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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1959, p. 14

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IPfiPpSwf PtgeFourieen Letters To Santa Claus 5 Following are letters to San tit which arrived in the Plain (fealer office this week. They are printed just as received; "Dear Santa: "I want a car. One of them kinda cars you have keys with, like Marky has. I wanna have one of them puppy dogs, a ducky, a chicken and a turtle. 1 wanna have a coat and clothes for Geno. My baby sister gotta have gloves. I want a little watch. I am 4 years old. I'm kinda naughty, but good. Kathy Jo Becker * My name is Bonnie Becker. I em six years old. I want one of Jhem cars, you know, like Mark Justen gots. Also a rifle, a kitchen set. a big horn, ice skates and a viewer. Some lined paper, and a brown folder and a crib for my doll. My baby sister is 6 weeks old. Please bring her a tiny bear. I >vant to order my mom some slippers. Blue ones with ribbon. I am a good girl. |"B onnie Becker" "Dear Santa: "How are you? I would like a baby doll and some games and some clothes for my teen a doll and my bride doll. I am good some times and some times bad I am good most of the times. I hope you don't get to tired earring that big load of toys. I hope you have a merry Christmas and your reindeers don't get tired too. Love, "Sherri Lee Schramm "Age 9" i. "Dear Santa: "This is from Debbie and foicky Landre You were nere list year so you don't need our address. We've been real, real good angels all year long so ^ou can leave us lots of presents. * "I (Debbie) would like a big |jny tears doll with clothes, a tig 2 wheel bike that I can teach standing on tippy toes. <Joll house and girl cowboy costume and paint set. V "Me (Ricky) wants a big &ment truck, moving van. j&orro costume, scooter and paint set. Don't forget Kit too C&use he wants 8.000 things §jnd he's been good too. There's cbokies and milk for you anr* peanuts for your reindeer on tfee fireplace. Love. "Debbie and Ricky H "P S. Don't forget my dancmg school teacher Bernice She's really been good." - "Dear Santa: "I want a Mary Jane doll iu*.d some clothes for her and a record stand and some records £md a record player. Love. "Linda Worts ' "I was a good girl at school but not to good at home." ! "Dear Santa: * "I will be 4 ve^rs old in Feb. Mv mommy holds my hand When I write. I try hard to be a good boy. I would love to have my own record players and a bycicle but most of all I tvant my mommy and d^ddy to tiave a happy Christmas and you too. T love you Santa £3aus. > "Donald R. Anderson" I ^ "Dear Santa: 4 "I want a doll as big as a 3 Jjiear old and some clothes for her and I want also a stroller for her. I hope I can have a horse album and a new pair of slippers. I hope I'm not asking 'for too much. "Yours truly, v "Kathy Miller" * "Dear Santa:: "My name is Gale T'm in the second grade, i' would like a tiny tears doll, a coloring book and crayons and a round slead to share with my little brother. He is 5. He also wants a cowboy outfit with the works. My baby sister is 18 mo. old. She would like a rocking chair nnd doll that crys. That's all. Thank you- Santa. We love you. We all been real good kids. I think. Dale say he wants a airplane. "Gale Kauke "Dale Gauke "Vickie Kauke" Jean De Vries and I always play together so would you please bring us the same thing. There will be something for you to eat as usual. Thank you. See you on Christmas Eve. "Bye for now. "Karen Hay "P.S. May I have a picture of you " "Dear Santa Claus: "I am seven years old and my birthday is on Christmas Eve. I help my father work in the garage at home real often. Please bring me a Lionel B27 train, a rabbit hunting set and a commando set. My sister and brother vvill leave treats for you on Christmas Eve. Thfjmk you. "Billy Rasmussen. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER KNOW YOUR HOSPITAL Thursday, December 10. 19X3 "Dear Santa Claus; "Please may I have a doll, roller skates, puppets, clothes, doll house and dishes, irpn and slippers and a surprise. Thank you. I will be good to my sisters. "Doreen Moore" "Dear Santa Claus: "Please may I have a doll, a tuffed dog. ice skates, games ^nd-most of al! a white Bible. won't fight with my sis.ters until after Christmas. Thank you. "Lvnn Moore" "Dear Santa: "I want and toedancers doll and four houses two brown and one black and one white. "Carla Martin" "Dear Santa Claus: "My name is Maureen and J m 3 years old. I have a brother Mike, who is l1^ and a brother, Shawn, who is 4 months old. We have tried hard to be good all year. "Please bring me a tricycle qnd a doll. Mike would like a wagon and a toy and Shawn would like two toys. And please don't forget all the poor children in the world. "Thank you Santa and take good care of your