AMERICAS OtKNMtlE POOD Ml RCHANT t> BIRTHDA5T Yea've Made Oar 100th Birthday the Happiest #ju| And Wfe*ve a Storefal of Values to Say..* ? m Jjmti&L Thursday, December 3, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Eleven 1859-tm if# December rings down the curtain on A&P's 100th Anniversary Celebration -- a value-filled month to thank the millions of customers who've helped make it possible. Typical values: quality-famous A&P Exclusives like Jpne Parker Baked Goods,' Ann Page Fine Foods, and A&P premium-quality Coffee. Udceland Park FOURTH ANNUAL SNOWBALL DANCE SATURDAY, DEC. 5 | Vickey Bottari - EV. 5-2262 | The Lakeland Park Worn- | en's club will have its fourth , annual Snowball Dance this I Saturday evening at the American Legion hall starting at 9 pm. Tickets, if you have not as yet obtained them, can be purchased at the door. Make plans to attend this affair as all who do can tell you they have a good time. Women's Club Meeting f The regular monthly meeting of the Lakeland Park Women s club will be held tonight al 8:30 pm. at the homo of Jo. Rizzo, 323 Home avenue. Final plans for the dance Saturday night will be made, so let's have a large turnout. Mimi Ladd, GSeftevieve Smith, Ann HJrsehberg,^Joyce Dort, Doris Bock, Ann Bell, all of Lakeland Shores, and Mrs. Peggy Kasper of McCullom Lake. Happy Birthday To Mrs. Marie Haake of Chicago, mother of Mrs. Marion Hulbert. who spent her birthday here at Marian's home. Also helping their mother to celebrate were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haake and children of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs Fred Lang of Lake Villa. Apology My apology goes to little Jim|fiy Laursen for omitting his name from the boys of Den 4. Pack 361 of the Cub Scouts. ! who received awards at the last • meeting. Jimmy was awarded his assistant denner's award. Sorry Jim. next time I'll talk i less and listen more. Forgive , me this time'and I won't let ; it happen again. O.K.? swigs no'1 MtfIS ANN PAGE PURE fine/bode Akecfn'tSe . Expenses Preserves STRAWBERRY • Coorontwd by^V SPECIAL OFFER! Viscount Paper Drive Don't forget to get rid of all your old newspapers this Saturday by calling Ernie Zimny at EV. 5-1104 and he will make arrangements to have them picked up. They need not be tied up in bundles as they have to be sorted according to size Take advantage of the special on these delectable preserves! Made from juicy berries, perfect for spreads or dessert toppings! Demon st ra tion Toots Gerstad entertained the following ladies at a demonstration on Mondav. Nov. 23: ANN PAGE lO'/i-OZ. TINS ANN PAGE REALLY FRESH SPECIAL OFf Tomato Soup I0< Mayonnaise - 4$ Peamrt Butter 33' Au Page Ketchup ,$k. 25* An Page Klaek Pepper £791 Evaporated lilk(t:.' 751 TiHJANE PARKER 8-INCH SIZE I, m • _^e America's Favorite-Cte 11$ Fruit and Nuts! JANE PARKER LIGHT 3-LB. lH-LB. Fruit Cake 275 <|3r This fruit cake has a reputation for being luscious and lives up to it in every pecan-packed, fruit-filled bite. Look for the beautiful new package. Give, serve, enjoy America's Favorite. / . Rail Jmt £ »35c McHenry Slate Bank Phone EV 5-1040 Correction In last week's paper I had my son for a certain award from the Cub Scouts, well, it was the wrong one, he received his bear badge and not his wolf badge, he already had that one. Surprise Birtlulay Get-Together Last Monday afternoon the following gals surprised Dotty Becker by going down with , birthday cake and pie in hand: j Marge Franklin. Esther Cygan. | Daisy Krupinski, Lena Abbi- ! nante, Lee Glorch. Elaine Jett, | Dorothy Humphreys and myself and Joyce Martin who was already over visiting with Dotty. Thanksgiving Weekend Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bock and Eddy of Bonner drive spent Thanksgiving in Chicago at Jie home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCuistion. Mr. and Mrs. Martin K. Bell spent the day in Michigan with their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerstad and three children spent their holiday in Sun Prairie with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris of Bonner drive spent Thanksgiving in West Frankfort. 