Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Tuesday, November 24, Luncheon-Shower Honors Miss Dosch Bridal Couple Miss Phyllis A luncheon-shower honoring j Miss Josephine Dosch of Lake- j iT4<00 moor was held at tfig home of McCullom Lake was Mrs. John Hitter at 42 Orchard ' Peach. McHenrv. last week. . Guests were members of a ; Birthday club of which Miss j Dosch has been a member for; ten years. Present were M e s d a m e s Anne Sand; Mae Svoboda, Flor- j ence Svoboda, Evelyn Krukow, j Pearl Lake, Ettie Zundel. Tru- • dy Marsh, Marie Schaettgen, I Myrtle Smith and Jeanne R. ! Hopfear. C.D. of A. Holds Social Meeting The C. D. of A>. social meeting was held Thursday. Nov 19. Winners in the card tournament were Bette O'Brien. Rose Konnebeck and Gertrude Weber in canasta; Eleanor Freund, Laura Weber, Bertilla Freund and Rose Huemann in pinochle; Collet te Adams in bridge. Refreshments were served by Jean Driscoll and her committee. The next meeting will be held Dcc. 3. with Madeleine Mayfield presiding. Piotrowski of married PERSONALS Cynthia Marie Becker Christened Sunday In a service held at St. Mary's Catholic church, Sunday. Nov. 22, at 1:30 p.m., the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Becker of the Country Club subdivision was christened Cynthia Mario bv Rev. Albert Rennell. Mrs. Robert Justen and Eugene Schaefer acted as sponsors. Open house was held aftei the ceremony at the Becker home for their family and friends. Fox Rivrr Valley Camp Meets Dec. 1 Fox River Valley. R.N.A., will hold a meeting and election of officers at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday evening, Dec. 1, at the Community Methodist church. A Christmas party will follow the meeting, with members asked to bring a guest, and also a fifty cent gift. Kotalik Studio Photo The Dennis Straumanns to Dennis Straumann in a lovely wedding solemnized at St. Patrick's Catholic church on Oct. 10. PAULINE KALEMBA WED SATURDAY TO CHARLES OBORNY ADULT GIRL . SCOUTS PLANNING CHRISTMAS PARTY LAURA WISER IS HONQRED ON 80th ANNIVERSARY Four of her grandsons. Richa r d P h a n n e n s t i l l , M i c h a e l Bradley of Elgin, Tom Wiser of Volo and David Wagener of Maple Park, served the High Mass Saturday, Nov. 21, which honored Mrs. Laura Wiser of Waukegan, formerly of Volo The Mass was sung in St. Anne's church, Barrington, in observance of Mrs. Wiser's MRS. LAURA WISER eightieth birthday anniversary. Dinner was served later at St. Anne's school hall for members of the family, numbering about fifty. Among those present was Sister Lucas of Ochakee. Wis., a daughter of Mrs. Wiser. A wedding of interest took p!ace last Saturday, Nov. 21, at St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry, uniting in marriage Miss Pauline Kalemba, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kalemba of Lakemoor, and Mr. Charles E. Oborny. son of Mrs. Anna Oborny of Waukegan. Fr. Harold Nilges officiated at the 10 o'clock ceremony. Two bouquets of white chrysinthemums and carnations decorated the altars. The bride was attractive in a street length dress of white taffeta, covered with white chiffon gathered at front and back, with while bows on the 'ound neckline and short 'Ipcves. With i* she wore" lone white gloves and a tiara studded with pearls, to which was attached a shoulder length veil. She carried a colonial bouquet of white roses, pom poms and feathered carnations. Mrs. Dale O'Leary of Lakemoor, a close friend, acted as matron of honor, wearing a dress of brilliant blue nylon, with high scoop neckline, full skirt with bow, puffed sleeves and matching feather headpiece. Her flowers were yellow and white roses and yellow carnations. The little flower girl was Wendy Jane Shark. 4. of Mundelein, sister of the matron of honor and a friend of the bride. She wore a short dress of light blue nylon, styled with full skirt and white applique at the collar and waist. Her net headpiece was of matching color, with flowers, and she carried < miniature bouquet similar tc that of the matron of honor. Walter J. Kalemba of Johnsburg. brother of the bride served as best man. Mrs. Kalemba chose a dusty rose lace dress over taffeta with matching accessories while Mrs. Oborny wore a peacock blue nylon dress wit'r black accessories. Both had corsages of pink roses and white miniature mums. A reception followed the ceremony at the Czecho lodge ai Crystal Lake for thirty members of the immediate families and the bridal party. The couple left later on a trip to St. Louis. Mo., and on theii return will reside at 422 Emerson Lane. Mundelein. The bride is a 1958 graduate of the McHenry high school md is employed at Sparkier Mfe. Co., in Mundelein. The groom graduated from Gr^n* high school in Fox Lake and is emploved by the same firm. CARD OF THANKS T am extremeH- grateful to the Firemen and Iho Police who worked so diliKentlv last Wednesday to control the fire Mesdames Anton Williams, Mike Degen, Ben Tonyan and Fred Smith Visited Sister Lambert at St. Joseph's Convent, Milwaukee, Wednesday and also attended the bazaar while there. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl and Mrs. Dale Dixon visited Waukegan relatives Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Winkelman of Arlington Heights and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Winkelman of Wadsworth spent Sunday in the Elmer Winkelman home. George Justen, son, Robert, and Robert Blake accompanied by Harry Unti of Chicago, have returned from a quail hunting trip in Xenia, 111. Mrs. Ann Cohrs, Mrs. Julius Roeder, Mrs. Carl Lobitz, Mrs. Moller and Mrs. Fred Biertapfl attended a birthday luncheon of the Lutheran child welfare auxiliary, at St. Matthew's church in Barrington Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wirtz and son, Raymond, of Springfield are due to arrive Wednesday to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with relatives lere. Mrs. Robert Conway, her sisters, Mrs. Thomas Spantideas ind Mrs. Stella Calbow of Crystal Lake were in Rockrord. Monday, to extend belated birthday greetings to their brother. Vernon Blanner, and their niece, Sandra Henner. Mr. and Mrs. James McAn- Irews and . niece, Miss Barbara Shannon, spent a recent day with relatives in Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Leight were in Chicago Saturday where they attended the wedding of Miss Camil'e Zacker tnd Raymond Duernpal at St. Victor's church. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Engdahl spent the weekend with the Herbert Engdahl, Jr., family in Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Mabel Powers was dismissed from the Woodstock hospital. Wednesday, and is re- ?uperating from her recent accident at the home of her; laughter. Mrs. Sibre Whiting, | near Johnsburg. i Miss Penny Nye. who is at-1 tending school in Minneapolis, | M:nn.. will arrive tomorrow j (Wednesday) to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her J •^rents, Dr. and Mrs. William Nye. | A group of members of the WSCS of the M. E. Communi- •v church en.ioyed a field trip to Chicago, Thursday, where they visited "The Chapel In The Skv" at the Chicago Tern- j pie and Newberry Center. Mrs. Robert Conway. Judy j and Robbie, were in Crystal I Lake. Thursday evening, where j fhey helped Gregory Spanti- j deas celebrate his tenth birth- i day. ! Mrs. Alice Frasier returned •o her home in Grinnell, Iowa. Monday after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Helen Young. Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen. daughter. Clarence, grand-1 laughter, Gretta Martin, and Mrs. JoseDh Bauer visited the former's daughter. Sister Nice- 'e. at Holv Redeemer convent -•nd attended a bazaar at St. Toseph's convent, Milwaukee, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Fitzgerald, sons. Ronnie and Raymond, of Marvcrest. Kankakee, pent the weekend with her mother. Mrs. Anne Rodenkirh. On Sunday the Fitzgeralds, Mrs. Rodenkirch, Mr. and Mrs. H e l a r v R o d e n k i r c h , S a n d r a ->nd Gerald, visited with Suzinne Fitzgerald, an aspirant n the order of the School Sisters of St. Francis, at St. Toseph's convent in Milw-aukee. The Misses Dorothy and Louise Walsh have returned from a visit with relatives in California. CARD OF THANKS In this manner I wish to ex- 'end my sincere thanks for the cards, visits, prayers and other kindnesses extended me during my recent stay in the hospital. Arthur (Torchy) Krause 30 The November meeting of the Valley View Neighborhood, Adult Girl Scouts, met at the Legion home recently. A very interesting program was presented. The facts presented in a slide illustrated lecture lelt the leaders feeling a deeper pride in .the accomplishments of Girl Scouting and realizing how much more could be done if" they could only% find more volunteer leadership. Plans were made for the Christmas party planned for Dec. 9 at 12:30 pm, at the Country Club. There will fce a, dollar gift exchange. All leaders and troop committee members are Mvg§d to attend. Please phone your town organizer for reservations by December 1. Oi*RIT A McHenry Hospil.l Patients at McHenry hospital this past week included Harold Kautz of Spring Grove; Aaron Rupert, Janet Engstrom, Janice Engstrom, Marie Cooper, Harry KoV'i'-n Nancy Cone, Arthur Zocllick. Ann Mertens. Grnco Woo"w,rd. Marie Wells, John Engeln. Milda Mathews and Patricia Merkel of McHenry; Charles TT"rlsell of Wonder Lake; Saley Coss. Joyce Talbot.. William Pilicke and James McWilliams of Crystal Lake; Loyal Neff and Jacqueline Trov'^anus o<" Woodstock; Linda Dason of McCullom Lake; Edward Radloff of Round Lake. Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospital. Woodstock, this past week included Bernice Hausheer, Patricia Drafz, Irene Kuby, Robert McDonald. William McDonald, Melvin Freund and Kenneth Stilling of McHenry and Donna Dangler of Wonder Lake. Mrs. A. H. Mosher returned home Sunday from Memorial hospital, Woodstock, where she had been confined for several days. Harvard Hospital Diane Wicks of Spring Grove has been a patient at Harvard hospital this past week. COSTA-KLAPPERIC VOWS EXCHANGED IN McHENRY CHURCH Mr. William J. Kl^pperich of McHenry was marned to Mr,c Nad.'i Costa of Orchard Drive. McCullom Lake. in a wedding ceremony which took piaeo {it St. Patrick's Catholic church Saturr*-v. Nov. 21. A wedding break •>"•* fatlowed the service at Ilettermann's in Johnsburg. pftor 'vhioh an onen house w* held -i the bride's home in the aftcv,'° on. The couple plans to leave soon for Miami. Fla.. where they will spend 'w; months before returning to make their home in this community. CARD OF THANKS To the many friends of Ben Redman, organizations in Wonder Lake. McHenry Township and the County, words cannot express my thanks and appreciation for the many kindnesses and token of friendship shown me in my bereavement. Mrs. Ruth Norden Redman 30 Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. -- Meeting and Election of Officers -- 7:30 p. m. --Christmas Party Following. December 5 L a keland Park Women's Club Fourth Annual Snow Ball Dance -- Legion Home. Der-^mbfir 5-6 McHenry Choral Club Christmas Concert -- 8:15 p.m. -- High School Auditorium. December tf Valley View Neighborhood Meeting. Christmas Party and Luncheon -- 12:30 p.m. -- MctTenry Country Club. Deeomlirr J" Y.C.W. Ciiristmas DanCe -- 9 p.m. -- Legion Home. FR. DALEIDEN PLANNING SPRING TRIP TO EUROPE A capacity crowd of over 400 nnople attended the testimonial dinner held in honor of Father John L. Daleiden of Spring Grove recently. This event was sponsored by the McHenry Coi-pii Knights of Columbus on behalf of Father Daleiden for his ten years of service as their chaplain. Gvand Knight Arnold May of Richmond presented him a testimonial plaque for his inspired service and spiritual guidance. Dr. E. B. Stegmaier. faithful navieator of Bishop Boylan Assembly, presented a $250 check to Father as a purse. Supreme Director of the Knights of Columbus. Charles J. Morgan, acknowledged the fine work Father Daleiden has done for the Council for many years. Rev. Father Eugene Baumhofer of Woodstock was the featured speaker and gave an interesting ta'k. followed by an address by Father Daleiden. The McHenry council has placed the proceeds of this affair in an account for use by Father Daleiden to purchase a ticket to Europe and return. Father Daleiden has never had an opportunity to make a trip to Europe and he is looking forward to an early spring trip. BOY SCOUTS Troop 162 At the last adult committee meeting on Nov. 19, the following committee members were appointed for the ensuing year: Committee chairman, George McGowan; treasurer, Otis Banker; advancement committee, Walter Durrenberg, Dennis Martell, Sr., and Otis Banker; scoutmaster, Maynard De- Vos; assistant scoutmasters, Helmuth Meyer and James Kirk; junior assistant scoutmaster, Fred Durrenberg; troop scribe, Scout. John Besto; quartermaster, Scout Gregory Green. Committee meetings will be held every Thursday of thenmMh. The advance committee will meet every Thursday of the month at the Landmark school (old Junior high) on Waukegan street. CARD OF THANKS On behalf of my family, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for the many kindnesses extended to us at the time of the fire which threatened our home last Thursday. Everything was appreciated so very much. Mrs. Monica Morris 30 SHORT ILLNESS ENDS IN DEATH OF E. R. SUTTON A three-day illness ended early Saturday morning, Nov. 21, in the death of a lifelong resident, Edward R. Sutton, of East River road, McHenry. He was 77 years of age. Mr. Sutton was born Aug. 19, 1882, on a farm in Nunda township. He retired several voars ago after many years of da'ry farming. The deceased was a charter member of the McHenry council. Knights of Columbus, No. 1288. He was a deeply religious man and a daily communicant a t S t . P a t r i c k ' s C a t h o l i c church, of which he was a member. F's wife, the former Anna McGee, preceded him in death on July 7, 1950. He is Survived by three sons. William of Maywoni. Charlffs and Thomas