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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1959, p. 14

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Page Fourteen Wonder Lake, JUDGE CONTEST FOR BEST XMAS DECORATIONS Jane Ducey fourth grade teacher Mrs: Evelyn Peters. * THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, December 17, 1959 Friday Night Men's League The Mill Inn \s riding on top of the park as usual, but-a lot of fhe boys have' high hopes of Wonder Lake ^ 2*781 bringing them down to normal, according to Bud Schau. secre- / Todav is the big day! The tan of the League. Standings judges "will start about 5:3Q aiv Mill lip first with 32 wins; p.m. to tour the Uake and pass Crist\s. 2< ?•, Cncle Inn. t, judgement on the sixty-five an<loyan,s 1. j homes and business ^places Cleaners, 23 .4 ; W.L. Bldrs. and which have entered the Ham- George s Firemen tied with 23^ ber of Commerce Christmas : Frounds Leo s Landscape, decorating contest. jlf*: ^llks- 17=^nd °l]' ' are 3S^ed -X°A b! ' I" 'Fridays play Crilys took read} b> 5.30 since the judges, frQm Pau]s; Mill-Inn took 2 Will make only one tnp around i W L Bldrs; Vans tQok 3 the lake. In: case o,f bad weath-. from Freunds. cleaners took er the judging will take place - Friday night. JW" ' .2-from Silks; Firemen topk 2 from W. L. Oil; Circle Tnn took j 2 from Leos»!t ; High bowlers for the week , , . „ were R. Fredricksen 234-609; per and seal the envelope. En- R 209_M2. G Pederson velopes will be opened the 213-219-626; S. Simon' 204-516; night of the. party. Saturday, -- Schaefer 217-1597; Cristy Dec. 19. at the. party Not even < E_ Johnson 530; j_ Wurm After all the displays have been seen the judges will write • their choices on a sheet of pathe committee will know who 219-515; T. Willig 532; B. the winners are until Saturday j chudik 523:-j. Sullivan 503; R. n!.8ht. . j Noren 511;. B. Sandgren 207- / Invitations have, beep sent ,525; C. Kopp 226-559; B. pettout to all those eligible to at-|wiipr 206-521.- tend the party. This is'an. adult i • • " party for contestants only. If Automobile Aecldent you are in the contest and have Betty LaMont is resting com- . not received yoUT invitation fortabf in the Memorial hosplease call Reuters Store, W.L. p.taJ _n Woodstock at last re_ •^331. ports. As comfortable as pos- _ ; T7~T s'ble with a list of injuries Other Legislative Oddities . which includes, a fractured rib "Christmas Tree Bills and i which punctured the lung, a Other Legislative Oddities" j fractured pelvis and a broken \vill be the subject of State i an^jp §he expects to be there Senator Robert McClory s talk : three or four weeks, so take to the Wonder Lake Chamber time out from Vour happy holof Commerce at their meeting idays friends, ,to send a note tonight at LaGreca's Lakeview cheer the room number Inn. Dinner will be served at ; -s 7:30 and you are asked to " „eather is alright exceptfor 1 a cut above her left eye, and i-Mrs. Don Malo'^and children _ _ 1 are bruised and shaken up. It The Harrison School P.T.A. ; .g fhought that Bettv tried to had the pleasure of hearing the 1 protect the children in the Madrigal singers at their De- |jack seat and in doing so was cember meeting, in a program irb-ured of Christmas carols. This Rroup : ^ ' actWent • h(!ppened in make reservations early. P.T.A. Review of seven vocalists charms the eye as well as the ear. In the ! front of the fire house Dee. 8. t 4 when the csr •„ the seventy-five', . voice verse speaking ch6ir, ./junior choir anthems, and a fecial play entitled,. "More Blessed io Give". The sermon title for Dec. 20 will be, "Anxious Moments". Two worship services wjll be held Christmas Eve; . a. Communion service a]^7:45 and the Candlelight Carol service /at 11:30. ; Bible Church News w The annual Christmas" program .will be given Sunday, De§.,20, at 1 p.m. at the Bible church. All parents are urged to make a special effort to at- 1 ^nd,ns a reward for the work the children have pilit in to bring this special program v|tf you; ' The Christmas., service will be held Wednesday eve, Dec. 23 at 7;30~-p.m.; „At--the Christmas party of the Ladies,- Missionary Guild THir^riny evening, the women enjoyed giving gifts of new toys for , the Sunday School nursery, instead of the usual grab bag exchange. The Christmas candy boxes were filled and after games were played there was time given to devotions. The enjoyable evening was brought to a close after refreshments' were" served. The Pioneer Girls Christmas party will be held Monday, Dec. 28, for the girls and the pals, mothers and anyone interested. The party will start at 7:30 and there will be a gift exchange and refreshments.