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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Dec 1959, p. 2

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Page Two Tin; McHENRY PLAINDEALEB Christmas Party For Big Hollow P.T.A. The Christmas meeting and party for Big Hollow P.T.A. members will be held at the school Wednesday, Dec: 2, at 8 p.m. A highlight of the program will be a film, titled "The Spirit of Christmas" presented by Illinois Bell Telephone Co There will be caroling and a gift exchange. Members are to bring a twenty-five grab bag gift to the party. All parents and friends of Big Hollow children are urged to attend and join the organization if they are not on the membership roll now. Community Club To Elect Officers The annual election of officers of the Johnsburg Community club will be held at the next regular meeting on Monday. Dec. 7. at 8:30 p.m. at Memorial hall. Due to the importance of the meeting, all members are urged to attend. Refreshments will be served by the following committee: Harold Thelen. Arthur The'en. Wes Tonyan. John Weingart. Charles Weingart. Sibre Whiting and Leo Young. 111. The announcement was made at a dinner held Saturday evening at the Nye home for members of the two families. Miss Nye is a 1959 graduate of the McHenry high school and is now attending the Northwest Laboratory of Med- ;cal Technique in Minneapolis, Minn., where she will graduate next October. Her fiance is a graduate of Brookfield high school and is in business with his father. No date has been set wedding. ithe A to Z Club At Schilling Home The A to Z club met last week Tuesdev night at the home of Dorothy Schilling of Pistakee Bay. Winners in cards were Dannie'le Pansey. first, and Helen Para, second. St. Clara's Court Christmas Party Dec. 10 St. Clara's Court. No. 359 W.C.O.F.. will hold a Christmas party on Dec. 10 at St. Mary's school hall, with a potlurk .supper at 6 p.m. Cash donations will be accepted in^tp^d of canned goods for the Sisters. The Girl Juvenile Forester* will enjoy their Christmas party on Sunday, Dec. 13, from 3 to 5 p.m. in St. Mary's1 hall. There will be no gift exchange this year. Young Christian Workers' Dance The McHenry and Woodstock sections of Young Christian Workers are sponsoring a Christmas dance at the local Legion home at 9 o'clock on Saturday. Dec. 12, beginning at 9 p m. The pub'ic is invited. Home and School Club Plans Christmas Buffet McHENRY GROUP PLANS ATTENDANCE AT IVY BENEFIT A double-header benefit is planned in December for the Ivy Cancer Research foundaion. Ivy Cancer League Number 13 is sponsoring the holiday affair in the home of Mrs. Al. P. Wetle, 722 Junior Terrace, Chicago. The first party will >e a tea from 2 until 5 o'clock m SaturdTy, Dec. 5, to which two special groups outside the city have been invited -- a group from McHenry, 111., where Mrs. Wetle was formery a resident, and one : rom Deerfie'd. A^ least forty guests ire expected. Mrs. Wetle is secretary and •rea^urer of the Ivy Cancer Research foundation. Mrs. Harry E. Durland of McHenry arranged for the group attending the tea from McHenry. Wed Nov. 21 Miss Pauline Kalemba of Lakemoor and Mr. Charles E. OSRITAL * Altar and Rosary Christmas Party The Altar and Rosary sodality nf St. Patrick's church will hold its annual Christmas party on Monday evening, Dec. 7, starting with a pot-luck supper at 6:30 o'clock. All ladies of the parish are invited. There will be a one dollar gift exchange. Open House At Lisle Bassett Home Open house will be held from 7 to 9 o'clock on Sunday, Dec. 13. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett at 405 Main street in honor of their silver wedHing anniversary. Earlier in thp afternoon, a group of relatives, club members and thpir hu^baWlfi wil be entertained at a buffet luncheon. thp 3Ptup' date of their marriage was Dec. 12. T i^ie Bassett and Vivian Switzer were married in Houston. Tex. They have two children Tlone of Denver, Colo., and Homer of Glenview. The Home and School club of St. Joseph's school will hold a ore-Christmas buffet luncheon ind card party Dec. 9 at 12:30 at St. Joseph's church hall. Richmond. McHENRY CLUB CONTRIBUTES TO LINCOLN GARDEN The McHenry Garden club held its regular monthly meeting at the homp of Mrs. J. J. Gruenfeld on Clement Lodge "oad Tuesday. Nov. 24, with "ourteen members present. It was reported that the club re- ^pi\pd a third place award at the Richmond Garden show for \ t"b'e (place setting for two -- Koffee Klotch*. which was arranged by Mrs. Charles Goodelk--^ The members voted to sponsor a Girl/ Scout troop again this year,/ and hope they, in urn thp troop will participate in the flower show which is being planned for the month of June. Since 1934. the Lincoln Memorial Garden has been the major project of the Garden Clubs of Illinois. As a conservation project and as a horticultural achievement, this garden is unique among State Garden club projects. The annual dues paid by member clubs go into a fund to maintain the beautiful plantings that have been done there. The McHenry club is contributing 'oward this with the annual renewal of its membership. The national accredited flowshow judges of Illinois. Inc., and the Garden Club of Countryside Lake. Mundelein. will nresent "Holiday Greetings" at ^n all-dav meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 9. starting at 10:30 i m. in Hill's restaurant on Rt. 45. two miles north of Half Day. An artistic flower show Kotalik Studio Photo THE C. E. OBORNYS Oborny of Waukegan were united in marriage in a lovely wedding solemnized in St. Mary's Catholic church on Saturday, Nov. 21. Announce Engagement Of Miss "Penny" Nve Dr. and Mrs. William A. Nye announce the engagement of their dauehter. "Pennv". to John Vesely. son of Mr .and Mrs. John Vesely of Riverside, December 5 L a keland Park Women's Club Fourth Annual Snow Ball Dance -- Legion Home. December 5-6 McHenry Choral Club Christmas Concert -- 8:15 p.m. -- High School Auditorium. December 7 Altar and Rosary Sodality Christmas Party and Pot-Luck Supper -- 6.30 p.m. December 9 Valley View Neighborhood Meeting. Christmas Party and Luncheon -- 12:30 p.m. -- McHenry Country Club. December 10 St. Clara's Court Christmas Party and Pot-Luck Supper -- 6 p.m. -- St. Mary's School Hall. December 11 Bake Sale -- Pink Lady Shoppe -- Sponsored by Women's Auxiliary of McHenry Hospital Starts at 11 a.m. Dcrenrilicr 1" Mchenry Hospital "Patients at McHenr> hospital this past week were Paul Iwanski, Peter Singer, George Marinovich and Mae Wolfram of Crystal Lake; Deborah Stepinovic, Myrtle Edstrom, Joseph Sipka, Patricia Jackson, Ethel Smith, Anita Davis, Milda Mathews, George Westfall, Harold Dougherty, Edward Lebig, Robert G. Hanford, Patrick Mand'i, John Sovsky, Susan Stift, Madeleine Mayfield and Frank Godina of McHenry; Roger Herdrich of Park Ridge; Margaret Gloves of Richmond; Marianne Beam of Woodstock; Mary Tothof of Island Lake; William Merritt of Grayslake: Richard Doherty of ingleside; Beatrice Knox of Wonder Lake and Norman DeGrofte of Spring Grove. Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hosp' tal, Woodstock, this past week ncluried Maureen P:"tozzi Mary Ann Thennes, Master Martin Conway and Theresa Freund of McHenry; Josephine Hansen of Wonder Lake; Joan Preston of Ringwood; Lillian Miche's of McCullom Lake and Nell Werhan of Ingleside. Harvard Ho p'tnl Frank Jones has beejj a patient in Harvard hospital. K OF C PLANS GALA PARTY TO CLOSE OLD YEAR The McHenry Knights of Columbus council are planning to make this New Year's Eve a very special one for the many ycung people in the McHenry county area. The.y have secured the talents of Jim Lounsbury, one of the most popular TV personalities in Chicagfo- 'and, to appear as emcee for a dance and party at the local roller rink. Along with Jim Lounsbury will be the well known Millionaires and other pojpular recording artists. Proceeds of the event will be put into the building fund for a Knights of Colymbus hall. PTA TO HOLD SILVER AND BLUE r BALL ON DEC. 13 7 The McHenry Community P.T.A. will hold its annual Christmas party, titled the "Silver and Blue Ball", on Sunday, Dec. 13, at 5:30 p.m. at the high school cafeteria. Each couple is asked to bring a dish for the pot luck supper the P.T.A. will furnish meat, rolls and .beverage. Mrs. jklbcrt Sfcheuer and Mrs. Forrest Cole, co-chairmen of the party, have arranged for dancing to organ music as well as some other new innovations. The traditional gift exchange and the singing of Christmas carols will'once again be highlights of the evening. Newly weds Reside In West Palm Efeach Y.C.W. Ohristmas Dance -- by national judges will be held • 9 p.m. -- Legion Home. in the morning;. £nd a flower arrangement demonsi^ation by Mrs. Ruth feRtner {of New York will bg^feiven in the afternoon. Several members are planning to attend. Word has been received »of the Nov. 21 