radisch, our chairman, Jean Gagnon, Jean Parisi. Fr&n Cina, Dolores Rogers. Jo. Rizzo and myself. The date jfor the party has j been set for Oct. 22. Further i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g t h i s ] party will be forthcoming in j future issues of the paper. Judy, and her boyfriend, Ray. All these guests also were there for the celebration ^ of Ray Bujak, Sr's., birttfflay which is on the same day as Leona's. ! tipped the scale at 7 lbs. 13 ozs. j Her three sisters, Kathy, Donj na and Mary Beth, are quite j thrilled with the new baby to i take care of. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. John Arndt announce the engagement of their daughter. Leona. to Mr. Raymond Leroy Bujak ( better j know as Butch to most of us). No definite date has been set j for the wedding as Butch will j be attending college for three more years. Sunday was also Leona's birthday so the following guests helped her celebrate the two occasions: Mr. and j Mrs. John Arndt Jr. and family, Miss Anna Arndt, Mr. and Mrs. H. Koepke and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Nowicki, Mr. and Mrs. William Kittner, Miss Eleanore Wirss, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Landerman, Ronald Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Don Swanson, Miss Camille Warnes. Mr. Joseph Szawica, Miss Hattie Kledzik. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roppoli and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Davis and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hruska, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Barwig and daughter, Happy Birthday To Josephine Cina on the event of her eleventh birthday ! which she celebrated on Sept. ! 1 with the following guests ! joining in the celebration: | Francine Parisi, Paulette and ! Joann Rizzo, Mary and Carol I Moll, Valerie Franklin, Beth jOkal. Pat Foran, Linda Koj tryck, Suzy Meineke and Suzy's j cousin. Donna Dangel, Linda I Wroblewski Carol Zimnv, j Tommy Przetacznik, Kevin La- !vin, Chris. vonWollenburg, j Dennis Karaskiewicz and Raymond Bottari. Cake, ice-cream i and root beer were served and games were played and all this 1 going on while her dad, Joe, and big brother, Vince, were trying to get the house painted, but all had a real good time including the two workers;" To little Dale Franklin on her third birthday which she also celebrated on Sept. 1 and Elaine Jett, and her son, Ray, Esther Cygan and her two children, Wayne and Lynn, and myself and my daughter. Elaine, went over to all sing happj birthday to her. Another Addition Mr. and Mrs. John Arient had their fourth child, a little girl, born on Aug. -24 at Harvard hospital. Helen Joan weighed in at 5 lbs. 13 ozs. There are three other children John (Butch), Donald and Patsy. In Hospital 1 Mrs. Beulah Hoard has been j confined to the Woodstock hos- . pital where she had to undergo surgery. I hope by the time ; this paper reaches you she will be well on the way to recovery. Fashion Show A fashion show will be held be held at the home of Mrs. Helen Strandquist on Thursday. Sept. 17 at 515 Shore at the home of Mrs. Helen Strandquist on Thursday, Sept. 17 at 515 Shore Drive at 8 p.m. You will be shown articles of clothing for the tiny tots, children, women, boys and men and a certain percentage will be donated to the Lakeland Park Women's club. Silver Anniversary A surprise party was held for Mr. and Mrs. George Loewe who celebrated their twentyfifth wedding anniversary on Sept. 8 r The table*, was very beautifully decorated with a large wedding cake in the center and all about the table there were original wedding pictures of the happy bride and groom and of all their attendants and also on the table Nwas a ming tree and attached to it were twenty-five nickles representing their twenty-five years of wedded bliss. Those attending the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Altmann of Lakeland Park, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Altmann of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newlin, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kief, Emil Wirkuf. Mrs. Carol Wirkuf, Mr. and M r s . E r w i n H i n r i c h f . T h e Loewes were recipients of many lovely