Page Twelve Ringwood MANY FAMILY REUNIONS ON THANKSGIVING KuDy Shepard THE MtHOtitY PLAINBEALER Thursday. December 3. 195^ Community Club The community club held their November meeting at the school house Monday evening, Nov. 23. Movies were taken of the school pjcnic held last summer and also of their trip to the Great Lakes. The children and families of | Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Benoy of Woodstock held their Thanks- ! giving dinner in the church ; basement. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Benoy, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilcox and family and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Moan and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Benoy and family of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Benoy and family of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Benoy and family of Alden. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Benoy and family of Elkhorn. Wis.. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy and family of Cooney Heights and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family. \ Thanksgiving Gathering Mrsvji.p/n Mrs. Clarence Adams and family entertained Mr..-and--Mrs. Joe Condon and daughter. Bonnie, of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Parfrey and family of Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Condon and family of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Condon and family of Roselle. 111., at dinner on Thanksgiving day. Thanksgiving Day Reunion The Aekerman clan held their Thanksgiving dinner in the Charles Aekerman. Jr., home. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman. Sr., of Popular Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Aekerman and son of Elburn, Mr. and Mrs. Urban Decker of Marengo, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wagner and family of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Wagner and family of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keller, son and daughter, of Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aekerman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Aekerman and family, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and family. Wedding Miss Sandra Beager, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sigfried Beager of Crystal Lake, and Charles Mullen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullen, were united in marriage Nov. 21 at St. Mary's Catholic church in McHenry. Their attendants were Mrs. Mary Ellen Maxson as matron of honor and Miss Lillian Kalbow as bridesmaid. Best man was Robert Maxson and usher was Eugene Mullen. The bride wore a full length satin gown with a lace jacket which her mother made. The matron of honor and bridesmaid wore ballerena length gowns of blue chiffon and wore short nylon net veils and carried pink roses and white chrysanthemums. A reception for 200 was held at the Odd Fellows hall at Crvstal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thomas for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Mc- Cannon of Normal, 111., and Miss Virginia Jepson of Chicago came Wednesday evening to visit their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. On Thanksgiving day they were all guests in the Mrs. Lyle Peck home at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy spent Thanksgiving day with their son, John and family at Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. William Cristy and family spent Thanksgiving day in the Donald Fritz home at Union. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sebastian of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods and granddaughter, Helen Bullis, of Genoa City and Mr. and Mrs. John Severtsen and baby were Thanksgiving day guests in the Pete Sebastian home. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Spencer of McCullom Lake and Mrs. Betty Tretow and child r e n o f W o o d s t o c k s p e n t Thanksgiving day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sonnemaker and son of Champaign spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan. Miss Pat Hogan attended a 4-H achievement party for the Community Clovers and Community gophers at the Richmond high school Saturday evening. She received the safety award and was awarded a pin for home beaut if ication grounds. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank visited Mr. and Mrs. Don James at Pardeeville, Wis., Friday. William Cruickshank w a s one of the judges of the short , . horn cattle at the Internation- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard . aj show in Chicago, Sunand family of Lake Geneva, | Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders ; and daughter of Sycamore. Mr. i and Mrs. Louis Winn of Rich- j PERSONALS I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz i spent Thanksgiving day and weekend in the Bishop home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and family spent Thanksgiving day and the weekend with friends in Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent the weekend in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Andreas and son spent Thanksgiving with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huemann and family of Johnsburg spent Thanksgiving evening in the Andreas home. Baby Shower Mrs. Harold Aekerman and Mrs. Urban Decker held a baby shower Saturday evening at the John Hogan home for Mrs. Richard Thompson (Charlotte Hogan). On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Paul Walkington and Mrs. Earl Sonnemaker held a baby shower for her at the home of Mrs. Walkington. mond, Mr. and Mrsi Bill Brennan and family of McCullom Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener spent Thanksgiving with Fred Wiedrich. Jr. ! Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman and sons of Antioch spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rzeczkowski were Thanksgiving day guests in the home of their son. Walter and family, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. James Finley were guests in the Charles Uhl home on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving day guests in the Frank Harrison home were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue and family of spent Saturday in the George Joslin home. Mrs. Minnie Knott of Chicago, Mrs. Irene Slyter and Mr. and Mrs. William Norton and family of Chicago were guests in the Bud Winters home on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Ortlieb and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle were guests in the Otto Hoffman home at Crystal Lake for Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bauer and family were Thanksgiving day dinner guests of her mother at McHenry and supper guests of his mother at McHenry. V Mrs. Anna ReinwalRand Mrs Ernest Reinvvall and sons of McHenry spent Tuesday afternoon in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Pagni of Northbrook spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Williams and son of Ft. Worth, Texas, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Malsch and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert were guests in the Tony Senkirik home for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Thanksgiving day in the Harold Stanek home at Elkhorn. Jack Pearson of Ft. Sill,"Okla., Jim Pearson of DeKalb, Mrs. Blanche Carr and Floyd Peatt of Greenwood and Miss Lona Brever spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson. Jack remained for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hihze of Crystal Lake spent Thanksgiving day in the Mrs. Lena Peet home. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin was also a guest. Mr. and Mrs. George Joslin Sr., of Darian, Wis., and Mrs. Duane Ballard and son of Waukegan spent Sunday in the George Joslin home. For years the hobo slept under bridges and in ditches. Then one night he switched to culverts and became a man of distinction. ST day with his parents, Dr. and ! Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mrs. William Hepburn. ! Brenner and family of Elgin, Pjljama Birthday Party - Miss Pat Hogan had a pajama party at her home Friday evening Now 20, in honor of her sixteenth birthday. Birthday Surprise Mrs. John Scharf entertained a group of women at her store Wednesday afternoon at a surprise birthday party for Miss Lona Brever. Ice cream, cake and coffee were served. Mrs. Emily Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low spent Thanksgiving day in the Charlie Frey home at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eberle en- ! tertained their son and family ! for Thanksgiving day dinner. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schroeder and family and Mr. and , Mrs. John Hallman and family of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and family and Miss Faith Wagner of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell and JLoren Harrison were dinner guests of Mr. and i Mrs. Roy Harrison on Thanks- 1 giving day. Howard Wattles and son, Donald, and Glen Wattles of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Crandall and daughters of EJginN of fffe TMtS LABEL TEUS THIS PRESCRIPTION WAS FIUED PRECISEIY. IT SAYS.. Miusmm DRUGS JOIM 196 Christmas CLUB m McHenry State Bank Phone EV 5-1040 BEAUTIFUL NEW HASSOCK TV BENCH --WITH EUREKA MODEL 1010 ANY TIME THIS WINTER... ANY PLACE ON EARTH . .. CLEAN * 3 TIMES FASTER WITH! WIW EXCLUSIVE EUREKA Usza-Beat ACTION PLUS POWERFUL SUCTION ONLY S'/j" HIGH ROUS EASY Can't Tip NEW EUREKA MODEL 1010 Btttsl St&aopif SueHo* Cleans t For ths fifsJ Giro*, powerful air-driven "Vlfero-BoeOoFfi" shake the rug--loosen, dislodge orafctoddod dirt. Cleans 3 times faster. KNOW YOUR HOSPITAL By Marie Schaettgen