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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1959, p. 12

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Page Twelve Wonder Lake HIGHLAND SHORES RE-ELECTS JAMES LAING PRESIDENT by Jane Ducey -- 2781 James Laing was re-elected president of the Highland Shores Property Owners association at a general meeting Friday night, which was attended by a record crowd. Also re-elected was Mrs. Howard Kopp, who served the association as secretary last year. Other nominees put in office were first vice-president, Howard Kopp, second vice-president Don Sullivan, and treasurer, Mrs. Bruno Gliva. Standing committee members elected were William Dicker, chairman of road committee; Clifford Meadie, chairman of beach and pier committee; and Mrs. Bernard Kleopfer, Mrs. James Fung, and Merle Hansen, ways and means committee. The subdivision is in the process of assuming full responsibility for the maintenance of its roads, which had formerly been the responsibility of the developer of Highland Shores. Last winter the association footed the snow plowing bill, and next spring will have to take over the road grading expense. To realize the necessary income to cover these expenses, the Property Owners associa- <•" tion will enforce the subdivision dues assessment, which previously hail been paid by some home owners and not paid by others. Santa Claus doll, and to Miss Richardson for a little Christ mas elf. Nativity Lutheran Church News Universal Bible Sunday will be observed Dec. 13 at Nativity. The sermon topic will be, "God In a Book". The Nativity Mates, Nativity's married couples' club, invites'all families of the church to their family Christmas party Sunday evening, Dec. 13, starting at 7. There will be games and entertainment for members of the church and their entire family. The friendly visitation group of the church will meet Monday afternoon, Dec. 14, at 2. Plans will be made to distribute the gifts to the sick and shut-in in the institutions and private homes in the area. Anyone desiring to help in this vital and interesting work is welcome to attend. The junior choir will have a Christmas party Friday evening, Dec. 18, at 7:30. to which all members are invited. Christ the King' Church '•t News , Due to a change of schedule the Y.C.S. night of recollection will be held tonight Dec. 10. at Christ the King church at S pm The Rev James V. Mc- Kitt^'ck will be the gue«t speaker All h;eh school youth are UEged to attend The next YCS meetimc will be Monday, Dec. 14. from 8 to 9:30 pm. A group discussion will be led by Father Peterson. A social will follow. . The Holy Name society will iliave an "01 d Fashioned" (Christmas party tonight at the home of John Gustek in Indian Ridge. Election of officers will 'take place. All the men in the parish are invited to attend. Ray Machalinski and Ernie Schultz are in charge of the sprogram •" The Al*nr and Rosary sociejty held election of officers Thursday. Mrs. Charles Pike is the new president. Mrs. Ed Coughlin is vice-president; Mrs Frank Houda. secretary; and Mrs Jack Kremer. treasurer. Mrs. John Gustek was appointed Altar and Rosary chair- , lady for social night. Mrs. Charles Sullivan was appointed parochial school and convent chairlady. There "-was a wonderful turn- ! out of sixty-six ladies for the Christmas party. Prizes for the 'most unique and original ornament went to Mrs. Lang for a silver glittered clothespin; to Mrs. Anna Gustek for a little Cubs to Trim Tree A fourteen foot Christmas tree will be erected in the Robert Vanderstraeten Memorial Triangle Sunday for the Cub Scout annual tree trimming project. The tree is the gift of a member of the Bible church congregation and was cut down by Pastor Wright and Wally Dean. The men also cut down a smaller tree to be used at the Pack meeting in Harrison school Dec. 21. The Cubs have been making weather-proof tree ornaments as their project for the month of December. As each den meets beginning next week, the boys will assemble at the triangle and add on their ornaments to complete the decoration. The lights have been donated by the Chamber of Commerce. Pack Meet Date Change The Christmas pack meeting date has been changed from Dec. 29 to Monday evening, Dec. 21, at Harrison school. Two New Babies Two "second generation" Wonder Lake families had baby daughters at the Memorial hospital for McHenry County Friday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Hartmann, Jr., of Hickory Falls No. 2 on Dec. 4 was 7 lb. 1 oz. Caryn Susan. The Hartmanns have another daughter, Patti Lynn, who is 18 months old. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dickman of Wonder Lake and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Hartmann of Lincolnwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber of Hickory Falls unit No. 3 are parents of 7 lb. 4% oz. Mary Margaret, born Dec. 4. Other children are Artie, age 3, Julie, age 2. and Cheri, age 1. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Art Hay of Wonder Lake and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber of McHenry. Harrison Christmas Program The annual Christmas program, presented by the students of Harrison school for their families, is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 22, at 8 p.m. in the gymnasium. Youngsters in kindergarten and the primary grades, including fourth grade, will present individual skits. Intermediate and upper grade students will perform in the school band and chorus. Bowl for Turkeys The Friday night Business Men's League will bowl for turkeys Dec. 18. There are only two more Fridays left in the year to upset the standings. Mill Inn leads by a 5 game margin with 30 wins and the next 8 teams follow in close formation. Circle Inn, 25 wins; Cristys 24V2; Pauls 24; W.L. Bldrs. 22; Cleaners 21%; and Freunds Dairy, George's Firemen and Vans tied with 21. Last Friday Paul's took 3 from W.L. Oil, E. Johnson 210- 523; Van's took 3 from George's Firemen, B. Chudek 214-213- 571, J. Sullivan 518, G. Gutzman 515; W.L. Bldrs. took 2 from Silks, D. Luckey 525; Cleaners won 2 from Leo's Landscape, G. Wrede 506, J. Greul 523, W. Low 556; Cristys took 2 from Mill Inn, J. Cristy 203-566, D. Schaeffer 514, G. Pederson 204-554; Circle Inn won 2 from Freunds, C. Kopp 223-581, R. Grauman 505, Bud Oxtoby 503, Bud Detwiler 518, C. Majercik 209-557. ft Christmas Party for Retarded Children Santa and his helper will be on hand to distribute the grab bag presents at the Christmas party given by the McHenry County associatilon for Retarded Children. The affair will be held at the Wonder Lake Bible church Saturday, Dec. 12. from 1 to 4 pm. Pete Bendl (he's in danger of being typed in this role), as the jollv old gent, will have Donna Mae Dean for his helper. Entertainment will be provided bv the Schlottman brothers, Kenneth Kendall and Charles Paul, who will play accordion selections. The grab bag exchange will °be limited to a 29 cent gift. Recorded music, games and refreshments will complete the party. The parent group has arranged a social time for the children each month, since the formation of the association. Parents and friends in the community are invited to join the fun. Santa will be on hand to do the honors in the grab bag exchange. The students have an even greater need for funds this year, over the previous class's requirement, due to the great number of seniors scheduled to take the. Springfield trip this year. Tickets are available from 'any eighth grade student. Boys Will be Boys Dennis Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murphy, was discharged from McHenry hospital Friday, and started back to school on a half day basis Tuesday, Dec. 8. He was hospitalized the preceding Monday where his illness was diagnosed as a concussion, according to his mother. His injuries were the result of a fight "to even a score" between Dennis and nine of his school mates. Seven of the nine boys were eighth graders. Dennis is in sixth grade. The fight took place after school Nov. 20 when the nine boys came home with Dennis on the school bus. Only one of the nine lived in the neighborhood of this Shore Hills stop. Highland Shores Party A Christmas party for the children of Highland Shores is being arranged by Mrs. Clarence Ullman, ways and means chairman, and sponsored by the Property Owners association. The party will be held in the g y m n a s i u m o f G r e e n w o o d school Dec. 12, from 2 to 4 p.m. Children 12 years of age and under are invited. . . Santa will be there with gifts for everyone. Guests are limited to subdivision members only. Christmas Dance A Christmas dance at Harrison school gymnasium is being sponsored by that indefatigable eighth grade class (which has for a motto "Springfield or Bust"), on Saturday, Dec .12, starting at 8 p.m. Geo. R. Justen & Son Furniture Store CLOSES FOREVER! Dec. 25th Birthday Parties Kimberly Dale Street, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Street, entertained