gifts. . Baby Girl A fourth daughter was added to the family of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Humann when little Margaret Patricia was born in the Ravenswood hospital in Chicago on Aug. 24. She Sympathy Our sympathy is extended to Joseph Links on the death of his mother. Mrs: Catherine Links, who passed away on Aug. 31st in the Oak Park hospital. She is survived by four daughters, two sons, ten grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lantto of RENTAL RENTS Chain Saws to Sanders EVergreen 5-4123 WE RENT Almost Everything from . . . Lawn Aerators to Aluminum Ladders Call Evergreen 5-2916 \tInited Riht-ClU&J$\ 7h» Meitmm t Nm9kb* J ^ TICNT MM AMMIBKT* 542 W. Main McHenry Open Daily 8-6 -- Wed. & Sun. 8 - 12 Aitken, Minn., spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerstad and their three children in their new home and then Veretta's brother, R. M. Birkinbine of DeKalb, also dropped in and joined them for lunch. Mr. and Mrs. King from Paramount. Calif., Rudy Robel and Helen and Stephenie Robel of Westmont. were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Links. Mr. and Mrs. William Moll had Lorraine's mother, ,Mrs. M. Glander, and her brother, Howey, and young sister, Betty, and their nephew, Craig Glander, spending the weekend with them and the men did some fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Harold von- Wollenberg had as their weekend guests Muriel's mother, Mrs. Helen Dickerson, and her grandmother, Mrs. Litsey, both pf St. Louis, Mo. Grandmother and great-grandmother both came to to see the vonWollenbergs' two boys who will be going away to military school. Jeoff will be attending Northwestern Military and Naval Acaderhy in Lake Geneva, Wis., and Chris will be at Wyler Military School in Evansville, Wis. Lots of luck boys. Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling, Sr. and daughter, Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Oeffling and children, Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling, Jr. and son, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oeffling and children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oeffling and sons, Carl and Richie Timm, Mr. and Mrs. William Schabow, Sr., Jerry and Teddy Stilling. Arlene Oeffling, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buss and (laughter, Mr. Lawrence Cook and Tom Fowler were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Schabow. At the Mr. and Mrs. Don Seaton home they had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Royal Smith from Aurora. BUILDING BLOCKS' "The barber just heard about the wonderful selection of wall paneling at WONDER -LAKE BUILDERS' SUPPLY, and he said he'd be back later!" Vacationing At the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Becker for the past week was Dotty's nephew, Bobby Lombardi, and on Sunday his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lombardi, came to take him back home and get him ready for school. Vacations Eml As the old saying goes "all good things must come to an end", this is just what has happened to Marylin and Jerry Rossoni of Garden Grove, Calif., two nieces of Jean Parisi and Joe Cina, who have been spending the most part of this summer with them and for Darlene Coppocci who has also been there. The girls always have so much fun when they nre here,that they always go home with the same thought in the back of their minds, "see you all next summer." Legal NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS McHenry Township Highway Department is accepting bids on work described as grading, graveling and blacktopping. Proposed work, Johnsburg-Wilmot road. Plans and specifications may be received from the office of McHenry Township Highway Commissioner Charles J. Miller. Date of bid opening Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1959, at 10:30 a.m. CHARLES J. MILLER Highway Commissioner (Pub. Sept. 3-10, 1959) Legals NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the City of McHenry, Illinois, until 8:00 P.M., C.D.S.T., Monday, September 21, 1959 for construction of Motor Fuel Tax Section 8-C.S. The improvement consists of the resurfacing of Riverside Drive (0.0932 miles) with bituminous