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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 May 1960, p. 8

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Eight THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, May 5» 450 AT KICK-OFF CEREBRAL PALSY DINNER DANCE The United Cerebral Palsy dinner dance held at the Wing *n Fin club on April 27 was attended by about 450 persons. The event was a kick-off for the fifty-three minute march being held throughout the county this week. Mrs* Dorothy Millar and Mrs. Evelyn Varese are co-chairmen. An entertaining floor show was presented, with all local talent. Tip Tipton acted as master of ceremonies. A quartet of high school boys -- H. 'Sti-nespving. Richard Sprague., Port Kissling and Kip Thornton -- sang. Tee Bujac offered two Sophie Tucker numbers. Tiny Gobel was ihe Inmeniinc cowboy1 and* John Pierhe ot Richmond was tlie singhic waiter. Eight boys and giris did a Charleston number, followed GARDEN SHOW PLANS OUTLINED XemnmB FOR LOCAL CLUB A daughter was born April 25 at Memorial hospital, Woodtock, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Noonan. Mr and Mrs Nick B. Freund ire announcing the arrival of their twenty-seventh grandchild. a son. Curt Thomas, born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Freund >f Woodstock at Memorial hos- »italI m that city April 19. Lit-( taHs of f. x p,anj5 le Curt was welcomed home i ^jay meeting will be '.y four brothers Barry. Greg- he)(J at (he home of Mrs Gret. >ry. Mark and Guy. and one ! fg Goodell on May 26. sister, Mary Sue. The mater.nil grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Art Wike of Des Moines. Iowa. A. daughter was born May-' 1 it Memorial hospital Jo Mr. 1 The Gerald Rogers •' family; Chamberlain, Barrington; Pa- •md M r s . J o h n M. J o h n s o n . h a s m o v e d f r o m t h e i r home on t r i . c i a H a r b e c k e . R a y m o n d Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mueller Crand avenue to Ciystal Lake. ; Stilling, Jr., Colette Justen, The monthly meeting of the McHenry Garden club was held McHenry Hospital at the Chapel Hill Country club . . • • _. ; on Fridav. Eighteen members Patients in the McHenry were guests of Mrs. Estelle hospital during the past week Beautv at a delicious luncheon, included Glenn Shutter, Rein- Mrs. Florence Svoboda, in , Fischer and Margaret charge, of the meeting, is also i Mitchell, Ingleside; Geraldine chairman of the flower show to i Weber. Round Lake; Gregory be held June 7. She gave de- ! Bernhardt. Charles Zell, Frank L Peterson, Martha Eigel, Ruth FORTY-THREE IN CHRIST THE KING COMMUNION CLASS Jacobs and Ruth Bums, Crystal Lake; Patricia Fuller and Catherine Clifford. Wauconda; Donna Welland, Chicago; Ellen Oesterlund. Wonder Lake; Jean £>trand. Lake Villa; Robert Dietrich. FoJt Lake; Aftna Wilson. ,Bensenville; Norma >rc the parents of a son. born .ft- Memorial hosital on May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Vogts of Wonder Lake became the -pa rbv vocal selections by Mary j ^nts of a daughter, born May 1 Einspar. Itavern Gregory nar-| >t Memoria^hospital. . A.-girl was bom at Harvard Mr. and • Mrs. Leo Meller. i Jatnje Malek, Charles Fern- Barrington residents • for many ! strom. Pomeroy Leonard, IScina ' Hahn, Paul Stoffe), Helen Poyidas, Joseph Sarsok, Ljmn Muriay, Fred Karpinski, Judith Smith", Joyce Eckstein', Parated some very clever commercials; which were enacted by Ann Cuda, Frank Gregory. Lillian Miller, Dennis Rieben. K^rl Harth, Charles, David, Allen and Brian Miller. Mrs. Gregory also described the Paris fashions modeled by Jim Kupec. Finalp of the show was a can-can routine by nine men. Mrs. Rose Kluk and Mrs. Helen Harth poached the "girls" in their number, with Dorothea Stompanato as accompanist. GARDEN CLUB MAKES PLANS FOR SHOW ON JUNE 7 The McHenry Garden club will present a flower show entitled "June Is Bustin' Out All Over" at the American Legion Home on Tuesday. June 7, from 2 to 10 p.m. The show will include many beautiful table settings designed to promote ideas for ladies who may be planning summer weddings or graduation parties. F l o w e r a r r a n g e m e n t s o f many types will be featured, as well as potted plants. There will be exhibits of early fruits and vegetables on display. Logal folks are urged to encourage their gardens to grow a blue-ribbon rose or a few perfect strawberries. Even thr lowly radish may win you a blue ribbon. One focal point of interest Will be a beautifully decorated dHWatee. The chairmen, Mrs. Fred Svoboda and Mrs. George Johnson, invite everyone to display in one or more of the many "open" classes. A complete schedule will be given here later. Miss Nee!, the club president, invites the public to come and see the show and enjoy the beauty for its own sake and perhaps gain a few ideas which may be used in the home and garden. hospital on May 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dort. