ti» ursday, January f, 1965 THE McflflfflY PLA1NDEALER FlJV flllvvli Pistakee Highlands REPORTERS LOOK FORWARD TO BUSY NEW YEAR Hazel Morley Hy 7-8820 ^ Kay Sielisch Hy 7-8414 This is the time of the year when every one is .making, New Year's resolutions. So your reporters, Kay and Hazel, are it&king a few of their own. They resolve to make your column a little more interesting, to accept any views from our readers. We are looking forward to a bigger and better Mar. We want to start the ™w Year out right, so a big vote of thanks to all our faithtoi rtews contacts and we hope to have more news contacts this year. We wish you all a ' very < happy New Year. May . you all enjoy good health, happiness arid security. Thanks Highlanders for making our job. a bit more pleasant. With out you we could not be holdthe job we both enjoy very jch. I We art* sore no one in the (Highlands was happier Christ- | mas than Jack Rathnow who ' was discharged from the hospital Dec. 23. He was happy to be able to spend Christmas ! with his familv. The Wally Misavifces held a ! party in their home Deer. 26, I for a few ><riend^and neigh- !bors. Among the-guests for the evening were the Carl Haeflgers, Bernard Mayers, Ze- I mans, Fletchers, Schlicks and Carol Remke. Carl Heafliger played his banjo, much to the enjoyment of all present., he fell off the ladder and broke his leg. News of Your Friends and Neighbors Your reporter. Kay Sielisch, will be leaving Jan. 8, for Cadillac, Mich., where she will be the matron of honor at her baby sister's wedding Jan. 16. Please call all your news items to Hazel. I am grateful to all qQyou for your cooperation and to Hazel who has so graciously agreed to take over for two weeks. Virginia Karls' brother and wife, the Frank M. Deans of Madison, Wis., will spend a few days with them, dividing their time between the Karls and Mrs. Dean's parents, the Richard Berndts of Fox Lake. The ans and Karls celebrated !w Year's Eve in Lake Geneva. Dick Madock is wearing his arm in a sling these days. He cut his hand on a broken pop bottle and blood poisoning set in Jim Peloquin is enjoying his leave very much doing all the things he likes doing the best. He has been escorting Judy ^nsen to many affairs. i Blanche Haefliger and Skipper Ed Pfsingsten of the Sea Scouts are very grateful to the folks who turned in food and tilings so needy families could enjoy a happy Christmas. We aire sure the folks who gave the items had a warm glow and a pappier Christmas for it. They «ire grateful to Leo Orlowski who took time. Christmas Eve, •4^ play. Santa for the children of the needy families. Birthdays and. Anniverttary " Milestones o * Belated greetings to Anne Zeman who celebrated her birthday Jan. 6. Happy birthday to Charlotte Drochner. who celebrated her birthday Jan. 8. The Andy Brills celebrated their anniversary Jan. L . The Alfred Falks celebrated their anniversary, Jan. 2. " The George Lammerts will celebrate t h e i r anniversary Jan. 16. The Thomas" O'Neils celebrate their anniversary' Jan. 15. Happy birthday greetings to Lorraine Ullo who celebrates her birthday Jan. 10. Local Items of Interest Barb Schlick held « pizza party in her home Saturday Dec. 26, for a few of her friends. Chris and Erna Rockel. Ron Spankuch, Warren Andrews, Bob Messel and Frank Geu were among some of the guests. Tom Vavra of Milwaukee, Bill Vavra of Chicago, cousins of Kay Sielisch, spent a few hours visiting the Sielischs last Saturday. They had been to Wilmot skiing but the skiing was bad last weekend. Barb Schlick spent Dec. 28 and 29 in Chicago where she took an examination for nurses training at the Grant hospjtal. If she passes and we are sure she will, after her graduation she win enter nurses training at Grant hospital. The F o r r e s t R h e i n h a r d t s held open house Dec. 26. They served delicious refreshments. Among some of the folks who helped celebrate were the Walter Peloquins and their son, Jim, and daughter, Cindy, the Jensens and their daughter, Judy; the Carl Haefligers and several