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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Dec 1959, p. 16

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Page Sixteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday# December 3. 19t9 Village of Sunnyside PLANS MADE FOR SANTA'S VISIT TO VILLAGE CHILDREN Irma Gunther - Reporter EV 6-5484 The turnout for the social party was very good and I know we all had a good time. The refreshments were delicious and high in calories and as you know those kind are always of host tasting. Plans . ire well under way for Santa's visit to the village children. Dean Cios and the committee iave the plans under control uid I believe the final checkng of the children is all that s left. So by having* an early •:tart with the plans there shouldn't be any last minute unning around to do. Lilymoor WARN SKATERS USE CAUTION ON THIN ICE Nancy Ritter - EV. 5-5889 Village Meeting The monthly meeting will be it the village hall on Dec. 7 ind as you know you are all ible to attend thleessee^'Tiape^eTti ngs. Snow Removvaall Hety We sure were surprised at he co-operation we had in the •emoval of the snow off the ice. I sure hope it will be like this always because the more help the faster it gets done and ev- ?ryone can have a good time Thanks kids. Keep up the good vork. It's winter again and that means snow ball throwing, sledding and skating. But the winter season won't be any fun for you if you don't abide by some rules. Skating on the lake when the ice is thin is quite a serious action. Until the ice is thoroughly frozen in the middle of the lake please remember only to skate along its edge. We wouldn't want anything to happen to you, so please do be careful and cautious during this winter season. Party A party was the scene of the event on Nov. 11 at the Latimer's residence. The party was a great success and the many who did come enjoyed the delicious cake and coffee that Mrs. Latimer served. Thanksgiving Here and Away I hope you all had a very feasant holiday, and as you veil know you will just be recuperating from it and then nave to start preparing for the loliday this month. Among those who had com oany for Thanksgiving was the Schuman household. Sue's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Schuett Df Wheeling, were there with 3:reat-granma Mrs. Phillips of Kenilworth, also Mr. and Mrs. V. Schlutz with daughters. Peggy Mary and Anne, from Wheeling and Sue's sister and ner husband. Mr. and Mrs. R. ^rant of Wheeling. The Williams house was lursting at the seams for a camilv get to-gether with the senior Wil'iams who are here rrom Florida. Grandpa Wilis ms was busy showing slides ifter all the tummvs were fu11 ind some community singing vas done also. Dean had all the plus children at his home vhile the women helDed Chris jet the food on the table. The families who had a won- Vrful tim'p wprp Mr. Mr11 M. Potocki and family. Mr. and V^s. K. Wlliams and family Mr. and Mrs. L. Stuart anrt family and Mr. and Mrs. D. Tios and family. Another sister. Mrs. H. Stewart, who wac •jnable to make it, surprised them with a phone call. We had a nice holidnv pvpr tbnu^h Rill worked because our son. Fred, wns home from the Senrnary and we had oir b:f fprtsf on Saturday instead I know manv of ynu had dinrer away from home and still m.^ny of you were hom^. I \vis>~ ynu would have called me to let me know hut as ^ng as you had a h""pnv holiday that is all •hat matters. Sick List Mrs. Mathews of Fritzsches Estates had an operation on Nov. 24 at the McHenry hospital. She is coming along fine and we all hope to see her up and around soon. Mrs. Zollick's eleven year old son, Arthur, was in the McHenry hospital four days with pneumonia. We all wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Schuerr is sick at home with the flu. We hope that flu bug will fly away soon. Happy Birthday Tiny Gary Leske celebrated his second birthday on Thanksgiving with his many relatives His birthday really is Nov. 28. Mr. Karmel celebrated his birthday last week with his family. Cute Marilyn Oversen blew out six candles on Nov. 28. Happy Birthday to all of you and many more. Turkey Doings Mr. and Mrs. Latimer and Mr. Latimer's mother spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Rolle and her daughter, Sylvia, all from. Lilymoor. David Fantus was home from college to spend Thanksgiving with his family. William K o e h 1 e r spent Thanksgiving with his sister who resides in Chicago. Mrs. Fredericks and her two sons spent Thanksgiving day in Chicago with Mrs. Frederick's sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Young really had a house full for Thanksgiving dinner. They had a family reunion, their two daughters and their families and