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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1960, p. 2

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pp' Two THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, May 12, 1960 Bridal Couple Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Evans Before her marriage to Gerald Ray Evans of Mundelein PERSONALS lold Reunion Frett Family A "happy reunion took place £„Sunday, May 8. as the family , of the late Joseph J. Fretts ' gathered at the W. T. Tonyan, [ Sr., home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. ' A. .T. Frett of Covina. Calif., '• Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Frett of Alhambra, 'Calif.: Mrs. J. B. ' Dent of Toledo. Ohio: Mr. and » Mrs. Frank Frett, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Connolly and son of I Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. f'Stuckcr and Mr. and Mrs. J. ; Stucker of DesPtaines; Mr. • and Mrs. A. J. Frett, Jr., of Wheaton; Mrs. E. J. Frett and , Son of Gary. Ind.: Mr. and Mrs. 1$: J."Frett and daughters. Miss Diana Pieroni, Miss Maria Siemisch, Mr. and Mrs. Peter •$". Frett and the W. Tonyan family. Miss Pretzman will graduate from McHenry high school in June. Mr. Hack, a graduate of Wauconda high school, is employed by the Illinois State Highway department. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Singers Enjoy Annual Dinner 0pen House To Honor Mr. and Mrs. Ocffliiig i i Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling VPill hold open house at the •fijhnsburg Community club on Saturday, May 14. at 8 o'clock itt the evening in observance of their silver wedding anniversary. Members of the McHenry Choral club and their guests, nbout sixty-five in all, enjoyed dinner and a social evening at the McHenry Country club last Monday evening to conclude tlieir spring season. President Tom Russell acted as master of ceremonies for a program which included selec* tions by individuals and groups from . the club. Community singing was also enjoyed. Guest of the club was Mrs. Tela Ann Quinlan of Park Ridge, accompanist for the lingers for several years during her residence in McHenry. Hold Valley Flower Show jjancy Kay Wohlert's ^{Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wohlert j tnounce the engagement of \ pir daughter, Nancy Kay, to I "JQnnald Fout, son of Mr. and Ren Fout of Spring Grove. t&No plaii.s have been made for Jtfce wedding. iron O'Shea To Harry Joan Iandolo Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. O'Shea, Grayslake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sbaron Joyce, to John Joseph Iandolo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jghn Iandolo, Elmwood Park. ^Sharon is a graduate of Mundelein college. Mr. Iandolo will graduate from Loyola university this summer. "Miss O'Shea is a grandaughter of Mrs. Ray Conway of JjcHenry, Christum Mothers ^konsor Style Show a fashion show, luncheon, td card party sponsored by e Christian Mothers sodality <§|, Spring Grove will be held jjiesday, May 17, at noon in JR. Peter's hall. gThe latest in summer wear \jill be modelled by Mary Gos- tSonia Miller, Mrs. L. L. a.gan, Hcrta Block, Carol own, Valeria Arseneau.Eva i'reund. Mrs. Kabot and Mrs. Arthur Klein. At n recent meeting of the Rull Valley Garden club, one of 1he members offered to display an unsigned painting of a sitting girl attributed to the French artist Pierre Auguste Renoir, and valed at $10,000. Afler examination by the Commission of Fine Arts, the French government allowed the painting to be removed from that country as a family portrait, because it could not be certain of the painter. However, after re-examination Jby American experts, the painting has been declared to be a genuine unsigned original pastel by Renoir, and will be used as part of the staging background for the flower show May 21 and 22. The flower show committee is making plans to have Mrs. Margaret Hoerger's barn thoroughly cleaned and properly lighted to display the amateur and professional paintings exhibted during the flower show "Arts and Flowers." Some classes in the schedule will require an arrangement to be m <ie jp m artists' work. Mrs. Warren Shoemaker, Jr., the staging chairman, will determine what paintings will hang in the gallery and will have the disputed pleasure of hanging the Renoir, fnpunce Engagement Shirley Ann Pretzman j$Mr. and Mrs. Lon Pretzman of Island Lake announce the eggagement of their daughter. J&irtey Ann. to Gerald Robert r a c k , s o n of Mr. and Mrs wank Hack of Garland Road. Wauconda. CONFIRMATION SUNDAY Sunday, May 15, is Confirmat i o n S u n d a y at S t . P a u l ' s Episcopal church with Bishop Edwin J. Randall, visitor. The schedule for this Sunday only is Mass at 7:30 a.m., confirmation Mass at 10 a.m. and reception immediately following the 10 o'clock service. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends and relatives for the lovely gifts, flowers, cards and* good wishes received on the occasion of our silver wedding anniversary. We are especially grateful to the Reverend Fathers Nilges and Rennell and the Sisters of St. Francis for their services during the Mass. You have helped to make this one of the most memorable flays of our lives. Helen and Herman Kreutzer Kotalik Studio Photo on Saturday, . April 23, this lovely bride was Miss Elizabeth Ann Kosup of Lakemoor. They were married in Mundelein's Santa Maria Del Popalo church. EIGHTY-FIVE AT DCCW MEETING AT ST. MARY'S Approximately eighty-five ladies attended the open deanery meeting of the council of Catholic women at St. Mary's .parish, McHenry, on Wednesday evening, May 4. They were given a preview of the colored slide explanation, "Catholicism in Action". Father Nilges, deanery moderator, showed the slides with a. taped narration telling of the accomplishments of the committees of the DCCW and the cooperation and help of members of affiliations in parishes throughout the diocese. It explained how their projects helped to promote spiritual development, organization, rural life, the reading of good literature, volunteers at schools and traffic safety. These slides will be available in the near future and will be shown at regular monthly meetings of affiliates in the diocese. Father Novak of the Newman center of Northern Illinois university, DeKalb, spoke on "The Catholic Student in a Secular University in Modern Times" and told of the importance of the Newman club and its progress. He introduced Tom Buffington and a choral group from the Newman chorus. who entertained with a choral presentation. Two students from the university gave interesting talks on "Keeping Christ on the Campus". At the business meeting. President Mrs. Albert Wipper gave an address and introduced the chairmen of committees, who gave their reports. Cake and coffee were served the guests by members of the Christian Mothers sodality. Members were grateful to Monsignor Nix, host pastor, and to the ladies who served. PLATTT) SHELDON TO BE FEATURED AT SPRING FLING WINS SCHOLARSHIP Kenneth E. Larson, son of Mrs. M. Matchen of McHenry, was awarded a University of M i c hi g a n regents' alumni scholarship in the amount of $500. He will enter the university next fall, following a twoday orientation in the summer. Arnold N. May, grand knight of McHenry Council Knights of Columbus, has announced that they arfe most fortunate in having secured the services of Claud Sheldon as master of ceremonies for McHenry council's "Spring Fling", which is to be held on May 28 at the V.F.W. in McHenry. Mr. Sheldon performed on one other occasion for the Knights and was a tremendous hit. His act runs the gamut in comedy. The floor show, in addition, will feature a female vocalist and a marching , group. The dinner, which is being served from 7:30 to 8:30, by the ladies of the V.F.W., will feature turkey with all the trimmings. Tickets are now being sold by members of the Knights of Columbus. The public is invited. \ Sumrrjer^Hairstyles . . • Let our professional beauty technicians help you in selecting a hairstyle that is most becoming to you. One that is easy to manage and pleasing to you. They will be very happy to serve and advise you. f^iuerAicle ujhncf *Studio Member of N.H.C.A. 126 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0147 McHenrv HI Open: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6: Sat., 8-5; Closed Mon. Mrs. William Wissell spent the weekend in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hilmer Heike and family, in Mundelein and on Sunday, in companv with the Robert Wissell family, attended a family gettogether. held in her honor at the Charles Wissell home in Alden. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughter, Diane, of Waukegan visited McHenry relatives Sunday. . Mrs. Cla^a Campbell of Elmhurst called on McHenry fronds Thursday. Mrs. Robert Conway accompanied by Mrs. Stella Calbow pnd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sp^>nt icleas of CVvstal Lake railed on John Drymiller at Hin^s hospital Tuesday of last Weok. Joseph Mayer was home from his studies at Marquette • U n i v e r s i t y . M i l w a u k e e , to snend the weekend with his narpnfs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L, Bauer. Mrs., Walter Haufa and Mrs. r*°ris Breendick of Neenah, Wis. sppnt a few days last \vr»nj< in thp A. J. Grever home. Mrs. Peter Freund of Harvard a former local resident. *p°nt a few days here the past week. M*\ and M^s fori Courier of M^ren^o visited her mother. Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Friday evening. Mrs. Nellie Bacon spent the Mother's Day weekend in the home of her son, Harold Baeon and family, in Crystal Lfke. Mr. and Mrs. J. W Sorouse. who are snending a few weeks t their Crvstal Lake home, have been calling on old friends here. They arr enroute to their home in Stanwood, Wash., from Tarpon Springs. Fla., where they spent the winter. Guests in the home of Mrs. A. P. Freund for a Mother's r>nv celebration were: the Ralph Freund. Donald Freund and Richard Frett families of Crystal Lake: the Del Freund family of Wauconda: the -^Art Tonyan, Irving Freund. Voln^e Brown. William Herman, Elmer Smith families, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pieroni and Miss Margie Freund. of McHei$ry. The Joseph Petitclair family1 of Waukegan. were Saturday evening visitors. Among the out of town folks in attendance at the luncheon at the Zion Evangelical churql^ last. Wednesday were: Arthur iWarquardt, Mrs.*, Elli§>, Stade and Mrs. C. Kelling. fof Park Ridge; Mrs. Otto Roeder, Oak Park; Mrs. Marie Bethke and Charles Block of Dundee. Mrs. Richard Sedar and family of Waukegan were Sunday euests in the Fred Bienapfl home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Engdahl, Jr., and son, Mark, returned to their home in Detroit, • Mich., Saturday after a week's visit with his parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Herbert Engdahl, Sr. Mrs. Irene Guffey accompanied Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Henniken of Woodstock to Elmhurst to spend Mother's Day in the Leslie Bungard home. Mother's Day guests in the Joseph^. Miller home on Wau kegan street, were Mrs. John Purvey, Allan and Peggy, of Cryslal Lake; the William Morgan family of Elkhorn, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller, daughter. Carol Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Becker, of McHenry. Wilfred Blake,. Jr., has returned from six months training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pepping and children of Montgomery, 111., spent the weekend with the Herbert Engdahls and Fred Peppings. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of Waukegan visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.tSJG. Walinder spent the weekend with their rinuehtpr. Mrs. Robert Belzer and family, in Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey returned "Saturday from a trip through the south where they spent some time with their son, Kevin and family, in Lebanon, Mo. Other, stops were made at Vicksburg and Natchez, Miss., Baton Rouge and' New Orleans, La., where they spent a week sight-seeing, Mobile and Tuscaloosa, Ala. Mrs. Henry Tomlinson attended state day of Delta Zeta sorority held at Hinsdale Saturday with 300 college and alumni members present. Mrs. Julius Roeder was a weekend guest of Chicago relatives. Billy Young of Elgin was & Sunday visitor in the home of Mr. and Ifffcs. Stephen N. Schmitt. Mrs. Connie Johnson and three children of Tulsa, Okla., spent two ^eeks visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Pocthuma. Visitors in--the home of Mrs. Mary Buch on Mother's Day were M|f and Mrs. Elbert Buch. children, Mary and Charles, of Elgin, Miss Helen Buch of Chicago, the Jerome and Henry Buchs of McHenry. James Blake spent the weekend with his