Two THE MdftftBY PLAINDEALER Thursday. March 17, 1960 Hold Card Party For Pool Fund Tell Engagement Of Miss Pantton Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pantton of Neenah, Wis., have Announced the engagement of their daughter, Virginia Lynne, to Terry Howard Pliner, son of Mr. and Mrs Howard Pliner of Wonder Lake, Both young people are seniors at Carroll college, Waukesha, Wis. Miss Pantton, a g r a d u a t e o f N e e n a h h i g h school, is majoring in elementary teaching. Her fiance will receive his degree in business administration. A s u m m e r w e d d i n g i s planned. Christen Son Of -Raymond Stilllngs The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Rayfnond Stilling was christened Raymond Daniel, Jr., in a service performed on March 13 at St. Mary's Catholic church, with Rev. Rennell officiating. Sponsors were Mrs. Andrea Johnson and Roman Miller. Dinner was served to the godparents following the ceremony. Later in the evening, cake and coffee were enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Stilling, the paternal grandparents antl Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Leon of Lakemoor, the maternal grandparents. . The baby has a sister, Renee Irene, eighteen months old.. cy, Albert, Henry, Wendy and Vicki, all of Woodstock and Mrs. Frank Habbley of Mc- Henry. Jeffrey Lynn was born at Harvard Community hospital on Jan. 30. He has three brothers, Ronald Allen, 11, Randy Keith, 8, and Kurt Dpuglas, 3, and a sister, Peggy Jean, 5. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Emil Dorow of Marengo and the paternal grandmother is Mrs. Frank Habbley of McHenry. WSCS SPONSORS EASTER PARADE STYLE REVUE . A treat for young people in McHenry will be held Saturday afternoon, March 26. at 2 p:m. in the auditorium of the McHenry high school. It is the Easter parade tot. and 'teen style show and revue. Pre- Easter style for the little ones will be shown from the Toddler shop and the 'teen age styles from the Casual Shoppe. Vying with the fancy clothes for attention during the afternoon will be the talent show given by young people from the community. Although the style show is being sponsored by the W.S.C.S. of the Community Methodist church, youngsters from all churches and sections of McHenry will be participating. Special attention has been given in selecting talent from all areas in and around McHenry. Special dance numbers will be presented under direction of Nancy Gardiner, and sing-" ing, instrumental and dramatic numbers will be included in the variety show being interwoven among the fashions. One of the special numbers will be a rock and roll number by a group of the 'teen-agers from high school. Peter Rabbit will be present in person to give favors to all of the children. Parents will be interested in attending and bringing their youngsters for an entertaining afternoon. Tickets may be purchased at the door. The third in a series of card parties for the benefit of the McHenry swimming pool will fop held at the Wing 'N Fin club Sunday evening, March 20, at 7:30 p.m. „ Last fall several bridge players in the McHenry community organized a bridge tournament which was held at the Chapel Hill Country club. Forty-eight bridge players participated in the inaugural affair, with Mr. and Mrsl Robert Zahn of Mc- Cullom Lake winning first prize. Otber winners were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Uttich of Lakeland Park and ,Mr. and Mrs. Warren KUhlman". , The second bridge tourney. *aptTy called "The St. Valentine's Day Massacre", was held on Feb. 14. First prize was won by Mr. and Mrs. William Harner of Eastwood Manor, with Rosemary Careys and Rita Martin being second. The Warren Kuhlmans again finished in the money, taking third prize. At the request of many pinochle players in the area, this week's affair has been expanded, to include pinochle, as well as bridge. If you are a card player, bring your partner to Wing 'N Fin next Sunday, March 20, at 7:30 for an enjoyable evening which will also benefit a most worthwhile cause. Remember, bridge and pinocltle players, husband and wife