- Legion Auxiliary News The December meeting of the W.L. Legion auxiliary will be held this evening, at the home of Mrs. Amanda Donash, president. It will be a Christ T mas party with each member bringing a $1 gift for the grab bag. There will be refreshments and a time for goodfellowship and all members are invited to attend. Donley of th6 Sybaquay Council office. Five year pins \went to Mrs. Wallace Sinclair, Mrs.. Fred Zandier, Mrs. A. C. Topp and Mrs. Charles Paetow. Ringwood HOME CIRCLE XMAS PARTY AT HOGAN HOME Ruby Shepard The Ringwood Home Circle Girl Seout News i Troop 494, whose leader is ,,Mrs- Charies Paetow, will carol the ^shut-ins around Wonder hei<j their Christmas party at Lake, Thursday evening, Dec. ^jle home of Mrs. John Hogan 117. The girls will meet at' Reut- Thursday. A pot-luck dinner , er s store at 7:30 p.m. andu will 1 Was served at noon. A program go to the Paetow residence af- . ^ charge of Mrs. Roy Harriter the caroling -for their! son which included tlfe giving Christmas party.. . I of gift boxes of groceries to » From Carla Paetow, who is j r^v. and Mrs. McChesney folreporter for troop 495, we have iowed. A very enjoyable day the following report: "Dee. 4 |was spent. was our troops birthday. We played games and had a l.St of fun. While Rita Griswold took roll call, Janice Fisher was taking dues. Mrs. John Harris fashion of* the Madrigai sing- "! "V/r 'i Zu ers of oiden times, the vocalists'dmjn by Mrs_ Malo left th. sat around a table, richly set sh"red a ^ °f t ma'i «1«h goblets and a fntit : ^!s„a,nl!nd^X centerpiece in a golden container. The tablecloth was Christmas green. lawn of the Fred Kusch home. The rescue squad took Mrs. Lamont to the hospital. The car is a total wreck, according to Madrigals are songs set to ^ ^ Lamont famjly i§ rnus1C in from three to eight sfavi with the Jugtus Kell. J)arts of contrapuntal harmony. np]^ written in the Golden Age on ! church music in the 16th century. Included in the selections were carols from France and Obituary The community extends its sympathy to the family of George Sorenson, of Deep Springs Woods No. 1 who lost mother and grandmother with the passing of Mrs. Elizabeth Sorenson, Wednesday,,. Dec. 9. Thp deceased came to Wonder Lake with the family when they moved from Chicago seven years ago. She had been bed ridden for a number of years as the result of a partial paralysis. Holy Name Elects Officers I Gerald Palko was elected _ , , , . , president of the Holy Name England many of which are j Qf thp King infrequently heard. church at the Christmas party Membership chairman Lois'meeting Thursday evening at Weeks reported 185 members the home of John Gustek. Ernsigned up to date and urged anyone who has not joined to do so. The local unit keeps 30 est Schultze was elected vicepresident; Frank Wasielewski, secretary; John Gustek. treascents of each members dues of ! urer; an(} Anthony Corrado 50 cents, and a large member- Marshall •ship \yould help offset the loss of revenue caused by the late start of the hot dog program. Home Bureau Xmas Party The Rinewood unit of Home It has not been possible to, Bureau held their Christmas use the kitchen this year with party at the home ' of Mrs. a Classroom in session in the Charles Kopp. The guests were adjoining room. However, the treated to the sight of beautii* ooms in the new addition are ful holiday decorations all of now ready and classes will re- which Mrs. Kopp makes-4\erconvene there after the Christ-1 self The meeting was a potmas holiday. This will free the I ^rk luncheon and the memkitchen and "hot dog Thurs-1 bers exchanged gifts. After the day" will start at long last. I party a short lesson was given Ways and means chairman, ! bv Mrs. Dorothy McEachren Mary Lou