TSfcirsday, October 29, 1959 Lakeland Park THE McHENftY PLAINDEALER WORK PROGRESSES ON COMMUNITY HOUSE AT PARK Vickey Bottari - EV. 5-2262 yond me so am I forgiven this time? If you have been down to our site in the past week you will notice that our dreams of a. community house are now finally no longer dreams but a reality as the community house is up and work is progressing on it just as rapidly as possible. So it won't be long now and we will be able to use it. Women's Club Meeting TTie next regular monthly routing of the Lakeland Park Women's club will be held this coming Thursday, Nov. 5 at 8:30 p.m. at the Rizzo home, 323 Home avenue. We are hoping that oyr December meeting will be in the new community house. Welcome Party Another very enjoyable ^'elcon| e party was held for new- / comers to our fair community I by the welcome committee of the Lakeland Park Women's club on Thursday evening, Oct. 22. Newcomers w;ho attended the party came into a very beautifully decorated room ail in Halloween colors and all accomplished by the hard work and good ideas of the welcome committee. Ladies welcomed were Hedy Scewert. Anna Bristol Henrietta Fandre, Inez Boelter, Eileen Hautzinger, Rosalie Slonina, Mary Lou Hahn, Dorothy Geske, Gloria Fedorengo, Anne Leone, Leonora Abbott, Anne Marie Johnson, Dolly Townsend and Mildred Pintozzi. Members of the committee were our chairman, Lyda Radisch, Louise McEnerv. Dolores Rogers, Fran Cina. Parisi, Jean Gagnon, Jo Ri2zo and mvself and our president, Mrs. Helen Strandquist. Games were played and then all were served coffee and doughnuts frosted with chocolate and orange so allHvas really in Halloween form that night. Happy Birthday To David Garrison who cele« brated his birthday on Sunday, Oct. 18. His nineth birthday was actually Oct. 12 but Sunday made it easier for mom to have him entertain the following boys: Martin Mahoney, Frostie Viita, Ed. Fescanco, John O'Brien, Robbie Revak, Steve Criscuolo, Frank Moran, Mike Males and Tommy Wagner who sent along a gift but was unable to attend. All were served ice-cream and cake and each had a mask to also sort of celebrate Halloween. To Kathy Dresser. To Suzie Gerstad who was 4 years old on Monday, Oct. 26. To help her celebrate were her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gerstad and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Birkinbine, and this was also Grandma Gerstad's fiftieth birthday. To Nancy Mathews who was 4 years old on Oct. 24. To Scott Wohnrode who was one year old on Oct. 23. To Barbara Malinowski who celebrated an "over 21" birthday on Monday, Oct. 26. In Hospital Little Suzie Gerstad spent •one -day in the McHenry ijospital undergoing several tests and Veretta's mom and dad, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Birkinbine of Sun Prairie, Wis., came in to stay .'till Wednesday to help with the other two children. Happy Anniversary To Marge and Bill Casey who celebrated their sixth year of wedded bliss on Saturday, Oct. 24. Omission ^3 listing the ladies\who atv tenaed the meeting at nV-home for the welcome committee of the Lakeland Park Women's club I omitted the name of Jo Rizzo from the list. Sorry Jo but how this happened is be- Sur prise Birthday Party A surprise birthday party was held on Saturday, Oct. 17 for Pete Parisi, this being his seventeenth. The party was held by Miss Bonnie Bucaro and the following guests were invited: Joan Koerper, Darleen Schaeffer, Sandy Radner, Ken Homo, Chuck Anderson, Rich Reining, Joe and John Parisi, Janice Parisi, Gordie Rehberg, Elaine Piasecki, Josephine La- Cerba, Dwane and Bill Kennebeck, Dianne Koerper, Larry Swedo. Judy Hansen, Jim Tiffeny, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parisi, Mr. and Mrs. F. Parisi and daughter, Francine, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Parisi, Mr. and M r s . B o b C h o l e w a , M r . a n d Mrs. Stan Slonina and daughters, Karen and Judy, and Pette's mother