their son and his family, which totalled sixteen. Six of the grandchildren stayed over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Young. The Ritter family had as Thanksgiving day guests, Mr.. ->nd Mrs. Earl Ritter, Mr. and Mrs. William and Frank Helwig. After a delicious dinner slides were shown by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ritter of their vacation in Minnesota. An enjoyable time was had by all. If anyone has any news please call me. Thank you. Birthday Party Linda Ossler's little friends: Marilyn, Rita, Sharon, Speedy Patty Lou and Jeffery Oversen and Beverly Eggert helped Linda celebrate her fifth birthday on Nov. 23. Mrs. Ossler served cake and ice cream to the children. Linda and her little friends had a delightful time. OBITUARY Spring Grave . CHRISTIAN MOTHERS DISCUSS PLANS FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY by Mrs. Cbttries Freund Members of- the Christian Mothers sodality of St. Peter's parish met at the parish hall last week Wednesday at' 8 p.m. A committee was appointed for the DCCW meetiftg of the McHenry Deanery which was held at St. Peter's on Dec. 2. Plans were also made for the Christmas party on Dec. 19. It will be pot-luck and a gift exchange will be held. Following the meeting cards and bunco were played for entertainment. Prizes went to Mrs. George May, Mrs. Paul Kabot and Mrs. Phil Rinda. A lovely lunch was served. Mrs. Ben May entertained members of her club on Wednesday afternoon. Prizes in five hundred went to Mrs. Emma May, Mrs. Mame Tinney, Mrs. Nora Miller, Mr$. Mary Nimsgern and Mrs. Lizzie Engels. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess after cards. Correction I am sorry that Jim Fantus' name wasn't placed on the "B" honor roll. Weekend Doing Mrs. Scheavone's mother-inlaw, Mrs. Bitterman, spent last weekend at the Schiavone residence. The Eggert family attended the wedding of Mr. Eggert'p niece on Saturday, Nov. 21. The wedding took place in Chicago. Anniversary Congratulation to .Mr. and Mrs. Schiavone on their eighth wedding anniversary which was Nov. 3. Birth'l Greetings To little Patty Schuman whu celebrated her fi^t birthday twice once with George's parents and a few days later with Sue's mother. Sunday Holiday A week ago Sunday, while the weather was nice for travelling. the Garrity family along with Milton Crossdale drove to Peoria to visit relations. Pistaliee Terrace Mr. and Mrs. G. Mecko had Mary's family over for Thanksgiving dinner. Among those who were there were brother John, sister Dorothy with her husband, Bob, and baby, Mon- :ca, niece, Maryann, Larry, and heir two little girls. Mr. and Mrs. Hauser entertained Mr. and Mrs. R. Hauser ">nd their children, Bud and Bobby, from Indiana Thanksgiving Day. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. W. Bennet with daughters, Pam and Debbie, came for the day from Glen View. Mrs. Strass, an aunt from Chicago, will be spending a week with the Hauser family. The Weiss family will soon be feasting on deer meat which the hunter Ed brought back from his trip near Canada. JOSEPH H. FEFFER, SR. M c H e n r y f r i e n d s w e r e shocked to learn of the unexpected death on Tuesday evening, Nov. 24, of Joseph Hugh Feffer, Sr., 65, of Crystal Lake. He was a native of Woodstock, horn Sept. 24. 1894. a son of Emil and Bridget McGill Feffer. He had lived in Crystal Lake ror fifty years, operating the Lunch Box restaurant on Virginia street. He is survived by his widow, Martha Nichols Feffer; three sons and three daughters; also five sisters well known in this community, Sister Getina, OSF, of St. Anne's, Barrington, Mrs. Loretta White of Watseka, Mrs. Evelyn Bartels and Mrs. Rose Dorsey of Chicago and Julia Feffer of Crystal Lake. Services were held Fridaymorning from St. Thomas church, with burial in Crystal Lake Memorial Park cemetery. Truth may be heard to ascertain, but the search warrants the attention of all individuals. SHOP IN McHENRY Christening On a recent Sunday the christening of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gathman of Chicago was held at Our Lady of Angels church in Chicago. The baby was named Patricia Lee. Her great-grandmother, Mrs. Frank Tinney, was the baby's godmother and Dan Gathman was godfather. Approximately t w e n t y-five guests were entertained in the Gathman home for the occasion. The infant son of Mrs. Gertrude Hart was christened Joseph at St. Peter's church on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Krieske's new baby was christened Paul at St. Peter's church Sunday, Nov. 29. Chicago Trip Mrs. Jane Schneider, Cathy and Craig, and Pauline Anne Brown and Chuckie Brown enjoyed going through the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago on Friday. Quests in the Charles Freund home were Mr. and Mrs. George May, Diane and Jim. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Larson entertained Mr. and Mrs. Paul May and children and the Robert Sutton family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerbig and daughters were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Thornton. Move Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Smith and family have moved to Indiana. Their home in Colemar was recently purchased by Mr. and Mrs. William Lennon and the Lennons will move in this week. Birthday Miss Pamela Thornton celebrated her seventh birthday on Tuesday by inviting several of her schoolmates to her home for a party. Games were played and prizes awarded the winners. A lunch was served which included a large birthday cake. Pam received many lovely gifts. Weekend Guests In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown were Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Douty and Kay Louise of Adams, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mullenbach of Johnsburg, Minn. Thanksgiving Vacation Jim; Kagan, a student at Queenvof ,Apostles Academy in Madison, &nd Mary Lou Kagan of St. Mary's in Milwaukee, enjoyed Thanksgiving vacation in their home here. Accident Delbert Norton narrowly escaped serious injury Saturday morning when his car slid into the side of a fast moving train at the crossing west of town. Outside of being stunned and a few minor bruises, Mr. Norton was not hurt. Hospitalized We were sorry to hear that Norman DeGroft is a patient at McHenry hospital. He entered the hospital for observation and medication. X Birth Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith are the happy parents of a baby girl, weighing 7 lbs., 1 oz. born at St. Therese's hospital on Monday, Nov. 30. Visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and Dan and Vic joined a familySgathering in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Williams in McHenry on Sunday. A delicious dinner was served and the evening was spent at cards. Phone EV 5-0730 EV 5-0731 FOR F U E L O I L WE OFFER Cash Discount Budget Plan •WiOOriMtES MIUWI £1 King Korn Stamps McHenry County Co-Op McHENRY, ILL. 1 Thanksgiving Gue^tfc MITT ADD "' ItfTI-FREEZfc, THIS YEAR . . . NOkCkOSS C iStm Q\ McHenry State Bank Phone EV 5-1040 P ..o^ifhout first having aradigfor cleaned and repaired! Anti-freeze in a leaky or cloned radiator is money wasted. Our modern Factory Method clean* ing and repairing --• checked by our In* Hand FLO-TEST Machine -- «o»t» little -- protecu you* anti-freeze I UNITED MOTORS WARRANTY Adams Bros. Repew In Rear of Stilling's "66" Service 300 E. Elm St. McHeCCT EVergreen 5-0783 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillliliillillHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliilll T[ K a new fashion profile by CHAMP Give him a Champ Gift Certificate and he'll have a holiday choosing his hat from among the wonderful range of new styles, shapes, textures, colors. He'll wear it every day. He'll thank you every day! 58.95 The Nicest Cards in Town! BOLGER'S DRUG STfifiE 103 S. Green St. Phone EV 5-4500 USE THE FREE GREEN ST. PARKING AREA 117 S. Green St. Phone EV 5-0047 McHenry, I1L Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p*n Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon Use The Free Green Street Parking Area lllllllllimilllUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllliiiuiiiisira^ CEMBP 19 Take a tip from old St. Nick - don't get caught in the last minute rush. Christmas shop NOW when selections are at their best and you can choose calmly, carefully and wisely. GIVE & TAKE" GIFTS FROM KODAK C,VE FLASH CAIHtiRA CHRISTMASPPY TAKE PICTURES SHARE THE See our big selection of Gift Sets, Cameras, Movie Cameras & Projectors. Ue o*s ?////////////"'//',//////M I GOT* W COLOGNE § . ,SPRAY I 53.50 * W/S/M/////S/S/A CHRISTMAS | 51.00 - f CARDS 28 All Ass't. *lfS it®** :??oo «t« Perfume ft Cologne Smoking CIO* Wrist ,c«* fr, satsi so^ eA PAPER. $>1 mioN BRBS7&E HAR Girls vMy//////////^ EVENING IN PARIS % GIFT SET f $| 00 ^ CHILDREN'S % ASSdTED I Boy® |>E I "SAVI-EARIY" TOY SPECIALS Giant Jigsaw Puzzles ...r Scrabble for Juniors Venus Pree-Skelched Color Set Buffalo Bill Cowboy Outfit .... Playskool Baby Pyramid SENSATIONAL GIFT OFFER PER VALUE ASSORTMENT! J for & if* lAoy fs0 . 6 Big Continuous Rolls 570' Fabulous Foils long $• Deluxe Papers i Serving fou Is Our Business WUlAHi'. UCTRlc $HAVi BOLGER'S 103 S. GREEN STREET EW 5-4500 DRUG STORE McHENRY. ILL. USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING ARF.A OUR IAYAWAY PLAN NO EXTRA COST. "Pluj 10% Federal Excise Tax on Toiletries

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