surface course, subclass B-5 modified. Plans and specifications may be obtained from W. A. Rakow and Associates, 202 East Chicago Street, Elgin, Illinois. All proposals must bej accompanied by a bank cashier's check or certified check in an amount of not less than ten (10) percent of the amount of the bid. A bid bond will not be acceptable as a proposal guarantee. The Council reserves -the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technicalities. By order of the Mayor and Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois;- EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk (Pub. Sept. 3 - 10, 1959) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of GEORGE KIDDELSEN, Deceased: Notice is hereby given to all persons that October 5, 1959, is the claim date in the estate pf GEORGE KIDDELSEN, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be, filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. LOUISE KIDDELSBN, Executrix LEROY J. WELTER, Attorney (Pub. Sept. 3-10-17, 1959) FOR THE BEST RATES and SERVICE IN FINANCING ^utos - Boats Appliances see the McHenry State Bank NEW Exterior Paint pott's alkyd t * VEL-VE-LUX EXTERIOR FLAT FINISH FOR SHAKES, SHINGLES, WOOD SIDI NO, CONCRETE, MASONRY SURFACES Vel-Ve-Lux is blister-resistant on new or unpointed wood . . . applied with eose . . . ft "slips" and "smooths-out" with Httle effort. Because of high hiding, it covers many surfaces in one coat. Colors tested for maximum performance . . . and are suitable for all types of homes, etc. VYCITAL'S Hardware^ 132 So. Green St. Phone EVergreen 5-0098 McHenry, 111. igpjk ji ilKiP •M iHm m ALL YOUR MONEY BACK if not completely satisfied. Prove to yourself that I nothing (not even the sun) dries clothes cleaner • faster • fresher! (J Public Service Company Commonwealth Edison Company Electric Dryer of Satisfaction Thii certificate fuaf»nt*es that you %itl eompl*t«ly MtwfoJ with your iww 240-volt tWctnc clothit dryer.* If. within 60 days after installation. >ou are not completely satisfied notify ua encore will arranft to have the dryer removed and have all the money you paid refunded (mcluduw the^££M*5 coat of • Standard Dryer Wiring Installation, if you arranged for auch an installation at\he \ne o^our purchtw) 53S » <J Commonwealth Edison Puttif Service Company Htei « mm NHeft-'iffclc Service Cs»M»y e*4 e»*)*« H We** ef fa •Jverthinf. • f €• T H I S I S V O U f t M O N I T | A C K O U A B A N T K I Why you'll be happier with an Electric Dryer • Clothes dry sweeter in a clean, fume-free Electric Dryer. • Nothing dries clothes faster! • Fully automatic--no pilot to light or go out--ever! • Dry every kind of fabric safely. And remember, Electric Dryers cost $30 to $50 less to buy! DR. WEST'S Tislhbrash US©. 29* EACH 3 for 59* SEPTEMBER SPECIALS i $1.00 DESERT FLOWER DEODORANT $2.25 WASH 'n CURL DEAL 90c JOHNSON'S BABY SHAMPOO NEW! BABY CURL 50s $150 60e 79® HOME PIRMANlNr FOR CHILD'S HARD-TO-WAVE HAIR SAVE 30c Sterile Gauze Pads Free with Purchase of Clear Tape 39* SCRIPTO SCHOO SET $1.69 Ball Pen 49 Refill .29 Pencil .15 Pkg. of Lead .62 VALUE Only $1.69 Bubble Baih For Ohildrem a game on each box 3 for '1 JO j| GILLETTE | Adjustable RAZORS *v T00THACHC DROPS COTTON PEIIHS TWEEZERS Thli. product no? Qfflllatoa with or sponsored by ih# American National Rod Cross. I SPECIAL VALUE! PARKER or SHEAFFER PENS & PENCILS You get this Gold Certificate of Satisfaction when you buy any of the famous make Electric Dryers listed below between now and November 28, 1959. Offer available to any residential customer served by Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Company. SEE YOUR ^LECTRICAL^APPLIANCE DEALER NOW Choose from any of these famous makes ®5 Electric Dryers FRIGIDAIRE • GENERAL ELECTRIC • KELVINAT0R • MAYTAG • NOTPOINT SEMIS' KEiliWE • SPEED QUEEN • WARD'S S AT U RE • WESTING HOUSE Tabittf N@w5 TEIM-CELEAR RIDS PIMPLES and ACNE CLEARS BLACKHEADS Greaseless - Stainless VICK'S NEW Improvement In 48 Hours BOX OF 15 /ELOPES SIN EX Aromatic Decongestant Nasal Spray FOR HOME OR OFFICE BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. GREEN STREET EV 5 -4500 McHENRY. ILL. I GLADE AIR . I SPRAY-ROOM 89* | DEODORIZER Plus 10% Ftdorol Eicito Tai on Toilotrios i