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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1960, p. 9

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T^fersday, May 12, I960 THfi MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nine Wonder Lake SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION IN SPRING CONFERENCE Jane Ducey tt. Raymond Watkins presided over the dinner meeting of the Kishwaukee divisions of the Illinois Association of School Boards held May 4 at Kirkland, 111. Dr. Eric Johnson of Illinois State Normal university was the speaker of the evening, outlining "Quality in Education". There were six panel discussions running concurrently f^the remainder of the evening. Dr. Watkins served as one panelist in the discussion of "Salaries ahd Salary Schedules". Some other panel topics were "Foreign Language in the Elementary School" , and /tj^e "Importance Qf School-Records and Reports". Attending from Harrison school were M. F. Thomas. Mrs. Jay Hansen and M4| Gladys Gustavson. Men's Night Tonight All the men of the parish are invited to attend the Men's Night pot-luck dinner tonight at 7 p.fti. in the parish hall. Frank Wasiewlewski, "chef" for the night, promises a delicious beef barbecue will be served. All the members are asked to bring a dish to pass. Gerald Palko, president, will give a short talk on the history of the Holy Name. Paster Vanderpool will make additional comments. Ernest Schultze is in charge of dinner plans. Following the repast and meeting there'll be i some games of ping-pong, darts and cards open for lively competition. Every man in the parish is urged to come and enjoy an evening of fellowship. 4-H Lea rn Flower Arrangement -The Garden Club sponsored the second lesson on flower arrangement given by Mrs. Charles Kopp to five members of the Wonder Workers. The girls Were Jackie Hansen, Kathy Ahrens, Patty Hansen, Donna Dean and Pam Parker. ®ckie and Patty brought flower arrangements they, had made at home. "Fun of Flower Arranging" was the subject of the lesson. Mrs. Kopp defined the various classes of entries in a flower show. Considerations were foliage and originality, using every day plant material or unusual material; overcrowding or using more plant m^kerial than is necessary. Making arrangements means "planning and placing" she told the girls. Mrs. Kopp suggested using the story of Goldilocks and the three Bears, in cutting and placing background material for a right triangle. Pines and Japanese yews were used a? background material naming the longest pieces father bear, th* shorter, mother bear, and the shortest, baby bear. The tulips used in front of the pine branches in a group were named Goldilocks. The use of this little fairy tale would help the girls make correct measurements of each piece of material. Each girl vl-as given a package of seeds to plant in her own garden and later to make arRttgementS using the flowers. Under Mrs. Kopp's supervision the girls made lovely arrangements to take home. They plan 1o enter a garden show and display what they have learned. Refreshments were served by hostesses Mrs. Kopp and Mrs. Betty Fiala. Christenings Cheryi Jean Novak, daughter of Frank and June Evans Novak, was baptized Sunday, April 24, by the Rev. Barnabas Lunderghan, O.S.B.. at Christ the King church. The godparents are I.illian and Walter Novak, by proxy Elizabeth Novak. Jane Elizabeth Van Kane-, gon daughter of Jame£ and Maxine Ford Van Kanegon, was baptised by Rev. James A. Vanderpool, Sunday, May 1. Richard and Bonnie Mathews are the godparents. Lyn Ann Meadie. daughter of Clifford and Lauretta Zylius Meadie, \Vas baptized May 1 by Fat ler Vanderpool. Her godparo its are Donald and Alice A bee S< •lau Christening A suit II reception was held at the Henry Schau home in Highland Shores following the baptism of Sandra Jean by Rev. James Vanderpool, Sunday, May 1 Godparents were Joseph Sullivan of Indian Ridge and Jenee Wikar of Chicago. Sandra's christening dress was -one worn by many members of 1 he family. The dress is 49 years old and was worn by her mother, aunts and uncles and her brother and sister. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lis of Chicago, maternal grandparents, and Mrs. Henry Schau, formerly of Wonder Lake, now living in Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvov Christensen of Woodstock. day morning by Rev. James Vanderpool with Mitchell Jr. and Dolores Siewierski as his godparents. Ernie's one godparent. Eddie Lorenz, a merchant seaman, made special arrangements to be in port for the occasion' of his First Communion. Other guests were Jean Lorenz, Mr. and Mrs. Hank Lorenz. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Dalsey, all of Chicago; "Mr. and ftlr . Mitchell Siewierski Jr., of Lakeland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cwan of Chicago, godparents of Richie Schultz, spent Monday at the Lake. The final celebration was the twelfth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Schultz on May 8. Nativity Lutheran Church News ' The sermon topic for Sunday, May 15, will be "Alone But . Not Alone". "We welcome and invite everyone to our worship services." says Pastor Schroeder. "We hope that it will not be too many weeks before we will be able to worship in the new church on the hill. "But some have said that they will come to church whert the new one is built. We suggest that you come to the few remaining services'in ' the old I "cozy" chapel.. and then you | will appreciate the new church i even more. | "The longer you have been j part of the joys and struggles i of a mission church the great- • er praise and thanks we express at the completion of the first stage of growth." The annual reeting of the Illinois Synod of the1 United Lutheran church in America will be held in St. Louis from May 16 to 19. Pastor Schroeder and Ted Leckband, lay delegate to the convention, will attend. One of the principle ordders of business will be the adoption of the new constitution for the merger of the United Lutheran church with three other Lutheran bodies/ bringing together three million Lutherans into one church. MOOSE LODGE Women of the Moose Faculty-Board Dinner . Tiie teachers of Harrison j school were host to the Board | of Education at a dinner held j, Saturday night. Each faculty .member told of his plans for | the summer vacatiqn, and all i were either planning a trip or ! enrolling, In school for more courses. (A real busman's holiday.) Board member George Rink. . recently returned from Europe, ' told of his experiences abroad. BANQUET -- ROMAN STYLE Schultz Family Celebration The Wonder Woods home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schultz was the scene of a reception and open house Sunday in honftr of the baptism ttf Grggdry Edward and the First Communion of son, Ernie. There was a fancy cake for each boy, baked by Mitchell Siewierski, Sr.. and decorated by his son, Lenny. Buffet dinner was served to twenty guests. Gregory was baptized Sun- LOOKING FOR A HOME? Homes Built Anywhere, Anytime, Any Style or Size FHA or Conventional Financing Model Home located at Ponca & Logan streets in Cooney Heights Subd., McHenry, 111. Open every Sunday, 1-fi p.m. -- Weekdays by appointment We Do AU Other Types of Work Lee Cooney, Contractor Phone EVergreen 5-4345 McHenry High School Photo Club These, members of the McHenry high school Latin club enjoyed their annual banquet, in true Ftyman style, recently. Left to right, in front, attired in the familiar togas, are Sandi Harris, Lynn Brubach, Virginia Peterson and Janet Eckstein. Back row, Joe Sanford, Paul Morenz, Tim Marshall and Bill Anderson. NEW NO-DUCT RANGE HOOD Eliminates: Cooking Odors--Grease and Smoke NO DUCTS --- NO CARPENTRY -- NO WIRING One of the most beautiful and impressive ceremonies of the Women of the Moose was held Sunday. May 1, at Crystal Lake. At this time the second degree of the Academy of Friendship was taken by seven local members. They were Lillian Cox, Fay Young, Imdgene Grist. Jean Czajakowski. Ethel Hagberg, Bertha Jager and Olga Johnson. Deputy Grand Regent, Imo gene Ruckstuhl, was in charge of the meeting. Among the members taking part was our senior regent, Hazol Stmwe. who helped with the ceremony and Junior Graduate Regent Mabel, Thomas, helped on the hospitality committee. Also present to cheer the members were Alyce Kowal. Academy of Friendship chairman of 1958-59 and Junior Regent Marjorie Fernstrom. 'There were 5i2 members present and 384 candidates who received the degree. On Monday night the. new chapter of Fox Lake held its first meeting. Guests for this affair were the following members from McHenry: Senior Regent Hazel Struwe, Junior Graduate Regent Mabel Thomas, Sentinel Alvee Kowal and Junior Regent Marjorie Fernstrom. The membership committee held their enrollment on Tuesday, May 3. The new co-worker is Jackie Magnuson, sponsored by Olga Johnson. Visiting coworkers from Fox Lake chapter were present. Publicity chairman Patricia Tomasello has returned to the McHenry hospital for another operation. I am sure she would welcome a card or a note from you. Our thoughts are with you, Pat. Surprise! Our attendance award was won by Eleanor Brusso. Everyone had a most enjoyable evening. Some novelty games were played, followed by refreshments served by Jar^e Roewer and her membership committee. At our next meeting, which is May 17, there are manythings to be brought up. At this meeting the charter members of McHenry chapter will be honored. These are the coworkers who helped to organize the Ladies of the Moose and who are still memljers. The recorder will notify the members who qualify. The names of the members who are I running for office for the coming year will be read. Following the meeting, our annual birthday party will be held. This will be our seventh year in existence. Try to attend and enjoy this great occasion with us. AREA POPULATION RISE MEANS NEED FOR HOSPITAL BEDS Rl'RAL LIFE SUNDAY Rural Life Sunday, May 15, is being observed' at Greenwood Community Methodist church with Rev. John Paul Eddy preaching on "God's Little Acre" and "Some .Seeds For Thought." This is a service of annual recognition to the men, women and youth of the soil" of rural America as