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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Dec 1959, p. 8

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Page Eight THE McHSjfftY PLAINDEALER Santa Claus Thursday, December 3, 279; $3.98; (what very bad) Eldon car ferry eighteen cars No. 915, $2.98. "Mark Schlueter "Dear Santa: "I am 6 years old and I have three brothers and one sister. I would like a tiny tears with rock-a-by eyes, a cradle and a buggy. an magic bingo game and a play car (a big one which you can ride in, a red car). "Love, "Linda Hachmeiseter" "Dear Santa: "I want a guitar for Christ- PERSONALS Mrs. John Bolger and sister, Miss Kathryn Kortendick of mas and a doll a movie land ! Woodstock, left Wednesday of drivein skirts 8 pairs of sox 3 Ilast week by Plane t0 spend blouses a new pair of shoes !*he Thanksgiving holiday witti "Dear Santa Claus: "I try to be a good boy. But you know I have two sisters and two brothers. I want a emenee organ and a rifle a some guns. "Donald H. "206 Fairway Drive, McHenry "I am 7 years old" that is all. My mother wants new furniture. I like you very much. I like your wife ..oo. How are your raindeer. Love always. "Marsha Kay Scherf. My address is RR6, "Box 561, Hillcrest rd„ McHenry. In care of William Scherf." "Dear Santa: "I would like a Ginnv baby doll for Christmas this year. And some pajamas for Ginny baby. And a ear warrher hat for me. And "If i ran the zoo" book. I will leave some sugar for your reindeers. And some "Dear Santa Claus: "I want a semetruck and dumptruck, steam shovel, robe blocks, games. "Joe Sullivan "304 Woodlawn Ave., Lakeland Park" milk and cookies for you. hope you have a nice trip, can not wait till Christmas. "Love Cori" "Dear Santa Claus: "I want a cement truck and a dumptruck. steam shovel, cowboy hat. nails, toy car, games, boy doll, glass cutter. "Mark Sullivan "304 Woodlawn Ave., Lakeland Park" "Dear Santa Clause: > "Last Christmas I saw you at Fox Lake. What for Christ- "Dear Santa- mas is some dishes a d°H and "I am David Lawson and I f do11, house T a"d two blouses am && years old and I would wo skirts. I like you very like a horse, huckleberry hound ^ ; might see you this dog. a cowboy suit, a train, a Christmas. Your wifes name is rifle and a truck. Say hello to !Je s*™e th,nS name Mrs. Claus. I'd like a real pup- ! a' Hl,lerest rd., Rt. 6, Box 561, McHenry. "From Mary "Dear Santa: "Love, py dog too." "My name is Diane Lawson and I am 3% years old and I like you a lot. I would like a baby, a toodles doll, a horse, a cowgirl suit, a buggy, a dog, a play dog, dishes, a doll house, r bed." "Scherf" Reinjunior "Dear Santa: "My name is Donna Lawson and I'm only 7 months old so my mommy's writing this and I'd like anything you'd like to bring me." "My name is Gwen boldt. I would like a size nurse kit. a penny arcade machine, a master magic show; a gas pump, a marybel the get i well doll. Don't forget my j neices. They want a dolly ! swing car seat. Thank you Santa." "Dear Santa Claus: • "I would like to have a buggy, a queen suit, a. cowgirl suit, paradise painting set, and toodles and murfumr'nurse set, dishes, Gill doll and Ginny doll. I love you very much and would you please say hello to Mrs. Claus for me. And I love Mrs. Claus to. And I am 9 years old. and a real kitten. I've been a pretty good girl. "Nancy Lawson" "Dear Santa: "I would like a Ginny doll, a cowgirl suit, a buggy, puzzles, a paradise coloring set, a watch, play high-heels, a sister suit and dishes. I love you Sanla. I'm almost 7 years old. I've been a pretty good girl. "Janet Lawson' SCIENCE MUSEUM FEATURES "XMAS AROUMD WORLD" Beginning last Saturday. Nov. 28, and continuing through Sunday, Dec. 13, the eighteenth annual festival dramatizing customs of " C h r i s t m a s A r o u n d T h e World", will be featured at the | neralV^ Edward Sutton"last Museum of Science and Indus- week were John gutton of the former's son, John, who is employed in Syracuse. N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carlquist of Wooddale visited her mother, Mrs. Laura K n a a c k, Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld and children of Fort Worth, Texas, spent Thanksgiving and the weekend with his parents, the Paul Brefelds of McHenry, and her parents, the William Stillings of Richmond. Miss Genevieve Knox and brother, Martin, were Thursday guests in the Lloyd Whiting home in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Geiger (Elaine Hall) have returned from a honeymoon in New Orleans, La., and are now making their home at Sunny View Farm, on the Johnsburg Road. " The Lawrence Huckjjjamily, Mrs. Lillian Huck ancPgrands o n , M i c h a e l N i s k a , w e r e guests in the Robert Shea home in Oak Park Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Berger and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams and children and Mrs. Grace Berger of Wooddale were Thanksgiving guests in the Norman Knaack home. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Timme and children, Ann and Beth, of Park Ridge, ate turkey in the Thomas Fenwick home on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Lelah Howard has returned from a visit in the Gilbert Untz home in Lake Mills, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Croak of Chicago visited her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Saturday. Miss Helen Buch of Chicago visited relatives here Thursday. Mrs. Barbara Simmons of New York and Mrs. Elizabeth Stiles of Evergreen Park, were called here last week by the death of their father, Harry Connolly. Miss Genevieve Knox was a weekend guest in the home of the Misses Donohue in Evanston. Among the out of town folks here to attend the wake or fu- Freeport; Robert Sutton of Dubuque, Iowa; Robert Sutton, daughter, Gertrude. Muriel Schmeling, Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington. Misses Alice ! and Ethel Harrington, Mrs. try, 57th Street and the lakefront. Expected to continue its history of constantly new recordbreaking crowds of spectators. the project, which has attained national recognition as one of j James Donaghue, Mrs. Mary the most picturesque Christ- I McCabe, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. mas season programs staged William Sutton, son. Teddy, anywhere in the country, will an{j Mrs. Laura Minteer, Mayhis> ear highlight the Yuletide | wood; Mr. and Mrs. Harry traditions of 21 different coun- ; Minteer and daughters. Milties' ; waukee, Wis.; William Martin c t n, \ Pr°Prams will be held daily and daughters and Mrs. Rob- ••T 3 3 aUS, i-i + | at 2. 7 and 8:30 p.m., with two »rt Schnefer. of Waukegan; would very much like to I Pxtra afternoon programs on ! Mr. and Mrs. L. Fish of Graysa queen sult Saturdays and Sundays at 3:30 ;'nke; Mrs. Robert Frish and and 5:00 p.m. j Mr. and Mrs. George Arlnms The afternoon programs will i Elgin; Mrs. Dell Ryan and Miss who had been spending a few days in the city, returned to McHenry with him. Miss Verena Jus ten of Chicago was a weekend guest of McHenry relatives. Charles Sutton spent the weekend in the Robert Belzer home in Rockford, where he helped Mr. Belzer celebrate his birthday on Sunday. Guests in the Robert Wissell home Thanksgiving were the Hilmer Heike\family of Mundelein, the James Cornue family of Hebron, Dick Wissell of Champaign and Mrs. William Wissell of. McHenry. Amdng the out of town folks here to attend the funeral of Henry Schaffer on Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Waterloo, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Geary, Streamwood, 111; Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Geary, Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Geary, son, Michael, Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary, sons, Norman and Delbert, Grayslake, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Geary, Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Skoney, Elmhurst; Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Conroy, Crystal Lake and Mrs. Frances Geary, Volo. Mrs. Joe May, Mrs. William Staines and Miss Irene Guffey were Chicago visitors Friday. Mrs. Edward Gitzke of Cary \isited her mother, Mrs. William Heimer, Sunday. Miss Ann Loretta Weber spent the weekend with a former roommate, Miss Nancy Sinott, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butler of Chicago were weekend guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. Carl Bradley returned home with them for a few days visit. Mrs. William Wissell and son, Dick, visited the former's grandson, Larry Wissell, at the Woodstork hospital Sunday. Larry, fourteen--year old son of Mr. aijd^Mrs. James Wissell, of Genoa City, Wis.; suffered a fractured pelvis when he was thrown from a horse on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. William Heimer spent several days last week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Erwin Laures, in Northbrook. Miss Ellen Walsh spent the Thanksgiving holiday's in the home of her sister, Mrs. George Miller and family, in Chicago. Thursday guests in the Robert Thompson home were