111.. with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gray and daughter, Paulette and her father and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Isaacs. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith of McHenry road entertained their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanneman and two children. Aunt Ruth Hanneman and Grandma Hanneman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clove and family of Beach road spent Thanksgiving weekend in Chicago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clove Sr. .Help Needed More help is needed to keep our Girl Scout troop together. Any mother willing to help please contact Barbara Malinowski at EV. 5-5717. * REG, 49« Spanish Bar Cake .. 29 Wheat Iread Stuffing Mix A&P premium-quality Coffee is kept in the bean until you buy... then it's Custom Ground for your coffeemafcer... to give you coffee MILD AND MELLOW that's "Alive with Flavor"! Money can't buy finer, fresher coffee... yet it costs fou lesa than others of comparable quality! Eight O'Clocfe Coffee RICH AND FULL-BODIED > RedCircfi 1 -LB. BAG imiiin iMiimmuuiitiinn A&P HAS A COMPLETE VARIE BUTTER UNSALTED SUNNYFIELD FSNI FOR DIETS 92 Score LB. CARTON SUMYFIELD SWlg? CREAM [FINEST QUALITY 93 Se@re l Lb. Cfn. in Qtrs. UK VIC I a > WUALBTY warn mm - 9@ §g@m 75c ,^:73c Jane Parker 21c Parker iniHiUininmnmiimiimniiiiinii oiniinamimiiainitNnii| Check Wiring Before Xmas Before the Christmas rush, learn the proper use of the electrical circuits in your home. If you r >, you may prevent "blackouts" from blown fuses when you use extra appliances. This is the advice of Frank Andrfew, University of Illinois agricultural engineer. Homemakers should know that a 20-nmpore fuse circuit will carry only 2300 Vvatts. Too much wattage, not too many appliances, is the main cause of blown fuses. The number of watts is printed in the name plate of each appliance. Simple addition will tell if the load will be too great. Plug appliances into separate circuits if necessary. Don't fet one circuit do all the work while the others loaf. I You may need to check how many outlets and which ones are on each circuit. You can make an easy test at the fuse box: Remove the fuses one at a time, and see which outlets do not function without each fuse For safety's sake, ciose the main house circuit when removing and replacing the fuses. A simple chart showing the results of this test may be useful for future reference. Keep a good supply of proper- sized fuses on hand. Use 15- ampere fuses for lighting and 20-ampere fuses for appliance circuits. Remember that a larger fuse may cause more serious problems, such as a fire, insteadNof correcting an overload. \ Sunnyside Estates THE MILLERS ARE OFF AGAIN ON A WINTER VACATION Lois Anderson jsfe BEFORE your car is a victim of "STEERING WOBBIIES" is the time to actl Results of unbalanced or aut-of-line wheels, they result in too-short tire lift-, too dangerous blow-outs too many ACCIDENTSI Play safel See us NOW for a quick, sure safety check-no with •rl«ntifir BEAR equipment. Tbank Y®ur ilepaSir in Fir, "The Aceidl®®& Thai Didn't Happen" McHenry Ani© Body COMPANY 611 Front St. - So. on Rt. 31 Ph. EV 5-0444 McHenry, III. SAFETY HEADQUARTERS Those gadding Millers are off again. God bless 'em. They spent Thanksgiving in Detroit and from there they head south for the winter. They plan to stop over in Mobile. Ala., to visit relatives and will spend Christmas in Midway, Aia. After the holidays theyuull chase the sun a little further and spend the duration of the winter in sunny Florida. How nice for them to spend part of their retirement away