P»a* six THE McHENK* PLAINDEALER Classified n n n E3 u C Thursday, September 1Q, 1999 Plaindealer Want Ads EVergrepn 5-0170 No ad counted less than 20 tfords, $1.00 minimum. 1 Insertion $1.00 (CouQt 4 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks --- $1.00 minimum Want ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Business Service Boats and Motors PAINTING, interior and exterior. Paper hanging, wallboard taping-- Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son. 401 Greenwood road, McCullom Lake, Phone EVergreen 5-4540. 36-tf CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: $1.00 Col. Inch --.2 Inch Minimum. Classified Display must include a minimum of one 18 pi. head and one 18 pt. signature or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 P* allowed per inch. .CASH WITH ORDER on following classifications: Wanted53 To Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 1 blk. East of the river bridge. Open Weekdays: 9 am to 6 pm Sundays: 9 am to 1 pm 60 HP. UTILITY Chris-Craft inboard, as is, $550. Also 1955 17 ft. Owens; 225 h.p. V-8. Convertible top utility. Nice condition. $1795.00. Chuck Coles, McHenry Boat Co., EV 5-0303. ' 19 1957 CHRIS-CRAFT Cavalier. Like new. Priced for quick sale. Phone EV 5-0701. 19 11 FT. PLYWOOD fiberglass boat with 3 h.p.. Evinrude motor. $150.. Call EV 5-2709. 19 Ceramic Tile McHenry Mosaic & Tile Contractor for Ceramic Tile Walls & Floors Bathrooms -- Kitchens Fireplaces Free Estimates ROBERT PEISERT Phone EVergreen 5-3590 48-tf 24-ft. TRUSCOT, Sedan cruiser 1948. 115 h.p. Chrysler Fireball engine, 4 bunks, valley head, air horn, spotlight, extra prop, anchor, life jackets, extinguisher, etc. $32,000. C H. Kaper, 6224 North Albany, Chicago, 111. RO. 4-2455. lltf BOATS Over 40 To Choose From Switzer. Crosby, Crusiers Inc. & Lyman lapstrake, Alumacraft, Whitehouse, Glastron, Aristocraft, Chris-Craft. Cavalier. Speed boats, cruisers, etc. 1959 Fiberglass 14' Runabouts 44-tfjwith steering, windshield, uph. seats. 40 h.p. max. $545. 1949 CHEVIE --7 good running 1 condition. $100. Ph. EV 5-6017. ipu]j Ljne of Boating Supplies 19 NEW MOTORS 3 to V-50 h.p. 1953 PLYMOUTH 4 door se- Good buys on used boats and dan; $200. Tel. EV 5-2532. 19jrnotors. D & F Builders Room Additions Carpentry Sidewalks Driveways * Patios Call for Free Estimate EVergreen 5 3487 No Money Down 10-tf 250 SUN DUFF motorcycle. TEENEE & GATOR Trailers Like new. Must sell, leaving | state. $500. Tel. EV 5-1446. j See Us Before You Buy *39! ED WENDT BOATS 1950 DODGE, as is, needs re- RICHMOND. ILL. - PH. 3231 pairing; good tires, $50. Also I Hrs. 9-8 daily -- Sun. 10 to 6 19 ft. inboard Ventnor boat; Grey marine engine, 140 hp.; $1,000. Tel. EV 5-3743. 444 Riverside Drive. Andy Paluch. *19 SUMMER'S END Used Car Sale Reconditioned - Guaranteed On Hwy. 12, 3 blks north of 12 & 173 intersection 44-tf For Do-It-Yourselfers Plumbing Supplies Gas Pipe Fittings Gas Controls Water Heaters Slip Seal Tile Orangeburg Sewer Tile Bathroom & Kitchen Fixtures See Us Berore You Buy H. E. BUCH & SONS Rt. 120 East EV. 5-0048 McHenry, 111. 5-tf Johnson Motors Moldecj; Fiber-Glass Thompson Tempo Gator Trailers Marine Supplies Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean arid pump septic tanks & cesspools. Ph. EVergreen 5-1819 Residence Fox Street *58,-FORD $1395 Cus. 8 Tudor '57 - DODGE $1645 4 Dr. Hard Top *57 - DODGE $1795 j Service - Refinishing - Storage j BLASTING I NEW -- USED BANK FINANCING 10-tf Business Service HOURLY RATES for jackhammer service. Call us for the hard Work. Arnold N. May Bldrsi, Inc.. Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 4381. 26-tf PIANO TUNING, repairing, rebuilding. All work guaranteed. A. G. Skala. For appointment call Steffah's. Phone EV. 5-0123. *18-8 SPRAYING -- Whitewashing or carbola' fly and mosquito control disinfecting. Ph. EVergreen 5-4030. 