Thursday, December 3/ 1959 -THE McHENBY PLAINBEALER PagaTkiriMm lohnsburg YULE SOCIAL SEASON NOW IN FULL SWING by Hetty Hettermanii She hustle and bustle of the Ciff'stmas season is coming upon us quite fast. With it comes many holiday parties at which time most the so-called dieters lose interest in their calorie counters. The juvenile girl Foresters will hold their Cfiftstmas gettogether in the community club hall on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 13 hi 1 o'clock. The testifies will consist of a gift exchange, games and a potluck lunch. One dish per family is needed for the lunch. Any pre-school girl must be accompanied by an adult. Juvenile directors, Laura Schmitt and Nancy Weber, would appreciate any outside help from the mother. If you have a few hour^f to spare that afternoon, please drop in and give the gif^ a hand. Juvenile members through fifth grade are asked to bring a twenty-five cent exchange gift, members from sixth through eighth grade are asked to bring a fifty cent gift and the high school members will exchange one dollar gifts. The lady Foresters of St. Agatha's court No. 777 will meet in the community club h^ on Tuesday evening, Dec. ljWit 6:30 for their pre-Christmas celebration. As in the past each member attending this meeting is asked to. bring a dish to pass and a fifty cent exchange gift. At this particular time the Sisters pantry needs some replenishing so each lady is asked to remember them on this evening with a little something for their food shaves. chosen to serve on this committee are the following ladies, Lorraine Hiller, Eva Schaefer, Martha Freund, Nancy Weber, Jo Ann Haag, Dorothy Tonyan, Kathleen Freund, Rose Tonyan, Lucille Michels, Nancy McAuliff, Mildred Novak, Mar gnret Stilling, Betty Lou Hiller, Susan Daly, Elaine Schmaling, • Ardele Oeffling, Rita S^aefer and Lorraine Rutzen. Celebrating their Christmas Monday evening, Dec. 21 will be, the officers and members of4'the Blessed Virgin Sodality. It will start out with a potluck supper to be served at 6:30. Later there will be a fifty cent gift exchange followed by the singing of carols and the playing of cards. Girl Scout and Brownie News At a recent meeting troop 408 made clown bean bags as their current project. Sherry Oeffling and Virginia Karis were welcomed into this troop as new members. Troop 295 continued to make table favors for their forthcoming Christmas luncheon at last week's meeting. Marge Barth is the new co-leader of this troop since Dorothy Whiting was forced to give up her co-leadership because of personal reasons. Leaders Harriette Marshall has greatly appreciated the help she has received from Dorothy in the past year and a half. The girls will certainly miss her too. This troop has decided to do some caroling from house to house on the evening of Dec. 22. If they should receive any cash donations'on this evening the girls have expressed the desire to contribute the money to the Children's home in Woodstock. Brownie troop 378 did not meet last week. was on the critical list for awhile but seems to have fought back real hard and is now on the mend. She will have to stay in bed for awhile and then she will have to take it easy for quite a spell. All our wishes for a complete recovery go to her. George Westfall was taken to the McHenry hospital by the rescue squad last wee.k. Mr. Westfall suffered cuts on his face as a result of a fall near his home in Sunnyside Beach. Mrs. William Shay of Niesen's subdivision was taken to St. Francis hospital in Evanston last week following a heart attack. Our prayers for a speedy recovery are relayed to 'lier. New Grandson Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller became new grandparents on Nov. 22 when their daughter, Mrs. Howard Knox, presented them with a grandson. The young fellow is the second son for the Knoxes. A son, Billy, 1 year old, is awaiting the arrival home of Stevie. Congratulations are in order for the