reindeer. "Love, "Maureen "P.S. "Dear Santa: "I am 6 years old and I have been a pretty good girl. I help my mother around the house. "For Christmas I would like j has changed completely. Thou a patty-play-pal doll, d o 11 | sands have not only survived a by Marie Schaettgen The Laboratory The laboratory, too, is responsible for the electro-cardiogram, that important diagnostic device. This is a method by which electric currents of the heart are studied to reveal norrfial or abnormal currents which may be the result of injury to the heart. It is invaluable in the incidence of coronary arterial disturbances. This is an extremely vital procedure which requires highly trained technicians and expensive equipment. Within the memory of most of us--and we don't have- to have a long gray beard to remember-- a coronary attack was tantamount to a death sentence or at best an irrevocable condemnation to a life of invalidism. That picture setting up a citizens' walking blood bank. If you are interested in participating in this life saving device, please contact Mr. Walter at the Mc- Ilenry hospital. clothes, an electric iron, a doll buggy and a tumble bug game. "Please bring my little brother, Danny, who is almost 2 years old, a bank truck arid a teddy bear. Thank you. "Melissa Doherty "Wonder Lake" "Dear Santa: "Please send me a 36 inch doll with black hair and a pair of roller skates and say hello to Mrs. Claus. I am 7 years old. Love form "Mary Jo Smith "John Street, McHenry" "Dear Santa: "I am Jim and I am a good bov. I'm waiting for you to come Christmas Eve. I hope you can bring me a rifle, train and building wood and garbage truck and boat and trailer car. "I hope you have nice snowy Christmas and hope all the reindeer are going to have a Merry Christmas too . "Love, "Jim Bertellotti" "Dear Santa: "Mv name is Gemette Gaye and I will be four years old Jan. 4. I am a good girl most of the time but at times is pretty hard. I would like a Please don t forget Tjnv Tears doll, doll bed. gun my daddy and my mommy, who wrote this for me." "Dear Santa: "I am Jeannie DeVries and I am 8 years old. I live at 115 E. 3rd avenue behind St. Patrick's school. For Christmas I would like a 3-foot doll and some Jill and Jeff clothes and t stuffed animal like a dog (big) and a soda pop machine or cooke machine. And some clothes for me like a skirt b'ouse pnd some pants size 10. My girl friend Karen Hay and I always play tog&ther so .\ye are asking for almost everything alike. Do you think you could bring us the same'thlrffes? And a Betty Crocker baking set. And a basket for my bicycle." "Dear Santa: "I'm Karen Hay and I'm years old. I live at 101 E. 3rd Ave., behind St. Patrick's school. For Christmas I would like one of those big threefoot dolls. Jill and Jeff doll clothes, and these games Clue, Sorry and Careers. A stuffed animal, a coca cola set. a basket for my bicycle, some story books, and some clothes for my self (sige 10), My girl friend and holster set. bride doll and a snow shovel so I can shovel the walks for my mother. Love, "Gemette Gaye Kupec "P S. All my mother wants for Christmas is for God to m^ke me grow big and strong nnd be a good girl." "Dear Santa Claus: »"I hope you come to my house Christmas. There will be cook'es and chocolate for you. Tf you have enough toys I wou'd like to hr>ve a marx's mobile 'for 'Christmas. I am a good bov Love.- "Russell Davis" "Dear Santa: "T want for penny machine, Ginny. "Marv Pintozzi' Christmas a a dresser for "Dear Santa: "I want a suitcase, a bird, a white kitten, a dog. "Debbie" coronary, but have gone on to resume their normal activities. Whatever the price of the equipment or the cost of training the technicians, the saving of many lives has repaid us a hundredfold. When the life saved is that of our nearest and dearest, can the cost be too high? If your child complains of a stiff neck and develops a fever, the lab again becomes of vital importance to the doctor. The tests tell him wheth- «er he must act at once to circumvent the trouble or begin treatment of a serious disease such as polio, meningitis or whether the illness is a simple one, simply treated. Here, too, the need for a fast diagnosis is apparent. If your mother or sister suddenly goes into a coma, you feel helpless but your doctor doesn't. He orders an immediate blood sugar test. It may reveal the coma is due to diabetes or it may be due to something heretofore unsuspected and unmanifested. Emergencies of this type and emergencies developing from accidents make it evident that the laboratory technician must be on call seven days a week and twenty-four hours a day, just as must your doctor. Emergencies are always unexpected. If a baby swallows a pij|,v if a splinter pierces the eye of a man, if a woman steps on a needle the X-ray is used to locate the foreign object which may become a death weapon. The powerful eye of the x-ray machine can penetrate to any part of the body to expose the imbedded object. Another phase of the laboratory's activities "is the pai^Cipation in a blood bank in affiliation with the Michael Reese hospital of Chicago. Blood is always available except for instances calling for rare types, in which case it can be obtained within one hour. This is one of the many ways in which the McHenry and Chicago Police Departments and the State Troopers help save lives. They cooperate completely with the hospital in emergencies of this type. Blood is kept on hand at all times at the hospital, partly through the efforts of Mr. Walter in r.