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garget t are the parents of a son, born April 26 at Memorial hospital. A boy was born April 26 at years, have moved to a place at 102 South . Meadow Lane, Lakeland £ai?k. ,to be near his brother, John Meller, and family,, who are also former Barrington residents. INSTALL NEW OFFICERS AS PTA CONCLUDES SEASON tricia Hignight, Doris B&fcvn, Frank Neja, Fred Sh^der^iEarl Friedberg. Nancy Zelasko, Howard Booster and Bbnnie Buti, all of McHenry and JPearl Miyashiro of Woodstock. Memoriitl Hospital The last meeting of the sea- Patients at Memorial hospl- Memorial hospital to Mr. and son for_the McHenry Commun- j tal Woodstock, this past week Mrs. George Haines of Wonder Lake. ity P.T.A. members will be held on Wednesday, May 11. at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Church •>f Wonder Lake welcomed a daughter on April 26 at Memorial hospital. T\\in boys were born April U to Mr. and Mrs. Robert ' ,iodtke of Woodstock. A girl was born at Memorial hospital April 29 to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parenti. Mr. and Mrs. Dale O'Leary are the parents of a daughter, born April 30 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schmitt welcomed a son at Memorial 'lospital on April 30. the McHehry Country club at 7 pm. Those who attended last year's dinner meeting will recall with pleasure, the fine food and the excellent entertainment. The following slate of officers will be installed: Mr. and Mrs. George Dason. co-presidents; Mr. and Mrsi Edward Mars, first vice-presidents; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scheuer, sec-' ond vice-presidents; Mrs. Howard Weiss, secretary; and Mrs. John Weichmann, treasurer. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. August Uttich. The meeting is open to anyone j included Ronald McCafferty, J Ethel Van Kanegan and Harry Davidson Y)f Wonder Lake, L o u i s M a r c h i . D r . H e n r y Freund and Jeanmarie Wolf of McHenry. Harvard Hospital Mrs. Edward Karlic has been a patient at Harvard hospital. MusiiT & Meanderin' Sunday, May 1, marked the First Holy Communion at Christ the King church. Fortythree youngsters received the • Sacrament of Holy Eucharist , fur the first time. Rev. Vander- | pool celebrated the Mass and {administered the Sacrament. I The children were taught by i the Missionary Servants of the ' Most Blessed Trinity, assisted by' Miss Jo Ann Miller. As the communicants approached the altar eight little ; girls dressed as angels stood honor guard. They were Carlana Carlson, Patti Freund. Debbie Palko, Debbie- Gosse, Michele Dusthimer, Patti and Krttie Smith and Melissa Doherty. !£1m?V, Fs t* .Communicants were Tommy Armbrust, Dicky Abrens, Francine Brzenk, Deb* : bie Cristy, Charles , Fehling, Glen Gondek, Mary Lou Hend* | ricks, Jean McMillan, Roberta j Noble, Terry: O'Connor, Ernest i Schultz, Jr., Patricia Smith, j Victoria Smola, Francis Was- I iewlewski and Kathy Seeman. • Others were Sharon Bren- ! tier, Suzan Willig, Lynn Wines, j Kathy Walker, Claudia StTomi ski, Jimmy • Fisher, Suzan j Spiith, Mark Misiak, Thomas i.Wierieh, Tpmmy Ruggero, 'N^irk;;.'^3jiite^eny Waltzak, ! Audrey Jones, Billy Rasmus- ; sen, Christine Sullivan and Mary Lyn"Pitt. Others were Charles Pitt, Virgil Liptak, Richard Jacubowski. Tommy Regelin, Terry Burt. Sandra Raske. • Victoria Rankin, Jackie Walsh, Robert Parker, Jeffrey Van Kanegon, R u d o l p h M a h a l a n d B r a d Wyatt. QUESTIONS ON " MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC ANSWERED (Continued from page 1) SPRING FLING TO BE SPONSORED BY K OF C MAY 28 using it for centuries. •"You won't easily convince some ... thrifty housewives that a .few, butchers don't still use who is interested in the youth ' their thumbs handily as a meaa n d " t h e s c h o o l s O f ' t h e c o m - i n u r e m e n t o f w e i g h t , . e v e n mumty. WOMEN OF MOOSE ATTEND ACADEMY OF FRIENDSHIP Arnold May, grand knight of McHenry Knights of Columbus, has announced that McHenry Council is again sponoring a "Spring Fling", open the public, which will be •fid at the V.F.W. in McHenry >n Saturday evening, May 28. This affair will follow the same ^heme-as those held in the past. The evening will consist of a u'key dinner and