teams, women's teams, or men's teams, all are welcome. Valuable prizes will be awarded. For further information call Mrs. Bill Bolger, EVergreen 5- 4400, or Mrs. Kuhlman, EVergreen 5-3445. WINTER CARNIVAL PLANNED MARCH 26 AT VOLO SCHOOL 0SKITAI Sandra Rodenldrch Surprised On Birthday A surprise birthday party was given at the Hilary Rodenkirch home Saturday evening, honoring their daughter Sandra. Games and dancing were enjoyed and a delicious lunch served. The honored guest was the recipient of many lovely gifts. Present at the party were Pat Low, Colleen Mahoney, Lori Vacula, Kathy Kostal, Terry Haak, Jim Marshall, Bill Niemiec and Rich Johnson. Woman's Club Enjoys Review Of "Hawaii" Members of the McHenry Woman's club enjoyed a book review given by Mrs. W. C. Petty on "Hawaii", authored by James A. Mitchener, at last Friday's meeting. A board meeting preceded the regular gathering of the club at the Legion home. Mrs. F. J. Bienapfl and Mrs. Robert Stueben actcd as cochairmen of the meeting. Hila Hurst Honored At Surprise Party Hila Hurst was guest of honor at a surprise birthday party given by Grace Goffo recently. The gala affair, attended by nine guests, was held at the home of Grace Goffo in Eastwood Manor. The funfilled evening included games and refreshments. Guests were Freda Messel, Florence May, Marg Bauerwaldt, Mary Laurance, Mary Supek, Marge Kruger, Delores Maluzzi, Helena Weber and Virginia Metzger. WALTER PATZKE, ADELAIDE SEWELL WED ON SATURDAY Announcement has been made of the marriage of Mrs. Adelaide Sewell to Mr. Walter Patzke, which took place at the Zion Evangelical Lutheran church at 1:30 p.m. -Saturday, March 12, the Rev. Carl Lobitz officiating. The bride, who was given in marriage by her son, Dr. James E. Carney, was attended by a friend, Mrs. Helen Keippel, as matron of honor and Mrs. Paul Patzke as bridesmaid. Paul Patzke served as his brother's best man and Irwin Wolter ushered. Mrs. Edward Guettler served as organist. Following the service a buffet luncheon was served at the Paul Patzke home, after which the newlyweds left on a Florida honeymoon. They will be at home to their friends at-613 Fountain Lane, McCullom Lake, after April 1. McHenry Hospital Patients in McHenry hospital this past week included William Nellis, Stanley Thomas, Otto Mueller, Clyde Fuller, Wanda W i s r i i e w s k i , J o s e p h Foreman, Rosemary Foreman, William Kern, Mary Nicholas, Alice Weirich, Jeanne McHale, Margaret Ward, Albert Evenson, James Gardner, John Con- Ion, Kim Daugherty, John Brda, Gary Blake, Amanda Freund, Theresa Sweeney, Theodore Huffar, Brian Baker, and Trent Middlekauff of McHenry; Harry Pakrovsky of Cary; Ruth Kohl and LaVonne Sadilek of Fox Lake; Mayme Rhoton of Wauconda; Richard Amerson of Ingleside; Albert Spooner of Spring Grove; Jeannette Ketel and LeRoy Fleming of Wonder Lake; Suzanne Whittemore of Winnetka; Dolly Webb of Palatine; ' Lloyd Pickering of Richmond; John Duby and Elma Gilkerson of Crystal Lake; Earl Swanson of Park Ridge. The ^daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Kaiser of Sunnyside village on: March 7 at Lake Forest hospital has been named Susan Joy. The Kaisers also have ttofc Frankie, 3, and Jimmy, 2. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Syver M. Hansen of Libertyville and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Kaiser of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas E. Smith are the parents of a g i r l , K i m b e r l y A n n , b o r n March 11 at Memorial hospital. Mrs. Smith is the former Josephine Freund of McHenry. Grandparents of the new baby are Mr. and Mrs. GeOrge C. Smith of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Freund of McHenry. Mr. and„Mrs. James Ballotti of Sycamore are the parents df a 9 lb., 4 oz. boy, born March 14 at Sycamore general hospital. He will be welcomed home by five brothers and one Sister. Mrs. Ballotti is the former Diane Bacon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams, Sr., are the greatgrandparents. A son was born March II at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wenkel of