wedding in Wett Palm Beach, Fla., which united in marriage Miss Carol Redwanz, daughter of Arthur Redwanz of that city and the late Evelyn Redwanz, and Neil Reignhought, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reignhought of_ Lake worth, Fla. The Redwanz family formerly resided in this community. The ncwlyweds living at West Palm Beach foMr\ving a trip to Cypress Gardens. The former Miss Redwanz attpnded the local high school before moving to Florida. December 13 G i r l J u v e n i l e F o r e s t e r s ' Christmns Party -- 3 to 5 p.m. -- St. Mary's Hall. .JOIN FRATERNITIES Clifford Kiehl has joined Sigma Psi and Jam^ Tomasello ioined Pi Kappa Phi social fra- •p^nities at the University of Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morris re the parents of a son, bom t Memorial hospital, Woodtock, on Nov. 28. A boy was born Nov. 29 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Blair of Wonder Lake. Mr., arid Mrs. John Hansen are the parents of a boy, born it Memorial hospital Nov. 29. A Son was born Nov. 24 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dusthimer of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler velcomed a daughter at Memorial hospital on Nov. 24. A son was born Nov. 24 at. Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foreman. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Knox are the parents of a son, born at Memorial hospital Nov. 22. Mr. and Mrs. James Freund of Ringwood are the parents of a boy. born Nov. 22 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phalin >f Crystal Lake are the parents of a son. born Nov. 30 at Memorial hospital. CARD OF THANKS ®fflv we extend our heartfelt thanks to those of you who expressed your sympathy in so many thoughtful wavs during our recent bereavement. We ^re, especially grateful to Rev. u<*ene Parker, the Holy Name Society of St. Patrick's and the Knights of Columbus Your kindnesses have meant to us. Stanley Schaffer and family Mrs. Susan Adams. 31 COUNTY BUSINESS LEADERS ANNOUNCE COMPANY PURCHASE McHenry. c o u n t y business leaders figured prominently in the purchase of Transcontinental Life Insurance company, an Illinois corporation, announced by a Chicago group on Wednesday, Nov. !25. They are Anthony A. Varese and Louis J. Consago of McHenry and Matt F. Hofmann, Ingleside; also Martin J. Kelly and John Behmiller of McHenry. Varese headed the group's financing and will serve as chairman of the executive committee and a company director. He lives in Rosedale subdivision. Consaga assisted -Varese in developing financial arrangements. He has been appointed a general agent for the new organization and will direct .sales activities in this area. He lives at. 616 Allen avenue. An organizer of the purchasing group, Hofmann has been elected to the executive committee. Chartered in 1958, Transcontinental, which will estab- 'i:;h home offices in Chicago's ^almolive building,, produced ve million dollars of group nsurance sales its first months in business. Although new ownership will continue in this field, they expect to aggressive'. v undertake personal life 'nsurance sales on a statewide basis, initially. Currently recruiting and training both experienced and new personal, company officials anticipate fir^t sales in December. Varese pointed out that, by the end of 1960, life insurance :n force will have doubled itself in the past decade; but ir •he next five years it shou1J double- itself again, making it the first trillion dollar indus try in history. "Our brig1^ e c o n o m i c o u t l o o k , " V a r e s e said, "and the forthcoming boom in family copulation will foroe this erowth surge of the industry. New companies are vitally needed to meet tremendous demands for increased public service." u : I , 1 : ' : T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 . ! •!• ---- -- -» " CHARTER Anthony A. Varese and Matt F. Hoffmann examine state charter of Transcontinental Life Insurance company, held by Louis J. Consago. The three are members of purchasing group which acquired the Illinois corporation on Wednesday. Stewardesses To Plan Spring Benefit Soon Alex MacArthurs, 134 Grave Lane, Barrington. Furthur information may be ~~ obtained by calling Mrs. Mar- Clipped Wing members (for- Iin Kalpin, Evergreen 5-5577. mer UAL stewardesses) will meet for lunch Dec. 10 in Chi- K of C MEETING cago at 12:30, where plans for their May benefit will be discussed. In addition to the Dec. 10 meeting, the northwest area will open the season with a cocktail party Dec. 13 from 3:30 to 5 at the home of the Bishop Boylan General Ass e m b l y , F o u r t h D e g r e e , Knights of Columbus, will have an open meeting on Wedi£>- day evening, Dec. 9. 