and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parisi, and his sister, Margaret Jean. Barbecue with all the trimmings was served with the usual very beautiful birthday cake and coffee. He was the recipient of many nice gifts. A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to. you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service" AH Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling Bt 1Q| 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE "®16 Front St. McHenry, I1L EVergreen 5-0811 SAYINGS DAY! In order for you to save successfully, you MUST save regularly! Every payday, keep a portion no matter how small, and place in an account with us. As your savings grow, so will your realization that, ^YOUR SAVINGS DO AT MARENGO FEDERAL." Our Current Annual Dividend Rate Of Adds Just That 3Iuch More To Your Growing Account! 4% SAFETY OF T0U« SAVINGS rot*& so Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Phone JOrdan 8-7238 A MUTUAL COMPANY SERVING NORTHERN ILLINOIS SINCE 1925 The Homebuilders club of the Methodist church of McHenry held a hayride party on Wednesday, Oct. 21. Those attending from Lakeland Park were Marve and Shirley George and Dory and Toots Gerstad. There were fifteen couples in all who attended.. Don and Toots are co-presidents of this couples club. Cub Scouts Den 9 -- Pack 862 The boys from this pack are going to have a paper drive on Halloween Day, Oct. 31. If you have any old papers you want to get rid of now is your chance and also your chance to help the Cub Scouts. Have them all tied up in bundles and you cah bring them to the DX Station on the very day of the drive, Oct. 31 but no sooner as they will only be in the way there. Boys from this Den and Pack are Gary and David Bockman, Brad Grote, Gregory Uhles and Peter Murphy. Cub Scouts Den 2 -- Pack 454 Boys of this den put on a skit on the story of the crab at their regular monthly Pack meeting. Boys who participated were John O'Brien, David Garrison and Frank Moran, and Den 4 boys had animal masks made out of paper bags and each represented a different animal and the elephant and the monkey stole the show by just dancing and dancing trying to outdo one another. Steve Criscuolo, Frostie Viita, Mike Males and Ed. Fescanco were -the participants in this skit. Cub awards will be presented at their next monthly pack meeting on Thursday, Nov. 19. Cub Scouts Den 4 -- Pack S61 On Saturday, Oct. 24 the following boys were taken to Skokie, by their Den mother, Mrs. LaVerne Okal, to see the pumpkin man at the Ha.lowenn display. Having their picture taken with the pumpkin man and having a very wonderful time were Phil Bucaro, Bruce Okal, Ray Barle, Ken Prazak, Jimmy Laursen and Ray Bottari. Entertainment & Refreshment Committee The entertainment and refreshment committee having Mrs. Jo. Rizzo as their chairman met last Tuesday, Oct. 20 and made further plans for the coming Christmas party. This may seem earjy to be mentioning Christmas parties already but it sure won't be long. The plans this committee have always take a great deal of time and loads of work to complete them. This year I hear tell that it will be even better than the past ones and I'm sure it will be because if you know Jo and her committee you know that their works are always pretty terrific. Senior Teen Club A meeting of the Senior Teen club was held on Tuesday, Oct. 19 at Gordie Rehberg's home, with about fifteen teens in attendance. New officers were voted in and they Investing in STOCKS? You can obtain the facts about Investors Stock I Fund, Inc., an open-end mutual fund with professional | supervision of diversified securities, emphasizing com- % mon stocks. The securities for this fund are chosen for objectives of long-term capital appreciation possibilities and reasonable income. < Free prospectus-booklet with com- ^ plete information from: ^ George Collette 405 Richmond Road Phone EV 5-5338 Diversified Services, Inc. ImwM 1*94 MORE WATER .. with m SIB JACIBT ^OmirJetW WATII c <3APAes?eos ?