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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Oct 1959, p. 20

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y Page Twenty THE McHENBY PLAINDEALEB twice Told Tales Thursday, October 15# 1953 driven for the new 36x50 ice house which is to be erected by Charles Unti, just west of his ice cream factory on Green street. Arthur D. Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hunter, was awarded a signal honor on his FIFTY YEARS ACiO Taken From the .Files of Oct. 7, 1909 Two weddings of interest to I rolurn to his school work at local people took place this lUrbana a short time ago, when week. At 2:30 on Tuesday af- ; he received his appointment as ternoon. Miss Lillian Wheeler ; regimental sergeant major of was united in marriage to j the second regiment. James Sayler at the home of; McHenrv frionds have reher parents, and on VVodnes- j cojvecj announcement of the day afternoon. Miss Ma>mo . marriage of Miss Dorothy Van Dyke of Humphrey. Neb.. | pjscjier< daughter of Mr. and was rnai riod to Martin Stoffel ; Adolph Fischer of Elgin, of this city. at St. Francis ^ j Qjese 0f Bellevue, 'n ^umP'ire-v- . Ky.. which took place at St. VVill McHenrj be a light or a joseph's church in Elgin last dark town the coming winter? Saturday morning. chased a 240-acre farm," north of Barreville, knovVn as the old Kittle place. In a visit to the farm Tuesday, he announced he was .interested in a farm as a source of pleasure as well as the remuneration which may come from it. I Mrs. Albert Vales, whose sil- | ver wedding occurred on Sati urday, was surprised by a | group of friends at the E. R. : Sutton home Thursday, where | a chicken dinner was serv ed at I noon and the bride of twenty- ; five years ago presented with a four-piece silver set. • Mrs. Stephen Huff. 70 years | old. died at her faim home at j Spring Grove Sept. 30. after an 'illness of only three days. Will some one buv out the Mc- The remains of Mrs. George Henry Electric Service com- p>enahnn of Round Lake, who pany and if so, who? These are paSs;e^ awav at the Jane Mtthe questions that may bo i AlliSter hospital in Waukegan, heard on our stieets e\er\ day. were brought here for burial but no one seems to be able to ,n st Patrick's cemetery last solve the perplexing questions, Thursday F. V. Cobb had the misfor- f Five men were precipitated tune to cut tiff the end of the j jn|Q pox rjver three of little finger on his left hand ^liem being injured more or i while at work at the canning ]ess seriously, when a thirtyfactory Wednesday forenoon, i fOG(- section of concrete in the ; A woman uent into a news- > new pox river bridge, at Fox 1 paper office and wished to ad- i Lake, co^apsed without warn-; yertise for her husband, who jng ]a{e Wednesday afternoon. 1 had disappeared. When told i f he jniured men were rushed' that they charged two dollars j to ]oca] hospitals an inch, she went out. saying j ^n e]ectric hair clipping ma- j that it would break her up at i chine. the first in McHenry, . that rate, as her husband was j has been installed in Smithy's ; SI* * l°n£- barber shop on the west side. ' The dance given under the ! ! Act Oct. 27 On Zoning Petition Of Busches A pel it ion has been filed before the zoning board of appeals for petitioners, James Busch an'd Helen Busch. The petitioners are asking for a change, in zoning classification of their property from "F" farming to R-l residence. The property is located East of the village of Spring Grove. The hearing on the above petition will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1959 at 3 p.m. at the village hall in Spring Grove. Lakeland Park WARDEN URGES ALL TO PRACTICE FIRE PREVENTION Vickey Bottari - EV. 5-2262 As you all have been reading in the newspapers and hearing on the T.V. and radio, this is Fire Prevention Week. Let's make sure that all of us here in our community make sure that our furnaces are clean and kept in the best working condition because with the weather getting colder our furnaces will be goiri'g on and off a lot more often, so again make sure that they are in perfect working condition. This little bit of advice comes not only from me but from Ed. Glorch who is the fire warden here in Lakeland Park. auspices of the Chicago Pleasure club at the Lily Lake dancing pavilion last Saturday evening was well attended. The prize waltz was won bv John TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO j Taken From the Files of Oct. 4. 1934 Mrs." Joseph J. Frett passed away at her home in this citv Three of every four boys want to become Scouts and one of every two actually joins. New Bus Shelters Over the weekend a great deal of work was done pn our new bus shelters. Now this comes as a warning to all the children and the parents, of the community. As you know these shelters are put up for the protection of all the children and should be used as such. Parents please make sure you stress this to your children to make sure that they do not go around tearing them down ana writing all over them. Let's keep them looking as nice as they do right now for a long, long time to come. Cub Scout News *"* Den 4 Pack 361 The following boys of Den 4 - Pack 361 had a real good time last Saturday morning when their den mother, Mrs. Okal, took them horse back riding. For some of these boys it was their first time on a horse but they all did real well. The boys were Bruce Okal, Ken Prazak, Ray Barle, Phil Bucaro and Ray Bottari and of course a future scout, little Bobby