Tamowske, suggest- on Christmas customs, ed a "fun fair" in the spring as Brownies and Cubs to Carol The twenty-five first year brownies in Trooo 265 whose leader is Mrs. Carl Walker will ioin the bovs in Mrs. Ed Coughlin's Cub Scout den on Thursday, Dec. 24, to go caroling this year. These seven year old girls have l%een meeting at Mrs. Walker's home each Thursday after school. Mrs. Ed Pickell and Mrs. Fred Stromski as- °ist Mrs. Walker with the large group. Investiture ceremonies will be held Dec.' 17 at which time ihe girls will receive their friendship and' first year pins -and their membership cards. Church News W.S.C.S. The committees for program u 1.* v *•«. 1 . u- 1- 1 and refreshments for the Deb r o u g h t a b e a u t i f u l c a k e w h i c h -b m e e t i n e of t h e WSCS said> "Happv Birthdav, Troop 'cem^ meeting or me w.s.^.s. ... F, * went "all out to capture the 495 We also. sang Jwo Christmas spirit in the wor- Tnov urnro ' 'T .ai'Annorc Mliio" ' . ,r ; ship setting, decorations and • table appointments. The pro- They were '."Lavenders Blue1 and "Waggle Taggle Gypsy O". Dec. 11 the troop made- an- 'gels out of wall paper with s t y r o f o a m h e a d s ^ W e a l s o worked on dues^ purses again. While working we sang "Lavenders Blue": We ended our meeting with Taps." gram was held in the sanctuary with a brief business meeting. Ila Ho^an, before closing the silent meditalion with a Christmas prayer, distributed copies of a menu to be used for- •Tcitchen meditation in* " t h e month of December. Mertie Harrison presented the worship "A Hush of Expectation". The lesson given by Shirley Cristy and Jane Holsinger told . of Christmas customs in Sarawak, Korea1 and Mexico. /r The story of the other wifee man is being presented on Dec. 23, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. MOOSE LODGE Women of Moose Pat Tomasello Even though the weather was bad, there was a large crowd present at the last meeting. Other chapters present were: Batavia with one member present; Woodstock, 14;'The youth group are going on Crystal Lake. 2; Rockford, 4; I caroling piarties in conjunction St. Charlefe, 1; and our own I with the play and the whole chapter had twenty ^members | church community is invited to present. ! attend this most interesting Marie Stenger, member of play about the life of Christ, the grand council, talked on which has one of those unusual co-operation not only with our nrdings that is very moving to even the most hard hearted Dec. 20' at 7:30 p.m. in the' Sanctuary. The following people are uniting with our church next Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bland. Mr.\ and Mrs. Paul Schwegel, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thompson, " Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ottoson and Mr. and Mrs.. James Gillette. a means of raising additional revenue. In the discussion which followed it was determined that the event would hdve to take place on Satur- Natlvity Lutheran church News Sunday evening. Dec. 20. the Sunday school will present its Christmas program at Harri- Kachlna Christmas Party One ten year pin and four five year pins were awarded to W.L. adult scouts at the Kachina Neighborhood Christmas party held in Richmond Dec. 9. Mrs. Jack Falkenthal who has spent thirteen years n scouting was presented a ten year pin by Miss Helen own chapter but with other chapters as well. Past deputy Grand Regent .Ruth Martin also honored our Green Beany girls with a short speech. . Balloting on four new members was also taken up and approved at this meeting. Attention girls; How about giving our recorder CHga John-, son a break? Check your receipts and make sure that your dues are paid up. It makes it a very hard banking project for her otherwise. It is most important that you keep your dues paid on time. There an some women that are much be hind in the payment of their dues. If these women find it difficult to pay all of their back dues at one time, contact Olga and a suitable arrangement will be made. Hazel Struwe, senior regent, called the Dec. 1 meeting to order and then proceeded to turn the meeting over to Social Service Chairman Margaret Neumann. Margaret Neumann had Jean Neumann and. Joan Murphy