Mrs. Octavia Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thompson Kay and Janice, of Western Springs and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron. w ... Mr. and Mrs. Donalc} G$ylord spent Thanksgiving and the weekend as the guest of relatives at Mauston, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mat thews of Evanston ate turkey in the home of his mother, Mi's. Delia Matthews, Thursday. Mrs. Irene Guffey, Mr. and Mrs. Joe May, daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert K e l l y , o f C h i c a g o , s p e n t Thanksgiving in the Eljner Shmalfelt home in Kenosha, Wis. Jimmie and Jerry Blalje accompanied the John Wolowic family of Druce Lake to Fort Jennings, Ohio, to spend the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoenhoeltz and daughter, Ruth Ann, e n t e r t a i n e d J t h e " f o i l o w i n g g u e s t s T h a n k s g i v i n g : J a c k Schoenhoeltz, Norfolk, Va; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Freund, son, Daie, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund, son, Loren, and Jeri'y and Pat Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Roche and family of Rockford* former McHenry residents, were Sunday visitors in the H. C. R'eihansperger home. Rev. Father L. B. Delire of Holy Rosary parish and Mrs. Emily Bannock, sons, Johnny and Lance, of Chicago, Mrs. May-Powers and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pqwers were entertained in the James Powers home Thanksgiving day. Dick Antonson, a student at Notre Dame and his roommate, Johri Brazil, of Hawaii, spent the Thanksgiving holidays in the Carl L. Antonson home. A family gathering was held in the home of Mrs. A. P. Freund on Thanksgiving day. Those present were the Dell Freund family, Wauconda; the Ralph Freund, Richard Frett families, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Freund and Cindv. Crystal Lake; the Irving Freund. William Hermann, Art Tonyan, Elmer Smith, Volney Brown families and Miss Margery Freund, McHenry and Don Froz'ey, Woodstock. Carl Steuben was home from Northern Illinois university, DeKalb, to spend Thanksgiving holidays with his parents, Mr. aiijl Mrs. Robert Steuben. Other visitors in their home on Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen of Chicago, and their daughter. Mrs. Burt Waterhouse, of St. Louis. Visitors in the George H. Johnson home on Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson, Stephen and Susan, Skokie; Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Eder, Evanston; Mrs. Erie Geer, Crystal Lake and. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson. OBITUARIES HENRY J. SCHAFFER Last rites were held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, Nov. 28, for Henry J. Schaffer, 82, a lifelong resident of McHenry who died early Tuesday morning, Nov. 24, in Shangra-la rest home. He had been a patient there for about three weeks. Burial was in the St. Patrick's cemetery. Before time of services, which were held in St. Patrick's, Mr. Schaffer's body rested at the Peter M. Justen funeral home. - Mr. Schaffer was married J una 8, 1908, to the former i Agnes Geary of Wauconda, who preceded him in death. For almost a half century, he was engaged in the construction business. Mr. Schaffer was a talented musician and for many years was active in Schaffer's orchestra and a member of the McHenry municipal band. He also belonged to the Knights of Columbus and the Holy Name society. Survivors include a son, Stanley; three grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Susan Adams, of McHenry. Besides his wife, he was preceded in death by two brothers, John and Michael; and a sister, Catherine. MARGARET ROSING Mrs. Margaret Rosing, 90, of Round Lake, died early Friday, Nov. 27, in the home of a daughter at 420 W. Nippersink road in Round Lake, after a period of failing health. The deceased was born Jan. 9, 1869, in Johnsburg and lived her entire life' in this area. She was a member of St. Ann's sodality and St. Peter's chu.1 • JJ. Volo. Her husband, George, died Aug. 21, 1954. She is survived by seven daughters, Sister Marguerite, SDS, of Boyd, Wis., Sister Ignatius, SDS, of Portage, Wis., Sister Rose Marie. SCS, of Milwaukee, Wis., Mrs. Joseph Tonyan of McHenry, Mrs. Henry Wegener of Volo, Mrs. Claude Lerner of California and Mrs. Jim Ness of Round Lake; two sons, Ernest of Wooster Lake and Walter of Libertyville; also eleven grandchildren, including Sister Marilyn, SDS, of South Dakota; also thirtythree gr<?at-grandchildren. Services were held at St. Peter's church at Volo, with interment