3-tf Well Drilling And \3 Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Installed Walter M. Garrelts McHenry, 111. Phone EVergreen-,5-2101 1-tf Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, sink rodding and root cutting equipment. Also, septic systems and back hoe work. PH. EVERGREEN 5-1950 ELMER GLOSSON 406 John Street McHenry, 111. 1-tf McHenry Disposal Service Phone EVergreen 5-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. 47-tf For Sale RAY'S BIKE REPAIR -- Rebuilt bicycles and tricycles, trade-ins accepted. Phone Wonder Lake 5251. 18-2 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups - AKC - very dark males. Phone Crystal Lake 1312-VV-l. 18-2 AUTHORIZED Eiectrolux (R) sales and service representative E. Roewer, Shalimar Subdivision. Phone EVergreen 5-1798. 44-tf OAK DINETTE set in good condition. Also other pieces of furniture. Reasonably priced. 205 E. Waukegan Rd. *19 50,000 BTU oil space heater with blower, smoke pipe, 2 - 50 gal. storage tanks. See Voase, Oakhurst Subdv. 2nd street west from entrance, turn south to • log . cabin. Fri., Sat . or Suri. i._ ' *19 1 GRAY NYLON frieze "overnighter" daveno. 2 chairs. 1 server. Ph. EV 5-1066. 19 SPINET PIANO for sale. Ac cept payments and it's yours. Write Credit Dept., 1002 Western Ave., Janesville, Wis. 19-2 SINGER SEWING machine. Heavy duty. $35. Phone EV 5- 0030. 19 FENCE TRITON MARINE South Riverside Drive Phone EVergreen 5-1076 1-tf 4 Dr. Wagon . '57-RAMBLER $1245; 4 Dr. Sedan *57-PLYMOUTH $1395 Club Sedan '56 - DODGE $1095 4 Dr. Sedan '55 - PLYMOUTH $795 ' Sport Coupe '55 - RAMBLER $725 Station Wagon '54 - RAMBLER $495 4 Dr. Sedan ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. '52 - DESOTO S27=» Industrial, commercial and do- 4 Dr. Sedan jrjiestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Wide Selection of Others Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph. I BAldwin 3-8491. 16-tf A. S. Blake Motors, Inc. j NEED MORTGAGE-money ? McHenry Ph. EV. 5-3100 J We specialize in placing diffi- Open Mon., Wod., Fri. 'til 9;cu't mortgages on homes, $18 an j hour including sand. McHenrv ' Real-Mix. Phone EV. 5-364T. ! 9-tf Business Service Sat. 'til 6 Closed All Day Sunday 19 BEFORE WINTER . . . Buy A Better Used Car! 1957 CHRYSLER New Yorkei Station Wagon 1957 FORD V-8 500 Victoria «• 2 dr. Hardtop 1956 DESOTO Firedome 2 dr. Hardtop 1956 MERCURY Montclair 4 dr. Sedan 1956 FORD V-8 Victoria 4 dr. Hardtop 1956 PLYMOUTH V-8 Savoy 2 dr. Sedan 1955 CHRYSLER Windsor 4 dr. Sedan 1955 MERCURY Montclair 4 dr. Sedan 1955 CHRYSLER Windsor 2 dr. Hardtop 1955 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4 dr. Sedan 1955 PLYMOUTH 6 2 dr. Station Wagon 1955 BUICK Special 2 dr. Hardtop 1953 PLYMOUTH 6 2 dr. Station Wagon 1952 MERCURY 2 dr. Hardtop 1950 MERCURY 2 dr. Hardtop Established 1886 Colby Motor Sales 61 North Main Street Crystal Lake, Illinois farms and commercial buildings. Write Box 42. Fox River Grove, 111. 18tf 19 Boats aid Motors 19 FT. Chris Craft inboard $1800 or will trade for 17 ft outboard boat, motor and trail er. Phone Herb Daun, JAck son 6-3271. 19 I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G, A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phone EVergreen 5-1480 or 5-2711 Station Box 38 Home Improvement Howard Reinboldt Carpentry, Floor & Wall Tiling No Job Too Small Ph. EVergreen 5-0261 14-8 We specialize in wooden and wire fencing. Enclose your lot, yard, patio, etc. We Will Install Your Fence No Job Too Large or Too Small FREE ESTIMATES Phone EV 5-1469 After 5 P.M. 18-4 WESTINGHOUSE laundromat and clothes dryer. Best*-offer takes it. Phone EVergreen 5- 5633. 