cousin, John Manning. in Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Thompson entertained a group of relatives at their home on Rroad street Mother's Day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson of Reedsville, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. William Hergott, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake and the Wilfred Blake family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bigelow $sbf Fort Jennings, Ohio, spent the Mother's Day weekend with her parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Leo Blake. Relatives who attended a gathering at the Robert Wayman home at Arlington Heights, Saturday, to honor their daughter, Patricia, who made her first Communion at Riverside Drive Shopping Area announces Surprise Value Days Will Be Fri., Sal., Sun. & Mon. May 20-21-22-23 '. a Whether it's an item : fotthebaby,of.tgr mins . ma»5EeC! !. here--at '• T°°'Ui£? price. And '• ,h5n'ila<lJy help y<>u • W . mIakJet thhee Pp r o p e r s e - too, : lectio®. ^jur doc- "• t0 ^descriptions for : tor S P^m and pre"86 . our prompt anu v ; compO«Ilc*ing' • bOLGER'S 108 S- 8*' phone gV. 5*4500 ^Tantai 3, y arm NURSERY OPEN MAY 1« Complete Day Nursery For Working Mothers, Shoppers, etc. • Daily - Weekly or Monthly Rates 9 Warm Meals Daily State Licensed -Fantasy Farm will offer complete nursery care for the working mother or while you go on a shopping tour. Located \4 mile South of McHenry on the old Crystal Lake Black Top Road Call fIVergreen 5-2400 for further information St. James church in that city that morning included: the James Wagner family of Milton, Wis.; the Gerald Hettermann family of Johnsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon, the James Thompson and Charles Hansen families and Debby and Karen Elshoff, McHenry. Mrs. George H. Johnson of Fox River Valley Camp R.N.A., Mrs. George Worts. Mrs. Joseph Holly, Mrs. Holger Pederson. of River View Camp, R N.A., and a friend, Mrs. Buchert^of Fox Lake, attended the May meeting and lunchcon. ot the McHenry County Past Oracles Club, held at the First Congregational church in Algonquin Tuesday of last week. Special guests -were State Supervising Deputy Edna M. Buren of Bloomington; District Deputy Bernice Nytir son, Chicago, and retiring district deputy, Gladys AmeS McCarthy of Gurnee. The next meeting will be held at the tfnme of Mrs. Mabel Peck in Marengo, June 6. Rollin Justen and family of River Forest visited in the home of his mother, Mrs. William Justen, on Mother's Day. Mrs. Edith Hayes accompanied her son, Donald, wife and sons. Thomas and Donald, of Chicago, on a motor trip to Redding, Ohio, over the weekend to visit her granddaughter, Sister Stephen Marie, the former Mary Jean Hayes, at Notre Dame convent. DAN BALDINO CHAIRMAN NOTRE DAME'S FORMAL Dan Baldino, a graduate of McHenry high, class of 1959, is the general chairman of the University of Notre Dame's freshman formal to be held on Friday evening. May 13. His Titest Miss Marilou Pierson, of 6000 N. Kilbourn, Chicago, will reign as queen. She will be crowned by the Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, executive vice-president of "the university, to climax the evening's festivities. Mr. Baldino is presently enrolled in the Honors English program at the university and will major in that subject. After graduation, he plans to attend law school. Miss Pierson, a Pistakee Bay summer r e s i d e n t , p r e s e n t l y a t tends Mary wood academy, Evanston. Greece -- the little nation that gave the world its first lesson in civilized living destroyed itself through mediocri- species of mantis -- they are ty, self satisfaction * an<f- feelf } telaMves of cridketsi WdProacftindulgence. May 13 McHenry Woman's c l u b Spring Luncheon -- McHenry Country Club -- 12:30 p.m. May IS Bake Sale -- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- Sponsored by V.F.W. Auxiliary -- 7 p.m. May 15 O.E.S. Attend Community Methodist Chureh at 9:30 a.m. May 15 Spring High School Music Festival -- High School Gym -- 8:15 p.m. May 17 Rive r v i ew Camp, R.N.A., Regular Meeting -- .New K. of C. Hall, 102 Park Street -- 8 fc.m. Women of the Moose Meeting. May 37 Style Show -- Luncheon and Card Party -- Noon -- Sponsored by Christian Mothers Sodality of St .Peter's