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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1960, p. 2

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Til© THE McHENRf tJA •in' 1 iff}i ; Thursday. May 2j}; I960 UANCY justen, SONALD J. BLAKE IffiD ON SATURDAY Al . . 3 St. Patrick's Catholic church was the scene of a beautiful double ring wedding ceremony :&8t Saturday morning, May "fl£, it 9 o'clock when Miss JTaricy Justen, daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. Harold M. Justen of ^Jiiafn street, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Donald J. iilake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arttnn F. Blake of Green fUreet. Fr. Harold Nilges officiated at the ceremony. The altars were decorated ifoith bouquets of pink and White glacis. Airs. Carl Weber |£as organist; and Bill Weber .Was sraloist. y The dirhinutive bride, given Sir* marriage by her father, selected a traditionally designed jress in allrover alencon lace pver satin, styled with fitted fcpdic'o, long, tapered sleeves, fiatl skirt and long chapel train, tony seed pearls outlined the design matching the sabrina neckline. Her fingertip veil was Held in place by a lace , crown and she carried a cascade bouquet of white carnations, pink roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Marie Justen acted as maid of honor for her sister, arid Miss Ardelle Oeffling and Miss Dorothy Stoffel, friends, find Mrs. Betty Piagentini of Ingleside. the groom's sister, were bridesmaids. All were attired similarly in gowns of floral design embroidery forming the Empire bodice, with bow in back and hemline streamers. Each wore white nylon organdy over pink taffeta, with hats of pink tulle $nd organdy petals. Their colonial bouquets were of white carnations, centered with pink carnations. Miss Barbara Blake, niece of the groom, was the pretty flower girl, wearing a dress of white organdy and a* white carnation headpiece. Charles Tonyan, a friend; served the groom as best man and groomsmen were Harold "E Justen, brother of the bride, William Nimsgern of McHenry and. Gene Huff of McGullom Lake. The ring bearer was .JPiagentuii .of, Ingleside, th£ groom's nephew. Ray Blake, brother of the groom, and Harry Diedrich, cousin of the bride, were ushers. Mrs., Justen chose a beige lace dress, white accessories and a white and pink carnation Cprsage. Mrs. Blake wore a blue taffeta dress with blue embroidered flowers on the jbodice and white accessories. She had a similar corsage. Dinner was served at 12:30 o'clock at the V.F.W. for relatives, with supper at 5:30, followed by .an evening reception fpr 300. Mrs. Evelyn Diedrich, aunt of the bride, cut the wedding cake. The couple left on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and panada and upon their return will reside in rural McHenry. The bride is a 1956 graduate of the McHenry high school and is employed at the McHenry, State Bank. The groom graduated in 1954 from the local high school and is an employee of the Illinois Bell Telephone company. Wed May 7 Large Crowds Flo#fef Show ftTotalilc Studio Photo THE LARKY GAYLORDS Miss Mary Anne May of Spring Grove became the bride of Mr. Larry Gaylard of Richmond in St. Peter's Catholic church on Saturday, May 7. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL CLASSES FOR FLOWER SHOW A schedule has been completed of the list of classes in which the public may enter the McHenry Garden Club Flower show on June 7 from 2 to 10 p.m. Entries will be received at the American Legion home, where the show will be given. Hours for the entries are from 8 a.m. to 10:30 am on June 7. Entries must be removed by 10:30 p.m. on the same day. There will be a bake sale conducted in conjunction with the show. Flower Arrangements Roses in favorite container. Rose with accessory. All white arrangement (variety of flowers). All white arrangement with green foliage (one species of flower). Fruit blossom arrangements. Mixed flower arrangements (one or more varities). Miniature arrangements, 3 inehes or under. Junior baskets (to 15 years). Horticultural Classes Tulips. 