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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1959, p. 19

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ay, Dficeitfber 17, 1,959 THE McHENRY PLAIND Eastwood Manor riMPOA MEETS TO CONDUCT BUSINESS AND TRIM TREE Lois Ryan - EV. 5-5377 | Mary Lynp, from Niles and , atirtt Mrs. Agnes Diggins present from Chicago. * ' Welcome Wee One Sharon and Gleh White have a brand new son, whom they have named Mark Edward. He weighed all of .8 lbs.. 1134 ozs. He arrived at 4:20 p.m. on Dec. 3. Grandma and Grandpa also Happy Birthday Today Grace Gruhn will in mirui bl°w out her birthday candles. On Dec. 19 Randy Penick will tufri sever Haldeman . celebrate "her this year we will trim^he dfy .^,so; Sunday Dec. 20. bhniey Carlson will have a birthday. Rosemary Newlon and Arlene Tinslev share birthfThg December meeting" of 4VEMPOA will be held "Frikq' -f/uP ?'??' ^live in the subdivision. In ease barn and by • u djdn.t know lHev are Mr. the annual - tree trimming and Mrs Harold slove , party. The meeting is the last of 1959, so let's all turn out with our ideas and suggestions for a wonderful year ah^ad with our community all the time. v,4 ^ , _ ., The tree trimming party to , t"r" se-ven ye®[s °ldan<!Erika <• 11 , . . ' * ' Ha Inpman will pplphrato nor follow will be just that except J1traete and- put up a few- more decorataion's begin-ning with the manger of the beloved , n t. Christ Child, whose beautiful°" D<?. 2': „¥n "birthday we so jovously cele-, Noo™n " «<¥ h,sJ"nhda! brate at this time each year. Dec 22 HaP!'-v Following in the Christmas | "irthday to alf. _ • spirit we will have a partv for | • _1 , " the adults. The officers andj Happy Anniversary - their husbands and wives will j best wishes..for a very, be hosts for the evening. We happy anniversary are extend hAe that everyone will come to Mr. and Mrs. Matthew ana join with us for a happy Oik. who will celebrate the. anholidav partv • niversary of their'wedding dav . on Dec. 23. Children's Cjiristmas Party All the above mentioned decorating will be for t h c* EMPOA's annual Christmas party for the children of full (paid) members onlv. The Christ Child will be there in His manger with Mary and Jo- " sa»h and the Shepards and the Wise Men and the Angel's and the Star to show the way. Santa Claus and his helpers, a beautiful Christmas t-ree^Snow- White and the Seven Dwarfs, Mickey Md'use. Donald E)uck. Pinocchio? and Dumbo' 'flying in from Fairy Land- will .all be there plus goodies for all the children. Tripoli Club Thn, Tripoli club met at the home of Jrtary Thieries! Jo Ann F'ut<;mlison subbed fo Cisewski. who is away visit in Wisconsin. Pat on a New Bridge Club® A new bridge club in the subdivision met at Nancy Lessard's homf to organize on Wednesday. Peggy Anderson 1 acted as a coach to get the gals j off on the right ^rack. Lois K r e b s , L e e L a n d i n , C a r o l I Hayes, Willie Rergstrom. Tam- 1 my Hawkins:1 Doris Shaw and Marion Alford are the members. Page Nineteen 0 Women's Club The December meeting of the Eastwood Manor Women's j club was held on Monday. Dec. ; 7 at 8:30 p.m. at the barn ,P?g j Garrely?. the temporary chair- ! man read the by-laws, of the : club and then the election of 1 Officers Was "held. Those elected were Lee Landin, president; Dolorece Lawrence, first vicepresident; Pat Borcovan. sec- i o*l vice-president; Doris Shaw, secretarv; Pat Kellogg, treas- | urer. Congratulations to the new officers. The next meeting will be held at the barn on Jan 4. 1960 at. 8:30 p.rti. Block Rosary The Block Rosary for Tuesday, Dec. 22, will be held at the Thomas Simpson home at 126 Manor Lane at 9 p.m. ^aith Presbyterian Church . Today, Dec. 17. at ,8 n m. Cub pack 454 will hold their monthly meeting in the church basement. » Sunday. Dec. 20. Rev. Mc- Intyre will give the sermon entitled "The First Christmans Song" "Christmas according to St. Luke." In the evening at 7:30 p.m. the church school of 1%'th Presbvterian church will present the Christmas dramatization for all families and friends of the church. Baptized Thomas Anthony Mersch -Cvgis baptized Sunday. Dec. 6 at sh\ Patrick's church in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John Timmons are the godparents. Dinner at the Mersch home followed with s||^it and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. William Lorenzi, and cousin, This and That A surprise birthday party' was held for Florence Tucker at Andree Butler's home. Bonnie Biederer, Jeanne McHale, ,Pat Borcovan. Marilyn