younger friends of Forrest, Jr. Carl and Blanche. Haefliger spent a -few- days visiting with relatives and friends in Minneapolis, Minn., last .week. Ed Kolin is getting around on crutches. While doing some Outdoor Christmas decorating Safety Unit Meets at Community Center The safety unit, made up of Highlands 'teen boys, held a meeting at the community center Dec. 10. The meeting was held for all the members of the association to acquaint the folks With \jvtiat they have done and will do to aid the Johnsburg rescue squad and the Fox Lake rg^cue and police force. The leader of the safety unit is Wayne Taylor. Many of the Highlanders attended the hearing at Woodstock Dec. 29. concerning the tax protest Here and There Janice and Jerry Janquart entertained sofiie of their friends oh Dec. 26 in their home. Joining in the fun were the Shivelys, Lammerts. Conways. Morleys, Erbins. Leuths, Heinemans, Dobeckis, S i s k s. Bales, Masons, Novptnys. Haddocks and Hemmny Sathe. a friend of the family, wlp is from India and going'to school here in \he United States. Many Highland! couples rang in the'New Year at the Jack Erbin home where a big party was held. Besides Dot and Jack were the G. VanZeverns. Morleys, Shivelys, Janquarts. Lammerts, Conways, Sisks, Bales, Novotnys, Dobeckis, Masons. Haddocks, Hurckesew^Ron Jacksons and Barrons. Happy birthday to Randy Jackson who was 8 years old on Dec. 29. He had a party with his family and relatives from Chicago on New Year's day. Georgie VanZevern had a party on Dec. 31 with hi? friends in the neighborhood. Georgie was celebrating his jjeyenth birthday. | H^ppy birthday . to *Kerihy Krumwiede. who will be four years old on Jan. 12. / "Our best wishes for a speedy recovery go to ^ Artie Zypelbaum who will have her tonsils removed on Jan. 8 at the Mc- Henry hospital. Judy Krumwiede was pleased to have her girl friend from Rockford spend last Tuesday visiting with her. Lynn Johnson was happy to , have her girl friend, Jill Halley, spend a few days with her ! during the Christmas vacation. Jeanne and Bill Barron and family spent Christmas with both their; families in Minnesota. William Moreth has retired • as erf Jan. 1, 1960 from the Commonwealth Edison Company where he has tfeen employed for the past forty years. It was nice to. see so many ! homes decorated for the holif day season. Each year a few I more seem to join in and each one is prettier than the next. ! Vi and Floyd Johnson had a • party New Year's Eve in their ! home. There were about twelve j couples joining in on the fun. j Twelfth Night j On,Jan. 6- at the barn there . was Twelfth Night burning of ; the Christmas trees. The Sea j Scouts went around and col- | lected all the trees for the ocj casion and they also served hot chocolate to those who turned • out. Mount Hope Church The first Sunday of each month will be Communion Sun- ! day. On the second Sunday of i January, which is the tenth, a pot-luck dinner vvill be held afj ter the morning service. At this I dinner the building committee j will be there and plans for the future church will be displayed, i A question and answer period j will be held and the committee 'will try to answer any of your questions.' j Around the highlands | The Eides returned from {Minnesota, where they -spent i the Christmas holiday, in time to welcome the New Year at home. A belated happy birthday to Ralph Mueller who celebrated his birthday on Dec. 18 with his family. > Harold and Murial Peterson, who are former residents of the Highlands now living in Mississippi, were visiting in the highlands from Dec 27 - 30. They helped Martin Rogde celebrate his birthday on the twenty- eighth. Also in on the festivities were Ralph and Mary Mueller. The Petersons' friends and former neighbors were thrilled to see and visit with them again. Herb and Jo Shively were out over the Christmas holidays and they also were out New Year's celebrating with j.their many friends. They have been staying in Chicago during the week to avoid all the time travelling. Janice Janquart