afeftsv- X i 9 Two THE- McHENBV PLAINDEALER Crystal Lake Girl To Wed RingAvood Man Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. D'Ambrose of Terra Cotta avenue, Crystal Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol 'Anne, to Dick Henry Aissen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen of Ringwood. The wedding will take place June 4 in the Ridgefield, Presbyterian church. Paddock and sons, Girard Toussaint, Mr. afad Mrs. Harqld Toussaint and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Heinz, Sr., paternal grandparents; Pat Hamil, Terry Tonyan and the two brothers and two sisters of the baby, Barbara. Diane, Richard and Otto Joe Heinz. The maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wieder of Chicago, were unable to attend. - . Supper Planned At St. Patrick's The annual St. Patrick's Day dinner for parishioners and the public will be held at St. Patrick's Catholic church hall'on Sunday evening. March 20, starting at 4:30 p.m. Friends Join In Birthday Celebration Rivervlew Camp Plans For Anniversary Dinner Riverview Camp. R.N.A.. No. 6818, will meet in the K. of C. hall at 6 o'clock on March 15 to enjoy their anniversary pothick dinner. This will be their fort y-ninth anniversary, an event which should bring out a good attendance. Each member is asked to bring a dish to pass. Following dinner, there will be a regular meeting at 8 p.m. Clipped Wings .Sponsor Benefit Linda Rae Larson of 134 S. Gr^en street celebrated her twelfth birthday anniversary by havine; twelve girls for dinner on March 4. Later, they attended a movie. Linda Rae received many lovely gifts from the following guests: Sandy Fairchild, Donna Schmelzer. Melody Mandz i a r a . S a l l y D r e s d o w , S u e Bockman, Marlene Viita. Lorry Beahler, Linda Regner. Diane Erb, Danita Tomasello, Pamela Schwingl, B e r n i c e Loose. Janice Wetzel and Gail Matchen. Attend Christening Of Patzke Infant During March and April, the United Air Line stewardess ajumnae, CLIPPED WINGS, Will conduct an all-out campaign to sell tickets for their annual fashion show-luncheon, liecipients of the May 12 af- ?jair will be the Austin Special School for Menta\ly Retarded fildren. 4nd Florence Critteni 'Anchorage. jQn March 17 the ex-stewardesses will hold their regular monthly meeting in Chicago. Special of the afternoon will be ii tour of the Sun Times Bldg. ^ further information may be Sad by contacting Mrs. Marlin Kalpin, Rt. 5, McHenry. Mrs. Martha Feltz. Mrs Pearl Patzke. Miss Florence Antholz and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Patzke visited in Champaign Sunday, where they attended the christening of Jeffrey A!an. little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Patzke, in an 11 o'clock service at the university chapel. - Sponsors for the baby were Mr. and Mts. Dale Benson of Crystal Lake. W.S.C.S. To Hear Pre-Easter Story - Announce Engagement Of Elizabeth Kosup Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kosup of Lakemoor" announced the recent bethrothal of their daughter, Elizabeth Anne, to Jerry Members and guests are cordially invited to the W.S.C.S. tea to be held on Thursday, March 17. at 1 p.m. in the church dining room. A dramatic as well as inspirational pre- Easter story will be presented by Mae Stinespring. The story entitled "The Family Portrait" is based on the family of Jesus a n d p r e v i o u s l y p l a y e d o n Broadway. Coffee, tea and cookies will be served by Ruth and Leah Circles. There will be no business meeting. CARD OF THANKS Many, many thanks for your prayers, flowers, gifts and messages while I was ill in the hospital. Your thoughts of me were greatly appreciated. It is good to have such nice friends. Alma Freund •45 » Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wegener are the parents of a son, born March 5 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A girl was born March 5 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bass of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. William Hutchinson welcomed a son 'at Memorial hospital on March 5. A boy was born March 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kaiser