Okal, who rode along with mother. Happy Birthday To Harry Cygan who celebrated his over "21" birthday last Sunday- To Carol Moll who celebrated her birthday on Tuesday with the following girls Paulette and Joann Rizzo, Josephine Cina, Francine Parisi, Linda Davis, Eileen Cooper. Dianna Evans, Sally Hansen all being served cake and ice cream; then on Sunday she celebrated the occasion again but this time she shared it with her baby brother, Dale, whir was one year old on Sunday and for this party all the aunts and uncles and grandmother were invited. The guest list included Grandmother Glander, Harvey Glander, Betty Glander, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Glander and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glander and family and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Glander and family. It's a Girl I am very happy to report that Bev. Wickencamp presented her family with a baby girl born on Friday, Oct. 9th. Little Susan tipped the scale at the Woodstock Memorial hospital at 8 lbs. 4 ozs. Her two big brothers, Robbie 5 and Davie 2, and of course daddy were all excited about the little mi: Block Captains Meet The block captains for Lakeland Park Will meet at the Strandquist home, 515 Shore drive, Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 8 p.m.. SHOP IN McHENRY 5S' of TT Woodstock ,and Mrs j Sept. 30, at the age of 75. Sur- William Hironimus of Volo. vivors are her husband, five M c H e n r y s p o p u l a t i o n i s ; s o n s a n d t h r e e d a u g h t e r s . ^ S<^S jVe T re born to Mr- i Work of surveving the loca- I and Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Mr. i tion for Route 176. from Bur- , and Mrs N. E^ Barbian anci | ton's Bridge to connect with ! Mr. and Mrs. John Powers and ; U.S. 12 at Terra Cotta Ave j a girl to Mr. and Mrs. William jn Crystal Lake, is underwav return to his school work at, Word has been received'of ought to keep us in smokes for ; the marriage of Miss Margaret some time to come. j Trent of Elgin to Mr. Virgil ; | Mullinax of Elgin, which took ; place at Geneva, 111., Sept. 24. 1 Major Lenox R. Lohr. general manager of Chicago's "A1 FORTY YEARS AGO Taken From Files of Oct. 2, 1919 The stakes have already been Century- of Progress"'"hTs pur- BEFORE YOU CRACK UPI Keep control of your steering . . . keeo out ot trcuole . . . keep "STEERING WOBBIIES" OUTI ANY steering difficulty warns of these motoring menaces, of wheel unbalance and parts wear of possible steering control loss, blow-ou's, ACCIDENT. Fool 'err,! . . . Let us correct yojr car with our foolproof, scientific BEAR equipment NOWI Thank Your Repair Man For '(The Accident That ^ IN* 19*11 If 2nd ANNUAL Fun 'N Feather Party FOR THE VISCOUNT DRUM CORPS Of McHenry Saturday, October 17 NEED FULL NAME ON APPLICATIONS FOR NEW LICENSES Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has reminded Illinois motorists that .-hey should list their complete first, middle and last names when filling out applications for the 1960 registration of their motor vehicles. The written signature may be in the individual's customary style, but on the top line of the application blank, where the name is to be printed or /typewritten, the name must appear in full, Secretary Carpentier said. By filling out the application with the full name, a motorist insures positive identification, thus preventing convictions for traffic law violations from being posted on the wrong person's record. Secretary Carpentier pointed out that applications for other types of motor v e h ic 1 e indentifications, such as a drivers license or a certificate of title, must also bear the applicant's full first, middle and last names. Here are examples of how names should be shown: Brovvr^, James Richard. In cases wherer the individual has a middle initial which does not represent a name, it should be s h o w n , B r o w n , James R. (only).. If the applicant has no middle initial or middle name, it may be shown: Brown, James (none). Women, whether married or single, should use their given names. It should be showni* Brown, Mary Jane. It is noW acceptable to fill out the application, Brown, James R. Mrs. Asking some people a question is like opening a history book. Potent Drugs f W« have a wealth •« • <•>*#• get yo» w®ll and guard your health! e Oar largi prescriptions volume permits •s to maintain ample stocks, including many rare drags and the newest specialties. Thus, wc are prepared *o compound all prescrfptions promptly--and precisely ai directed. Ae b specie! precaution, we double- check each compounding step. Yet, you'll find oar prices no higher than elsewhere. Try as, next time. Bolger's Drug Store 103 S. Green EVergreen 5-4500 McHenry McHenry Finance It At McHenry State Bank Auto Body 8:30 P.M; - Till ?? COMPANY 611 Front St. - So. on Rt. 31 Ph. EV 5-0444 McHenry, 111. SAFETY HEADQUARTERS • \ • '-vf: I < -i^ lillllllil ' ' i' \ * jpwisiisi I'MIBH •/ ; ,,, H Jill1 11 llitf W3L& wmm rt ill si wmm i iymm 601 JAN 59 M.P. 6 ira mi K * £ • •• •• • -A % • •• « "v: ^ and First Slowing of the "I960 Ramblers If THURS., FRI. & SAT., OCT. 15 -16 -17 FREE DOOR PRIZES COFFEE and DOUGHNUTS Be sure to stop in and register for our Door Prhes - No Purchase Necessary Drawing for Door Prizes will be Sat.^Oct. 17th at 6 P.M. - You need not be present to win. SEIBEL MOTOR SALES 405 W. EM ST. 'Next To National Tea' Phone Phone EV 5-5361 or 5-4387 THURS. & FRI. EVENINGS 'Til » P.M.-SAT. EVENING 'TIL I P.M^

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