in the church cemetery. JARO POPISEK Jaro Popisek, Sr., of Burton's Bridge, passed away last Sunday, Nov. 29. Services were held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from a Berwyn chapel, with burial in Woodlawn Memorial park in Forest Park. He is survived by his widow, Frances; a son, Jaro, Jr.; three daughters, Milena Popisek, Lumira Riordan and Zita Kalivoda; also a brother and six grandchildren. DAISY MOTTER fT-flst rites were conducted nesday for Mrs. Daisy er, 53, of McCullom Lake, died Saturday, Nov. 28, in enry hospital. Services were held in Acacia Park EVERLASTING BRONZE Too precious to lose or store away constant reminder of yonr Baby's --there sonly one satisfying thing first toddling stecs. Sand woyt? to do with those irreplaceable Baby Baby's First Shoes today fffflt? Shoes. Hovo (thorn "Eternalized" "Etarnallzlng". Attach card to to our Genuine Electroplating ohoe giving your name and address. rrocesa. This process deposits a Or. phone and we'll be glad to pick heavy coatmg of actual Bronze on them up. Prompt delivery. AH work yonr Baby e Shoes. Time never can guaranteed to please or monevbaek. Harm them. They 11 last forever--© Phone now or send shoes or name to MdiENRY ELECTROPLATING SERVE P.O. Box 236 have a Gill doll with little high heels, a buggy, a nurse set, a tea set. I love you very much and Mrs. Claus to. I am 9 years old. My name is "Linda Lawson" "Santa Claus: "Ronda wants a brde doll, piano, camera, game, refridgerator, t.v. 'Ronda W." "Dear Santa: "I will try to me good if I am good I would like to have a Shirley Temple and Wardrod and a Modern kitcken and that all and my sis like to have a patti and a doll bed I don't know what else. "My name Jacquelyn my, sis name Pam, I'm Jackie 8 and she Pam 4. "Jackie and Pam Radner "Eastwood Manor" be largely musical in nature. The evening programs will tell by means of pageantry, liturgical music, folk-songs and dancing, the story of the wealth of Christmas lore to which the United States has fallen heir. Presented by scores of educational, religious, civic and fraternal organizations, from all over the Chicag<r~area, tl>e Festival portrays/the background of national /neritages brought to the United States by emigrants from other countries, Lillian McGll, Woodstock. Yeoman 3-c Jack B. Schoenhoeltz of the USS North Hampton, Fleet Flag Ship, left Sunday for Norfolk, Va.; after a week's leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoenhoeltz. Jack's ship is scheduled to leave in January for an European cruise to the Mediterranean and northern Europe. G. Walinder spent Thanksgiving in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Belzer, and emphasizing how the var- j in Rockford. His wife, who had ious old-world cultures have j been spending several days been blended into our Ameri-1 there, returned home with him. At, m & Sc on OXYGEN EQUIPPED/ AMBULANmC E SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 2559SI "Dear Santa: "I would like a Shirley Temple doll and a bike and a story book. "Love, "Patty Conway 542% Main Street." "Dear Santa: Patty play pal, books, records, winter purse, game, veumaster slots. From Julie Fenwick" can customs. Between the Museum's regular closing hour and the evening program hour, portions of the exhibit floors will remain open to visitors. In the dining rooms, between 5:30 and 8:30 p.m., Christmas dinners featuring the national dishes of the groups represented by the day's programs, will be served. A thief rarely pays any attention to the moral principles of his victim. Mrs. Curtis Westfall of Chicago was a Thanksgiving guest in the Gerald Carey home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer attended funeral services for her cousin, Miss Alice Keams, in Kenosha, Saturday, with burial in the Wauconda cemetery. Mrs. Walter Walsh visited in the E. C. Kimmel home in Elgin Thanksgiving. Richard Hayes of - Chicago was a local visitor Saturday. His mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes, PARTY NEEDS RENTAL • Portable Bar • Glasses (all kinds) • Dishes # Punch Bowls • Dinnerware • Lap Trays • Coffee Urns • Snack Trays # Banquet Tables and Chairs Call Evergreen 5-2916 Tel. EV 5-2565 after 5 p.m. % These are some of the letters to Santa Claus which have bjeen arriving in our office this past week. They are printed just as received: "Dear Santa: "Happy Christmas. Please will you try to get me a big 36- inch doll with long hair and will you try to get me some clothes if you can I want to thank you. Form your lit til feimd "Liz" "Ideal fight jet No. 