dance, with > most' entertaining floor show. 1'he cocktail hour will begin at ":30: serving of the dinner will 4e from 7:30 to 8:30; and danc- :ng will start at 9. Tickets are being sold by members of the Council. It promises to be a gala evening md fun for everyone. COURT BRIEFS Drivers paid heavily in fines in local court, this past week J as the result of disturbing the peace with defective mufflers. Six motorists appeared in court on Saturday gnd each paid a fine..of $15 foi* this offense. though the story only started ! as reason for a laugh years j ago.' Probably nobody, has tpJd ; them % that the . price of.tfledt I results from, inflation rajt^r : than the" thumb. K.A.F. BOND SALES McHenry . county residents j purchased $143,576, in series E land H United States Savings j Bonds m the month of March, ! according to Harold J. Bacon I of Crystal Lake, general chair- ' man of the county savings bonds committee. . SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE The Legion 40 et 9 has extended. nurse scholarship applications for I960 to May 15; The following questions- and answers are believed to be of special interest during Mental Health Week, which is now in progress. They relate to the function of the McHenry County Mental Health Center, which is located in McHenry. Q. What is the McHenry County Health Center? A. We are a non-profit organization, providing outpatient service to those patients who cannot afford to get psychiatric help Elsewhere. Q. How can people get hejp from the Clinic? A. Patients may be referred by 'the family doctors, ministers, schools, relatives, courts, friends, or may make a voluntary application for. care on their own.. Interested individuals,, may contact the Mental Health Center at EV 5-6415. McHenry, 111. / Q. I s t h e r e a n y f e e charged? A. Yes, we charge a nominal fee in accordance with the person's income and ability to pay. We use a standard schedule as our guide, which is in use by clinics like ours throughout the country. Q. Who supports you? A. We get our financial support from patient fees, contributions from public service minded individuals and groups in the community, and from some state reimbursement for our expenses. As our program expands, we will have to depend almost exclusively upon income from patient fees and community /cohtributions. Q. Ae you connected with McHenry hospital? A. No. We are a separate organization without any affiliation with the hospital or the clinic. Policies and programs of our Mental Health Center are directed by our own board of directors. Q. Is there any charge for request of information? A. None. Just write or eall the Mental Health Center and ask for Stanley M; Blumberg. administrative director, who will be glad to answer your questions. , Q. Do you have age limits? One driver was .fined $10 for CARD OF THANKS We w6uld" like to take this bpportunity to thank everyone who was so kind and thoughtful during our stay in the hospital. Your many kindnesses Put the finest label...on your t^bl.e! . . . , . . . . ! w e r e g r e a t l y a p p r e c i a t e d a n d i speeding m the, ctty, while an-1 our sjnPere thanks to all. j other-chew a-$16 fine. j ivir. and .Mrs. E. Palmer. i '• I Griswold Lake Another, driver paid a $15 1 1 - J fine for fast acceleration on ' entering the bridge-on Rt.120, after stopping M trie sign. The annual spring session of the Academy of Friendship of '"*}je Women of the Moose was held Sunday, May 1, in Crystal Lake. Nine hundred women from throughout the state were present for the session, including 384 candidates who received the degree. Ilogene. Ruckstuhl, deputy grand Regent of the state, was in charge of activities, based on the theme, "Re A Friend". Imogene Ruckstuhl, deputy session was ilazel Struwe of ^cHenry Student From Italy Rotary Speaker May 12 Continued from Page 1 rinds. "In my country the professor gives a formal lecture with no interruptions by student comments, although there might be an opportunity for questions at the end of the class." he said. JOINS SORORITY Miss Carole Rae Vasey, daughter of Mrs. Walter Vasey of Kent Acres, a freshman at Western Illinois university at Macomb, was recently initiated 1 into Sigma Kappa, national ! sorority. Her name has ap- ' peared on the dean's list for the last two consecutive quarters. A $10 fine was ordered for a driver .charge^ with hot-rodding. ' A justice of th6 peace set a fine of $10 for a stop sign violation within the past week. CARD OF THANKS Your kind expressions of sympathy are gratefully acknowledged and. deeply appreciated by the family of the late Mildred Young. We