play a piano duet to entertain . those attending the meeting. Lenora and Rita Frisby aided Margaret in serving a lovely luncheon on a beautifully decorated table. During the meeting we enrolled four lovely new members, ;©ne for our chapter, l£ildegard Silage, who was sponsored by Margaret Neumann, «nd three, Dolores Schrriuhl, Mary Arskras, and Margaret Kubicki sponsored by Marg Fernstrom. Congratulations are in order to George and Marilyn Biggs who have just presented us with a future president to go along with their three beautiful fture Americas! was also held." They are president Eunice Andreas, vicepresident, Robert Betts, secretary and treasurer, Althea Walkingt'oKT . Christmas Party The employees of the Mor-' ton Chemical Co. and their i families enjoyed ai Christihas i party at Twin Lakes Saturday ; evening. " Birth Mr. "and Mrs. Richard Thompson are the proud parents of a 6 lb. 9 oz. son born at the Woodstock Memorial hospital Sunday morning, Dec. 13. M-rf and Mrs. John Hpgan are the m a t e r n a l g r a n d p a r e n t s and Mr.' and Mrs. Roy Thompson of Greenwood .the paternal grandparent^. „ & Accident ' >' . * Gary Reinwall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reifiwall, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley, was painfully injured when he fell out of the car as his mother was driving on. Saturday afternoon. Santa Claus Comes to Ringwood Santa Claus has promised to come to the Community club Christmas party. Why don't you promise the kids and yourself that you will come to the party too? Let's try and have a real big turn-out and- show Jolly Ol^ St. Nick that Ringwood really welcomes him. The date is Dec. 22 at 8 o'clock and the place is the church basement. Student Day Don't forget student day on Dgg. 27. Our two ^senior high aduates fof this year „are going to college next year, and will deliver us the meditation on student day. They each have a very interesting outlook on the future and are representative of the busy youth of today who are doing so much that you cannot read in the headlines. JPat Hogan plans to attend the-'university of Illinois and Ja£ Walkington to attend Cornell college in Iowa.^ Personals Your correspondent, M r s. Ruby Shepard will leaveTw jet Saturday to -spend the hojiaays with her son, Howard and family. at Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Dewey of Armstrong, 111., spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. Ruby Shepard with the Alan Aineer familv of Hebron attended the Production Credit dinner a! the Woodstor*?; high school Saturday and also the open house at their new building. Miss Pat Hogan,,, attended a conference meeting at . the First" Methodist church at Evanston ^Sunday moffMng ai)d attended the winter formal dance at Kendal college in Evanston Saturday evening. Mrs. Frank Walkington and Mrs. Jack Schull and daughter 6f Libertyville spent: Tuesday in the Ben Walkington, home and helped him celebrate his birthday. Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, were visitors at Waukegan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Schfieider^of Chicago, called 'on-Dj^-arttTMrsy Hepburn Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Roy Harriso^i and son, Loren, called on Mrs. Flora HPrison at Round Lake Thursday ancNhelped her celebrate her eighty-ninth birth day. Mr. and Mrs. fFliener of Chicago were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Saturday. T Mrs. J. C. Pearson spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell were dinner guests in the Clarence Harri-, son home near Greenwood Friday evening and celebrated tlie birthdays of Mrs. Boyd Dowell and Donald Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and family of DesPlaines called on Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn Sunday. Jim Pearson called on Mrs. Flora Harrison at Round Lake Saturday. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Mopday with her daughter and family, the Ernest Rein walls, at McHenry. Miss Mae Wiedrich of Harvard called on relatives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington were Sunday dinner guests in the Paul Walkington home and helped Paul celebrate his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Keevil and family of McHenry spent Sunday in the' James„Finley home. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank were callers in the Howard Bell home at Woodstock Sunday afternoon!" Mr. and, Mrs. Louis Winn of Richmond spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wegener. Butch Leonard of Lake Geneva spent the weekend in the Fred Wiedrich home. Mr. and Mrs., Walter Wilcox of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low of McHeriry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty Low home. Be modem with FREEZE PIES * NOW TO RELIEVE •/ HOLIDATpTENSION | Look ahpad to holiday diii* ners by making apple, pies now and freezing them. They^ll win family applause and take pressure off homemakers on these busy' days. "" Mrs. Barbara McGrath, University of Illinois home economist, gives, some advice for making and baking frozen apple pies. Start with a • variety of apple well known for its topnotch pie flrvor and texture. Jonathan, Mcintosh, CortlasyJ, Winesap and Golden Delicio&s will all fill the bill. Blanch the apple slices-if the pies are to be frozen. Blanching1 prevents discoloration and off flavor. To blanch apple slices, steam them for 3 min? utes. Cool quiqkly in running cold water. Then drain and blot dry: The slices are soft at this stage. For ease of handling, $1 ternate them with the sugar mixture in the crust. Research shows that apple pies baked after freezing have a fresher flavor than those baked before freezing. Also, for frozen pies it is wise to add steam vents early in the baking period rather than ih the unbaked pie. WrafPHhe pies in moisture-vapor-proof 'tnaterM for freezer storage. * Bake unbaked frozen apple pies at 425 degrees F. for about one hour. DONTADD ANTIFREEZE THIS YEAR.. * si : ...without first Round Up Club The Round up club held their Cm-istmas party at the church Saturday evening. Election of officers for the .coming year CHRISTMAS CLUB MEW SINGLE HANDLE FAUCET Geo^R. Justen & Son Furniture Store CLOSES FOREVER! Dec ,24th McHenry State Bank Phone EV 5-1040 H. E. BUCK & SONS PLUMBING & HEATING Phone EVergreen 5-0048 Highway 120 East vour radiator cleaned and repaired 1 j Antufreeie in • leaky or cloMtd radiator is money wasted. Ourmodera Factory Method clean* ins and repairing -- checked by our In* Hand FLO-TEST Machine -- little -- protect* yMr _ anti-freeie! UNITED MOTORS WARRANTY Adams Bros. Repair In Rear of Stilling's "06" Service 800 E. Elm St. McHem* EVergreen 5-0788 1 day, probably in May, and : son school starting at 7:30 p.m. ^ould be held in the gym if the : Evorvone is welcome to come Afreather was unfavorable for and help each department celean out-of-doors fair. brate the birth of Christ. Chil- Following refreshments a dren from two to fourteen will group gathered in the gym to j be taking part in the program, learn to square dance, led by [ Some of the highlights will be Phone WE OFFER Cash Discount -- Budget Plan King Korn St-imps McHenry County Co-Op McHENRY, ILL SANTA'S FAVORITE GIFT FOR SMOKERS <HIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIUIUIHIIIIIIHIIIIIItlllllllllllllHII!IIIHIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII^HIlilllHIMIIIIIIIIIIUimtlUIIIUIIIUIIII1IHIUIIIIIIIIIIIHIIII)IUIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllUI> A BOX OF FACTORY FRESH CIGARS FROM BOLGER'S llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII | SIMPLIFY YOUR GIFT PROBLEM FOR THAT SPECIAL MAN ON YOUR LIST ^ED IN OF 20, 25. & 1 1 -- ALL ATTRACTIVELY GIFT WRAPPED THE 1960 COMET "459" T1ANSIST0R RADIO ONLY $1995 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii Jj A GIFT OF CIGARS WILL BE jf APPRECIATED BY ANY SMOKER .) I III IlllUllllllllllltlli I lillltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllll | AND -- WE HAVE THEM ALL -- FROM THE | YOUTHFUL CIGARILLOS TO THE FINEST ^ IMPORTED HAVANA LQNG STYLES | § IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH | REMEMBER J JYOUR CIGAR HEADQUARTERS IN McHENRY «jj is .1 DISTRIBUTED BY McHENRY T V. AND ELECTRONICS 522 W. Main St. LEE & RAY ELECTRIC SHOP 4 516 W. Main Si. 103 S. Green St. 'S Drug Store EV 5-4500

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