MPp<BI Thursday, January 28, I960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER £age Thlrfcien, Eastwood Manor WOMEN'S CLUB HOLDS EARLY MEETING FEB. 1 Lois Ryan - EV. 5-537? ' Monday, Feb. 1, the East- Manor Women's Club will meet one half hour earlier than usual at the barn. The meeting Will begin at 8 , p.m. and will be immediately followed by af special program to which you are cordially invited to bring your friends. Th° more the merrier on this special occasion. The Eastwood Manor Prop erto Owner's association disciMsed the St. Patrick's Day dance which wi'l be held on March 12. This year there will be some changes made. Peg and Walt Garrclts. Rosemary and Bob Newlon. Dolores anr1 Len Lawrence, Winnie and Len Hansen and Walter Kuck will take ov^r this committee and you will get a detailed., report on what they have in store for after their plans are made It's going to be a dandy party so keep the date open. Edith Long and Yvonne Da vis are in charge of a quilt that ' will be donated to the association in the future. If anyone is interested in quilting or fine hand sewing on the quilt please contact either Edith at EV. 5- 3126 or Yvonne at EV. 5-241* and they will be glad to have yt*t join them. Block Rosary The Block Rosary for Feb. ? will be held at the home of Tom Birmingham at 137 Mil1 Lane at 9 p.m. Faith Presbyterian Church News On Jan. 31 two new ruling eliprs, elected by the congre . gafion. will oe ordained and in stalled by the pastor. George Collette and Roy Kissling both of McHenry are the new ruling elders. Friday, Jan. 29, at 8 p.m the monthly meeting of cub pack 454 will be held in the church. On Sunday, Jan. 31, the sermon entitled "Man's Life and G|^'s Purpose" based on the book of Numbers will be given by Rev. Jack Mclntyre. In the afternoon and evening from 2:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian church of Harvard there will be a Evangelism school for layman which will be attended by severa1 laymen from Faith church ^Jpng with 1 hr pastor. On Tuesday, Feb. 2 the choir practice at 8 p.m. Happy Birthday Saturday, Jan. 30, three Eastwood Mariorites will celebrate their birthdays. Lydia Fpnner, Peggy Oik and l^ois Flyan will blow out their birthday candles together. On the last day of January Leslie Fyeckman, Sr., will celebrate natal day. On the very first of February Linda Weigman will be eight years old and Kay Stephenson and Robert Grom just aren't telling, :;but they are, addipg another year m cthe same day. The second day of February bringfs Mike Mathes to the six year mark. Happy Anniversary Our best wishes for a happy anniversary are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes, who /will celebrate the anniversary of their wedding day on Jan 29 and to Mr. and Mrs. Lonzc Campbell, who will celebrate their anniversary on Feb. 3. Octettes The Octettes met at Verne Bauer's home on Jan. 20. Jt was their third birthday party and the happy group ex changed grab bag gifts. They had a hirthday table cloth, pastel plates, nats, candy cups am1 little brass animals'. Pineapp1-- "aspberry punch was serve-' with a beautiful birthday cake ice cream and coffee. Verne Bauer won the first prize anr' Marge Tinkler took second prize. The. ivxt get togethe! will be Feb. 3. Slek List Carey Fenrter had the flu and then just when that war taking leave he came down with a strep throat. Gary Stoll and his daddy Bob, were struck by that same old flu bug. Tracy Phillippi has th<s chicken pox. It looks like they just don't want to leave frhir subdivision. Charmaine Pohlman has r bad sore throat and right after she was getting over pneu monia. Get w»U gal. Milt McHale is on the verge of pneumonia. The last report Is that if he doesn't do bettesoon off to the hospital he goec Come, Milt, get well. Sympathy Oui deep sympathy is ex tended to the Newlon family R o s e m a r y ' s c o u s i n , F l o r i e n Koslo, passed away recently They went to Chicago to attend the wake. Mjltier's March The mothers of Eastwood Manor will march along with the rest of the mothers all over the country on Thursday, Jan. 28, to stamp out diseases of ali kinds. They are marching from door to door for the March of. Dimes drive. Please have your porch light on at 7 p.m and welcome these mothers this evening. They are giving their time, please give- a little * of your earnings. Lee Landin. president of the EMWC is in charge on this drive in our subdivision. This and That The Mersch family Entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Timmons, Mrs. A. Diggins, and Miss Gerry Schermerhorn al from Chicago for dinner or Sunday Mary Lou Barry had a demonstration on Tuesday with a n u m b e r o f w o m e n f o r m t h e subdivision attending. Michael Zender celebrated his first birthday in a big way on Sunday. His two sets; of grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Jaiftes Claybaugh of McHenry, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zender. Sr., of Pistakee Bay, Tom Claybaugh and Mr. and Mrs Frank Davenport of Arlington Heights all joined him for a delightful little party. The Shaws enjoyed a Saturday visit for dinner with Doris' folks, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tarnow of Chicago, and her 90 Xear old grandmother, William Bruns. Doris and Otto Sh ,v recently entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Rourke from