1 bloom, any color (no foliage).. Tulips, 3 blonmsps^Haorted colors (no foliage). Lilacs, single, one stem, (no foliage). Lilacs, double, one stem, (no foliage). Roses, 1 stem. Tuberous begonias, 1 bloom. Fruit blossoms, 1 spray. Flowering shrub, 1 spray. Peoniefc, 1 bloom, any color. Peonies, 3 blooms, assorted. Miscellaneous Specimens. Junior entries. Plantfe In Pots Plants in pots, flowering. Plants in pots, foliage. African violets. Unusual planting arrangements. Vegetables and Fruits 3 stalks rhubarb 3 green onions. 4 radishes. 3 strawberries. 3 stalks asparagus. The Bull Valley Garden cluty flower sfidW held tast was a fine success, judging from the fine comments of the steady stream of Visitors. The most coveted award, the tricolor, was presented to tlife Woodstock Garden club fqjp' a table, "Flbwer Druljfc Sori|r*. , McHenry Garden clufe wpn b red ribbon m the biiffet table class, while the Wonder Lake Garden club Won the £airife for a dining table. Judges for the show were Mrs. Emil Walker of Crystiil Lake. Mirs. Charles jjf Wheaton. ftfcrs. E. L. McQibbbh of BarVin&tcm, Mfe. worge Martin, Mrs. Frank Davy and Mrs. A. K. Griffith. ^ r An interesting; consfcrvatiori exhibit, constructed and Mrs. Phillip Wheelbck, Jf*tfracted Visitors to the area surrounding the lovely barn on the Hi Hill farm ofrnfed by Mrs. Charles Hoerger, wherie the show waS held, and demonstrated the technique of building ahd stocking h farm pond. FORMEft MeHENRY GIRI, MARRIED LAST SATURDAY OIMTAL L<^t jpfeo^ irf l^k$l tfcutfity hospital the past Week include Walter Pelpquih. and Claude Basetey SI St. Ttierete, Mrs. Mary Haffher and Harry Haffner at Condell, Memorial in Libjertyville. Hj^nry Nickels, wild was stricken HI at liiS hpme 6A Center street a few kgo, i$ iidW a patient at IXbie6 jhtos- A lovely weddlrtg solemnized on Satu'rday, May 2i, united in marriage Miss Ann Mane May and Thomas E. Lalor at St. Mary's Catholic church, Woodstock. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund P. May of Woodstock, formerly of McHeniry, arid /tfi'e groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lalor of rural Hebron. Mary May, sister of the bride was maid of honor, and bridesmaids were "Patricia Berner of Woodstock and Mrs. Ronald Mcdahri of Ka|ikaki*e. James Lalor served his brother as best man and groortismen. were Larry Liles and Tony May, brother of the bride. After a two-week triji to C61- orado and Mphtaba, the C0Uple will Reside in rural He- Droji. The bride is a graduate . of McHenry high school in 1SJ5.5 and has been employed at Maripn Cehtfal lugh school. Tflfcie groom Is k 1951 graduate m St. Mary's hifeh sefhool ,th Woodstock. ' rRlim FLING OF OF C SET FdR NEXT SATURDAY SCHOLARSHIP winners About 200 persons enjoyed the annual spring band concert igiveji it the .McHenry Junior high school auditorium last Fn&ay evening- During the eVening, Commander Howard Thomas of Fox valley post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, presented one-week scholarships t o E g y p t i a n m u s i c camp t o tfrree members of the band, Diang Qiobot, Kathy Thompson aiild Ricky Piatt. They were selected by .a vot£ of the faculty <?n recommendations made by Director Paul Raasch. HAIRDRESSERS MEET The Northwest Su b u r b a n Hairdressers and Cosmetologist will hold their monthly meeting June 1 at the Lake Zurich hotel at 8 p.m. The guest