© 1870 0AL. Pit HOW • 9>UMPIN« DIPTHt TO 120 HIT • IASILY AND KCONOMICALL¥ CONVERTIIU FROM SHALLOW TO our WILL suvica Dotlar-for-dolfar, tor* ft your btri pump buy. Heavy, dur> abl* construction throughout. Qulot, lubrication -- fro* operation -- only one moving part. A product of a worWtonowned pump minufachror with ovar 75 yoara' mpart- •nco In building water oorvice pro duett. Ths ContrkM "HB" Water System will more than satisfy you la every Come In end tee for yourself. JETS AND Submersible Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WOStK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry CMy Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAMS of PTTMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. PHONE McHENRY EV 5-5252 Page Seventeen •morrow in the Avenue are as follows: Bonnie Bucaro, president, Rollie Koerper, vicepreside nty 'Mary Ann Bofchardt, secretary and Janice Parisi, treasurer. They are going to/have a H a l l o w e e n p a r t y night, Friday, Oct. 3 empty lot on Lakelan in Lakeland Shores. Everyone is to come in a costume and prizes will be awarded to the funniest and most original costume worn by a boy and a girl. There will also be an old fashioned bonfire and lots of singing, etc. They are. also going to crown a king and queen that same evening. Games will be played such as the sack races, egg throwing, etc. 1 They also have made plans !to attend the ice show and this will be on Sunday, Nov. 1 and they will all go by chartered bus. Call is out again for all new members and how about you who may have dropped out for some reason--or- -anotherjoining us at the next meeting. A special meeting was held on Tuesday night to make definite plans on what night our future meetings will be held on and as soon as this is known it will be issued to all of you through this column. So make plans to join this club which has so many, many good times planned for the future. CHURCH GROUPS MEET St. Mary's Catholic church has announced the following meeting days for their organizations: Holy Name, second Mondays at 8 p.m.; Christian Mothers, first Fridays at 7:45 p.m.; P.T.A., first Mondays at 8 p.m.; men Foresters, first and third Tuesdays at 8 p.m.; L a d y F o r e s t e r s , s e c o n d a n d fourth Thursdays at 8 p.m.; Young Christian Workers, eve r y M o n d a y a t 8 : 3 0 p . m . ; Finance It At McHenry State Bank Christian family, Wednesday and Friday at 9 p.m.; high school sodality. 'Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS FREE RUG SHAMPOO DEMONSTRATION Fri., October 30th 7-9 P.M. At ED'S RENTAL, Inc. 704 Front St. Phone EV 5-4128 MILLSTREAM DRUGS 315 W. ELM STREET Next To Jewel Tea McHenry, III. OH SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY IVAFYAE&K AGENCY DRUG STORE DRUG NEEDS ANEFRIN NASAL SPRAY Antihistaminic Antibiotic Vi oi« AITK-FIO reuuia ANTIFREEZE i Gallon CAN ;:v ANEFRIN «m«siMwiE TABLETS 98 Aids in Relief of Hayfever Discomfort With ear#, precision and Integrity, our Pharmacist follows your Doctor's written '.order* exactly to the letter. Bring your prescription to us where you can always depend upon gotting "Just What Your Doctor Ordered.** ! TdBHMn ! "LUX" Cigarette LIGHTER Attractive Designs mi 69 Only.... i -- 0197*1 l .<u«kjj vlI ! MOO'^HN I SSrai ELECTRICAL Tablets p (vLi-iimniiiti 1i;) ELECTRIC KITCHEN CLOCKS SeEC Molded Plastic Case PO-DO PLAYING CA1DS Deluxe Plastic Coated warm wimiMs Vuette ©LIP-ON LIGHT ELECTRIC HOT PLATE Leaves Smokers Sparkling ISODINE ANTISEPTIC QUIK-STIK Applicators ^ 24 individual pplications... Reg. 1.35 ROLL PACK WALGREEN ALL PURPOSE FILM 09 iioutiful Cfarome Be@ top Finish SMOKERS TOOTH PASTE For Reusing \ Reducing ELECTRIC 3 ReH 120, 12? \ PAK 620 X "*7t< PUntUt For Up Set Or Sour Stomach TWIN PAK Washable M _ Zipper C95 Cover COLGATE DENTAL CREAM ze C OCTINE EYE DROPS DR. SCHOL ZINO PAD For Relief of Corns 43c Vl ©X. k}<-<2>X» stle