of McHenry; fwr^Brcrth^rs, William and Joseph J. of McHenry, John I. of Freeport and Robert E. of Chicago; two sisters. Marv Hoelscher of McHenrv and Sister Robertus (T.ucv^ of Chicago; al$o one andchild. Besides a daughter, "leanor Peterson, he was presided in death by the following ^others and sisters. Michael, Alice Nell'° Lai-k'" *»nd sister St. Bride (Margaret). The body rested at the Peter M. Justen funeral home until Monday morning at 10 o'clock, when a funeral ft^ass was sung at St. Patrick's bfciurch, with internet* /2-Year-Old Is 'Dimes' Poster Girl burial in the church tery. *EAD THE WANT ADS The honored guest has been . nel<t ,°or m\\hou«p. It was making her home with another; y. trough their efforts that daughter, Carmel Maynard. at T1,' was SPVe(^ Krate~ 507 Greenwood avenue, Wau- Thanks to all of you. kpgan Mrs. Bertha Lee ' 30 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE OBITUARY CARD OF THANKS Mv sincere thanks for the many cards, letters, prayers and visits I received durine my stay in the hospital. Your thought fulness was greatly appreciated. Peter H. Freund 30 I i* GEORGE J, UNYVIN George J. Unwin of Wonder Lake died Sunday afternoon. Nov. 22. at Lake County sanitorium, Waukegan. The body rests at the Peter M. Justen funeral home until Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, when Rev. Burton Schroeder of the Nativny Lutheran church, Wonder Lake, will officiate at last rites, This will be a Masonic service, followed by burial at Ringwood. The best example of perfect security is a man serving n life term in prison. THE STAFF AND MANAGEMENT OF THE CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOPPE WISH TO YOU A HAPPY THANKSGIVING HOLIPAY CLAIRE, MARY ANN, JUDY Remember your Thanksgiving hostess with flowers CENTERPIECES n an artistic arrangement of mums or her favorite fall flowers We also have a fino selection of: Corsages Bouquets Potted Plants cjCocher j Street ^"J~(orest 'Flowers of Distinction and Good Design" 300 W. Elm Street Across from A&P Phone EV 5-2300 "We Telegraph Flowers Anywhere' Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Donarski of Chicago are the parents of a daughter, weighing 8 lbs. 7 ozs., born Nov. 20 at Ravenswood hospital. She has been named Tori Lynne. Grandparents of the baby are Mr. and Mrs. Claude Baslev of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donarski of Lakeland Park. Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard are the parents of a son. born Nov. 19 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A boy was born Nov. 19 at Harvard hospital to Mr. and Mrs. George Biggs. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lowrey of Wonder Lake welcomed a son at Memorial hospital on Nov. 18. SPEECH TOURNAMENT Twelve Northern Illinois university students competed Friday and Saturday in one of the largest speech tournaments in the country, the invitational forensic meet at Bradley university, Peoria. NIU debaters competed against students from fifty other colleges and universities in the country. Pat Raymond of McHenry was one of the team. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our beloved wife and mother, Mary Lay Freund, who died 5 years ago on November 29, 1954. Gone but not forgotten. Peter Freund, Jr. and Children *30 Mary Beth Pyron, 2, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Pyron of Florence, Ala., has just been chosen national poster girl for the New March of Dimes 1960 campaign in January. Her picture will appear on millions of posters (above), canisters and «Atn collectors in every town and village of the country, symbolizing the New March of Dimes attack on crippling birth defects, arthritis and polio, diseases that affect one in every four U. S. families. Mary Beth was born with an open spine ical science knows no way of helping her. Hope lies in scientific research supported by the New March of Dimes. Mary Beth is a sunny, affectioc^e child and loves to ride her new walking horse (left). Her brother Tommy, 4, is a normal child. Three rudders are required to maneuver the more than one-quarter mile long super carrier USS Forrestal. « "After alb i I've done § for you! «>l Let us do one thing for you . . . supply you with Christmas cards from our fine selection of beautifully illustrated holiday cards. s Let us be thankful... for the freedom to worship in the church of our choice ... for happy faces around the family's Thanksgiving table, and for the plenty that graces it •.. for good health, good friends, good neighbors . *« and for all that we enjoy in this land of ours. To show our thankfulness ...we attend church services . . . we meet with family and friends . ., we set >