Salo, Georgia. Wilson, Arlene Tjnsley and Joyce Engstrom all joined in the surprise and the delicious cake and coffee. The Kuck family attended a church supper in Chicago on Sunday. From there they travelled to Eleanor's folks, /Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weyde, for a delightful visit. Hannah Harner' had a nice shonning trip in Arlington Heights on Thursday. In the evening she had dinner with Mrs. Robert Roberts. H e l e n B i r m i n g h a m . P a t Coughlin and Lois McCormack attended a pot-luc}£_supper and Christmas y&rfynX St. Patrick's church in McHenry. The Thienes famiTy ".enjoyed a visit from Jim Stalhaum who was George's friend in the service. Mr. Stalbaum is from California, and he spent the wipht at the Theines' home. Peggy Garrelts was hostess to some of the gals on Friday for a delightful luncheon. The food was terrific. Dolores Lawrence, Rosemary Newlon, Lois McCormSck, Winnie Hansen, Lois Krebs and Lois Ryan had a wonderful time there and what added to the fun. was the fact that three "ladies named Lois were in attendance. - Debra aind Brenda Ryan spent the night with their grandmother, Marge, • Wonsik. in Fox River Grove on Sunday. On Mondiy mama, Lois, visited there and then went shopping with her mother Ray arid Marion Anderson joined 'The Ryans for supper at the Wonsik home. Sick List v Curt Tinsley had his tonsils, out on Monday. He is doing iust dandy in this season- of tonsil removals. ' Jerry Ryan's grandmother. cMrs. Martha Schmidt, suffered a .slight 'stroke. She is- holding her own* pretty wellt In Closing vVith all the holiday parties goine on now let's npt forget t:o keep -Cfirisf in Christmas. Tt means • i much more to all us that way. ^ See you at the barn tomorrow night. Bve now. rv- 7-- --* TAX DUF ON DpM^STICS FACH CALENDAR QUARTER Do you know how to report wages and pay the social security tax for your maid or other household employee? If you pay ^your employee as much as fifty dollars cash wages in a three-month period. youv'must report' the wages and pay the tax. The tax is divided equally between your employee nnd you: you take two anrhpnehhl\ percent of her wages out of iW pay. and you add two and \one-half percent: At. the end of each calendar quarter you send jthe tax with a report of the employee's name, social security number:, and the total wages earned, to your District Director of Internal Revenue. You can.gyT a simple envelope reporting form each quarter from the Internal Revenue j Service by asking them to j placp'-you on their household I Tnnlovens' mailing list. You should be sure' to make a rec- j ord of your employees' social security Viumber. her name as | it is shown on her card, and | keep a record of the Wages : paid so that you can make a- ' comnlete and accurate report at the end of each quarter. » McCullom Lake WOMEN HOLD-- - ANNUAL YULE PARTY THURSDAY "Eve Levesqtie. Mrs.- Mary Kantorski--726 Park VCiew West--will play hostess in her home tonight, Thursday. Dec. 17 at 8 p.m. when the members of the Ladies of the Lake gathec ^for their annua! Christmas party. "Wining, dining" and a gift exchange will spark the -evening-. All the gals who at$|jrvd are requested to bring along * a wrapped gift not to exceed one dollar in value; Plans have been made to accommodate a large group and for this reason, all old, new, and prospective members are most cordially invited. Mary's house is very easy to find since it is the last one on the north, side of Ptirk View West and the extreme western end! You can't See YOU tlfei'e? Copy in Early Because of the coming holidaySi copy for this column must be in by Thursday night (lonighti. The Plaindealer will be printed" next Tuesday in order that all subscribers may have their papers in plenty of ,ime- e If you will bear with us for the next week, This reporter will attempt to give you the news without interruption. The number to call is EV 5-4141. Thanks and a deep curtsy in advance! Infant Baptized Cheryl 0 Lynn. the infaftt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thacker. was presented at the font of the Nativity L u t h e r a n - c h u r c h . W o n d e r Lake, on Sunday. Dec. 13. The Rev. Burton Sehroeder officiated at the service. Fondly cradling her goddaughter in her arms was Mrs. Elsie Fluger while the proud 'god,father, Don, stood by. The wee 'one, was gowned in the "dress worn by her cousin, Karen McDonald, of Mt. Lake Terrace, W<5sh. Cheryl was born Oct. 4, which was the natal day .of Karen's father, the little one's uncle. Sound a bit confusing? We think it