Church, Spring" Grove May 18 W.S.C.S. Home and Garden Walk -- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. -- Luncheon at Community Methodist Church at 11:30 a.m. May 18 W.S.C.S. Home and Garden Walk -- 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. May 20 Rummage Sale -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- Zion Lutheran Church, Rt. 120 West -- Spon sored by Ladies Aid. May 21 Lakeland Park P r o p e r t y Owners Association Dance -- Legion Home -- 9 p.m. May 24 Stated Meeting Order of the Eastern Star -- Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. May 25 Pancake Supper -- Masonic Building -- Given by White Shrine -- 5 to 7:30 p.m. May 28 Bake and Rummage Sale -- McCullom Lake Beachhouse -- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. -- Sponsored by Ladies of the Lake. May 28 Boy Scout Troop, No. 162, Pancake Day -- Legion Home -- 10 a.m. June 7 Rummage Sale -- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. -- Sponsored by V.F.W. Auxiliary. Garden Club Flower Show -- Legion Home -- 2:10 p.m. NewlyvJreds THE JACK MILLERS Miss Irene Thurlyvell of McHenry was marrie|i to Jack Miller of Ringwoocf in a beau- There are over 2,000 known es, but far more intelligent. You are cordially invited to inspect an outstanding collection of Spring Fashions for Children Girls' sizes 0-14 -- Boys' sizes 0-7 Come in soon . . . you'll love the personal, individual attention! THE DEBBIE SHOP, Richmond, III. One Door West of Anderson's Candy Open Daily 9-6 -- Closed Thurs. Afternoons "Whal is acceptable collateral for a loan at your bank?1* First off, let us set one thing straight: It is not always necessary to put up collateral in order to borrow here. When you do so, however, you get credit at the/ lowest loan cost -- ind quickly. Savings bankbooks; life insurance policies that have a cash or loanable , value; certain stocks and bonds; bills of lading and warehouse receipts; trust receipts; chattel mortgages -- these are acceptable security for a collateral loan here. Whatever your credit need, we can probably help with it. Won't you come in and talk it over? McHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 'McHenry County's Largest and Finest Financial Institutio: l" Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone EVergreen 5-1040 Kotalik Sjtudio PiBto tiful wedding ceremony which took place at St. Mary's Catholic church on Apnl 30. CARD OF TEtANKS I would like td take this means of thanking everyone for their cards, giftis and prayers during my recent stay in the hospital. Your thbughtfulness was sincerely appreci^pd. 2 Mrs. Joe L. Freund CARD OF THINKS I 'wish to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and neighbors for all the cards and gifts received and all the prayers offered during my recent illness and stay in the hospital; also my) sincere thanks to the doctors, nurses and Fr. Rennell. ft 2 Mrs. Delia Matthews fAs welcome as the diploma!] BOLGER'S 103 S. Green St. Phone EV. 5-4500 Leading Clotting Manufacturer Recommends j SANITONE { toy Cleaning All Weathervane suits tailored by Handmacher- Vogel,ln<5., world's largest maker of suits, will carry string tags, recommending that the suit be Sanitone Dry Cleaned "to keep the original shape, texture and freshness of the suit." Mr. Handmacher, (cm* pany president, said that he decided to use the tags "only after exhaustive testa proved to my complete satisfaction that the Sanitone Process did these things." Our SANITONE dry cleaning keeps you looking wonderful all the time Our Sanitone Soft-Set® Dry Cleaning does more than get garments thoroughly dean. It actually restordr the original look and feel to the fabric. Colors glow. Patterns sparkle. And your clothes always come back » soft and fresh as the day you bought them. We invite you to compare our Sanitone Service with any other dry cleaning to prove that you can really see and feel the di£ferenc|| Why not call us today. Same Day Service Available Phone EV 5-0927 For Pickup Service RAINBOW CLEANERS a 100 North ront Street Around Corner North of National Tea Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Open Friday 'HI 9 ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING AT RAINBOW i DRIVE-IN

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