artist for this meeting is John Ippolito, a member of the Chicago unit style body. AH members who entered the hair style competition qualified at the last meeting. » NEW CORRESPONDENT Sally Lubke will be the new Lakemoor correspondent for the Plaindealer. News should be turned in to her no later than Saturday by phoning Evergreen 5-5179. Grand Knight Arnold May of the McHenry Council Knights of Columbu6 announced that tickets a& still available for their Spring Fling, which is being held St the V.F.W. at McHenry on Saturday, May 28. There will be a delicious dinner, dancing and gala fldor SfioW. The floor show, which will be an blitstariding one, lists at its head, Claud Sheldon, comedian pAr-exceilehce, who has performed for the Knights before He has a warm style and is hilariously funny. He sings, - plays a guitar, and Is always an encore performer. McHenry Hospital Patient^s in M'CH^nry hospital this i&st \^|ek;. j6i(dluded Ann Wren, George Linfe, ,Milton Johnson, Nancy Peterson, Frank pftprSon, Atex Sinclair, Hel^n Bird sftid ftay AJbr££trt of Crystal ,L^ke; Kloei df GraySlake; PairicaA Eunem&n of Muhdelein; Wilha Schr^Jer,. Rayi Gildemelster and "Richard PiCkrum of Wonder Lake; Anthony Morowski, Tinelma Covalt, Betty; Angle, John Maruskk, Geraldine Boesenberf, Loisetta texline, Jtisbph Becker,, G^oi^e MdCall, ppris TTiarson, William Mars, j£dna H^hn, Geocge Colbofn,, .Etbel Smith, aii^ Josephine Patrick pif McHenry; Evelyn JOn^i Of Island Lake; Fr^nk PilrkhurSt of, MeCuliom Lfkke; Parol ^dam of .Wauconda: George Helber of fcehVyn; Mryan Gnffin of Fontapa, Wis>, Ivan Zuelsdorf Of Pdlatu;^; Joseph Viior|a, Roj^rt ForS' and Carl Miehlke. Of. .Chicago;. Rhqtfida jfochs.. of . W^ucancfe.',. Beulah iBrp\vn of Spring "Grove and ftby ien^n of Round Lake Park. PERSONALS AtoARft WiNftristts Barbara Krickl was named winner of the Arion national award for the McHenry high school band, and piane Wisniewsi was winner of the Arjon orchestra award. These presentations, as well as those to Lynne Buckie and Lance Parks, o u t s t a n d i n g s e n i o r , c ho r u s members of the year, were made at the annual spring festival held this month. FEATURED ON PHOORAM Jeanne. Randolph was a featured performer in one of Chicago's large Hotels laSt Monday evening,, appearing as orgnn sdlofst befdre an audTience of 40d at a binkei-s' associa- . Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial1 hospital, Woodstock, this i&st Week were MrS. Simone Fulierk faster' Patrick "Hopkins artd Master Fr^nois Sweeney, W6tidibr Lake; faster Randall Sftilier and ftobert Nickels McHenry aiijcl 3<dney Van^derspool, Vplo. iiamrcl ttospftal Chai lene ScharnWeber,/wonder .Lake, and Mrs. liobert Koczor of MtHen^ .wete'.. i^idicing It thd Hary^rd HoSpiUtl.' - . * MARRIAQE LIOKkSES A, marnage licenne Issued in W4ukegan, fast -week, to Robert WHldhson pf Whjte- Stone, ,N, Y., and Judith Alto ^ , . t:;;V ; U Fjffeem^l*, of vBwfe d^ «^ Sao)dra D. Wozniak ^ gyantpd. a marriage license in McHenty county. . bAtiii) would Jike. to t^ank the many fcrtejias mative^ who rei)iembi|?ed 'ine with cardfe, visits $ncl ^i.her kindne^js^ during the time I was conifiriild tp the hospital. Everything was appVeciaCed so mitcn. John Dreymiller CAftD OF THANKS 1*he W.S.CS. of the Comituinfty Methodist church wishes to correct a "thank you" made at last week's Home Show and Garden Walk, when another person W&k credited with the beautiful African, violet • plWte' IMI -the1 HaVes hiftrife, displayed by Ambrose Schaefer. Tliey are grateful to Mr. SchaefeT for his coiitributipn. IN MEMORIAWf >t Barbara Triplett Wilkes. Iii Ivoyirtg iftenriPry pf <^ir ,itaugh» ter and sister who psosed away ^May 30,1958; . Wilkes-Family* 4 MrS, AiiiiaBei;; Ai<|her lurid