added much to the significance of the day for the Thackers. A ham dinner, buffet style was ^served to the godparents, their children.,Terry. Carol and Stevie; Mr. and Mrs. James Tallurico, Sr., of Fountain Lane: and Mrs. Reulah West JOIN OUR, „ '96° CHRISTMAS CLUB McHenry Stale Bank Phone E\ 5-1040 GIFTS by AN JLOU 1 TO SET HER HEART SINGING * Legal 1QTT1 V * - ' a NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE of Itasca whol is "the baby's j "Call it quits"! Within a very is- - we doubt whether the rest great-gVea.t auntj : shdrt time, .she was up and 1 of the saying would apply. The The day had^iidded meaning \ about, and even had hopes of | "tall man" won't be 16 until wtyien the ^irtfcdays of Steve j coming home on Monday! That j tomorrow, Dec, 18 but his/nlqm Fluger who was 3 on Dec. 14 | was out of the" question - but I and pop had ^n early party foi* and mother Barbara's-on Deer-j knowing Ruth when she makes.; him- which was attended b'v his Fst-ite f Fmv\P-n p ctt 12 were also celebrated. r"' j up her mind to do ^something- - j paternal , grandmother, To\- ' n V! * " - i that's it! No doubt she Will be I Gei-aldine Burg, his aunt, Mary i- eGeai Ladies of the Lake j home shortly and maybe cveh-'- Rurg, and Mr. and Mrs. Ger-I -s>*oticc hereby .given to» At the last meeting of the, | b.v the. time you are reading"'aid Burg-and daughter. Nancyv"^ lie^ns that - January -4, women's group, n e \v- a rvd j articlc! She will be con- of Spring road. It was by a way | date in the strayed members we're >vel- [valescing for. quite some "time of • a fareweli foi- the Gerafd j estat.e of EDWARD R. SUTcomed "back-^nto the fold", tutarget to send those Burgs who will be journe.v-ing ; Deceased, pending in the They include Anne Zal^n, her mother, Mrs. Harriet • Burkhardt. Marge Egerstaffe-r, Xhoresa Schultz, and "Bobby" Carroll. • Plans were discussed and voted upon to hold the Yule party. Elsie Nelson ancb>Wilma Zody were appointed to hold down -the position of fays 'n' means committee- -p formidable job! and they deserve thanks for taking it. It was unanimously agreed that only one meeting will be held in the next two months. During January "and February weather permitting-- they will be held 011 the fourth Thursda-ys. „ and will be of a social nature. Another reminder to attend the Christmas party tonight at Marv-'s home!! . The Christmas Spirit Will gain added impetuscards; The address is 509 Orchard Drivel' McCullom Lake. shortly. Best Wishes To What, a Loss! Gert Walter who celebrated - A l l t h e c u s t o m e r s o f L o t t i e j her natal day on Friday, Dec. and Genets grocery store will ; 11. Hubby Bill marked"1-his on sorely rriiss the convenience j Tuesday. Dec. 15 with Ihe anwhen the Piotrowskis dose 1 nouncement that "son Michael" their doors this Sunday. Dec. will make his arrival in May. 2G. They will remain closed j What if HER name is Miuntil some time in March. chelle? • Lottie, has had her hands full Belated greetings also to Jay for the past eight years, and is Crick who really made the now taking a much: needed . "39ers" on Sunday, Dec. 13! rest. Here's hoping the rest ! Schoolboy. Jim Tomasello is will benefit hei\ j, Dec. 17 and should be AIT daily and weekend papers Ihonie from the ,U. of I. for the will be handled at McDonald's holidays. and- we certainly thank them j--' Walt McGinley is observing for - taking over this service. ihis natal day this, week; •J ' Sunday. Dec, -20 is the "Making the'Hounds" < ' two1f!h ^ In" " _ ' .. gerso! Mrs'. Phvllis Piotrow- Mrs H a r r 1 e t McNamara | skL straumann. 'will be 18!- took three weeks for the pur-' serving her birthday--all 1 County Count v. Court of McHenry Illinois, and that j claims may be filed against the said estate on or before .said date without issuance of summons. CHARLES F. SUTTON " Executor KNpX & MADS EN Lawyers Crystal Lake, Illinois (Pub. Dec. 3. 10'."17. 1959). • . . . . . . « . , a n c L s G l n d v s S c h m i t t w i l l b e o h - pose of visiting with her family sor^ing . ]10r 1-^-'^ *--- •1-- ind friends. She ' spent , time ' the'twentieth. when the traditional and beau- l.xvith hcr two sons and chums in the vicinity of Mt. Prospect. : Palatine and DesPlaines.