- > -- - 4*; ^ ^ ^ BOLGER.S * has the Finest Selection of * * * * * * * * * * The Nicest Cards in Town! * & * * - * # * * * * * * * * * * * * Christmas Can! POST 491 lty Dorothy Welcliftiann CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOPS Mrs. Ruth Mrachek, president, announces they will again participate in the annual Christmas gift shop project, a unique program sponsored by the auxiliary in nineteen veterans' hospitals as part of a vast rehabilitation program. Money for the project is derived from generous contributions by the units, including McHenry unit. Mrs. Michael J. Healy of Chicago, state president of the American Legion auxiliary, and Miss Winifred Yeoman of Rossville state chairman of the Christmas Gift Shops' projects, will attend as many of the gift shops as possible. Mrs. Mary Einspar, rehabilitation chairman, reported the local unit has made contributions toward the support of the foil owing rehabilitation programs being sponsored by the Department of Illinois, American Legion auxiliary: Insulin Fund -- a fund made available to diabetic veterans who have been dismissed from hospitals but are unable to pay for the needed medication; Vaponefrin Fund -- similar to the insulin fund, provides medication to the veteran suffering from asthma who cannot afford to purchase the needed medicine; Treasure Chest Fund -- allows cigarettes, creature comforts, candy or fruit to all hospitalized veterans in Illinois; Canteen Books -- a fund that provides the veteran patient who has no income of his own with a means to purchase some of the items he needs and also gives him the satisfaction of selecting his own purchases; Hospitality Fund -- assures all the hospitals of monthly entertainment, furnishing greeting cards stamps, matches, magazines and many other items; Downey Nursery -- provides care and entertainment including thfe Serving of milk and cookies to children of veterans w h i l e o t h e r r e l a t i v e s a n d friends visit the veteran who is confined to the hospital; Easter Gifts -- allows the hospitalized veteran a special gift at Easter time or a canteen book These programs are some of title many being supported by the donations of the units throughout the state. Don't forget the Christmas meeting Dec. 21. Besides your grab bag gift, please bring stat i o n a r y , c a n n e d g o o d s a n d candy, for the veterans? and the Christmas baskets. Help with the baskets will be greatly aporeciated. MANY APPt? FOR CONSERVATION §OIL &ANK RESERVE Farmers over the nation have applied to place almost twice as much land in the 1960 conservation reserve of the soil bank as the amount that can be accepted with the funds available, according to a preliminary national report received at the Illinois Agricultural Stabilization1 and Conservation office, in Springfield. The initial figures indicate that nearly 103,000 applications have been filed to place a total of 9.6 million acres in the reserve. While present indications are that somewhat more than the original national goal of 5,100,000 acres can be placed under contract, it will not be possible to accept all of the acreage offered. Illinois had 1 , 6 8 0 a p p l i c a t i o n s , o f f e r i n g 134,000 acres. The goal established for Illinois was 128,000 acres. This means, according to Willard E. Upp of the state ASC office, that the "best buy" priority system previously announced must be used in states and counties to determine which applicants can be offered contracts. The general order of acceptance will be on the basis of offers at the lowest percentage of the basic peracre rate established for the farm. The Department of Agriculture also announced that a total of approximately 22.4 mil-! lion acres have been placed in the conservation reserve under the 1956-59 programs. Approximately 14.7 million of this is in whole-farm contracts, under which all the cropland on the farm is retired from production. The conservation reserve of the soil bank is a voluntary production adjust m e n t program under which farmers sign contracts to withdraw cropland from production for a period of years and devote the land to grass or trees or to water or wildlife conservation. The government agrees to share the cost of establishing the conservation use and to make annual payments on the designated land for the contract period. COOF" CORNER Over 20 per cent of the persons killed in traffic accidents Irst year were pedestrians. Geo. R. Justen & Son Furniture Store CLOSES • FOREVER! Dec. 25th 610, L TALIK SAYS: i TAKE IT EASY WITH ELECTRA Folly Automatic Electric-Eye ©mm CAMI It's the greatest ever published! 