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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1960, p. 16

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?age Sixteen Lilymoor DISCUSS ROAD GRADING DURING ASSOCIATION MEET Shirley Schuerr THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Ttwidif. Aw 23. *1960 has increased again. Mr. and Mis. Vito Sessa and children ' are out for the summer. The S'• essa family has been spending the summers out here for someiime now. Glad to see you out. Mr. and Mrs. Sessa and family. The L i 1 y m o o r association held iis monthly meeting Tues- , day, June 14. It was brought up at the meeting that a lot of j the street signs are fading ; from the weather. Anyone who j wishes may repaint the names | so that you can read them. Al- ; so discussed was grading the ; roads. This will be d<jne in the I near future. The by-laws com- j mittee met Tuesday. June 21. ; at Mrs. Stineman's home. - i The next monthly meeting will be held Tuesday, July 12,\ ai 8 p.m. at the schoolhouse. |- Attention Speeders | It has been brought, up again . about the cars speeding on the j loads of our subdivision. The 1 roads are nrvt a race track, j Like any other residential area | a person driv ing is to travel j slow. Our children are now on j vacation, and are either play-j ing in the streets or walking j the streets If you want to use i. your 'car for speeding go to a , race track and do all your ; speeding there. You. who are j flying fast in your cars, are en- J dangering lives and are tearing up the roads. So fast driv- ' ers SI-OW DOWN for the sake ! of the children, adults, as well j as your own. Get that heavy j foot off of the gas pedal. | Trip to California Miss Charlene Crawley left Mohday, June 20, for Napa, Calif,, for an indefinite stay. Charlene will be staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rader. While there she will \*isit her aunts and uncles, ant take in the sights of Napa. Have a good time on your v|- caiion, Charlene. Graduation Party A graduation party was held Sunday. June 12. for Skipper Schuerr. Those attending were Mrs. TScrtha, Burger of Lakorrionr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schuerr, Mrs. Kate Casftnck. Mrs. Audrey Pinkonsly all of 7-ilymoor. Also Mrs. Jean Jacobson and daughters of Wildwood. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schtierr and family, of Fox- Lake. p> lor their grandson, Keith Behrendi. Sunday, June 12. in Arlington Heights. Keith gradua t e d f r o m t h e A r l i n g t o n Heights high school. Mr. and Mrs. Massey had weekend guests June 10 to 12. They were Vicki and Patty Rerg, granddaughters of Mr. and Mrs. Massey. The girls had a big surprise when father Berg came to pick them up. Mr. Berg surprised the girls by picking them up in their new 1960 horse-less carriage. The Belford family had a Rood time at the picnic they attended Sunday, June 12. The picnic was held at the Wilmot State Park in Wisconsin. Not Up to Par Walter Schuerr has been nursing a sore and swollen eye the past week. Seems the virus bug got hold of him and won't let go. Tenna Bellino hasn't .been feeling well the past couple of weeks. Seems like she just about gets over one thing and it's another. Here's hoping you both are well and in good health now. Isabelle Karmel's mother is improving some. Mrs. Marks had been on the critical list for awhile. Summer Bible School The Community Methodist church of McHenry and the Presbyterian church of Eastwood Manor have their vacation church bible school in session now. It is being held at tne Methodist church from Jun^-13 to 24. 9 to 11:30 a.m. I; is for the children who concluded kindergarten through fifth grade. The closing will be held Friday. June 24, at 7:30 p.m. At that time they will show what the children have doae. Some of the children of Lilymoor are attending. Laura Belford is one of the adults helping out. Visits Father Herman and Edna Crawley nnrl daughter made a trip to Kankakee to spend Father's day with Herman's father. In the Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schu- ! err's daughter, Mrs. Babei Glasscock, is in the Southtown bospira}, in Chicago. \ Passed Awriy 1 Our sympathy goes to the | Polinski family on the death | of Herb's step-father, Nat i Gruenke. Mr. Gruenke passed i away in his sleep Wednesday. June 15. Out for the Summer The population of Lilymoor THE C Some. Trip The Schuerr family made a trip into Chicago Thursday to visit