19 MUST SELL 2 pc. Admiral AM & FM radio and stereo phonograph. Walnut sierra. Sells for $470. Asking $300 or best offer. Wonder Lake 4895 For Sale COLLIE-SHEPHERD Call EV 5-2654. For LOSE newly puppies. 3 BEDROOM Home, partly 191 furnished. Roomy and Cozy. Hot water, heat, yard, frtlit TeTe'SeJ Sex a-Di'e. I trees' Wi" rent to -sponsible T . released D e x a Diet people on]y For appointment SrSg Store B°1i?8o-5l ! Phone Richmond 3W Friday or Saturday. 18-2 SOLD HOME -- must sell at MCCULLOM LAKE Estates - h : f2Ldinsl4 room lakefront home. Full pv\ , Snn! b a s e m e m' °" 'urnace, attached EV 5-6006^ See 712 Maple Hill 'age. Partly furnished. Ph. Drive, McCullom .Lake. 19 - EVergreen 5-5978 Sunday. 19 BLONDE YOUTH bed com-; FOUR-RM. heated apartment; plete with side rails, spring newly decorated; garage; stove and innerspring mattress, $20. Bassinette with folding legs and pad, $5. Automatic electric Hankseraft bottle sterilizer with bottles. All items in exand refrigerator; half block to Shopping. T&l. EV 5-2725. 19 THREE ROOM house; full bath; gas heat; $60 per month. Phone 19 cellent condition. $5. EVergreen 5-0224. SHOPSMITH power saw. Foot operated flinch press. Call EV ,5-5537. *19 SHALLOW well pump with 40 gal. water tank. Very reasonable. Wonder Lake 3924. *19, Wanted To Buy GUNS, used, old or broken; any condition. Cross Gunsmith Repair, 620 E. Charlotte Ave., McHenry. EVergreen 5-4211. 16-4 CASH IN YOUR ATTIC and basement. We want articles of all kij^ds for our resale store. Anything from antiques to modern. Bring thefn in or phone us. Royal Oak Sales, Hwys. 14 & 176, Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 4278. 1-tf BOYS' 24-INCH bike, complete with basket and kick stand; good condition. $10. Tel. EV 5-4141. 19 WANTED TO BUY -- Used kitchen cabinets. Reasonable *19; priced, any size, shape, or condition. Will remove at your convenience. Call EV. 5-4188. after 6 or Wonder Lake 8651 any time. I8tf Call EV 5-4177. 19 FOR RENT OR SALE: 4 rm. furnished year 'round house in McCullom Lake. Ideal for teachers or couple. Phone EV 5-6382. 19 MODERN 5 ROOM furnished Jiouse. Attached garage, natural "\gas he$.t. Available from Oct/Nlstjfo May 1st. $100 per lonth.-EVv 5-4414. 19 2 2V2 ROOM ' Apartment. All utilities furnished. 20i\ Riverside Drive. Herman C.^BucV Phone EVergreen 5-3573. \19 ROOM FOR RENT for employed gentleman. New private home. Phone EV 5-1046. 19 SIAMESE kittens. Seal Point. Phone EVergreen 5-2434. 19 FOR SALE -- Hospital bed. $75. Route 5, Box 745, Oeffling Subdivision. EV 5-0529. *19 LIGHT OAK dinette set. Call EV 5-4257. 19 AUTOMATIC gas range in excellent condition. $15. Call EV 5-0229. *19 CHEAP: Baby bed; play pen; elec. mixer; typewriter; drill press; power mower; oil floor furnace; sump' pump; others. Wonder Lake 6872. 19 NOT THE MOST OIL BURNER SERVICE ONLY THE BEST BERNARD J. SCHALL Phone McHenry EVergreen 5-0571 19-tr CARPENTER'S TOOLS: Carrying chest; 2 saws; "hammer; plane; mallet; hacksaw; clamps and many miscellaneous tools. Also wood cabinet. EV 5-4607. *19 12' THOMPSON row boat with oars. A-l condition. E\^ 5-4363. 19 38-tf ED'S RENTAL RENTS by HOUR DAY or WEEK Mechanics' Tools Carpenters' Tools Plumbers' Tools Cement Tools Painters' Equipment Wallpapering Equipment Sanding Machines Household Equipment Party - Banquet Needs Invalid Needs Landscaping Equipment 704 FRONT ST. Ph. EVergreen 5-3232 52-tf PAINTING Interior and Exterior Fast, Reliable Service FREE ESTIMATES STEWART'S Painting Service RICHMOND 3971 12-tf WEDDINGS . GROUPS & CANDIDS| COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPLETE CAMERA AND FILM DEPT. KOTALIK'S STUDIO 117 N. Riverside Drive Phone EVergreen 5-0275 2-tf TOP PRICES PAID for SCRAP IRON METAL and JUNK CARS EV 5-4608 BEFORE 8:30 A.M. OR AFTER 5:00 P.M. H. R. Ketchum McHenry, 111. *13-10 For Rent Lake Front Home Available Oct. 15th Stove -- Refrigerator Dishwasher -- Freezer 3 Bedrooms -- IV2 Baths Partially Furnished Near Stores $150 Per Month Wonder Lake 4081 18-4 Wattled To Rent APARTMENT, House or small farm needed badly. Will take care of premises. Reliable family - 4 children. EVergreen 5-2099. 