Thursday, December & 1959 THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nine Wonder Lake COLORED MOVIE <>N RETARDED dlELDREN SHOWN by Jane Ducey -- 2781 A color movie showing how tifmable retarded children are being helped in Lake County was shown to the McHenry C6imty association for Retarded Children at Harrison school at the November meeting of the group. Richard Heckman, teacher of the mental^ retarded in Libertyville, narrated the film which shows the facilities in tM six classrooms operated by tl^ Lake County society. " Burton Jones, president of the Retarded Children's Educational Society of Lake County, and fuhd drive chairman of the Illinois) Council for Mentally Retarded Children, was also to answer questions abou/ the Lake county group. Nativity Lutheran Church 5 * News Nativity will celebrate the Seventh anniversary of the church on Dec. 6 by observing •^Anniversary and Loyalty Sunday" at both worship services. The church was organized Dec. 7, 1952, at Grace Lutheran church, Woodstock, and every year the members re-dedicate themselves on this day and express their loyalty of support fttffthe coming year. The Luther League, a young group dedicated to service to the church and Christian fellowship, meets Sunday evening. Dec. 6 at 7:30. Plans will be made for the holiday party Dec. 27, and all high schoolers are welcome to join the group. The evening circle of the "Women of the Church" will meet at 8 pm. Monday. Dec Tjttnd the day time circle will meet Tuesday morning. Dec. 8 £t 9:30. Special Christmas programs will be presented. You are asked to bring articles for the hospital bags that are being made for the aged and 9hut-in for their Christmas. •%A special Christmas program <W11 be presented at the meetof the Altar Guild to be hrtl at the parsonage at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 9. Saturday, Dec. 12, the jun- tr choir will again make a ur df" the homes for the aged lft the Woodstock area. This is ah annual Christmas tour and all choir members are to meet at the church at 1 p.m. Three hollies will be visited, including Valley Hi, the new McHenry Coiinty Home at Hartland. Christ the King Church News Adult Choir The choir is rehearsing for Christmas and urgently needs some more members,, especially men. All interested persons are asked to attend rehearsal Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m at the church. w Holy Name Society The Holy Name Society will have its Christmas party, Thursday, Dec. 10, at 8:30 p.m. The place will be announced later. Christmas Party The Altar and Rosary Sodality will have its Christmas pnrty, Thursday, Dec. 3, at 8 pK&. in the parish hall. All the laxTies of the parish are invited to attend and bring a homemade ornament to decorate the Christmas tree and a dollar grab bag present. Election of officers will take place this evening. Y.C.S. Hour of Recollection The Rev. James V. McKittrtfh, former Newman chapid ® of DeKalb university, will be the guest speaker for the Young Christian Students hour of recollection, Wednesday, Dec. 9, at'8 p.m. at Christ the King church. All boys and girls, of high school are invited to attend. Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hnilo of Hickory Falls No. 2, recently celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. At a high Mass at Christ the King church, they renewed their marriage vows and received blessings by Father Vanderpool. Following the Mass, they held open house with about forty friends and relatives in attendance. Late in the afternoon, their children took them in to Cicero for dinner, the dinner being a surprise party attended by about 150' relatives and old friends. Mr. Hnilo came to Chicago in 1907 from Czechoslovakio, Mrs. Hnilo also came from the same country in 1905. They lived in Cicero for 27 years before moving to Wonder Lake in 1947. They have three sons, one daughter, eleven grandchildren and one great granddaughter. A fourth son was killed in action during World War 2. Legion Auxiliary News The November meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Lorraine Stahl. The unit voted to donate $10 to the Gifts To Yanks program; $45 to the 9 Point Program; $10 to Child Welfare; $10 to Wilson Cottage; and $2 to the Normal Spending Fund. The unit is to be congratulated on the job they are doing. The December meeting will be a Christmas party and will be held at the home of President Amanda Donash. There will be a grab-bag and refreshments. All members are invited to attend this meeting on Dec. 17. C and G Have Evening Out The C. and G. (cards and gossip) club of Highland Shores enjoyed dinner in Algonquin at a recent "night out" for nine of its members. Those who went to Algonquin were Mrs. Henry Schau, Mrs. Clarence Ullman. Mrs. Richard Kotyza, Mrs. Donald Sullivan, Mrs. Ken Teuscher. Mrs. James Boyd, Mrs. Wiliam Prokop, Mrs. Robert Asmus, and Mrs. Donald Zeek. Home For the Holidays Many Wonder Lake homes were brightened by visits from sons and daughters home for t h e T h a n k s g i v i n g h o 1 i d a y s from the various colleges and universities. From the University of Iowa at