Wander Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Alger Oeffling are the parents of a son, born March 11 at Harvard hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Davis are the parents of a daughter, born at Memorial hospital on March 8. A daughter was born March 12 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Herkart of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Rebel are the parents of a girl, born March 14 at Memorial hospital. The" Mother's dub' of the Volo school is sponsoring a winter c&rnival; on Saturday, March 26, at the school on Rt. 120, we$t Rt. 12, from 4 to 10 p.m. There will be a bake sale, as well as booths with fancy work, and games, for the children. : A chuck wagon supper will be served? ^ > PERSONALS ng Residence Change Mr. and Mrs. John Vaunstrack, formerly of Chicago, are now making their home in the Klontz apartment at 209 N. Green street. Mr. and Mrs. Sibfe and daughters, Sandte, Joanne and Julie, have moveil from the Carey farm, north cif Johnsburg, to the Thies pl&ce on Center street which the# have purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Becker are now makingftfM»faHioine in the K«lnt house ^ ^"Maide avenue, recently V&feated by the John Long family, who moved to 700 South street, Cooney Heights. The Lyman Cutts family has moved from 304 Clover street, Edgebrook Heights, to 1206 Timothy Lane in the same subdivision. \ Mr. and Mrs. George Chand- I ler have moved from the ; Cooley apartment on Main ! street to 715 Sioux Lane, j Cooney Heights. The Stanley Amidon family, who formerly resided at 307 Ann street, Edgebrook Heights, Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week included Harriett Burghart, j are now residing in Rockford. C o n s t a n c e B a r a n y , H e l e n | Brown, Louellen Tomasello, Arthur Davis and Joseph Ursiny of McHenry. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends for the many cards and get well wishes sent me while in the hospital and at home. Judy Stilling •46 THE You are cordially invited to inspect an outstanding collection of Spring Fashions for Children Girls' sizes 0-14 -- Boys' sizes 0-7 Come in soon . . . you'll love the personal, individual attention! THE DEBBIE SHOP, Richmond, 111. One Door West of Anderson's Candy Open Daily 9-6 -- Closed Thurs. Afternoons Jeffrey Lynn Habbley Christened In City Jeffrey Lynn Habbley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Habbley was Christened recently at Zion Lutheran church, with Pastor Carl Lobitz officiating. Nancy Schmarje of Woodstock and Herman Albrecht of Huntley were sponsors. .Dinner was served at" thp' Habbley home following the services honoring Jeffrey Lynn The repast also honored Ronald Allen, his oldest brother, whose eleventh birthday was Sunday. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Emil Dorow and Lavalle Mrs. Carl Dorow, Sandra Lee Finks and Jim Renwick, all oi Marengo; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Albrech't, Larry and Beverly, of Huntley and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schmarje and Nan- PPPii lliniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii wer&i Mr. and Mrs. Kaeser have returned from a trip to .Florida. Mrs. Ruth Redman of Wonder Lake has been enjoying a cruise to Nassau, where she had, the opportunity of viewing the historic sights of the quaint "old world" city while riding through the winding streets in a. surrey. Mr! and Mrs. Frank J. Palmer of Fair Oaks subdivision enjoyed a pleasant stay at Daytona Beach, Fla. They were accompained by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wulf, summer residents of Oakhurst. The four p a r t i c u l a r l y e n j o y e d t h e quaintness of Nassau, Bahamas,, and deep sea fishing in the Florida Keys. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycital and son, Gary, spent the weekend, in Minnesota, where they visited the Vycitals' son, Mark, a student at the College of St. Thomas in St. Paul. They also visited* an aunt, Mrs. Emma Sodomka, and a cousin, Leo Picek, In Minneapolis. Mrs. Bfti&,;Nielsen and Mrs. Albert Barbiah have returned from a Carribean cruise. Mrs. Robert Conway and daughter, Judy, visited Mrs. Clarence Conway and family at Janesv#ille, Wis., on Saturday. Laverne Hanley left this week by jet for a twelve-day visit with Mrs. Mildred Bollman at Palm Springs, Calif. Mrs. Finances Carlos and granddaughter, Debby Carlos, have returned to their home in Hillsdale;- Mich., after a visit with her mother;-Mrs. A. J. Schneider, apd other relatives here; Mrs. Elizabeth Michels is spending a few weeks with her siStekV' MrsU Joseph Muska and ^usbstfid,:_ai their winter Hortie in Chuhiota, Fla. JaMe§ E. Carney, P.H.D. of Kenyon fcdHege, Gambier, Ohio, spent a few d&ys, last week here, Where-he came to attend the Sewell-Patzke marriage on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson of Country Club Drive left Sunday, by plane, for a week's vacation in Florida. Mrs. Elsie Wolf of -0ry«taj Lake was a weekend guest of her sister, Mrs. Fr since $ Thorne. Other visitors in the Thorne-Renard heme during the past week were Mrs. Earl Mears and a friend of Elgin and Mrs. Bernard Goltwck and sons of Crystal Lake. Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer is spending a few weeks vacation in the home of her sister in Clearwater, Fla. Mr. arid Mrs. M. J. Clarftand son, Cameron, have returned from a month's vacation in Mexico, Florida and other points of interest enroute. Mrs. Sophie Kosti is spend" ing the month of Mardi touring Florida. Miss Malvina Brfcyer and' brother. Ted, of Chicago, called on McHenry friends Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. George Michels and Mrs. Ted Olhgva of Chicago called on McHenry. friends Sunday. -u J ' Mi*s. John Husch and daugh-* ter, Leona, spent Sunday .with relatives in Chicago. . } Mr. and Mrs. Lester- Bacon^ and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty spent Monday, Tuesday i arid Wednesday of last week at Springfield where they attended the second ahnual worl^sfi'bp of Illinois assessing officials. The affair, sponsored by the assessing division of the Township Officals Association of Illinois, was held at the St. Nicholas hotel. Mrs. Wallace Dobyns and brother, James Carey of Twin Lakes, returned Saturday from a five weeks trip through the south where they spent ten da^s with the latter's daughter, Mrs. William Meyers, at Ormond Beach, Fla., visited the Carl Hoytes at Fort Lauderdale and also ~ called' on many other friends. Enroute home they spent some time in New Orleans, La., Vicksiburg-, Miss., and many other points of interest. Mrs. Robert Wayman and children, of Arlington"Heights/* spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon. On Friday accompanied by her sisters, ilrs. Gerald Hettermann, Mrs. Charles Hansen and Mrs. . James Thompson and their children, she visited in the home o*-another sister, Mrs. James Wagner, in Milton, Wis. Richard Stenger of San'Carlos, Calif., was a Weekend guest in the home of Mrs. Willi am Spencer. On Sunday. Mr. Stenger, accompanied by Mrs. Spencer and Mr. and Mrs, George Scherzer, visited in the Wally Green home in \fraukegan. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Kansasville, Wis., wfcre guests of McHenry relatives Thursday. Mr., and Mrs. Tommy Thompson and Mrs. Elizabeth Thomp- FREE FREE FREE FREE For a limited time only, we are offering FREE, a private lesson on the organ, piano or accordian. Don't miss this golden opportunity to learn if you are musically inclined. Just clip out this ad and bring it to the Music Manor, and we shall set up an appointment for you. Children must- be accompanied by a parent. No obligation -- Beginners and advanced students welcome. 