Chicago for dinner. The Rogers enjoyed celebrating Elaine's birthday by going downtown to see a movie and then late dinner ani a night "lub Charmaine's f-.lks, Mr. and Mrs. Arthui kinsman of Chi- ?ago, paid the Pohlmans, a visit on Sunday. Timmy McCormaek had a wonderful visit in Noith Miimi. Fin with his grandmoth- ?r. Mrs.' Josie Temple, for ttvo ,wpeks over Christmas. He took The train and he really enjoyed himself. Betty and Ed Radner were eally surprised when a group of their fiiends popped in on them for their anniversary. Dolores and Len Lawrence. Winnie and Lenny Hansen, Peggy and Walt Garrelts, Lois md Warren Krebs and Lois and Tim McCormack were-the well wishers Lois McCormack and the McCormack children. Helen and Tom Birmingham and John Coughlin and the Cough- !in children all went ice skating in McHenry recently. Lois McCormick entertained Helen Birmingham and Rita Simpson for luncheon in honor of Helen's blrihdRy. Helen Birmingham had the/ delightful ^company of Lois McCormick, Rita. Simpson and Patsy Coughlin--for lunch, at her home. Len. Hansen's mother, Mrs. Anna Hansen of Elk Grove, spent last weekend with the Hansens in Eastwood Manor? Marilyn and Jack* Fultz and Dorothy and Jack Kelsey travelled to CL on Friday to see the big musical stage show downtown. The Ryans spent last Sunday with Lois' folks in Fox River Grove. In Closing If. any women of the Women's club is missing a dish, Pat- Cisewski might be able to help you out. EV. 5-6467 is her phone number. Thanks again to all the women who helped Out when they were needed. Don't forget the Mothers march tonight and the Women s club will be at 8 p.m. on Monday. Bye now. See some of you at the barn on Monday and the rest right here next week. MENTAL HEALTH EXPERT SPEAKS TO P.T.A. COUNCIL The McHenry County Council of P.T.A. will meet tonight at the Fox River (^fQye grade school at 8:15 p.m>£ 'Stanley Blumberg, psychiatry '.'soehl worker of the newy opened • M c H e n r y C o u n t y M e n t a l Health clinic, will present part of the program. Mr. Blumberg will explain the organization, operation and function of a state-aided mental health clinic. The nominating committor will present a slate of officers for the Council for 1960-61 at this nieeiing. Nominations from the floor will be in order at the March meeting, when voting will take place.: Heart -and blood vessel disease is the No. 1 cause of denth I in the United States today, taking more lives than all others combined. j Village of Sunnyside Village Meeting Held February 1 Irma Gunther - Reporter - EV. 5-5484 On Feb. 1 is the date of the monthly village meeting . and as" I have said many times before you may all attend these meetings and may voice your savings at the open forum at the conclusion of the regular business meeting." Home Bureau Meeting The monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday Feb. 3 at the. home of your reporter, and it will be a lotal leader lesson.' If , there will be any change of plans you will be notified."- been done. STie is sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused you and if you at^ still, interested please call her at EV. 5-3168 and she will be glad to talk to you. Tp make things even more difficult Linda has a rare type of blood that isn't the easiest to find. That is one reason why tnis operation has taken so long to be planned A.B.-P. and A.B.-N., are the types of blood needed for Linda's operation but any type of blood will be accepted for replacement. She will need at least forty pints. So your help will be greatly appreciated.' . Apoligy Offered I try real hard not to print any thing wrong but that is something that can happen to the host of us I guess. A few weeks ago I had the stor^, in the column about Richard. Fredrick calling on all the homos in the village for pledges for the hew home of the- rescue squad I had the fire department included which was wrong. The new building is just for the rescue squad and I'm sony for my error. Rich said the people have been just wonderful to liini and e\ervone was .dad to help this wonderful cause. Linda Casey's Important Date This week Linda will be in the hospital for that much needed heart surgery and last •jveok I printed her story and the need for the blood replace- :ment. Mrs. Casey -was very | hurt to find out that many people called the hospital in : W;:ukegan only to be 1 old that | they coa'.d not come there to , offer their blood. After many ' phone calls back and forlh to ! get everything straightened Jsout she said that the people can go there to donate their i blood after the operation has PinthKee Terrace Well the -women of the Terrace are to be commended because twenty-eight "of them showed up last Thursday in that cold weather to work together ^ . plans to help each other. The women will meet the second Thursday of each month at the different homes. Twelve ladies have basements where the meetings can be held so each One will have a turn just pnciv a vear. Coffee and cake will be served at each meeting. Committees have been chosen on forth coming projects, the first will be a rummage sale in February. If you have to make r^in-for new things received for Christmas and have many things that you HAVE YOU TRIED THE HILLVIEW COM LAUNDRY? 