Miss. dar&. .Mfller attended a luncheon and style Show "Summer Silhouettes" spohsPrjed by S. iS. Peter ahd P^6i Altiar ahd Rosary society at Villa d' Este in Cary, Monday. Mrs. fc<^a Ahtohsort spent a few days, this week, with friends Elbtirn. Sister Nicele 'and Sister Philomsna; of Holy Redeemer sehool, Milwaukee, Wis., were weekend guests tif the fonfeer's paretits, Mr. and R^i'S. Nick M. Justen, and on Sunday visited in the Joseph Jlisten home lih Richrhond. , Alre. EdWa^ ^kbrily and sob, df'Elnih^lrst visited her mother, Mrs. Frank Weingart, ^nburs^ay. Mrs. Rote^t LiSW: Attended a bridal G^iO^ver for, MiSs- Donna Zerhstorff at the home of Mrs. Elhier Olsen In Richmond, Sunday, With Mrs. Charles Olspn as, hostess. Miss Mantia Roe of Stanley, Wis., and Mrs; Harpld Abbott of WoOdstbcki were luncheon gliests of MrS. F. J. Aicher Thursday. MisS Elsie AnderSon of Chicago WaS a weekend guest in the horrte of her sister, Mrs. Ben J. Miller Atty. A.< J. Woll of Washington. t>. C„ visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mrsu William Jdhns of Elgin and; Mrs*. David HaVercamp of Dundee guests of McHeniy relatives SUtiday. Mrs. Ann Ruork of New Port Richey Fla., Was a weekend guest of Mrs. Edla AntonSon. Mr. and ^rs. Thurlow York of Sharon, Wis., were supper guests in the, Leslie Olsen home Sunday evening. Mrs. Agn^s; ^lierrtan spent, a few days th^ ljapt lof the week, in the horfieC c^f Her sister in Elgin. Mrs. Manpi> Reser ^yho has been residing With her parents, Mr. and Kirs, Henry Seegert, left Chicago, ' ^eriiily, fey jet, for Saii; FrahcfiScb, G^lif., frbm ivhere sKe took a boat for Honolulu whfere She pl&hS to make her home with her sbn, Staff Sg^. JAnfeS L. Snidth, Jr., and MrS and Mrs. Math B. Laures have r&tirifed C6 tKelr home in West . Palm .Beaqh, Fla., afl;er •pekding. h*rb weeks With rela- V^ft and friends in thik vicinity. . JSJlsCer Charles Marie was bpme^tydfn St. MarHh's paH^i, Oiickgo, to §Mnd thje Weekend her jp^ftrajMr. ,ah8 Slr^. Leo Blake, and attend the ordination on Saturday and Father Weber's first Mass oil Sunday. Miss Katfil&h ?Ah#l^e, ficcompanied by a friend, w^s home from her studies at Rosary college to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anglese. Mrs. Frahk Weihgart accompanied her brother. Math B. Laures arid Wife, to Richmond, Friday, fpr a visit in the Howard Christianson home. lVfr\ and Mrs. William Walker of Waukegan were Sunday yisito& in the home of Miss Marion McOmbe^. Mrs. John Engeln was the guest of Ridgefieldl friends, Friday and Saturday, and on Sunday spent the day in Chicago.. _ Sister M. Edulfa of Glenview spent the Weekend with McHenry Relatives and attended the ordinatiop on Saturday. MeSdam^s Lydia E^ngeln, Tillle Hnsteln, B^tty Jftode aiid Gprtie-Miller met li^S. Kathtyii Stefleii of CSflcago, at the Lemuriel McDonald home in Palatini, for a get-together, last Thursday. \ GQests in. tNe home of Mrs. Helen HMiger, during! th e weekend to attend the. ordination services at St. Mary's church Saturday and the first Mass o£ JRey. Fr. JameS Wfeber on Sunday were the Paul Achor family of Frankfort, Ind., Mr. and Mrs: tlfenry Heuser and daughters and Mr. and f i r s R i c h a r d H e u s e r and daughter of Chicago. Mrs. Tillie fingeln and Mrs. Lydia Engttn attended a salad Jimcheon^ at the Ridgefield Presbyterian church Wednesday' of last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton, sori, Teddy, and Mr?. Laura Minteer, of Maywood, visited McHenry relatives Sunday. The ^flake sisters, Sister Ildefoi'js and lister Arcadia of Campbeiisport. Wis., and Sister Jereraias of Nebraska, who came here to attend the ordination a!t iSi Mary's on Saturday, are spending the Week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams of Elgin were McHenry visitors SundSy and attended the reception . honoring Rev. Fr. James Weber at St. Mary's hall. Ampng other out of town folks in attendance Were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of WaUkegan. Mrs. Arthur Broeker of Elgin spent the weekend with McHenry relatives. Mrs.. Clarence Regner, daughter, Linda, and son, John, attended Field Day and a family picnic at St. Mary's acadeniy, St. Charles, last Sunday. Among those Who attended thii funeral of Frank J. McCarthy in Antioch last Monday were Kate Worts, Anna Mollenkamp, Ethel Holle, Gertrude Weber and Frances Vycitai of McHenry. REPEAT PERFORMANCE nkay 28 r felike and Rummage Sale -- JwtCuilom Lake Beachhouse -- 1*6 a .nit to 4 R.m. -- Sponsored by Ladies of the Lake. Slay 2d , Boy Scout. Troop, No. 162. Pancake Day -- Legion Home -- Id a.m. . . May t8 Bake, Sale -- justen furniture Store -- Sponsored by Liikelahd Pirk Wbhieh's' ClUb -- 9 kin. <tohe i Rummage Sale -- V.F.W. CiuUiiouse,-- 9 ajn. to 4 p.m. ^rid 7 io 9 pim. -- S^btisored by V.F.W. Auxiliary. , . Jane 26 Penny Stxiial artd Baiaar -- Christ the King Catholic Chfi'rai, Woridfer PHOTO CONTEST The McHenry Camera club is holding a black and White picture contest on the theme "Springtime". Entries must be 5x7 to 8-10, either single Weight glOSsy or double weight matte, for which prizes will be $5; $3 and $2. They must be delivered to the George Kotalik Camera Center, 117 Riverside Drive, by Sunday, June 5. These photos will be judged at a meeting starting at 7:30 on June 7. Only one picture may be submitted by each member. . * 1 ATTEND PROM Ruth Ann Regner of Pistakee Bay, McHenry, and two high school classmates, Dee Anne Paroli and Cecy Ricalde, of St. Mary's academy, St. Charles, recently attended the school's prom at the Blackstohe- Sheraton hotel in Chicago. Their gueStS Were Richard Mencel, John ahd Robert Regner of McHenry. tio'n banquet! IN MEMOftlAM In memory, of its departed neighbors, Fox River Valley Catap £fo. 3251 R.N.A. is sending .« gift of moiiey to ttje Roy-; al Neighbor ,h(xAe at Dayen-^ port, la. • 4 diamond the size of an ice cube would be worth about 2 million dollars, at present prices. SPECIAL VALUE DAYS 12 nr. Special "fKTSOAT each Wed. & Thurs. tor the next three weeks. Wfestlnghouse Washers 85-tniqute cycle BiVkitSIDE DRIVE LAtmbROMAT M2 k RWertAde th. ^^Pholft fev. lere's new loveliness ahead for you . . . Want to try a new hair fkshion, with most flattering results? Or, want tp be sure your favorite hair style is properly cut arid set? You can count on us for more loveliness, always. Illusion Nets ideal for shopping, traveling and evening wear. ide Studi 126 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-6147 Member of N.H.C.A. wersi io McHenry, 111. ; Closed Bonded Pur Storage On Premises Don't >Vftit .TM1 Mobifl Attack!! -f FITRS SlADtS TO ORDER -- &prtttg.FurS.-- Jackets -- Capes Stolen --• Scarfs We ^e^ali^e In restyling . old Y|ir coats into Jackets -- Capes -- Stoles Storage, Clqantfig, Repairing - and Rf^tyllng Phone JGV^rgrtjpp 5-184S HEINZ PURS 165 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. BAKE SHOP Wax BE OPEN 7 A.M. TIL NOON SUNDAY * MONDAY (MEMORIAL DAY) V f" ^ J Dancing against an attractive metropolitan city skyline, these young ladies participated in the two repeat performances of /'Musical Memories -- Down Memory Lane" at St. Mary's school auditorium in McHenry last .Sunday and Tuesday nights. Having performed before 1,400 people just a month earlier, the repeat schedule was for the benefit of the Catholic students' center of Northern Illinois university now under construction at Dekalb. "Musical Memories" was written and directed by . Fr. Harold Nilges, assistant pastor of the church. Mr. and Mrs. David Granger are the parents of a girl, bora May 17 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. She has been named Kelly Marie. Mrs. Granger is the former Ruth Ann Phannenstill. A son was born to Mr. and; Mrs. Robert Tucker of McHenry on May 18 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Potter of Wonder Lake are parents of a boy born at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, May 18. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gende became parents of a son on May 20 at Memorial hospital. The Gendes have three other, soils and three daqghters to welcome this new member of their family. A daughter was born on May 21 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. John Wirtz of Springfield announce the arrival of a son on Wednesday, May IS, weight 8 lbs., 9 ounces. Little Jeffrey Anthony was welcomed home by a brother, Raymond Joseph. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz. There are also five great grand-parents, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund, Mr. and Mfs. John Wirtz and Peter Freund, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fairburn of McHenry are parents of a son, born at Condell Memorial hospital, Libertyville, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack VanKanegan of Wonder Lake are the parents of a girl, born May 23 at Memorial hospital. A boy was born at Harvard hospital May 23 to Mr.Aind Mrs. George Oeffling. * SELECTED FOR INSTITUTE Miss Marie Paprocki, on the faculty of the * local high school, was, among forty selected to attend the first summer institute in bacteriology at the University of Colpradp. F A T * OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our drug called ODRINEX. You must lose ugly fat in 7 days or your money back. No strenuous exercise, laxatives, massage or taking of so-called reducing candies, crackers or cookie;, or, chewinp. gum. ODRINEX is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. When you take ODRINEX, you still enjoy your meals, still eat the fooci*fc you like, but you simply don't haVf^ the urge for extra portions because ODRINEX depresses you> appefite and decreases your desire fpf^Jfood. Your weight must come down, because as your own doctor will tell you, whon you eat less, you weigh . less. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. ODRINEX costs S3.00 and is sold on this GUARANTEE: If not satisfied for any reason fust return the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions asked. ODRINEX is sold with this guarantee by: BOLGER'S JDrug Store 103 8. * <*fee#"et. • Phone EV 5-4500 You are cordially invited to inspect an outstanding collection of Spring Fashions for Children Girls' sizes 0-14 -- Boys' sizes 0-7 Come in soon . . . you'll love the personal, individual attention! THE DEBBIE SHOP, Richmond, 111. One Door West of Anderson's Candy Open Daily 9-6 -- Closed Thurs. Afternoons MAT 29th ft 80th "Can your bank fielp with my business problem?" The answer is probably yes, especially if it's one that involves credit. Whether you are a "one-man business" or connected with a larger enterprise; whether you sell at retail, manufacture, farm, or deal in serv- * ices; whether your problem is financing modernization of premises, inventory, fixtures, machinery, buildings, Equipment, or something else--it will p?y you to talk with us. We extend loans, at low cost, to sound local businesses of all kinds for sound purposes of all kinds. Come in: You will be welcome! MeHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 'McHenry County's Largest and Finest Financial Institution Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone Evergreen 5-1040

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