2 blocks East of the bridge on Route 120 leading Clothing S4NTfturrenfteC0mmends f *WIWIK Dry Cleaning l°J first time In dry clean. manufacturer AM wr.?arment8- mmmendWthltTg. ***?! ture and freshnl^i 'ex* Mr. Handmacher°f,S'®iuit" exhaustive onIy w use tii, testa prov^ed _ to toy Spring beauty... yours in a lovely coiffure See yourself in an imaginative mirror . . . looking lovelier than ever in a prettier-than-ever new hairstyle to compliment your new spring costumes. So flattering! With each appointment you will receive exper.t, geiitle and "personalized" service. de ^Jt^airdtijiinc^ Studio Member-of N.H.C.A. 126 N. Riverside Dr. phone £V 5-0147 McHenry, III. Open: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 0-9; We'd., 9-6; Sat., 8-5; Closed Mon. CAMPAIGN Democrats are-shown-discussing campaign plans at. the big McHenry county Democratic diriher held at the American Legion home in -McHenry. Tom Hanahan, president of the Young Democratic organization, Romaine Troost, canxSdate for United States Congress from Glen Ellyn, and William - A. Gilblin, chairman of the McHenry, county Democratic organization, are pictured. Son'were recent guests in the George Thompson home in Reeseville, Wis. Mr. and" Mrs/ Jack Pepping' and son, Jerry, of Montgomery, 111., were Weekend guests in" the Herbert Engdahl and F. J. Pepping homes. * The Arthur Miller family spent Sunday at Hebron where they helped her mother, Mrs. Claus Larson, celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Freund, Mr. ahd MrS. Clarence Young and Mr. and Mrs. Leo King attended a dinner meeting of the Pure Milk Association held in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gabinski and children of Bloomington, 111., were Sunday guests in the Dale Dixon home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lockwood and son, Gary, visited in the Laverne Lockwood home in Lake Geneva Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Overton and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson have been vacationing in Florida. .Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beck of Itlankato, Minn., were weekend guests in the Fred Bienapfl hohie. Visitors on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brugger and family of Kenosha, and the Richaid Sedar t&iruly of Waukegfian. John Bolger . of Syracuse, N. Y., was a weekend guest of his mother, Mrs. John A. Bolger. He is attending a meeting in Rockton this, week in connection with his work and next week will attend a school in this vicinity IS YOUR FIRE INSURANCE COVERAGE Hoppim b the but of regulate! famtBnt a> P*etal!y if you havan'J In crowd your fir* co» •rag* within the past few yaart. In lh* *v*at •# a lot* high wploewnwt cos* could you an awful wallop, A new y*dr alwayi brfngt nmr prnMwni. hi donl Itt your Inturdne* 6* on* of tfwm. 9M m, IKE KBIT CORP. 116; N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-3800 J Our SANFTONE dry cleaning keeps $ou^ looking wonderful &Uthe time Our Sanitone Soft-Set® Dry Ctauh Ing does more than get garments, thoroughly clean. It actually restore* die original look and fed to the fabric. Colors glow. Patterns spancre. And your clothes always come"bitk as soft and fre&h as the day jCOff bought them. We invite you to compare our Sanitone Service with any otter cleaning to prove that you can really see and feel the difference. Wby ut call us today. Same Day Service Available SAVE 10% Cash 'n Carry RAINBOW CLEANERS Around Corner North of National Tea N. FRONT ST. . McHENRY, ILL. Ph. EVergreen 5-0927 Open Dally 8 A.M. To 6 P.M. -- Fridays 'til 9 PJH. ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING AT RAINBOW'S DRIVE IN fabulous difference Slccx it th« ohly gfrdle fn the world with a pure cotton lining..«77% more absorbent, naturafly cooler. There's caressing softness, greater comfort* new eaae in slipping Sleex on and off. 72 hidden control? trim off inches where you want th*rri trimrtjed--front, back, over the hips. dMfcfg life--Sleet never loses its original shape, retains its superb stretch, strength and caressing softness indefinitely. New garters are wafer thin, self-adjusting. Sfeex stays fresh and attractive... washes and dries in minutes. Ice-White Aire-lon with a rich lace effect Su> -fodtuif •CirtfiMiaat SHpon Girdle at Pantie Style? Zipper Girdle (r or Pantie Stylet g95 jo95 (XU'U* 'Tor Town & Country Phone EV 5-2718 806 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. Open Mon.. Tues., Thurs. & Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays 9-30 a.m. "til 9 p.m. -- Closed Wednesdays