three little school chums at a luncheon on Dec. 1 in celebration of her fifth birthday. Sandwiches in the shape of Christmas trees made a hit with the guests, I Kathleen Holdorf, Terri Cristy, and Priscilla Fossum, as well as the many games and prizes. Brother Kendy looked on. *" Ricky Farr celebrated his sixth birthday with a party for his kindergarten friends on Saturday. A charming carousel cake, paper hats and balloons lent a festive air to the gathering. Guests were Patricia Christopher, Margaret Coughlin, Mark Decker, Nancy Doney, Pat Ducey, Danny Gallas, Pat Higgins, Lawrence Lowery and his little brother, Kevin, and Ruth Mathews. Ricky's party was the last of three birthday celebrations in the household. Brother Michael celebrated his twelfth on Dec. 1 with an ice-skating party for his school chums. Sherry had a family party on Nov. 28 marking her third birthday. Mother baked and decorated a fancy doll cake for Sherry. Mother has a wonderful do-it-yourself book which has inspired this ornate cake icing spree. Rounding out the day the F r e d S c h o e p k e s , E d w a r d Coughlins and Julian Gallas families attended a Christmas party at ^larengo, on Saturday night. OBITUARIES MABEL H. MEEKS A five-month illness ended in the death Friday, Dec. 4, of Mabel H. Meeks, 71, of 11259 S. Edbrooke, Chicago, who died in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County in Woodstock. Mrs. Meeks was born in Chicago Oct. 5, 1888, and lived there all her life. A month ago she came to reside with her daughter, Mrs. DeWitt H. Rapp, of Pistakee Highlands. Her husband, Carl, preceded her in death in January, 1948, She leaves her daughters, Lois Page of Chicago, Edna Warner of Hoffman Estates at Roselle and Mrs. Rapp and a son, Bruce, of Chicago; also a sister, Belle Smith of Carpentersville. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen funeral home until Monday when services were held at 1 o'clock, followed by private burial in Waldheim cemetery, Forest Park. TONY KOSMACH Services were held at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon from the George R. Justen & Son funeral home for Tony Kosmach, 68, who died unexpectedly -in a rooming house on Richmond Road last Thursday night, Dec. 3. He was born May 29, 1891, in Yugoslavia and had resided in this area for the past two and one-half years. PERSONALS PARTY NEEDS Completely • Portable Bar • Dishes • Dinnerware • Coffee Urns RENTAL • Glasses (all kinds) - • Punch Bowls • Lap Trays • Snack Trays 9 Banquet Tables and Chairs Ccdi EW@rgreen 5-2916 The Nation's Neighbor « * WE RENT MOST ANYTHING • • 542 W. Main McHenry v : 11 INCH Automatic Fry Pan COMPIKTILY IMMCRSIMA The latest in automatic cooking! A big, new 4 quart, triple-thick aluminum fry pan with high-dome vented cover, featuring West Bend's new precision controlled, evenly-balanced heat. Just right for frying, roasting, broiling, simmering, baking, candy-making and serving! Has recipe booklet, temperature guide on handle. Weighs Just 3% lbs. . . . easy to carry and handle, 1150 watts, 110-120 Volt, AC. 0/dtf! $1458 HEAT CONTROL $5.95* EXTRA •INCLUDES EXCISE TAX LEE & RAY 516 W. Main St. PHONE EV 5-0882 STARTING DEC. 14th -- OPEN EVENINGS TIL XMAS McHenry, 111 YOUR NEWSPAPER ! -f! *, Your newspaper is "Freedom's Textbook"... bringing you, without fear Of favot the facts you must have in oider to exercise wisely the freedom of choice which is basic to alt of youi American freedoms. Just so long as the press is free, unhampered and uninterrupted, your rights and priv ileges as an American aro secure! Among the out of town relatives here to attend the funeral of Paul Gerasch last Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gerasch, New Vim, Minn,; Mrs. Martha Tiedemann and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Enright, Austin, Minn.; Mrs. Freida Martwig Cromwell, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gerasch and daughter, S. Milwaukee; Earl Gerasch, Cudahy,' Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baer and Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Walsh," Chicago. The Pat Krohn family has moved from an apartment in the Stilling building on Main street to one of the Adams a p a r t m e n t s on W a u k e g a n street vacated by the Ingersoll family who moved to another apartment in the same neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. James Larkin and children have returned from a trip to California where they visited her sister, Mrs. Henry Kraus and family, at Santa Ana. .They also called on other relatives and did some sight seeing while there. They made the trip there by car and returned by jet. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were weekend guests in the Donald Givens home. -v Homer Bassett was home from Chicago to sp£ncK the weekend with "Tns_B§pents,| Mr. and Mrs. Lisler Bassett. William Staines and Vincent Boxer were visitors in the Arthur Staines and Joseph Boxer homes in Kenosha, Wis., Friday. Mrs. Eleanor Foley, Mrs. Dorothy Gibbs and Miss Genevieve Knox attended a Delta- Kappa dinner and initiation at Crystal Lake Wednesday evening. Frank Kempfer has returned from a visit in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Simon and family in Chicago. Surprise guests in the Robert Conway home to help Mrs. Conway celebrate her birthday JOIN OUR. - '960 CHRISTMAS CLUB McHenry State Bank Phone EV 5-1040 & Mi $3.99 Many Styles To Choose From Large Selection $4.99 to $1.99 Roth Shoes 118 S. Green Street McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-2027 on Nov. 30, were her mother, Mrs. Carl Blanner, and brother, Vernon Blanner, of Rockford, two sisters,"Mrs. Thomas Spantideas, son, Greg, Mrs. Stella Calbow and a sister-inlaw, Mrs. Allan Blanner, Crystal Lake. Also present were Mrs. Conway's daughter, Mrs. William Weyland, husband and children, Kristi Ann, Billy and J o h n n y , M c H e n r y . A n o t h e r surprise for Mrs. Conway was a call from her son, Airman 2rc Dennis Conway of Scott Air Force Base. Edward Vales and son, Edward, Jr., of Franklin Park, were recent guests in the Albert Vales home. Mrs. Bertha Freund of Harvard, a former McHenry resident, was here to attend Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. Christmas party, Tuesday evening, of last week. The Robert Wayman family of Arlington Heights visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grever spent a few days with relatives in Neenah, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Christy Burns of Waukegan were weekend guests of Miss Rena Scheid. Mr. and Mrs. George Pattison and son, David, of Woodstock, were SunK$$y evening visitors in the William Staines home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dixon and daughter, Loridale, attended the funeral of her uncle. Joseph Thiel. in Chicago, Monday of last week. Mrs. Pearl Patzke was a weekend guest in the. Ralph Patzke home in Champaign. Miss Mary Nye was home from her teaching duties in Arlington Heights to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nye. Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton, son, Teddy, and Mrs. Laura Minter. of Maywood, visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Alford H. Pouse has returned from a two weeks visit in the home of his son, Dr. Alford H. Pouse. Jr., and family in Temple, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. William Staines were Chicago visitors Saturday and on Sunday they were guests in the Frank Kromer home in Highland Park., Legal N O T I C E Sealed, bids will be receipt by the City of McHenry at the office of the City Clerk or dft the City Hall until 8 o'clock P.M., Monday, December 21, 1959 for furnishing ne\y "Heavy Duty" Police Car. Specifications may be secured in the Office of the City Clerk. The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to reject any and all bids or to waive anj^/ informality in any bid and 0) accept any considered advantage to the city. CITY OF McHENRY By: Earl R. Walsh City Clerk (Pub. Dec. 10-17, 1959) tyi, oMLyooK QlftuAbHuliA nines mengifts for good grooming After Shav© Lotion Cologne and Talc in shimmering gold bottlee pbutam ^ OTHER FINE KINGS MEN GIFT SETS ARE PRICED FROM 91.M TO NYE DRUGS. Inc. 129 Riverside Dr. Ph. EV 5-4426 SEN FRANKLIN and Save: SopwJfy \ High Fashion Glamor! <;> Choice Of Many Stylesto Wondrous-wearing < Ruth Barry nylons in all yoi^ favorite styles! Dressy s h e e r s , w a l k i n g s h e e r s , smooth stretch styles and glamorous. bareleg styles. Glowing shades. Gift Slip, Pettiest Your $|S8 Choice White dacron, nylon and cotton petticoat with wide permanent pleat at bottom. N y l o n t r i c o t s l i p w i t h Shadow panel. m Women's Briefs Silky acetate tricot, band leg style. Assorted colors, white. 5-10. 59* Lace-Trim Slip Dacron, nylon and CA ®<g§ pima cotton blend BEN FRANKLIN - S ^ f l O % A ( i

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