has charge of the family pet, Sluggo, during the week. Barney, Cletus and Georgie Mayer returned after the New- Year holiday after spending the whole holiday season in Oklahoma City, Okla. Their time was spent visiting - with members of their family. If you looked for the column in last week's paper and couldn't find it there is a good reason for it. It wasn't there. Not because we didn't write one,, but because , somewhere between here and the Plaindealer office it was lost or mislaid. So, we hope you will erijoy reading this week's edition t^wice as. ! much. I There are still, a few dogs. 1 running loose. Please let's al! | try to keep our pets on our own | property. Everyone will be happier for it. Guy Erbin celebrated his eighth birthday on Dec. 31. He went to the show in the afternoon with his two sisters. - Little Debbie Dobecki will celebrate her seventh birthday on Jan. 9. She will have a small get-together with her sisters and a few friends. As vqe mentioned in a column a few weeks back, the January and February association meeting have been cancelled be- | cause, of the heating problem in I the barn. You can watch for ; the next association news < in j the March issue. In the meaiij time, if any important items | should come lip we will all be notified of any special meeting to be held. We hope you all had a happy New Year and we'll see you all again next week. Bye now. DISPLAY TELLS STORY OF PROGRAM AGAINST ATTACK The story of America's vast network to warn against enemy air attack is the sub-1 ject of the newest display at the Museum of Science and Industry, 57th street and South Lake Shore drive. Entitled "Guardians Of The Skies," the' display is part of the Bell System telephone exhibit. It depicts the huge radar link stretching from the Aleutians to Greenland and known as the Distant Early Warning line (DEW); and also pictures the Nike bases and the "White Alice" radio relay network which provides communication for Alaska and interconnects with the DEW line. 'Texas Towers." man-made i islands in the Atlantic Ocean j with radar equipment which ; constantly scans the heavens : between America and Europe to detect enemy aircraft, and SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment>. the warning communication system within the,U.S. proper, are other parts of the new exhibit. Actual models of 'these warning systems are shown together with realistic scenes in true local color taken in the Arctic and other danger areas. Each segment of the new de. fense unit has its own tape recorded story which Museum visitors may hear via telepi - ne receivers. IT PAYS TO"" ADVERTISE HAVE YOU TRIED THE KILLVIEW COIN LAUNDRY? 20c A WASHER LOAD 10c FOR 10 MINUTES OF DRYING " Each Dryer Holds 4 Washerloads HILL VIEW SHOPPING CENTER RICHMOND, ILLINOIS Winter's dusk is the most dangerous time of the year for driving, warns the Institute for Safer Living. Visibility is deceptive, light fades fast, causes drivers to misjudge distance between other vehicles, pedestrians,' and fixed objects. Proot lies in the fact that accidents take a sharp rise between the hours of five and seven when daylight saving time ends.^^ FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON © 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 - Volo. III. Phone EVergreen 5-6260 Who Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Add thr> cost of eieafttafe this man's rain-soaked clothes and yon'U agree floor-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab . can help in a hundred different ways. When ydu need one. Radio Dispatched McHENRY CAB Ph. EVergreen 5-0723 1 You are invited to the PREVIEW of our JAftUABLY INVENTORY SALE mith*craft INC. 1SS N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. Phohe EV 5-2923 ft Jos. FRETT & SON BUILDERS Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 Vi mile east of Fox River Bridge Phone EVergreen 5-3976 GOOD NEWS! Chrysler 1960's been a winner since the day it first to/fed into dealers' showrooms. People stood in line to see it--were willing