4800, $19.95; Remco Doodle secret rocket test center No. 209, $9.94; (what very bad) General Molds pom pom jeep No 600, $2.98; (what very bad) Empire plastics E-zee football tee No. 433, $.98; "Hassenfeld pencil-craft assortment No. 3668. $.98; Knickerbocker moving tank tar per No. 590. $4.95; Hubley Rick-o-shay gun No. The Nation's Neighbor m* « BENT MOST ANYTHING Wo Mam McHenry MIKE DOUGHERTY AND JIM MORGAN INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THEIR ALICE MARIE BEAUTY SHOP cJ°To(idau Speciat $200 $10.00 PERMANENT (Includes Cut & Set) SHAMPOO and SET (Including Color Rinse) MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY TINT and SET EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 202 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE Phone EV 5-0890 50 New Year's Eve DINNER DAN AT THE Chapel Hill Country Club McHenry, 111. Dinner Served From 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Dance to the music of "THE HALF NOTES" By Reservation Only! » $10.00 Per Couple Phone EV 5-2040 We Still Have Openings Available For Your Christmas Party or Banquet and GHANDPA loo...' There's nothing that gets so close to a Dad as a gift of wearables. Choose from our complete selections. McGEES Store for Men 117 S. Green St. Phone EV 5-0047 McHenry, 111. Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon '59 Rambler Ambassador '59 Rambler American Wagon '58 Studebaker 2-Dr. Scotsman *57 Dodge 2-Door *56 Pontiac 4-Door Hardtop '56 Rambler 4-Dr. Wagon Cust. '55 Ford Wagon 9-Passenger '55 Rambler Wagon 4-Door '54 Rambler Wagon 4-Door And Many Others To Choose From S EI BEL MOTORS SALES Phone EV 5-5361 405 W. Elm Street McHenry, III. Evangelical Lutheran church, with burial in Memorial Park. Mrs. Motter, whose husband, Ward, preceded her in death, is survived by a sister, Henrietta Donkel, with whom she lived for several months. She also leaves a brother, George Maronde. -- CARD OF THANKS May we extend our heartfelt thanks to all for your comforting expressions of sympathy during our recent so row. Your kindnesses will al ways be remembered. Louis Rogers Family 31 CARD OF THANKS 9 We wish to express our sincere gratitude for the many acts -of kindness, spiritual bouquets, cards and floral offerings received at the passing of our loved one. We are espe-. cially grateful to Fr. Miller *nd his assistant and to our go%i neighbors, Mr. and Mrsk Sarm Knapp. Our heartfelt thanks to all. A Mrs. Frank Petrosky Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Justen 31 A modern vacation leaves a man unable to work effectively for at least a week thereafter. PROFEJJTonRt DIRECTORS1 DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 304 East Elm Street McHenry, 111. Hours: O Mon., Tues., Wed. & Frl. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 0 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone EVergreen 5-0743 1-31-60 DR C. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: ® Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed., & Fri. Evening By Appointment Only Telephone EVergreen 5-0160 2-28-60 EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE ^ Fire, Auto, Farm & Life U& Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES? When You Need Insurance H" Any Kind Phone EVergreen 5-0043 or 5-0953 112 E. Elm St. McHenry, I1L DR JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office Phone: EV. 5-0186 Res. Phone: EV. 5-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 - 9:00 Clesed All Day Wednesdays Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Contact lenses fitted Repair Service 2-28-60 DR. LEONARD L. BOTT &I Optometrist Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Contact Lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. & Frl. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 8 to 6 pjn. Phone EV. 5-2262 2-28-60 GEORGE J. CASTLE, Ag&t The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sickness & Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-2533 3-19-M IT SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 31 r Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 1-22-60 GORDON E. SERGANl£, Registered Professional Engineer Perolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 4193 Va mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 4-30-G0 , DR. EDGAR E. PEASLEK Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR 113 Main St., McHenry, 111. Office Hours Daily except Thursday 1-5 Mon., Wed. & Fri. Evenings 7-9 Phone EVergreen 5-0498 5-19-6Q

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