realize, now, more than ever, just how much our friends mean to us. Thank You again. • Theodore Young Family *1 A Gift Certificate for Mom is an ideal gift for i Mother's Day iiiiiiHiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiHiiiiiMimiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiinnniiiiiMiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimnimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiii """1, Claire Beauty Shoppe 200 S, GRE^tf Put good taste on your table... enjoy the golden goodness of Miller High Life with your meals. It's especially A. No. There is no age limitations. Q. Do you give free service? • A. Yes. To those unable to pay and in the need of care. We provide these services to the unemployed until they start working, to state patients on conditional discharge from State Hospitals, and to individuals on pensions or small income who cannot afford even the most nominal fees. Q. How long is the treatment? A. The length of treatment varies with the degree of illness, willingness on the part of the patient to be helped arid his capacity to make the maximum use of our services. Q. How do you refer someone to your clinic who does not want to go? A. We prefer to have people come of their own free will to our Mental Health Clinic, since they will usually participate better and will get the most good out of our services. Sometimes people are afraid to come because our Mental Clinic is not familiar to them. We w i l l w e l c o m e a n y o n e who wants to meet us and just talk things over. There will be no obligation. Q. What are your hours? A. Our Mental Clinic is open Monday through Friday from 9 to 5 and appointments are made in accordance with the patient's needs and also depending on our daily schedule. Evening appointments may be made to accommodate those people needing thiese appointments. Q. How can donations be made to your Mental Health Clinic? A. Donations may be made directly to the Mental Health Center of McHenry County, at 105 East Waukegan Road, McHenry, Illinois. Q. Would such donations be tax-deductible? A. Yes. OBITUARIES PETER GEBHARDT Funeral services were last Saturday in St. Geneviev ^ church, Chicago, for Peter Geb^ hardt, 67, of Chicago, a sUki^ mer resident here for manyi years. Burial was in St. Adel-J, bert cemetery. * Mr. Gebhardt died April 27* in Chicago. . ^ His wife, Clara, and two sis-^ ters survive. * JOHN DEROCHE * Services were held in St.| Catherine of Siena . Catholic: j church in Chicago on Friu^y» for John L. Deroche, brother, of Walter Deroche of McHen-s rv, who died unexpectedly thej previous Sunday. j Twenty-Three In Junior? High On 'A' Honor Roll' GRANTED CHARTER The Jessup Manufacturing Co., nf McHenry has just been awarded a charter by the state. It is chartered to manufacture, sell and deal in rubber goods, felt goods, leather goods, etc. (Continued frcm page 1) ! Ricky Piatt, Lynn Reihansper-j} ger, Sherilyn Schultz and C^;y s Snell, seventh; Nancy Aldmey-jj er, Linda Davis, Leif Erickson^ $ Sherry Gehrke, Jackie Jaques,? Lynn Krebs, James Martin, j, Glenn Olsen and Richard Soda,* sixth. „ . _* Eighth grade "B" students,, were James Benson, Sandra^' Berkley, James Fantus, Wil-^ liam Houser, Kathy Liebach,* Susan Marchi, Valerie Peter-j| son, Beverly Grote and X.»n* Harris. J -- ;n PARENTS' WEEKENJP ^ Mr. and Mrs. John F. SirtaMj Sr., of Wonder Lake, partnWfc of John Sirtak, a sophomor^ at Carthage college, hav# a?^ cepted an Invitation to attends the annual college parents'! breakfast during parents weefcS end Sunday, May 8. < W -jj ED'S Floor Sandars to. Rotary TiUwi ^ 1 CVergreen 5-4129 j| -% • 8 L* "The chi i I » V V* will all be home for To express your love and gratitude to mother, you will ^ find an ideal Mother's Day card and gift ft Wye Drugs. EV 5-0010 8uick"Easy-0wnership Plan" Puts a Buick in Your Life 3?:: : x##':• llfi %; • Tell the Easy-Ownership Man how much you'd like to pay each month! He'U move mountains to ligure a Buick package that fits. And what a Buick! Its looks say success (and so do its sales). It* Wildcat V8 says "Yes siree" whenever you say "Go". Add the beefiest frame in any car, the smooth go of Buiclc's Turbine Drive*. And then watch the Easy-Ownership Man figure an Easy-Ownership Plan for you. You will be glad you got to Buick now. 'Optiond USabr* modtli, standard Invkta ond EUdra SEE THE "EASY-OWNERSHIP MAN" AT YOUR QUALITY BUICK '60 DEALER'S! R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET. McHENRY. ILL. || <||||||| 11 1. The QJumpagnt BottlflMr unit* mnmia to MMw Wt». LINE WORK

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