Ames were Andy Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thompson, Kichard Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoffman, and Ron Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller. Judy Kolar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kolar, came home from Quincy college, as did Tom Roti, son of the Rocco Rotis. Sandi Sells, daughter of the Fred Sells, spent the holidays at the Lake, coming from the University of Illinois. Carthage coltege students were Johnny Sirtak, Janice John&on and Lester Wenkel. Dick Selsdorf came home from Loyola university and proceeded with his mother, Mrs. Betty Selsdorf, to Bloomington for Thanksgiving with the Bob Sweetland family. November Pack Meeting The "Country Store" Pack meeting was well attended and financially successful, according to Judy Kasmussen, secretary and committee member of the Cub Scout movement at the Lake. Other committeemen are John Doherty, Wayne Keller, Jim Robison, Chris Rasmussen and George Burns. Sam LaMont is acting Cubmaster this year. There is need for more parents, according to District Representative, Stanley Hunt, to direct the Cub Scoutiqg activities and aecommodateMhe swelling population of 8 year old boys in the area. Thanks for help with the white elephant and cake booth go to Mrs. Richard Ruzicka, and to Charla Potter for tending the cake and coffee sales. Dec. 22 is the date of the award meeting to be held at Harrison school. League Standings Mill Inn leads the Friday night Keglers with 29 games won and 10 lost. Runner up is ircle Inn with 23 and 16, folwed by Cristys with 22 V2 and l^'s. Pauls and George's Firemen tie with 21 and 18, as do Freunds Dairy with W. L. Bldrs. with 20 and 19. Others are Cleaners with 19M> won and lost. Van's with 18 and 21; Leo's Landscape 16 xk and 22 ^; Silks. 15 and 24; and W.L. Oil with 84 and 30M>. In Friday's games Mill Inn took 3 from Vans; B. Chudik 201-508; J. Haroldson 202-546; E. Bell 508; M. Herman 530; A. Diedrieh 557; S. Simon 231- 546; G. Pederson 578. Cleaners won 2 from George's Firemen: G. Wrede 201-569; J. Gruel 181-181-182-544; B. Sandgren 514: J. Krause 501. Circle Inn took 3 from Pauls; J. Worm 222-549; Bud Oxtoby 226-530; iBud Detwiler - 214-547; Bud Schau 201 -§84; Cristvs and Leo split m each; Silks won 3 from W.L. Oil; R. Sommers 543. Freunds took 2 from W.L. Bldrs.; H. Brolin 206-511; C. -Art & c£e : --7-- Majercik 524; V. Gustavson 203-536; L. Freund 235-569. First Achievement Award Meeting The Wonder Workers 4-H club held its first achievement award meeting Sunday at Harrison school with fifty club members and their parents in attendance. Awards received by the girls for the work done last year were given out by their leader, Mrs. Marius Hansen. Jackie Hansen presided over the meeting, and Roberta Burns and Kathy McMahon led the group in the pledge to the flag. A welcoming address was given by Ruth Wilson and the secretary-treasurer report was' made by Ann Pliner. A report on the recent county federation meeting in Woodstock was made by Jackie Hansen. Pam Carlson gave a report on the county health meeting. A style review was presented by ten girls who modeled the garments they had made last year. Pam Carlson acted as narrator for the dress review. A series of two minute talks and demonstrations was next" on the program, presentediSDy mistress of ceremonies, Jackie Hansen. Talks were made by Donna Raske on "How to Prepare a Beverage"; Ronee Sommers on "Pointers for Making a Good Salad"; Mickey Hansen on "Why Meat is Important in our Diet"; and by Leanna Sellek on "How to Introduce People Properly". Others were talks by Pam Parker on "Personal Cleanliness in the Kitchen"; and a safety talk by Linda Mansfield, titled. "A Stairway is a Costly Storage P l a c e " . D e m o n s t r a t i o n s w e r e given by Louise Ruggero on "How to Make A Foundation Cake", and bv Kathy Ahrens on "How t o S h r i n k and Straighten Material". Micky Hansen made the homework assignment for the next meeting, after which Donna Raske and Patty Hansen led the group in recreational activity. Refreshments were served, consisting of cookies the girls made themselves, milk and coffee. There will be no meeting in December. miliar songs of other countries. The Madrigals sang at Wonder Lake at the Christmas PTA meeting two years ago. Room'mothers of the first _ &TrrMnrn graders will be hostesses for "1 LnL/LU the evening. The meeting will begin promptly at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 8, in the school gymnasium. Baby Boy Dusthimer Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Dusthimer are the parents of a son born Tuesday, Nov. 24, at Memorial hospital for McH e n r y C o u n t y . The b a b y weighed 7' lbs., 1 oz. at birth and has been named Jeffrey Jay. Other children are Susan, age 8, Michele, age 6, and Jackie, who is 4 years old. Only complications for this new mother are the. illness of the rest of the family . . . couldn't wait to get home from the hospital, eh, Pat? Eastwood Manor NOVEMBER MEET HELD AT BARN Lois Ryan - EV. 5-5377 who celebrate the anniversary of their wedding