to wait for their favorite model and color. Now, Chrysler's rolling again. Your & • dealer is getting new cars every day. So don't wait to see his broad selection. Come ift. PROFEJftOriRL 3IRECT0RV DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL. Chiropractic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 304 East Elm Street McHenry, 111. Hours: Hon., Tues., Wed. & Fri. 10 a an. to 12 p.m. 1:30 pan. to 5:30 pjn. 7 p.m. to 9 pjm. * S»t= 10 » J»>. tn 2 p.m. Phone EVergreen 5-0743 1-31-60 PR C. K. SWANSON 'Dentist Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed., & Fri. Evening By Appointment Only Telephone EVergreen 5-0160 2-28-60 EARLIt. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life I»r« Representing RELIABLE COMPANIEf When You Need Insurattc* | Any Kind Phone EVergreen 5-0043 or 5-0953 IU E. Elm St. McHenry, .ir. Drive The Car Of Your Life For The Time Of Your Life/ CHRYSLER I960 DR JOHN T. GRAY Optometrfst 126 So. Green Street Office^ Phone: EV. 5-0188 Res. Phone: EV. 5-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 - 9:00 Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Contact lenses fitted Repair Service 2-28-60 FARM SERVICE WAY AUCTION HENRY FREEMAN -- Auctioneer In order to dissoK^e partnership, the undersigned will sell j at public auction on the farm 3^ miles West of Wilmot, Wis.. | or mile Southeast of Twin Lakes, WiA., or 6 itiiles Northeast j of Richmond, 111., on v I ! WEDNESDAY, JAN; 13, I960 SALE TO START AT 1:00 P.M. 69 HEAD OF CATTLE Hi Grade Holstein and Guernsey This Herd Is Mostly Vaccinated. All Heifers Are Vaccinated. | 32 COWS -- 21 Holstein, 11 Guernsey, 8 Springers, 8 fresh. ( Balance milking: 6 Heifers bred; 7 Heifers open; 7 Heifers1 8 mos., 10 mos.; 5 Heifers 6 mos.; Jersey Yearling Bull; 7 Calves, fall; 4 Calves 1-2 mos. j t New Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Hardtop. Fresh, ftery beauty, at a modest price (to % GRAIN, hay. feed 30 ton 1st crop Crushed Alfalfa Hay; 600 bu. Ear Corn; ft. Ensilage in 14 ft. silo. t. HERE'S WHY THIS iS THE MOST SOUGHT-AFTER CHRYSLER EVER! FARM MACHINERY Cardinal Jr. aluminum elevator: 8 hole hog feeder; Ottowa saw for logs and trees with 6 h.p. engine. ELMER H. & MARVIN A. KOHLSTEDT. Owners Usual Friendly Farm Service Way terms available to all Farmers FARM AUCTION SERVICE, Inc., Clerk Bmautyl One look at Chrysler's sporty grille and flowing lines and you know why ifs such a success. BrawnI New Unibody construction unites body and frame in a single, solid piece. Result: the strongest, quietest car you've ever known. Comfortt Lower floors, higher foam rubber seats, rich and rugged fabrics --Chrysler boasts real stretchout room for all. Other Chrysler comfort features: wide doors for easy ins and outs, High-Tower driver's seat, deeppile carpeting door-to-door. Convenlenemt New Astra Dome dash clusters controls at your fingertips. Controls themselves are triggerquick pushbuttons. At night, exclusive Panelescent lighting bathes instruments in a glare-free glow that makes them instantly easy to read. DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARfi Optometrist Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Contact Lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 p.m. Phone EV. 5-2262 2-28-60 GEORGE J. CASTLE. Agent The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sickness ft Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-25S8 3-1*44 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 5 Miles South on Rt. Si Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 1-22-60 the completely new lion-hearted CHRYSLER uiluil Division. CMIHU CtUMITMl A. S. BLAKE MOTORS. Inc. 301 E. Pearl Street GORDON E. SERGANT Registered; Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 4193 mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 4-30-60/ DR. EDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR ^ .. | US Main St., McHenry, DL I Office Hours Dally except Thursday 1-5 , Mon., Wed. St FrL Evenings 7-9 Phone EVergreen 5-9498 5-19-61 4