at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Herrmann became the parents of a girl on March 3 at Memorial hospital. A son was born March 3 to Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy M. Smith at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nuss are the parents of a son. born March 1 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. Monahan of Eastwood Manor welcomed a son on March 3. He has been named Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Lonzo Campbell "are the parents of a daughter. born March 7 at Harvard hospital. A boy was born March 7 at Memorial hospital to Mr>- and Mrs. Jay Scrihner. A daughter was born March 4 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hawkins. Mr. and'Mrs. Medard Rybak welcomed a daughter at Memorial hospital on March 4. Thursday, March 10,1960 GUIDING ST/Ut SHR8C HOLDS INSTALLATION McHenry Area Residents To Take Office Residence Change The Donald Dixon family moved last week from 11312 S. Green street to 405 Maple avenue. The Harry Lundy Sr., family. former tenants on the Freund place north of this city, are now occupying their new home on High street in Edgebrook Heights. The Raymond Hammershoy family, moved this vyeek, from the Carlson place, on Center street, to Sunnyside Estates. The Lillian Huck family has moved from 109 N. Park street to the Anton Schmitt place at 411 N. Park vacated by the Orville Freund family, who moved to Cooney Heights. Dr. James McMahon, who formerly maintained a dental office at 113 S. Green street, is now located in the new Mark's building on W. Elm street. Mr. and Mrs. William Crist and children, Maureen, Bill, Patrick and Colleen, moved recently from Hillcrest Drive, McHenry, to 249 Drury Lane, Biltmore Countryside. A new member of the family is a son, John, born at the Memorial hospital, Woodstock, a couple of weeks ago. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends for the lovely cards, gifts and good wishes received on the occasion of our golden wedding anniversary. Your re- ' membrances helped to make this one of the most memorable occasions of our lives. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams 45 EVER NOTICE?? A word to the wise generally interrupts a monologue. The second annual installation of Guiding Star Shrfne. No. 109, Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, will be held in the Marengo Masonic Temple on Saturday evening". March 12, at 8 p.m. Shrine No. 109 is the most recently instituted shrine in Illinois. having rece'ved their ejHffter^Kthe supreme session of the. Order of the White Shrine in Minneapolis, Minn., in May, 1959. It regularly meets in the Acacia Temple in McHenry. but due to the fact that its membership consists of inhabitants of Marengo. Woodstock, Crystal Lake, Richmond and the surrounding towns, and due to the fact that the presiding officers to be installed reside in Woodstock, the town of Marengo was selected to be the 'ocale of the 1960 installation of officers. The White Shrine of Jerusalem is threefold--spiritual, social and charitable. The charitable phase is carried * on through the material objective --a voluntary donation of 1 cent a week, and with over 225,000 members, this small amount, together with life memberships and in memoriams, gives aid to any needy person found worthy, regardless of race or creed. All interested persons are invited to attend this Installation of Guiding Star Shrine No. 109 and especially those who are eligible to become members. Officers to be installed are Arlaine Besser of Woodstock, worthy high priestess; Herman Besser of Wopdstock, watchman; Harriet Dodd of McHejrtr y , n o b l e p r o p h e t e s s ; R o y Dodd. Jr., McHenry, associate watchman .of shepherds; I^etty Waspi of Richmoj)Cl, worthy scribe; William Wacin of Marengo, worthy treasurer; I^ary Klemme, Woodstock, worthy chaplain; Anita Hansen, Wonder Lake, worthy shepherdess; Helen Creamer, ^cHepy., worthy guide; Mildred, Grl^ner, Crystal ^.ake, Worthy Ijfefcald; Nonrian ^FVan^'v.