- She ; enjoyed the jaunt a great deal• but was also most happy to re- | turn to her own cozy cottage 1 last Monday. I t(iful carols once more ring outatoji fhe roof of Berenice and Whitey Bjork's establishment. Bn listening for them over the weekend! Under ^the Knife Mrs. Ruth Smith of Orthard Drive underwent surgery, at Pnssavant hospi.tal 303 E. Superior St.! Chicago on Wednesday, Dec. 9. of a very serious nature. . But this gal with the indomitable spirit wasn'1 about .to - Remember to call in your news tonight, to make next week's column. Bye for now. BP A ED'S RENTAL R E NTS £>i6CiriC, Hammers to Wheel Chairs EVergreen 5-4123 RFAD.THE WANT ADS j VOlT CAN NOW USE-. OFR 'Sweet Sixteen and --" , convenient Lay-away plan for You take it from there! 'As | your Christmas shopping at handsome a lad as Greg Burg Vyeitals. 23-tf FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMAllN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DF.I.lClOrs HICKORY SMOKED IIAMS • LEAN1 HICKORY SMOKED BACON 3 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS r/r Route 120 Just East of Route 12 - Vnlo. Ill Phone-EVergreen 5-6260 ii Geo. R. Justen & Son Furniture Store Dec 24th DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Cliiropraetie Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Fkitlis and Massage 304 East Elm Street Mellenry, 111./ Hours: Mon., Tues.. Wed. & Frl. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. l:3tt p.m. to 5:30 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone EVergreen 5-0748 1-31-60 HEAVENIY TWINS--Crystal flacons of Celestial and Apropos eau de parfum in blue and gold embossed presentation box. $2.50 pu»»« DOUBLE DARE - Devastating and Side Glance eau de parfum in red and gold box. |2,50 Piw WEE THREE -- Mini-editions of three famed perfumes, Devastating, Side Glance and Apropos in a chic black suede case. Handsomely Gift boxed. $3.25 NYE DRUGS, Inc. 129 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-4426 FROT^XHE PINE TREE TOWER WE WILL BE CLOSED FROU S 8 DECEMBER 19th TO.JANUARY 4th g I Santa steps in with CCESSORIES Completely immersible Santa knows! If they drive ... they'll really go for these fine auto accessory gifts. Large capacity Car Trays $450 Deluxt Terry Covers Safety Belts S595 Kar Rugs VII Colors Cushions I)elii\i License Frames Deluxe Car Wash Brush $2.98 Wheel Covers FREE Xmas Gift Set of 4 POCKET WHISK BROOM 11 INCH Come, see our host of other auto accessory gift ideas The tops in auto gifts Automatic Fry Pan . COMPLETELY IMMERSIBM The latest in automatic cooking! A big, new 4 quart, triple-thick aluminum fry pan with high-dome vented cover, featuring West Bend's new precision controlled, evenly-balanced heat. Just right for frying, roasting, broiling, simmering, baking, candy-making and serving! Has recipe booklet, tern, perature guids on handle. Weighs Just 3% lbs. . . . easy to carry and handle. 1150 watts, 110-120 Volt, AC, (Fl'LI. PRICE) Includes Cover and Heat Control tTnit Complete g selections DR C. R. SWAXSON Dentist , Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed., & Frl. Evening By Appointment Only Telephone EVergreen,, 5-0160 2-28-60 EARL Ii. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto. Farm & Life Ins. Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES *v,ien You Need InHuranet Any Kind Phone EVergreen 5-0043 or 5-0953 lit E. Elm St. McHenry, ilL DR JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office Phone: EV. 5-0186 Res. Phone: EV. 5-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Kvenings 6:30 - 9:00 Closed All Day Wednesdays Kyes examined - Glasses fitted Contact lenses fitted Repair Service 2-28-60 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Contact Lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours: Evenings •Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 p.m. Phone EV. 5-2262 2-28-6C GEORGE J. CASTLE. Agent The Prirc&ntiul Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sicknew ft Accident and Groups Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road • McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5 2533 S-19-A® SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 31 Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 1-22-60 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Wat®y Supply Programs Richmond 4193 4 mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 1-30-60' DR. EDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR & RAY ELECTRIC 1 COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 516 W. .Main St. PHONE EV McHenryT^l. 5-0882 N Phone EV 5-0778 113 Main St.. Mi-Henry, 111. Office Hours Daily except Thursday 1-5 S ^lon., Wed. & Fri. Evenings 7-9 OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL XMAS Rt, 120, East of Bridge McHenry, 111. Phone EVergreen 5-0498 5-1SMW c 1

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