from our. unpredictable weather. Association N'ews A final reminder that it's association meeting time again. As we said last week there wijl be a special election so if yr,j are a paid up member you can cast a ballot to fill the vacancies. There wiU also be a report from the Christmas party committee. To avoid sounding repititious we'll just say, see you at the Johnsburg School at 8. Surprise Last week when Frank Mann went in to the hospital Mary had to go to Chicago on business. She had originally planned to leave their terrier homo in the charge of a neighbor. However, at the last minute changed her mind and took the expectant Ginger along. Cn 11 it fate, irony or the long tide in. anyway Ginger had her litter that night. Needless to say everyone ws swnrised but Frank was delighted to come home trom the hospital to five instead of one 1 ittle dog. Incidentally he is doing fairly well too. Birthdays and Amiiversnrips Happy birthd-n to Linda Current who will ho fiv" tomorrow and to D"V'd Senkenk w'ti will hp twelvo on the *ixth. Chalk;ng in number three in her voung life on Dec. 8. is Cheryl Leakey There are two who share Der. 10. they ""•o Carol Kennebpck and Steve Mnior. A h^pny birthday to all. Tonv pnd Mildred Senkerik m^rk off another year of connubia' bliss on Friday. Congratulations and here's hoping you have many, many more. Our face is slightly pink for forgetting to announce the wedding anniversary of Kelly and Laverne Noah on Nov. 16. Belated congratulations, we'll try not to let it hapnen again. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and that you didn't experience the same thing as we. Most of our original guest list couldn't make it so we are still eating turkey a la king, turkey croquettes, turkey pie. etc. Hone I don't see another bird until next year. NEW SINGLE HANDLE FAUCET IN YOUi CCGTCHEN mw homes or old olio for lavatory and shower VIGOROUS AND WINEY H. E. BUCH & SONS PLUMBING & HEATING Phone EVergreen 5-0048 Highway 130 East 59' 3-lb. Bag $1.71 • Bokar BAG 63€ 3-Lb. Bag *|«83 SILVER m®OK FINS @UMITY LIGHTLY SALTED 90lB.OrefiO/* PRINT ^ WMOPlPIiD 3¥0OELD Salted or Unsifted 8 0Z. ~ CTN. t'-ri riuiiiiiiiMiiimiiiiiimiiiiniiiiniiniii'iitni' iiiiiiimii!iini!!ii:!!ii::.iu!M!t!:iiiiii!!!iiiin!iiiiiiiii!it;:iii:ii:ii;iiuiiiumi»niiii!iiiiiiuii!iiiiiiniiiniiiiininiiUiinniiiuiiilliiin!miiiimnnn!niinnm:iiiinnitiiiiniimiinnue Mild Cheddar Cheese ^ 09 Cheese Slices (toi Food Jilk Chocolates Milk Chocolates Spice Drops Mel-0-Bit Past. Process i-02. Ched-0-Bit Pasteurized Crestwood --\Brand Warwick Brand lb. 31s $198 $125 uffii Olives Itir Own Tea Sultana lOV^-oz. Small Size jac * -lb. box In Canister Sultana Plain -lb. box Worthmore Brand r at Bright Sal! m ail Cleans® tin of 100 16 oz. Jar 14-oz. tin 22-oz. tin 49< 89< 10< 35c All Prkes Effective Through December 5th Give her an extension phone for Christmas! ^ The thoughtful husband can make his w ife's day run smoother by ordering an extension phone in color. It's an unusual gift, and she'llN remember it all year long. Placed where she needs it, a low-cost extension helps her cook, clean, chauffeur and take care of the children with a minimum oi lost motion. And she has a choice of nine smart decorator colors. Ask your wife which phone she wants, where she wants it and call your Service Representative at the telephone business office. She'll do the rest. r ILLINOIS BELL /; ; il - ' TELEPHONE ) PoOoraO 0rug«? Wo a wealth •« • ••to get yov well and guard year health I e Oar large prescriptions volumt permits •s 19 maintain amplt stocks, including man j rara drugs and the newest specialties. That, we are prepared to compound all prescrlpdo^Q jp®©mptly--aead precisely as directed. Ac o opociiU pffccaudon, we double- check each sompouadin^ step. Yet, you'll find on; prieoc @9 higher than elsewhere. Try £30, n@£3 drae. Bolgers Drug Store 10S S. Green EVergreen 5-4500 McHenry