8:45 p.m. in St. Thomas school hall, Crystal Lake.. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. George Unwin and family would like to express their thanks for the many kindnesses of friends and neighbors at the time of their bereavement 31 ENJOYS OUTING The Hobby Twelve group enjoyed their ^nitual outing on Monday of this week. i CHRISTMAS DANCE I ^t Sponsored by Young Christian Workers §n AMERICAN LEGION HOME i Saturday, Dec. 12, 1959 -- 9 P.M. ». MUSIC BY BOB FREUNDS ORCHESTRA EVERYONE INVITED SHOP IN McHENRY CARD OF THANKS Mv sinpere thanks for the many cards, payers, visits and '• E favors I received during my stay in the hospital. Your thouihtfulness was greatly appreciated. Mrs. Bernice Hausheer 31 VILLA NURSING HOME S Insufficient funds have brought many a pleasant oc casion to an abrupt conclus ion. ON PISTAKEE BAY NEAR McHENRY Home for the Aged SENILE BED PATIENTS Phone EVergreen 5-0461 | : SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItilllllllliiiiiliiiiiiiiHiiiilllllllHllllllllllllllllliitlllltllS M€Tt' gifts for good grooming After Shave Lotion and Cologne $2"io After Shave Lotion Cologne »r»d Talc in shimmering gold bottles $4.95 OTHER FINE KINGS MEN GIFT SETS ARE PRICED all price* plus tax BOUER'S DRUG STORE 108 S. Green St. Phone EV 5-4500 USE THE FREE GREEN ST. PARKING AREA «ssn> - PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS on the portable that typing teachers can fully recommend! Only $5.00 Down $150 A Week THE REMlMGfiOtO QU1ET-RITE8® ELEVEN PORTABLE with the new REMINGTON COLOR-KEY Touch Typing Course. COLOR-KEY is remarkably fast and easy because it's based on the same standard approved methods used by teachers in schools everywhere. And it's free of extra cost with the Remington Quiet riter . Eleven Portable-the portable you never outgrow because it's made for expert office typists as well as beginners. Come in today and see the Remington Quiet-riter Eleven with COLOR-KEY COLE, UNDERWOOD and REMINGTON # Given FREE! L,adies Schick Electric Razor with purchase of a Cole Portable Typewriter. ADDING MACHINES • BURROUGHS • INDKRWOOD • REMINGTON KRAUS News Agency » Office Supplies & Equipment 308 E. Elm St. McHenry Phone EV 5-4015 BRIDGES ARE OF MANY KINDS - but the function of all bridges is the same: To span a gap "between one place and another; to help people get where they want to go. Gaps are of many kinds, too. There is a gap between dreaming of a home and owning one; a gap between wishing for up-todate household equipment and having it; a gap between seeing a new-model car in a salon and driving it. Every day, Americans are bridging these and similar financial gaps -- with the help of the widely varied, economical loan services of banks. WHATEVER YOUR FINANCING NEED, LOOK TO OUR BANK FOR McHE -- AT LOW COST! STATE BAN Established Since 1906 "McHenry County's Largest Financial Institution' Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone EVergreen 5-1040 r" 8 it1 Claire Beauty Shoppe 2C0 S. Green EV 5-0010 OUR TRAINED HAIRSTYLISTS WILL DESIGN A HAIR STYLE JUST FOR YOU CALL US TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT Feel the fabulous difference when you the ne«> n"racle, AIRE-LON* rubber 9,rd,e ivitti I "cares* win# Sleex it the only girdle in the world with a pure cotton lining... 77% more absorbent, naturally cooler. There's caressing softness, greater comfort, new ease in slipping Sleex on and of|. r 22 hidden controls trim off inches where you want them trimmed--front, back, over the hips. double life--Sleex never loses its original shape, retains its superb stretch, strength and caressing softness indefinitely. New garters are wafer thin, self-adjusting. Sleex stays fresh and attractive... washes and dries in minutes. Ice-White Aire-lon with a rich lace effect. Slip on Girdle or Panlie Styles Zipper Girdle or Panlie Styles 95 iadou/ • <T <xt>«9» 8 10 95 <xu SUM *K«f'd Tr*4«ni«rk 'Tor Town & Country" Phone EV 5-2713 406 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. Open Mon.. Tues., Thurs. & Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. FYidnys 9:30 a.m. 'til '9 p.m. -- Closed Wednesdays

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