20c "A WASHER LOAD 10c FOR 10 MINUTES OF DRYING Each Dryer Holds 4 Washerloads HILLVIEW SHOPPING CENTER RICHMOND, ILLINOIS FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSACiF.S • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKEljj BACON • 22 VARIETIES' OF SAUSAGES • TRtTfe GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of itoute 12 - Volo, III Phone EVergreen 5-6260 Lose weight fast with Kessaminforget hunger pangs! Now--reducing no longer meant agonizing hunger pqng*. Kessamin lets you lose weight foit without "Reducing Torture.'* What's the secret of the Kessamin Plan? Remarkable Kessamin Tablets. They help control your hunger. You still eat all your favorite foods-- simply want less of them. K Miami* is completely safe--protect* yowr health with vitamins and iron. Ask your druggist today about the Kessamin Plan. All you can lose « pounds you don't need. KESSAMIN would like to get rid of especially white elephants With o ; without trunks wlw don't yoi call Marsha Pa tula'at EVr 5 6096. She will be glad to i>ick up the .things. Thi? sale is fo everyone not just the Terracc Neighbors from all around are welcome to contribute. A committee is also working on plam> lor a dance in th near future. We will let you known more about that soon. Bernice and Bob Froehln were happy to see Bob's parents from California ever though their visit was a sad one when thoy came for the funeral "of Bob's 90 year old grandmother. Young Bobby Froehlig spent a few days home from school trying xc> outwit a cold which took longer than a tew days to cure. Little" Rickey Patula was sick with tonsillitis for a few days. The people of the . Terrace want to be friends with' a' their neiglil- >r$. The way th< dogs are running loose it wil cause many hard feelings ant expense to the owners if th. dogs have to be picked up. S;' how about everyone keeping their dogs where they belong at home« Don i torget the Home Owner? association meeting on Feb.- l.It is hoped that the turnout*' - better than the one th^ women had whi9h was excel-" lent. So come on you fathers.* J and mothers do come The- s> meeting viill be held at the school but it is hoped to have it in the homes. If there is any change of the meeting place, you will be notified. Congratulations To James Frisby, who with Jeaniejo Benoche as his partner, passed his profi?ncy dance test last week on roller skated at the roller rink in McHenry. • Welcome Home The welcome mat will be out this Week for Al Fritz who will be home from Warm Springs,. Ga, His family will be happy to have him home again. , You are enjoying the fruits" of a great and productive country mainly because" others before our time were good citi-, zens! Are you a good citizen sothat your grandchildren m ay also have something left of oui way of life? If you can't answer yes. why not become active in government as a voting, interested person, suggests the ! McHenrv Kiwanis club. Phone EV 5-0730 Or EV 5-0731 BETTER... by McKESSON BOLGER'S FOR F U E L O I L / WE OFFER \ Cash Discount -- Budget Plan , ^ JBaag^&PSn St-imp"? McHenry County Co-Op ujjlffj Nte), |« A N6iO FORD FALCON! i * T«f eA»e*r CA« M tmc itiattLO TO 0UN! FORD'S ECONOMY "TWINS RUN ON PEANUTS,^ lit SE THE FflRD EOJMO^Y TWiN« IU Trie tAUK liAPM I'M T« WWT FOflD Of A LIFETIME; AM VttvoorA OF*0MAlM»?J ZeM\2oh\-2MA1. Aff«CMr« urreoNT uMBU IT BilOHifl Kfu F0R0 FAIAM kHO fo*0 t PiiftUtf too 01 How'd you like your savings? ,\>« size or big fionomr Want nrw-size savings? The Falcon's first saving is its low pricc, up to $124 less than other G-passengrr compact cars,* but that's not all. You get up to 30 miles per gallon on regular gas. Save up to 15°^ on insurance, save on tires, parts--everything. Yes. all this in a car that carries six big people • and all their luggage. I'or savings in the big economy size try our PMnuts Chartettrs © 1950 United FMtur« Syntfre«t«. Inc. FAIRLANE 500. It's far more Ford, costs up to $142 less than last year.* At no extra cost you get many luxury-car features like rear seat arm rests, two sun visors, extra ash tray, and color-keyed steering wheel. There's real built-for-people comfort inside. Up to four inches more shoulder room, plenty more leg room, hat room. Right now, we Ford Dealers are holding visiting hours for our Economy Twins. Come in and see how much our Economy Twins can save vou! 103 S. Green St. Phone EV 5-4500 McHENRY, ILL. Vi The Princess phone is now being introduced in Illinois new 3 *Bas*d on o comporiton of manufacturers' suggested retail delivered prices WE FORD DEALERS INVITE YOU TO TWIN-TEST OUR ECONOMY TWINS Styled to the modern taste, and small to save you space --that's the charming, colorful Princess phone. This new extension goes anywhere in your home, and goes beautifully. The dial glows softly in the dark so you can find it quickly and then, when you lift the receiver, lights up brightly to make dialing easy. The Princess phone comes in your choice of five decorator colors --white, beige, pink, blue and turquoise. Easy to get, too. Just call your telephone business office, or ask a telephone installer to show it to you. F.D.A.F. . BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 MAIN STREET EV 5-2000 McHENRY, ILL. If ^you're Interested in an Used Car---Be Sure to See Your Ford Dealer The Princess phone with dial and night lights built in costs only pennies a ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE day after a one-time charge. Your choice orfffie'colors. J \'