52-tf Help Wanted IMMEDIATE Opening for women. Light production and assefn'Bty^^ ork. See or call Mr. F. G. Peterson - Phone MErcury 9-2361. Coil Craft, Cary, 2ND FLOOR, unheated, un- j -'I' furnished 5 room apartment.1 FEMALE TYPIST clerk. Good Help Wanted OFFICE GIRL to answfefr> phone, take orders, some book: work. Must have car. $40 pd# week. Bright Roofing & In^uJation Co., Rt. 2, McHenry. EC. j 5-2759. 19 FULL TIME Truck driver. Apply in person at McHenry Lumber Co. 19 EXPERIENCED Waitress for weekends. Apply after 4 p.m. Friday. Caruso's - Rt. 12. 1 mile south of Wauconda. Phone Jackson 6-2031. 19 ;eR G SECRETARY to work in real estate office. Must drive car. Call EVergreen 5-0430. . 1.9 - MALE HELP wanted. Punch press operators. - Good wages, good working conditions. Paid vacation. Apply D. E. Johnson Tool Mfg. Co., 525 W. Ave., McHenry. Id 'MALE HELP wanted - T and die makers. Good wagi good working conditions. Paid vacation. Apply D. E. Johnson Tool Mfg. Co., 525 W. Ave., McHenry. 19 jl WANT to talk to a young man who is intelligent, ambitious and cannot afford a college education, yet wants to. get ahead. There is a wonderful opportunity for such ,a young man in our industry Phone EVergreen 5-0927 for appointment for interview with. Dan Creamer. 19 WOMAN for inspection department in dry cleaning plant. Pleasant congenial work. 5 day., week. Hours 9:30 to 6 p.m. Apply in person to Dan Creamer, Rainbow Cleaners, 100 North Front Street, McHenry. General Accountant to keep general ledger, prepare Social Security tax returns and monthly P & L. statements. Also will assume responsibility for credit and collections. Good salary, profit, sharing plan and other bei£"; fits. New pleasant air-conditioned offices. Please give per» sonal details and employment, record in first letter. All data kept confidential. Please do not telephone. JOHN STERLING, CORPORATION Richmond, Illinois 19 ~0 Located near Volo. Tile bath, cabinet kitchen, maximum 2 children. 1 year's - lease. Kimball 6-2272. 15-tf GARAGES Priced for the working man, 14x20, lVz car. 4" concrete floor. 9-ft. sectional overhead j door, shingle roof, 3 windows and service door. Built complete. ONLY *695.00 Repairs, Remodeling and Siding of all kinds. No job too small or too large. Free plans. Free permits. No money down. feims 10 suit your budget. Local financing. Local workmen. Tel. now for free estimate. Ail work guaranteed. P. E. DUKE RTE. 2 WONDER LAKE PHONE 6161 16-4 Have Something You Want To Sell? We do consignment selling of anything except clothing. Bring your things into our store for fast sales. Random Resale & Repair Next to Post Office Richmond, 111. Phone Richmond 3971 • 12-tf Sewing Machines REPAIRED New, Used & Rentals SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. SALES & SERVICE 221 Benfon St., Woodstock, 111. Phone: FE 8-0294 42-TF BACK TO SCHOOL WITH MUSIC Willem Blees Music jiouse in the Theatre Buildij Crystal Laljf EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Piano Band Instruments _ % Organ Sheet Music - Guitar Drums 19-3 For Sale SECTIONAL boiler, used wi'li Sun type oil burner. All controls and 275 gal .tank. $l<iu. Call Wonder Lake 6214 aft r 6 p.m. 19 FRENCH ANGORA rabbits. !s.3 each. Phone R. G. Hanson. McHenry, EVergreen 5-1824. 1:) BLACK labrador puppies, AKC and FDS blood lines. Eligible for registration. $50 each. Ph. R. G. Hanson, McHenry, FV 5-1824. 19 HERB P. FREUND Plumbing, heating and 1 pair work. Install: Waur }!