day-on Dec. 6. Carols From Other Lands A fine musical program is slated for the December meeting of the Harrison Parent- Teacher association, as they set aside their "quest for knowledge" in favor of a lighter evening of entertainment in keeping with the season. The Madrigals, a group of seven area vocalists who have been singing together for about three years, will again present a program of Christmas carols, including many of the less fa- 204 ,ee J RIVERSIDE DRIVE INVITE YOU TO ENJOY THE FINEST FOODS NIGHTLY . . . SERVED FROM 5 P.M. TO 10 P.M. -- SUNDAY FROM 1 P.M. -NIGHTLY FEATURESHOPPER AND HOLIDAY SPECIAL COMPLETE DINNER for OUR SUNDAY SPECIAL WILL BE A TURKEY DINNER WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS FOR $3.00 COCKTAIL LOUNGE OPEN DAILY FROM 11 A.M. 'TIL CLOSING FOR RESERVATION PHONE EV 5-0841 Baby Boy Hansen A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rayrpond E. Hansen of Wooded Shores at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Friday, Nov. 27. The baby was Premature weighing 3 lbs. and t2 oz. and measuring 164 inches. Jeffrey Phillip is the name chosen for the second son of the Hansens. Other children are Lois, age 9, and Earl, who is 12 years old. Mother and baby are both doing fine and Jeffrey will probably be able to come home in about a month. OFFICERS COMMISSIONED Three state troopers were commissioned as flying officers by Gov. William G. Stratton in ceremonies in Springfield last week. The ceremonies marked official inauguration of the new State Police aviation section. Gov. Stratton also dedicated four aircraft recently purchased by the state police for use in enforcement and search operations. Over 20 per cent of the persons killed in traffic/Occidents last year were pedestrians. On Friday, Nov. 20, the Nov e m b e r m e e t i n g o f t h e EMPOA was called to order at the barn. There were many paid-up members there. If you haven't paid your dues you may do so by contacting Bill Harner.. The dues are $3 per year and you will receive your membership upon payment. The December meeting will be followed by the annual tree trimming party. We hope that there will be many who will help decorate the barn and join in the festivities. Block Rosary ' The Block Rosary for Tuesday, Dec. 8, will be held at the Tim McCormack home at 147 Country Lane at 9 p.m. Faith Presbyterian Church News On Thursday, Dec. 3, a Cub pack committee^ meeting will be held at 8 p.m. at Faith church. Tuesday. Dec. 8. choir rehearsal will begin at 8 p.m. The session will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 9, at 8 p.m. Happy Birthday Toda^., Dec. 3, Ricky Hansen is celebrating his eleventh birthday. Tomorrow Florence T u c k e r . F r a n c i s P i c k e t t , and Jack Fultz will blow out their birthday candles. Jim Olson will celebrate his natal day on the fifth. On Dec. 6 Elizabeth Oik and Jim Coughlin will be having birthday celebrations. Elizabeth will be thirteen and Jim will be five. Glen Messer and Bill Hutchinson celebrate their birthdays on Dec. 8. Terry Philippe will be four years old on Dec. 9. Happy Anniversary Our best wishes for a happy anniversary are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Davis, ledical Mirror Dandruff Can la Helped Ufa the discomfort. This increases the irritation and what was bad becomes worse. A slight temperature may result. • Teething • Psoriasis . <?. J have infectious dandruff and my hair is getting verythin. Will you please tell me tvhat to do?---Really worried• A. At one time dandruff was .thought to be due to a special kind of scalp germ -- hence the reference to "infectious." Many doctore now discount this theory. Physicians have ways of keeping dandruff under control. The preparation most generally used requires a prescription (and medical supervision), so visit your family doctor or consult a skin specialist. Dandruff, as such, probably has little to do with baldness. Q- Is it normal for a baby to run a temperature when teething? A. Teething babies may run a little temperature if the gums become inflamed. In the case of jaw teeth there is usually some inflammation. As the tooth pushes to the surface it raises and stretches the overlying tissue. The child quickly discovers that biting down temporarily relieves Q. Please discus psoriasit. It there a curef--FJ®. A. Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease of unknown cause. It tends to come and go and may disappear in the summer only to return in the winter or spring. Although there is no sure curej doctors employ various remedies with considerable success. However, what works in one case may do little good in another. Some physicians report good results with light treatments. The newer cortisone-like drugs are currently being tried in psoriasis. Such preparations, which seem to be suppressive rather than curative1, are, of course, used only under medical supervision. People with psoriasis (and this applies to folks with other types of skin conditions) often try self-medication and frequently make matters worse by over-treatment. Medical advice should always be obtained. Safeguarding the potency of certain biologicals, antibiotics, insulin and other drags requires that they be. kept under correct temperature control. To provide this essential safeguard, a glistening electric refrigerator Is an Important part of our prescription room equipment. Sick List The Engstrom tjvins, Janet and Janice, had their tonsils removed Nov. 18. One nice thing about being twins when you go into something like that you're not alone. Their grandmother, Mrs. Betty Klein of Chicago, came for a few days to help mama Joyce out. Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O. Box 396, Madison Sq. Sta.,. N. Y. 10, N. Y. will be incorporated in these columns when possible. fyol-f DRUG STORE This and That Walter and Eleanor Kuck were pleasantly surprised on their anniversary when Charmaine and Harley Pohlman, Delores and Frank Woolwine and Dottie and Glen Messer came over for cake and coffee. Baby Thomas Rogers was baptized on Nov. 15. Marilyn and Norbert Lobocki of Rolling Meadows are his godparents. On Saturday Elaine and Jack Roegrs really did the town. They started out in Crystal Lake and then went from one night spot to another in Chicago. They saw Bob Scobey downtown. Mike Coughlin really had a long birthday celebration. He'll remember his fourth birthday for awhile. He enjoyed a party with all his little friends,A*on Thursday. Friday his grandmother, Mrs. Geraty of Chicago, came for a visit and stayed until Sunday. Saturday brought out aunts and uncles and cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Houlihan and children, and Bill Geraty and son, Tim. Sunday great-grandfather. Mr. Mahony of Chicago. Ed Geraty and two charming Mrs. Coughlins, John's mother and grandmother, spent the day to help Mike celebrate. Dolores and Len Lawrence went to Chicago on Sunday for dinner at the home of Marie's father. On the way the(y stopped in to say hello to Jack's aunt and Marie's mother. On Tuesday Dottie Messer was hostess to Delores Woolwine, Charmaine Pohlman, and Marge Brodin for cards. Greg Fultz had a dandy par- Coughlin, Pam Radner, Martha Simpson, •Stevie Lessard, Laurie Kellogg, Jeff Harner and Nancy Shaw joined Greg for cupcakes, ice cream bars, balloons, games and bubble gum. This is wonderful for a five year old. The Mersch family returned home from Chicago with their new baby, Thomas Anthony, on Sunday. They had been staying in Chicago with Matt's parents for three weeks while waiting for Tom to arrive. In Closing Next week we'll have all the Thanksgiving news for you. Don't forget to keep your dogs home. Bye now. See you next week. One's intelligence can often be measured by how much he keeps his mouth shut. Some people prefer to be counted out when the time comes to give an accounting. NOTICE From now 'til Dec. 24th McHenry TV will give a free portable 6 transistor radio and leather carrying case with each new TV purchased. This is a great opportunity to get the new TV you've been waiting for and a free gift for yourself or one of the family. McHenry Television and Electronics 522 Main St. McHenry, III. Phone EV 5 223S GIVE THE ENTIRE FAMILY CHRISTMAS PRESENT... GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. one that will left for years . . . audi years . . . and years -- A •4--I is I--L. 1 i I Enclosed or Breeze Iff we receive your order in the next few days, we porch ready for the Christmas Holidays! ay All panels at bottom-- All panels at top-- Panels all ftt center-- draft Is off your feet. ventilation below creates "thermo-afc" bead leveL circulation. FREE ESTIMATES - GLADLY GIVEN DeVAC - CHICAGO WINDOW PRODUCTS 800 Front St. (Rte. 31) McHENRY EV 5-5060 <• iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! EFFECTIVE JAN. 1, 1960 On Regular Savings Accounts On Investment Savings Accounts llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllilllllllllllllllllllill 206 WEST ELM STRiiT OTTR 2)iuidend Incite Goes am ! :\ iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii WilLi ons of Americans S** ave 60 Billions of Nlars In Insured Savings Associations iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllillllilllllllllllllllll The Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation, a permanent agency of the U.S. Government, was created by Act of Congress in June, 1934. Today this system protects and insures more than 60 billion dollars of savings in the nation's 4,600 F.S.L.I.C. Insured Savings & Loan Associations. In complete Safety you can invest your cash reserves and earn the above average returns offered by these specialized savings associations. llilllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH MCHENRY SAVINGS A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N Member Federal Home Loan Bank iHjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiHiiiiniiiii EFFECTIVE NOV. 1, 1959 X M A S 3'A C L U B Our I960 Christmas Club Savings Accounts will earn a New anticipated dividend rate of 3'/2%. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllB Save For Your Tomorrows - Today SAVE BY MAIL iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitimiiiiimiHiiii MeHENRY, ILLINOIS