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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1960, p. 17

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^Jhursday, May 12. 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McHenry Shores j.. PICNIC. FUN FAIR PLANS ACCEPTED WITH ENTHUSIASM fey Clare Mueller, EV. 5-0553 Edward and Janet Keevins, ^though absent from the regular meeting of the McHenry Shores Club that was held last Thursday, were welcomed in as members of the MSC. Fred Stark suggested that if you happen to be passing 314 Terrace Drive, drop in and say hello to them. Julid Zeimet and Beverly "Verstege in that respective order. Cake and coffee, followed by games, completed ah eventful evening. Picnic Junior Vice-President, Daisy t^mith, chairman of the ways and means committee, called on Louise Winters, co-chair^ man of the picnic committee, for a report. < Mrs. , Winters asked for volunteer helpers, food donations and novelty gifts for the children. All to be used in conjunction with the forthcoming picnic planned for Saturday, June 25. ^ Fun Fair Mrs. Smith next asked Messers. Elmer Granso and Robert Poggensee for a report on the Fun Fair. Mr. Granso stated that the tickets are available pnrt at ten tiokpts will be al'n'tnrl in onch family for distribution. The club, by vote, approved of an advance of $300 from the building fund with to obtain any necessary prizes needed to make this big doings a success. Your complete support, in this venture, is needed. So, let us, one and all get going for the big push to get the Fun Fair over the top, Saturday, August 13. Remember, all net proceeds will help reach the ultimate goal -- a community house. Birthdays, an Anniversary and a Party Little Marc Newman will be 3 years old Friday, May 13. Don't believe it will be unlucky for him as mom and dad will undoubtly have a surprise for him. . . .Saturday will be a big day at the Simonsens as Helen will celebrate her birthday on that day. . . .And Monday finds the Muellers, Irene and Clare, starting another year of married bliss. . . .Lots of fun was had by all at Danny Moore's eighth birthday party, last Thursday- Those helping Danny celebrate were: Freddie, Michael and Tommy Stark,' Randy Schramm, Corky, Donnie and Susie Olbinski, and of course, Peggy Moore. Page Seventeen Sick List At •this"-'*'4' writing, Bonnie Schopp is resting up at the West Suburban hospital while confined for observation. We hope that whatever it is will be cleared up soon. . , .Linda Hattan is battling with a suspected case of measles. ^ By-Laws Willis Coates gave a report on the 1958 tax protest and a breakdown of the distribution for the current 1959 taxes. As chairman of the by-laws committee, Mr. Coates proposed changes to Articles 5 and 8 of the by-laws. After some discussion, he was assured, from the floor, that the suggested Singes met with approval, elping Mr. Coates on the bylaws committee are Mrs. Corcoran, Mr. Hicks and Gus Smith. Here and There Mr. and Mrs. Schilz of Chicago were weekend guests of Ray and Lon Klein. , . .A farewell dinner was given by the Starks for t red's brother, Rudy, prior to his entering the armed forces. . . .While in Chicago on business, Gene Watson from Tulsa, Okla., dropped in for a visit with the Winters. The Watson family are old friends and neighbors of Sam and Louise. . . .Former neighbors of the Brunkes, Mr. and Mrs. George Tuhowski with their youngsters, Georgine, Keith, Gale and Georgie, stofjped'tiy for- a~ visit.'. . .Carol Hein of Gles Ellyn and Ed Loeffler afTinley Park; with their families, spent a weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rode. . . .Miss Christine MurawSki, Be 11 y Dobbeftin's sister, spent a weekend out at McHenry Shores. . . .Dr. and Mrs. Ewald Iwick of Lincolnwood, with their daughter, Carol, dropped by to say hi to the Muellers. . Mr. and Mrs. Emil Gustafson, with daughter, Kristina, dropped out to the Vilims to show them their new car. Also over at the time were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacek. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Guy were among the many to attend the wedding of Miss Joan Hansen of Wonder Lake to Mr. Wayne Blirt of Escanaba, Mich. The ceremony was followed by a reception for the couple at the local V.F.W. hall. . .";Helen and Gus Smith drove over to Detroit on a weekend and brought mother back home with them . . . .The KleineS spent the Easter weekend visiting old friends and neighbors in Port Washington. Belgium and Sheboygan, Wis: . . .Shirley Vilim helped Suzanne Koepke of Chapel Hills celebrate her birthday at a skating party the other day, all attending had lots of fun at the rink. . . .The J. B. McGlades attended a spring concert in Chicago. It was presented by the St. Leo's Glee Club, of which, their son, Dennis, is a member. On another trip to Chicago, they attended the wedding of Miss Anna Mae Ritchie to Mr. Emmett B. Corley at St. Gertrade's church and the reception that followed at a far north side hotel. . . .To celebrate their wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. George Gunder with Mr. and Mrs. David Flood had a dinner in Gurnee. . . tlfarge Denigan spent Beach President Jack Schinitt appointed Bob Tanner chairman of the beach committee after the floor approved the rotating of manual help at the beach to aJI shared equally,Jiy-^ali tbe able bodied men of the community. Attendance Prize Surprise for the evening* consisting of « pot-bellied stove planter and two wall plaques, .were given to Sam Zeimet, From where I $it_ fy Joe Marsh th« Pastime? The electronic age to amaze merJtra* rMitel farm journal ttmtoomcM: be wired for sound ... yon can tel V tliif'w bent overrating! Seems that before yon lata a cow out to pasture, ycm ww feed her a small transmitter Then all you do is sit comfortably at home and wvit far a signal to show op oa a recorder. Soon ae yom get a "bleep," you go o< ns she's HbdettM**. i iww bar * Ma* Mfce ill one. M A eterni Bind on < !• whether teav«r a ihn of beer tp> fee fees* «wfceshW»--is not aMfetoWV* «rf>UL Bii Atax-teaa way 1b Wmvu "short-eireait" wimt mm aAar tdk* km to / Yon should km sharp! Charter's Dad It more them W tM»d his old oar, bagquae it goes just anywherf. Honest I They went up to Harvey's -M't- Peak over the weekend. right up the side of the mountain 1 It helps him at work. too. And Chester says they're going on at ski* ing trip this winter because his leep' Universal isn't afraid of snow or ulud or anything. Hesays 4-wheel drive does the trick. What's 4-wheel <tiive,]>ad? W ill the leep* Universal hai ttl Any chance of as emk. Dad? V & ~v 's 210TE TO ALL DADS t aotatop in j| *or a frmm e/mmnna+rniion of the sensational 'Jeep' aimat ghawrooa today family of vehielmt. Tune-In MAVERICK Sunday Evenings, 6:30 P.M. McHENRY GARAGE 800 Front St. Phone EV 5-0403 McRmrr. 111. sevefal days in Chicago helping her daughter who is convalescing from an operation. . . .Mmes. Dodge, MacCallum, Middlekauff, Helen Smith and Snively, with six other women, attended a luncheon in Lake Lawn. More News Let's all attend some of the McHenry high school sporting events and help Pam Mun^oeN who has just made the varsity team of cheerleaders^ root the home team on to victory. . . . No luck for Joan Wilson and Dave Wiegel who gave up several hours of sleep in order to catch the first fish, of the day -- better luck next time kids. . . .If you happen to see Leonard Liss working in his garden, stop by and have him tell you about hrs «lueky break that happened last week. Mr. Hettermann, acting McHenry postmaster, would like e v e r y o n e ' s c o o p e r a t i o n t o check and bring their mail boxes up to date during "Mail Box Improvement Week", May 16 through 21. And In Closing Hey kids, don't forget that Sunday, May 15, is the deadline for turning your posters over to Mr. Mueller. . . .Jack Schmitt voiced his thanks for the misquote of several-weeks back, about breaking some kind of