^pildh; stock, first, wise , m[an;. Ha^Ty Hansen, Wonder Lake, second wise man; . EdWaf$ Waspi, Richmond, third .wse man; George Moody, B^rrington, king; Lucille Moodjf, Barrington, queen; Genevfeve Roper, Woodstock, first hand maid; Buela Cornelison, Woodstock, second hand maid; fthoda Efe- Bray, McHenry, worthy guardian; Gertrude Silva, Wonder Lake, worthy guardian; Charles Osborn, Richmond, worthy guard; Roy Dodd, Sr., McHenry, U. S. flag bearer; Lucille Shaw, Richmond, White Shrine b a n n e r b e a r e r ; E l i z a b e t h Rieck, Richmond, Christian banner bearer; Linnea Peterson, Richmond, matron of honor; Violet Moravec. Richmond, courier; Lillian Clow, Des- Plaines, flower girl; Elizabeth Shales, Crystal Lake, madonna; Evelyn. Fawcett, DeKalb, soloist. Hie queen's attendants will be Pearl Pearson and Magnihild Hewins of Crystal Lake, Edith Buchart of Richmond, Lillian Bossier and"7 Mabel French of McHenry and Rose Murphy of Wonder Lake. The King's guards will be Capt. Harry Shales and Howard Hewins of Crystal Lake, Frank Moravec and Arthur Anderson of Richmond, George Bossier 6f McHenry and Delos Clow of EiesPlaines. FORMER PASTOR TO RETURN FOR LENTEN SERIES Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Evans of Mundelein. The wedding will take place in Mundelein on April 23. Christian Mothers' Party On March 15 The Christian Mothers' sodality of St. Peter's Catholic church, Spring Grove, is planning for its annual St. Patrick's card party and luncheon on Tuesday, March 15. Serving will begin at 12:30, followed by the card games. Co-chairmen Magdelen Miller and Isabelle Smith invite the public to come and bring their friends for an enjoyable afternoon. Prizes will be awarded. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank Fr. Lehman, the Christian Mothers' sodality. my good neighbors and friends who prayed for me and the many get-well cards and flowers received during my stay in the hospital. Mrs. Frank May Spring Grove *45 PLEDGES SORORITY Miss Charlene Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J, Freund, became a pledged member of Gamma Pi chapter of Alpha Hi Delta, national social sorority, on Feb. 24 at Northern Illinois university, DeKalb. FREEZER SPECIAL! BONELESS ROLLED PORK ROAST 45* Boston Style YOUNG TENDER Pork Tenderloin 10 Box 89 Tt> OSKITAl John Phannenstill returned to Rock ford Memorial hospital for treatment on Tuesday. McHenry Hospital Patients at McHenry hospital this past week included Anton Luypen. Myra . Murray, Bruce Thomas. Mary Hudetz, Roger Wanta, Pauline Sohaefer, Marguerite Brown, Marie Kern, Susan Laurence., George Wold, Irene Kwiatt and Mildred Johnson of McHenry; Louis Schroeder, Dorothy Matchel and Sharon LaGreca of Wonder Lake; Helen Lynn, Stanley Patula, Frank Lumber, Gerry Duba and Marylou Palma of Ingleside; . Ingebord Olsen of McCullom Lake; Jeanne Matas of Cary; Richard Juers, Jerry Chisholm, Kyle 3tokes, James Oye, Robert Froehlich, Beulah Carr and Irene Leigh of Crystal Lake; Deborah Petska of Ringwood; Robifl Miller of Spring Grove and Xillian Rozner of Chicago. S Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospi-, tal, Woodstock, this past week included the following from this area: Catherine Maher and Julius Roeder of McHenry and Edward Vanderstraeten of Wonder Lake. Harvard Hospital Mrs. ThQmas Bradley has been a patient jn Harvard hospital this past week. Vincent Cina Named To MiUiken Honor Roll Vincent Cina is named on the first semester honor roll at Miflikin university in Decatur. Fdt this honor a student must haive maintained a 3.0 (a B average) or letter during the first semester at the university. Vincent is a sophomore at Millikin, majoring in science. He is a member of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. •Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cina of Lakeland Park are his parents. SUFFERS ATTACK The Wauconda, rescue squad was called to the George Witt home near Burton's Bridge last week to administer oxygen to him following a serious asthmatic attack. Mr. Witt, 74, well known in this vicinity where he operated a farm near Griswold Lake for many years, has been confined to his bed since the first of the year. Rev. John Paul Ed<Jy, pastor of the/ Community 'Methodist church