they toil for God , as well as their fellowmen for food. It is estimated that the 1960 census will disclose more than a 60 per cent increase in population during tWt"a"t>ast ten years, officials of McHenry hospital report. T This alarming increase in i population has brought with it j a greater demand for beds at i the McHenry facility, making j essential the proposed eighteen J bed expansion. The county population was about 51.000 in 1950. and it is expected to total between 80,- 000 and S5.000 this year, according to estimates. Projected figures show that by 1970 the total will rise to 127,000, and by 1975 to more than 150,- 000. The hospital's fund drive for constructing the new eighteen bed building with a maternity department is a major effort iti keeping pace with the skyrocketing demand for beds today. This will be the first qI four stages of construction. The other three phases will re* suit in two additions behind the first stage plus a second floor, providing ninety beds. Patient volume has- risen alarmingly fast and the hospit tal's board has negotiated for I a loan so that construction can begin immediately. Sincg the 1 drive is based on a three-year pledge plan, funds derived from it will not be paid in until 1962. By that time, demands j for beds and a maternity de- I partment will be even more j critical. Within the past nine months, there were five emer- ; goncy birtlis at McHenry hospital. GOP LEADERS ! VA ASSISTANCE r o .. j A Veterans Administration j representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty i at Woodstock Tuesday, May 117, to inform and assist veter- 1 *ins, their dependents and the I general public regarding all i benefit programs of the VA. ! ThCir representative will be on ! duty from 10 a.m. to 4 pm. at | the U. S, post office building, second floor, in Woodstock. ' Seeds in bananas ordinarily will not grow. The McHenry County Republican Central committee re-elected officers at 'the annual organizational meeting held recently. Pictured from left to right are Chairman Charles "Chuck" Miller of McHenry, Vice-Chairman Frank Homola of Fox River Grove and Secretary Harold "Casey" Gillis of Woodstock. Vernon Kays of Marengo, treasurer, was absent when picture was taken. Fifty-one committeemen representing 11,254 votes voiced party unity and approval by unanimously returning the incumbents to another two-year term. Uses Same Principle as Submarine Nautilus. See It Today! See or Phone Your Franchised Dealer! McHenry Window & Awning Co. ART BOGER PHONE EV 5-1180 NO CARRYING CHARGE -- CONVENIENT TERMS 307 E. Waukegan Road McHenry, 111 ALSO DEALERS IN RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ALUMINUM & FIBREGLASS AWNINGS ALUMINUM COMB. WINDOWS & DOORS Nylon Hosiery 51 GAUGE -- 15 DENIER LATEST SPRING SHADE ED'S RENTAL RENTS Electric Hammers •o Wheel Chairs EVergreen 5-4123 Regularly $1.29 a Pair While They Last 2 PAIRS $1 18 THE FINEST MdNEY CAN BUY BOLGER'SDRU6 STORE 103 S. Green St. EV. 5-4500 S«e for yaurstlf, •ngines chtckt* _ i_«-^ "while you wilt*1 STOP CAB ENGINE TROUBLE BEFORE IT STARTS! You can save gas, renew original engine performance and cut down repair billa if you give your car a DYNAVIS10N check-up. Our new electronic TV type instant engine analyzer checka the condition of plugs, coil, dis* tributor, wiring, timing, carburetor, starter, generator, regulator, battery, etc. without removing parti and , •with the engine running. See us today. We can telf. you in minutes if any itrv~ ice is required. i f \ t i u {Dy/wVfofoMt for GREATER mileage BETTER performance LONGER engine lite , Waxing -- Washing Complete Motor Tune-Up Carburetor Overhaul Brake Service JUSTEN'S Standard Service No. 2 Eastwood Manor Route 120 East 9t Pcu^i % Scute. - - lAJke/ie ScwuiXfi Pay I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii S5.000.00 becomes S6.094.95 In 5 Short Years Based On 4% iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii On , Regular Savings Accounts 1Z On . 0 Regular Savings Accounis Per Annum Save Here -- Safely and Profitably iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiii CONVENIENT HOURS: Daily 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. ^ Fridays: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiB ^Jlie .Secret iA . . . PAY YOURSELF FIRST! Treat Your Savings Account Exactly As You Would Your Regular Bills "PAY IT" promptly and regularly every month PAY YOURSELF FIRST! Illlllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Save For Your Tomorrows # • . TODAY! Ifllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Get A Check Every 6 Months 4% Per Annum 4 vi 0j On / O Investment Savings Accounis MCHENRY SAVINGS A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N Member Federal Home Loan Bank Vi% Bonus Payable al Maturity iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiu SAVINGS AVAILABILITY YOUR SAVINGS have always b.en ACCESSIBLE . . . WITHDRAWABLE AT ONCE upon your request. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiniiiin L 206 WEST ELM STREET PHONE EV 5-3000 McHENRY,ILLINOIS A

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