The Importance of the Laboratory In the exact science aril fine art of healing the sick, the many departmehts of a hospital are indispensable and inter- dependent. Were the physician required to work isolated from all of the equipment of a modern hospital, he would be seriously handicapped. It is true that the "horse and buggy" doctor sometimes perrormed near-miracles, but the iife span has increased, old age is no longer something to be suffered but something of which it. may be said "come, grow old along with me, for the best is yet to be." Modern ' science has put "more years in your life and more life in your years". It is becoming increasingly difficult to tell which is mother, which daughter. This is not entirely due to the art of the cosmetician. The youthful appearance springs from better physical health and a younger outlook on life as a result of this. Going back to the hospital and its many necessary departments, none is more necessary than the laboratory. It is here that the doctor turns for help when symptoms are vague or hidden. The laboratory of the McHenry h o s p i t a l i s w e l l staffed with trained technicians working under the direction of Robert Walter and his staff of technicians which includes Robert Hanford of McHenry, Nadine Kula, Crystal Lake, Lois Johnson, Diane Tabor, laboratory secretary, Nancy Eyler, X-ray technician and her assistant, Carla Spahr. Frank Leon is on duty weekends. The latter are all residents of McHenry. The laboratory is approved by the Public Health board of Illinois, and is a member of the national and state associations of Clinical Laboratories of. Illinois. It is approved also by the state and by the National Atomic Power commission, for use of radioactive material in diagnostic procedures. The doctor depends upon the laboratory for many things. For instance, by making use of a complete blood chemistry test, he is able to get quickly and accurately a general picture which helps him to evaluate his -diagnosis and also to uncover some unsuspected trouble and treat it before it is too late. The cancer smear test may save a life because it may reveal early cancer. Body excretions may be analyzed and may reveal such diseases as active digestive disturbances or internal bleeding. Save More Shop at Home ED'S RENTAL RENTS Floor Sanders to Rotary Tillers EVergreen 5-4123 TEACHES PHYSICAL , EDUCATION Kay Kirk of Emerald Park. I is among 250 University of nois seniors engaged in studfex>^J; teaching until Christmas. She is teaching physical education in the Berwyn elementary schools. C READ THE WANT ADS FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, tii- Phone EVergreen 5-6260 Who Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleanings this man's rain-soaked i clothes and you'll agree j door-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help in a hundred different ways. When you need one. , Radio Dispatched | McHENRY CAB Ph. EVergreen 5-0723 B£ WKl WltiT£RM you'll Met On guard! Cold it coming! Prepare now lo ward off winter's chill. See our extensive line of building supplies. All the materials and tools you'll need are here, thriftily priced. BEAUTY AND QUALITY OF THE CROWN STORM AND SCREEN DOOR 46?" • »*• madi or IIIM HEAVY J tXTRUM ALUMINUM Unsurpassed in Beauty and Elegance of appearance-- the extra thickness creating a greater depth of the panel inserts--thus achieving a more massive exterior appearance m keeping with the modern trend m design of ©stsrioir door*. Beautifully designed "Z" irtai weatherstrip for bar jamb with two concave projecting surfaces and minted corners. Vinyl fAodel 860-A with tooli Mfr's original $79.95 Deluxe ! 0-piece set cleaning tools SMALL DEPOSIT $125 H Per I I week INTRODUCTORY TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE They're GUARANTEED TO 30 thru ice, mud or snow or we pay the tow! NewfimlORt Tf®wn & Country fires We can also supply you with TOWN AND COUNTRY RETRKADH in all popular sizes Passenger, Truck and Tractor Tires All Sizes HOME » CHARGE BATTERY / no nam Rugged cooscrataioa wish --will tot sag» Just om h&k ekm «m> 4 vines <s$ §ttQm>ee&k operates czsd cppntwxm, quaes operation. hm*j reinforced cornets ww ttorm door will co*> kf vowtruftion, SHOPPING CENTER F@R BUILDING M N AS LOW AS We Allow From $2.00 lo $6.00 On Your Old Battery See live demonstration in our score at once/^r 7 PHONE EV 6-0882 FOR 10 DAY HOJ^EMrfUAL See Us Before You Buy and SAVE! and RAY McHenry Tire Mart ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS •16 MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILL. WALT FREUND, Prop. ! 526 W. Main St. EVergreen 5-0294 McHenry, I1L Our Competent Staff Is Equipped To Assist You With Any Building Problem ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois EVergreen 5-1424 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING "ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS" <