of Greenwood, an? nounces that Rev. Paul Dibble, former pastor of the Ringwood- Green wood charges, will return to speak on Thursday, March 10, at 8 pjn. in the Greenwood church, which is located a half mile west of Wonder Lake on the Greenwood blacktop. Rev. Dibble is now present pastor of the largest Methodist church in Belvidere. He has had many years of service in the Methodist church, including two terms on the missionary field in India. Rev. Dibble will join in the homecoming celebration that is being held weekly during the Lenten season. Sunday, Inarch 13, Rev. John Paul Eddy will enact the historic ride of past "circuit riders" of the Green wood-Ringwood circuit as he covers both churches in two preaching services the same morning. Ringwood-Greenwood circuit was the last double charge of the northern district,to be separated last conference year in the annual conference of Methodism held in Rockford's Court street church. Rev. Eddy will preach on "The Greatest Need of Our Day." In the early days of this state the Methodist church was known for its "circuit riders" who rode all over the area carrying the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is Rev. Eddy's first return to the Ringwood church he once served. After completing the service at Ringwood he will preach in his present assignment at Greenwood. Mnrch IS C.O.F. State Basketball Tournament. March 15 St. Patrick's Card Party and Luncheon -- 12:30 pm. -- St. Peter's Parish. Riverview Camp, R.N.A., Meeting and Anniversary Pot- Luck Dinner -- K. of C. Hall -- 6 p.m. March 20 St. Patrick's Church Annual Dinner For Parishioners and the Public -- Serving Starts 4:30 p.m. Bridge and Pinochle Tournament for Benefit of Pool Fund -- Wing 'n Fin Lodge. March 24 • Cooking Demonstration -- V. F. W. Clubhouse -- Sponsored by V. F. W. Auxiliary. March 26 W.S.C.S. Tot and Teen Easter Parade and Revue -- 2 p.m. -- McHenry High School. March 25-26 .Rummage Sale -- Ringwood Church -- Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. School days are the happiest days of the year -- for mothers. Warch Winds c3n't blow ditf s- 3et^OUtofympiHows 'v- ^ Otto Heinz, Jr., Infant Cluistened The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Heinz, Jr., born Feb. 8. was christened Mary Lynn at a baptismal service held at St. Patrick's church last week, with Rev. Eligene Parker officiating. . Sponsors for the baby were Mrs. Edna Paddock and Girard Toussaint. • A buffet supper followed the rite, with the following in attendance: Mr. -and Mrs. Earl Just for You... Give your hair a grand beauty treatment! We shape and curl hair in a way that is most becoming to you. Our beauticians are courteous and very skilled. We are very glad to have Donna Dowe back with us again. Also willing to serve you are Walter Kuhns and Adeline and George Pedersen. Now ... no more worry dbdut "pitlcw infe^i6n":V ^ r dirt, germs, rock-hard lumpy pillows thai rob you of sleep! No more buying new pillows every few years, at high cost! Instead, let us revitalize your pillows, the Feathers cleansed of dirt and germs ... fluffed to their original soft resilience . . . deodorized, then placed into brandnew tickings (you may select from many attractive patterns}) pillows come back to you better than new, ready for many nights off deep restful sleep. SLEEP LKK A KITTEN - WAKE UP COMPLETELY REFRESHEN fhoMUsi I CaR u> NOW . for fad, guaranteed pillow cleaning l/^luerside Studio --the exclusive FLUFF "N PUFF RAINBOW CLEANERS 100 N. Front Street Member of N.H.C.A. 126 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 6-0147 McHenry, 111. Open: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6; Sat., 8-5; Closed Mondays Available HOUR 317 W. Elm In Jho Jewel Shopping: Plaza PERSONALS Mrs. Sophi6 Ross of Shalimar, left recently by plane to spend some time with relatives in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Martin Cooney, has returned from a vacation, in Florida and a visit with his son, Martin and family, in Fort Worth, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. James, Hughes have returned from a month's vacation at Key West, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Doherty are spending a few weeks at Pompana Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were weekend guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. Regina Kleitsch is Spending some time in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Palmer, in Fair Oaks while the Palmers are vacationing in Florida and the Bahama Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Renard Blum, son, Jimmie, and Ron Sohmitt, of Chicago, "were Saturday visitors at their summer home near the Fox River dam. Mrs. Walter Walsh and Miss Genevieve Knox visited friends in Huntley Sunday afternoon. Misses Lena and Clara Sjoffel were callers in the Charles G. Frett home in Aurora Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gausden left last week for a few weeks vacation in Florida. Mrs. Robert Conway accompanied by her sisters, Mrs. Thomas Spantideas, son, Greg, and Mrs. Stella Calbow, of Crystal Lake, visited Rockford relatives Sunday. Robert Roeder %vas called here from Washington, D. C., by the illness of his father, Julius Roeder, who is a patient at *the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Annabel Aicher and Miss Clara Miller returned Saturday, by plane, from a five weeks vacation at Laudj£'- dale-by-the-Sea, Fla. While there they visited the Carl Hoytes, former McHenrjr residents and the Vernoh Knoxes of Crystal Lake at Fort Lauderdale and Mrs. Carrie Covalt at Del-Ray Beach. » Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen were Sunday visitors in the Elmer Olsen home ill Richmond. Evening' gttests thgre were Mr. and • Mrs.; RotWt Low and son, Bobby, of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Patzlce attended a meeting of the Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. Gladoli Society held at Lake Geneva recently when plans were made for the bulk auction ,to be' held at Beloit, Wis., March .20. Mr. Patzke is a. member of the pfenning committee. ' Mrs. Marie Vales and son, Albert, returned Sunday from a, two weeks trip to Florida where most of their tirrte was spent at Fort Meyers. .They also called on Harold Patzke, a former McHenry resident, at Fort Meyers Beac i, who asked to be remembered to" old friends here, and spent a sl^rt time" witjjk Mrs. Vales' nephew, Albert Thomas and family, in Sarasota. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl and grandson, Bobby ' Dixon, were Sunday visitors in the Richard Sedar home in Waukegan where they, helped little Cynthia Ann Sedar • celebrate her first birthday. Come in and REGISTER TODAVl FPEF tegular ^ Price ZWTTo FAMOUS FOR BUBBLE-SOFT ^VAtKING YOU CAN ALSO 1,000 Mrs to be Given Away! Ift cooperation with the manufacturers of Glov-Cttf, we are participating In a leniatlohal pretentatlon of 1,000 fre* poln of thoie popular bubbie-toflwolkint then, and am going lo give ewoy a pair of Glov-Etti in our store on MARCH 12. 1960 Nothing to Dot Nothing to BuyI JUST REGISTER! Vou don't havo to be present at the drawing to win. ft: THIS GENERAL ELECTRIC ALL-TRANSISTOR PORTABLE RADIO 8%" long, «" high, deep. Beautiful blua whfts cat#, fold-down handle. ^n- "br eakable i1nV n"VoIrWmUaIl uviipp«. .A .p..- Pro'*- 200 houri pfay a* 4no mt af ordinary flashlight mat' rariM. ASK US ABOUT IT! 107 N. PETER GIES SHOES Riverside Dr. ' Phone EV 5-2801 CONSTANT RESEARCH accounts for many outstanding developments in the field of science. To constant research, as well, call be attributed many outstanding developments 111 the field of banking, Where the scientist studies the interaction of chemicals, the behavior of organisms or atoms, the banker studies the problems, the needs, and the 0' wishes of people. Not clinically, mind, but with understanding-and with a desire as sincere &s the scientist's to benefit people. Your banker's constant aim is to find new ways to serve you even better. COME IN AND FIND OUT HOW MANY WAYS Wl HAVE ALREADY FOUND TO SERVE YOUI McHENRY STATE BANIf Established Since 1906 4McHenry County's Largest and Finest Financial Institution" Interest Paid On Savings Deposits ' Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone EVergreen 5-1040