a record in having the first outdoor barbecue. It was the J. B. Smiths, John and Daisy, natch. . . .Say, don't forget about that mail box. . i Hope all you mothers had a wonderful day last Sunday. Village of Sunnyside HOLD FUN FAIR AT JOHNSBURG SCHOOL, MAY 14 Irtna Gunther Reporter - EV. 5-5484 . Last call to remind you to be sure you attend the Fun Fair at the Johnsburg public school on May 14. You are assured of having a good time. Basketball Banquet On Tuesday the basketball team at the Johnsburg public school held its banquet at the Country club. The members of the team and their parents were present for a delicious dinnei*. Home Bureau We h$A our monthly meeting at the home of Pat Spindler instead of going to Richmond for a combined meeting with the Richmond unit. Jean Leakey gave the lesson and we all received some delicious recipes for outdoor cooking. Flowers for Mothers The Mount Hope mothers wore given flowers at their church services at 11 a.m. last Sunday. The oldest mother received a large geranium, the youngest mother a potted ageratum. and every mother a lovely marigold. Next Sunday will honor the retired ministers of Methodist churches and the following Sunday, the Sunday school graduates. Every Sunday is ah opportunity in the adventures of finding God more real in the Sunday School at 9:30 a.m., the worship service at 11 and the lively youth Fellowship: at ? ajn. Congratulations When Dolores Prell left to go to the city to have her baby in the wee hours of the morning neither she nor her husband thought they would have to pull over to the side of the road for the delivery of her child. All three, mother, dad, and 9 lbs., 1 oz. Laurie. Jean are doing fine. Best of luck to all three. First Holyfcoimminioa Angels We had some little angles out this way on Mother's Day when some young ones received their First Holy Communion. They .were Kathy Harrington, Patrick and George Colomar and .Charles Linia. God Bless you all. Visitors Jean and -Joe Ben<M&e< had Jean's nephew, Ronald Cole.* man, a senior at Lane high school spend his Easter vaca* tion with them. Oar Deepest SympaHyr Is offered to Chester A. Gullachson upon the death of his beloved wife who passed away last Thursday morning. Some 330 years B.C., Alexander founded a library of 500.000 volumes, one of the largest of antiquity, at Alex* andria, Egypt (which he founded, also). Remains of temples, cities, buildings and roads in various parts of the Sahara (larger than the U.S.) show plainly that it was productive and inhabited at one time. EMMA* EDUCATOR sop --4k» dote to *787 wfcea asr CMaMMfoa «m adapted. Evwy driy ll <HmiuM|i day h aw schools. Ufa o it EdocMiH AmeUIn Estoron 99 -- kWfe wu# that othw 4 1 . wtftd kilfors find too hard to Handle s; «yot costs as littlo CM an aero It's not what a 2,4-D cssa tat what it ee&aemt loot eowts. More farmen buy and nip on EatftrOn 99*--for they find kl too costly to experiment wfcfa lett-knows brands Teats show it's extra effective sod asqr to apply .. . doesn't foam . . . mixes easily ia hard watte, a»d sprays «vaaiy. A tingle gallon eovcrs many acres m an acxe mare than pays the cost Ordsr your iapply of AmMi laadng bami U weed killer today. Ttafcmw1* tf Tfc* Vmt i CRYSTAL LAKE TRUCK SALES Bta. Ill A n * Cnstal Urite, m. $ I • (and nay summer) 3. •i. 00 degrees Prove toyourself that eflectric cooking dan keep your kitchen at least 10° .cooler this summer--or your money back. Electric surface units transfer &eat directly into the pot--not your kitchen* Ovens are insulated on all $a sides (not just five). See your appliance dealer for details on the destae^t, coolest cooking there backed by a money-back guarantee Try a new ELECTRIC RANGE /V I t in your r 60 days. - ?' > J # f f «> •" Seeyoor4eaJer for details ric Sendee Compote/ & A 4 jr y m : WESTHNGHOUSE • FRIGIDAIRE • WARD'S SIGNATURE • GENERAL • ADMIRAL • ICELV1NATOR • HOTPOINT • SEARS »TAf*Aftl u • ! . % V.:L- .«V-> m

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