new parents and grandparents. Around the Town Recently, Joe and Clara Adams entertained Mr. and Mrs. Art Thelen and Mr. and Mrs. Erank Klapperich as their dinner guests. The Leo Smith family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe King journyed to Wheeling to spend Thanksgiving with Bob and Sally Benson. Guests at the Jim Hettei>- mann home for the Thanksgiving holiday were Mrs. Helen Hettermann, the Ed and Gerald Hettermann families, the John Herdrich family, Gerry, Kenny, Carol Ann and Diane Stilling. Pete and Marge Peterson and their three children spent the holiday in Brookfield with her family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barth and son, David, of Chicago were Thanksgiving Day and the weekend visitors at -the Bill Barth home. . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling and Kathleen, Lloyd Oefflin, Terry and Sherry, enjoyed a holiday dinner with the Robots-- Michels family. ge and Olivia Hiller and the •fczku? 1 e Freund family braved the inclement weather to travel to Chicago to spend Thanksgivng with the George Wagners. Present to consume the turkey and trimmings last week at the Joe Adams home were the Walter Grubes of Chicago, the Art Wagner family of Grays Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Vince Adams and son of McHenry and the Albert Reindls. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman of Wilmette, Mr. and Mrs. Bill May and sons and Mrs. Catherine Freund spent Thanksgiving day at the Richard Dehn home,. Later in the afternoon Art Kattner and daughter of Spring Grove were callers. Belated greetings to Roger and Gloria Pechous who celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary on Nov. 22 and to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith whose wedding anniversary was : on Nov. 24. the Kenosha hospital last week. Mr. Bundy is well-known in this vicinity and at the present time is quite a sick man. I'm sure he would appreciate hearing from his friends around here. If you care to drop him a carcL his address is as follows Charl/s Bundy, 6407 25th Ave., Kenosha, Wis. Hospital Patient Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund of McHenry and Mrs. George Hiller visited Charles Bundv in ThirtVeight out of every 1,000 reported pedestrian traffic accidents last year were fatal. This is compared with all other traffic accidents, of which only 8 out of 1,000 were fatal. It won't kill you to be care- W E G I V E Hospital Notes Mrs. Jeppe Jepson is now recuperating at her home after being confined to the Woodstock hospital as a result of major surgery. Mrs. Jepsen SNO-BRUSH ICE SCRAPER & ICE RAKE L@n§ Handle 11 S&J4 BUILDING BLOCKS 49c G R E E N S T A M P S i MILLSTREAM DRUGSi • 315 W. ELM STREET \| | Next To Jewel Tea McHenry, III.*# | OH SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY t SATURDAY » Wa£g\ee<K Agency DRUG STORE INHIBITS RUST 1 Gallpn MILLSTREAM DRUGS - LOWEST PRICES plus S&H GREEN STAMPS Z 3 ROLL GIFF • WRAPPING • PAPER •So Brilliant 9 So Gleaming. m "I really didn't mean that speech to be a filibuster . I just can't stop when I talk about the high quality millwork available at WONDER LAKE BUILDERS' SUPPLY!' SAVE FOR A PURPOSE ;• SAVE REGULARLY „ Many of our members have seen dreams come true -- through regular saving in an Insured Savings Account here. Set your goal and then reach it more easily and surely by putting part of each pay check into savings. Earnings of a better-than-average rate make savings grow faster. Current Dividend Rate 4% /Imported From Poland Reg. 10c Each Beautiful--Tree ORNAMENTS1 500 ASPIRIN 5 GRAIN SPECIAL 89° 1500 SACCHARIN V* GRAIN SPECIAL 69° m Ctmttr/HS LIGHTS $1.59 STRING OF 7-- CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHT SET When One Goes Out The Rest Stay Lit lies:. 16c -- Size C-7 -- Made By G.E. TREE , UGHT BULBS 0 Independently Burning for DAid and MOTHER! SIGN UP T ODAY FOi Our Current Annual Dividend Bate Of Adds Just That Much More To Your Growing Account! 