<<,](. ers, new fixtures, pumps, and gas conversions. CHARLES STREET McHenry Window and Awning Co. Aluminum Storm Windows • and Doors • Jalousies • Porch Enclosures Written Guarantee Expertly Installed Zephyr Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Door Canopies Convenient Terms No Carrying Charges ARTHUR BOGER Phone EVergreen 5-1180 307 E. Waukegan Road 14-tf HOUSE for rent; near church and school; gas heat; full basement; 2-car garage. Write Box 536 in care of Plaindealer. *18-2 WITH OPTION TO BUY, 4 room house, modern kitchen, automatic gas heat. 2 car garrace. Excellent for retired couple. West Blvd. & Center Ave., Lilymoor. 17-tf working conditions, 40 hr. week. Salary $65. Call FE-8- 2420 for appointment. 19 PRESSER $100 per week for right person. Silk and wool. Call Evenings VAnderbilt 4- 0674. *19 4 ROOM HOUSE 2 bedrooms, attached garage, gas heat. Lakeland Park. Adults only. Stove and refrigerator. No pets. Kildare 5-3890. . *18-2 ROOM FOR RENT for single man. Private entrance. All home conveniences. Call EV. 5-2506 after 6 p.m. 19-tf FOR RENT OR SALE: 3 bedroom ranch, new, garage attached, floor heat. 3 bedroom duplex, furnace heat. 2 bedroom furnished motel apt. heated. Also sleeping rooms. Phone EVergreen 5-1079. 19 NEW BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom deluxe ranch home for rent with option to buy. No monpy down. Modern kitchen. $11S per month in Crystal Lake Manor. Phone Crystal Lake 3340 or RAndolph 6-3907 COL-1 LECT. *19! HELP WANTED -- Steno grapher for Crystal Lake office. Write c-o McHenry Plaindealer Box 537. 19-3 LADY ^To Work In Store To Do Sales Work and" To Keep Stock Records Please Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box 534 19 HOUSE FOR RENT located between high school and Edgebrook. Phone after 6 p.m. EV ergreen 5-0787. 1-' EVergreen 5-0481 ir,-4 Pick Your Own Tomatoes $1.00 Per Bushel Sweet Corn By The Bag for Freezing Hungarian Hot Peppers Beans Pickles For Canning Musk Melons Bill and Betty DANKO Vegetable Stand V* mile East of Lakemoor Rt, 120 Phone EV 5-6391 18-3 5 ROOM FLAT for rent. Gas. electric and heat included. $100 per month with children, without children $90. Phone EV 5-5154. 19 4 ROOM Upstairs apartment in McHenry. Gas heat. EV 5- 0091. ' 19 Wonder Lake Permanent 6 room 2 bedroom insulated home. Full bath, basement, auto. F.A. oil furnace. Electric hot water heater. Furnished or unfurnished. Located on Lake Shore .Drive. Available until June 1. 1960. $75 per month. Also two other rentals available. T. P. MATHEWS Realtor Wonder Lake, 111. Phone 3061 19 CLERK TYPIST For inventory control department. Permanent position. Excellent employee benefits. Hours: 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday BARCO Manufacturing Co. 500 No. Hough St. Barrington, 111, "'hone DUnkirk 1-1700 Help Wanted Day or Night Shifts MEN DIE CASTERS POLISHERS BUFFERS WOMEN PUNCH PRESS DRILL PRESS PAINTERS Apply In Person The Electric Auto-Lite Co. Woodstock, Illinois 17 3 Farmers Trading Post MASSEY 101 Sr. tractor, 5^00. Oliver 70 tractor, $100. Very good condition. EVergreen 5- 0660. 19 GEO. P. FREUNr Authorized Dealer for C SALES & SERVICE PH. EVERGREEN 5-0420 501 Crystal Lake Road C 13-ti J. Bartlett, Inc. Genoa City, Wisconsin 1 new No. 2 International Blower less pipe. $273 I new No. 20C forage Harvester with pickup and crop attach. v. 1 used Dearborn chopper complete. Used 1 year. 1 new Gehl chopper box, power takeoff $750 1 new Gehl blower. 1 new Gehl Blower with power takeoff. 2 new Gehl Harvester, complete. Phone BRowning 9-59^ i° it R. M. FLEMING & SON NEW IDEA-PAPEC DEALER TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service PH. EVE^SREEN 5-0033 522 Waukegan Road FARMERS Dead and Crippled Animals * Removed At Once Wheeling Rendering Works $5.00 Service Fee- Phone: LEhigh 7-0103 10-tf »