84 colorful ideainspiring pages---including complete room decoration designs by the nation's foremost interior decorators. Over 1,000 items of Distinguished Merchandise pictured or described. Over 140 special items, including exclusive decorator designs. All merchandise made by the nation's leading manufacturers. Pick up your free copy soon at any store or service station that gives S&H Green Stamps. And remember as you look at the wonderful merchandise in the catalog's pages--you get these beautiful and useful items without paying a penny more for what you buy at S&H Green Stamp stores. You' 're dollars ahead because they're extra values for you--available by mail or at your nearest S&H Green Stamp redemption store. r\ \> only down east miaas arranged • Etoetrie-lEyB • Protegee Eye- Lid • Tell-All View Finder • Safety Stand • 3 Lens Turret System THE ELECTRIC-EYE CAMERAS That Won't Let You Make A Mistake cutfO* gltCT** Since 1896... America's Only Nation-wide Stamp Plan I L L I N O VS.. D I V I S I O N U i C H I H i O N C O M f A BiHGER'S STOKE PHONE EV 5-4500 USE THE GREEN STREET FREE PARKING AREA = DeiiUR CUSTOM ELE6TOA MR asmm ONLY s™® AN the features of £• m __ the Electra plus 2 IS buflt-ln filters and _ A.S.A. fHm selector DOWN ESJ for ail color fUms. Easy Ternts Arranged GEO. W. CAMERA 117 N. Riverside Drive Foolproof magazine loading, 2 built-in filters, A.SA film selector for all color films, plos all the features of the EJectr*. ELECTOR MAGAZOMK oMtr *18" DOWN Easy Terms Arranged KCTUIK CENTER . On a cold and blustery evening, spareribs and sauerkraut iriake you feel warm and relaxed no matter what that "ole man winter" is doing outside your window. 2 or 3 lbs. pork spareribs salt-pepper 1 can or quart sauerkraut 4 medium round potatoes Place spareribs which have been cut into serving pieces in roasting pan. Turn oven to 350 degrees. Bake uncovered until nicely browned. Cover and bake about 1 hour. Add sauerkraut, with its juice, to pan spreading into corners >so it does not stand on rihs. Bake, another one-half hour^or until ribs are very well done. Potatoes may be peeled and boiled until tender then added to roasting pan or may be peeled' and added at same time as sauerkraut. Salt and pepper me&t and potatoes only just fore removing from oven. Save More i at Home t V YOU CMi MY BUT THE FFlo\A VOMATIC kis portabl* «ix«r better in Poljthed aluminum sparkling 8 CUP tttron yeUo* CAPACITY with pastel gray handle • MATS • BLENDS COFFEE MAKER *15.75 Phone EV 5-0275 ^ mixer Better tasting coffee, greater coffee economy -- you can't beat that Mt any price! The Flavo-matic gives you better coffee, through"* combination of exclusive and A patented features that control ^ timing and temperature exactly, automatically. Never overheats or "burns" coffee, never "underperks" either. The Flavomatic method yields more fall flavored cups per pound, too, for new coffee savings. Here it is -- the portable mixer your friends have been talUng about! ^ New "West Bend portable mixer in beautiful House and Garden colors makes oae-hand mixing easy wherever there's an electric outlet. Three speeds. Stands on end. Exclusive rubber base guard on underside of mixing body eliminates scratching and chipping when resting on edge of bowl. Chrome plated beaters soap oof for easy cleaning. Stores on wall hanger (included) or tucks away in a drawer. 8 95 otic! part; arfr * «A» K Qgbf IS 3D S enp ad a parts sq taclvdM wall bracket, cord AND «*C!M MX m FUN! go hand in hand 12 to 30 cup party percolator PINNERS "8BC" ROOMS BUFFETS 3AB8ECUES REUNIONS ileetfie CORN POPPER JtBt pour in cold water -- plug iiito AC outlet -- add coffee -- and forget it. Delicious coffee is as easy as that -- and the coffee stays seizing hot automatically. This new "party perk" operates aB easily as your 8 cup peroola- Sojr. Signal light flashes when Popcorn for TV -- or any relaxing <E3r&e is ready to serve. Dttevening at home -- is more fun wheti ahgmfemma. you can pop it yourself with West Bend's easy-to-use Corn Popper. No stirring or shaking. Pops TWO full quarts of fluffy popcorn in about two minutes after pre-heating. Heat-proof glass cover lets you watch the corn popping. ^ LEE S RAY ELECTRIC >16 W. ^taln St. 17 95 PHONE EV 5-0882 McHenry* )UW STARTING DEC. l4th -- OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL XMAS

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