4% CHRISTMAS QE23 EACH CARD WORTH ' 10c -- 15c fbr -fun. -for Christmas for PHOTOGRAPHY fANS Ifegins Christinas morning its throughout the years . . . when you give a Kodak Camera Outfit Regular $10.95 Kodak BROWNIE STAR FLASH $QS9 CAMERA OUTFIT * Complete With Film St Bulbs ELECTRICAL BUYS KitZ "All Niter" VAPORIZER AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF Vi Gal. Jar . Afl Plastic Medication AQj Cup & Directional Vapor Spout & Cord MINIATURE "TWINKLE LITES" FLASHING COLORED LITES |TO Brighten Your Holiday Decorations SAFETY Marengo Federal f -fc CHUlSTIiAS DRAWING iiflUfflS AND LOAN IV BH ASSOCIATION MARENGO. ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 A MUTUAL COMPANY SERVING NORTHERN ILLINOIS SINCE 1925 TRIPLE PRIZES LIONEL * ELECTRIC TRAIN SET * jr» <» R@iiNinr a DAN POWERS, Autioneer Farm having been sold and decided to quit farming, will se® on the farm located on Lucas Road 1M miles East of Rt. 47* 3 miles South of Woodstock, 7 miles North of Huntley, 1 vinile North of Rt. 176, and 4 miles West of Rt. 14 on MONDAY -- DECEMBER 7, 1959 COMMENCING AT 12:30 P.M. | 25 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of: 1 Guernsey Family Cow; 6 White-faced Hpfers, bred; 2 White-faced Steers, Weight 600 lbs. each; 1 Cood Black Angus Stock Bull; 13 Black-faced Ewes; 1 Blackfaced Buck; 1 Blackjfaced Lamb. HAY AND GRAIN v 25 ton First Ctitting Alfalfa Hay; 35 ton Second Cutting Alfalfa Hay; 6 ton Straw; 800 bu. Oats. FARM MACHINERY , John Deere A Tractor; John Deere 2 Row Tractor Cultivator, Ferguson Tractor, 2 yrs. old; Oliver 2 Bot. 16" Power Lift Tractor Plow; Dearborn Snow Blade; New Idea Side Delivery Rake; New Idea 7 ft. Power Hay Mower; 4 Row John D®re 490 Corn Planter; Int. 10 ft. Grain Drill, Grass Seed Attach.; John Deere Model H. Manure Spreader; Bradley 3 Bot. 14" Tractor Plow; Bradley R.T. Wagon and Hay Rack; Bradley 10 ft. Disc; Wooden Flare Grain Box; Weed Sprayer with 20 ft. Boom; Western Saddle and Bridle; American Crop Drier. 15 HP Motor and Trailer; 20 ft. Grain Auger and Motor; 275 gal. Oil Tank; Small Loading Chute; 5 Hay Bunks; 1 Grain Bunk; 725 Cement 5" Tile; 4 Telephone Posts; 8 Corner Posts; Scale; Fanning Mill; 4 Wooden Gates; Forney Electric Welder; 32" Spredway Power Lawn Mower; 2 Motors, one *4 H.P. Many articles too numerous to mention. (Above machinery is alLin good condition). late 'a ton Dodge Truck with Fleet Box, about 4,000 miles. RALPH ROBINETT, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve Bank ^ Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation USUAL BANK TERMS ~ NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS I^LTNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS DOLL & LAYETTE * BOY'S ISSCE cPv % NOTHING TO JUST COME SEE f^alore * Amity Leather Goods -- Evening in Paris by Bourjois -- Eastman Kodak Cameras - Jewelite Dresser Sets -- Remington Shavers -- Parker Pens - Sylvania Flashbulbs - Schick Shavers - Timex Watches - Williams Gift Sets - Westclox Clocks and Watches - and countless other wonderful holiday gifts! DRAWIMG WILL BE HELD HERE DEC. 23 * Avm mmm DIP Our Christmas Cards Are On Display Now Imported 30 Lite Set M BANK -0- MATIC _ BUBBLE GUM BANK , Takes Pennies -- Nickels or Dimes 1 1 WHITE GIFT TISSUE $ Economy Size, 24 Sheets of Soft Gift"Wrap Tissues 24"x30" Dispenses ©usi? II MUSICAL TOP Makes 3-Toned Musical Sound 98° II All games on T.V. Hero's Disneyland -_ s Rm.Tin-Tio K FragPSEUce'Sw© Wyatt Earp in Sa&fca°[Lin@c[i ©if? I WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS Use Our Convenient hy4mi Plan! mm • Poodle • Elephant Both Weigh Compare to Brands Selling at *16.95! over 8 lbs. L0VEABLE s HARDWARE & STATIONERY ST01L 198 Proud Electric PERCOLATOR Fully automatic! With flavor A9S Fragrance Quintet By LENTHERIC 5 colognes she will cherish selector. Brews 2-15 cups. & V: Sizzling Steak Platters Wood Base $*75 Tray Wonderful 12 New Play