Mrs. Babe Glasscock who is in the hospital. While there, son Kenneth, got lost and Grandmother Schuerr smashed and split her thumb in the car door. All I can say is never a dull moment in the Schueer family. Rummage and Bake Sale There will be a rummage and bake sale at Mathews hall. Wonder Lake, July 1 and 2. Proceeds will benefit the retarded children's program. For ion ^all Mrs. Carter. EY. 5-6399 or Mrs. JVIercure, EY. .vOnll. , Neighbor Did you ever stop to think ihat your neighbor is more than a neighbor.. Your neighbor is your friend and the person'you .can •turn.'to in Case of in accident or emergency. You also can pass the time of day with him. Next time you see your neighbors take a good !ook at them. They're nice people. Any News? If you have any news regardless how small please call. The phone number is EV. 5- 2645. PARTY FOR EX-OPERATORS An invitation has been extended to all ex-operators who worked at the Crystal Lake telephone office to a dial conversion party planned Saturday, July 30, at 6:30 o'clock at the McHenry Country club. Interested persons are asked to call Crystal Lake 9901 for reservations on or before Saturday, July 2. , McHenry Shores I HOLD ANNUAL CLUB PICNIC AT BEACH, JUNE 25 By Clare Mueller, EV. 5-0553 Games for children and I adults at 2 p.m., June 25, will ; start off the fun at the annual picnic for the residents of McHenry Shores who are members of the McHenry Shores j club. This gala affair will be ; held on the beach and picnic ; grounds. j Children who wish to enter I their pet frog in the frog race : arf reminded to bring it along. 'The fastest frog will bring j home to its master one of the ! many coveted prizes that will j be issued. Dinner will be served, buf- , fet style, at 6 o'clock. The evening is' reserved for dancing. I The committee in charge .re- | marked that prizes and surj prises galore will abound and j want to assure .you that 'ty won't be their fault if there' ! happens to be a dull moment ; during this festive occasion. shoes, down at the pits several Sundays back at the SSAC .sponsored horseshoe contest. Ld Olbinski took top honors land the must desired trophy) when he eliminated Art Cicchini, second place winner, by a score of 21 to 2. Third place weni to Jack Schmitt. Runnerups were Carl Kleine, last year's winner and Tom Burke. The rain stopped long j enough for those who braved ! the cold and dampness to have j their barbecue in the early eve- I ning. Beach 'Cleanup Assignments 9 a.m., Sunday, June 26, ' should find Rudy Burnett, Art Cicchini. Michael Denigen and ..Bill Dostal down to cut the grass and help straighten up the beach and picnic area. Art Brunke has switched K.P. dates with Clare Mueller. - Birthdays i Don't forget to wish Gladys K^rnor and Nancy Winters a happy birthday when you see them at the picnic Saturday. Gladys celebrated hefts Friday and Nancy will have hers Sunday. ! Fishing Contest Winners A 17 inch catfish, caught by ' Mike Ruemelin, brought home : first prize of a pole and reel i the overjoyed youngster, j Bobby Schopp, who caught 16 ! fish, was well pleased with the I second- prize of a casting reel. ! James Lande caught 3-16 inch j catfish to win third place. Some of the other winners of a po'e, float, underwater mask, hookers, lines and cash awards were: Freddie and Michael StarkJ__ARamon and Ronnie Olszewski. Prizes were donated by Wolffs. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Zeimet of the subdivision and the SSAC club. Here and There Billy Dostal's fourth birthday party was just about called off because of measles at his cousin's house in Chicago and the chicken pox in Western Springs. To save the day, Grandpa and Grandma Dostal were out from Cicero as were Grandpa and Grandma Musielak of Chicago. . . . Charles and Loretta Ramage enter- , tained visitors, Mr. and Mrs. j Poulson and their children, I also Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ramj age and their youngsters. . . . j Louise Winters' aunt and uncle, ! Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cotney 1 of Philadelphia, were over for several days. . . . Visiting with the Brunkes were Mr. and Mrs. Adam Borkowski of Des- I Plaines, Helen Kotlauski and I Delores Long, both from Chicago. . . . Louise Pdggensee's : folks were out from Chicago, ! Emil and Heddy Gruber and ; Grandma Gruber. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Karlozsky of Highland : Shores dropped in on the Grani sos. . . . Daughter Joan was | out to the Wilsons for several : days as were Mr. and Mrs. ; Lexow and Mr. and Mrs. Ellen- • bost. . . . Visitors, via boat, Irene Mueller's sister, .Lor- : raine Mikals, with her husband and boys, dropped over from : Fox Lake to take the Muellers for a ride in their new boat. Audrey and Chuck Whitney attended a dance recital in i Bonsenville, Judy Whitney, Chuck's niece, participated. . . i The Muellers „ were over TO j.Elmhurst to attend the confir-. mat ion of nephew, Dan Mikals. ; Clare was Danny's sponsor. . . The; Winters, minus Dad who was working, attended a picnic in Fox River Park given by the Home Builders Group of the Methodist church. WEEDS MUST BE CONTROLLED ON SOIL BANK FIELDS Farmers with conservation reserve contracts have a responsibility to themselves and to their neighbors to control the spread of harmful weeds according to Walter E. Austin, ASC office manager of McHenry county. Failure to comply vvith this soil bank regulation could result in forfeiture of the total conservation reserve payment for this year. U n d e r a v e r a g e c o n d i t i o n s one mowing or one application of ^chemicals wilL provide adequate control." However, the wide range in maturity dates for different species will sometimes require attention rtiore than once. Each farmer wjll be expected to use recommended control measures at the proper timC' I 0 Following is the list\>f weeds which the McHenry county ASC committee has decided must be controled on conservation reserve areas: Canada thistle, perennial sow thistle, field bindweed, leafy" spurge, russian knapweed, hoary cress, , cockleburr, velvet weed, quack i grass and willow. watching your weight? And in Closing Hope all the dads had a nice Father's Day. Bet we'll all be sporting new shirts at the picnic as a result. . . . See you next week, good day. calorie-free sweetener in cooking and baking I Get Sucaryl Solution Now in the Graceful, New "Table Bottle" designed by Raymond loewy In 4-fl.oz, Sodium or Cfor salt-free diets) Calcium sizes. . Our word 'mug' comes from the Sanskrit 'mukk' meaning face. BOLGER'S 103 S. Green St. EV 6-4500 f Ed Olbinski -- New Horseshoe Champ Damp weather didn't seem to stop the clinking of ^horse- This and That Virg and Walter Bert left Thursday, June 9, to return to St. Paul, Minn., after a long and enjoyable visit with Virg's parents, Mr: arid Mrs. RatWrt?' Mr. and Mrs. John Behrendt attended the graduation party A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Drake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling i BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. EVergreen 5-0811 US IS COMING TO TOWN Mi Storkline kitchen CAN BE YOURS... Real Paint Values RINGS "UNDER THE BIG TOP"] OA FEATURE °U ACTS Q ft SPARKLING ^v MINUTES ALL NEW BUT THE GRAND OLD NAME ONE DAY ONLY • RAIN OR SHINEI MCHENRY V.F.W. Grounds Sponsored By: McHENRY SWIMMING POOL COMMITTEE MON. JULY 2:30 and 8:00 P.M. GUTTERING STARS OF THE CIRCUS WORLD ASSEMBLED FOR THE FIRST TIME EXHIBITING IN THE HUGE TENTED ARENA . AERIAL ARTISTS - WIRE WALKERS . JUGGLERS - TUMBLERS - CLOWNS • BARE-BACK RIDERS - TRAINED ANIMALS • "BERTHA" THE WORLD'S FOREMOST PERFORMING ELEPHANT "THE HAPPIEST HOLIDAY OF THE YEAR" SAVE: BUY ADVANCE TICKETS NOW All Members of Swimming Pool Committee and Certified Food Store; Ben Franklin; Mark's Sport Center; Bolger'* Drug Store; Wattles' Drug Store; Nye Drugs, Inc.; Mil I stream Drugs. Low-LojHPrices^ <5R^!C!ET^VAILABL^!^O^FFIC^J^ircu^O^^!RCU^A^ CHILDREN UP TO 12 - 75c • ADULTS *125 • T«x Included \ C K M J I N i ; o i l ) . F A S I I I O M i l ) I I I E { I I . K I N ( ; C I R C I S ! Exceptional Quality at Low Priees! i INTERIOR Wall Paint Vinyl Latex 8 Pastel Colors .and White $ W gal. with no money downand 3 years to pay Modern beauty and practical convenience are easily and economically obtained with Storkline cabinets. Made of hard Maple in colorful Fruitwood or Silver Walnut gleaming finish, makes it possible to achieve any desired; color scheme for your kitchen. Don't be satisfied with an ordinary kitchen when you can have Storkline cabinets at a surprisingly low .cost. Let us show you their many exclusive features. EXTERIOR House Paint White Only $">95 gal. • SEE US FOR ALL YOUh PAINTING NEEDS RIGIDFRAME No Money Down - 5 Years to * Compare The Features! * Compare The Quality! $ Compare The Price! ' AND REMEMBER ... IT'S FULLY GUARANTEED! By ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. GARAGES $ One-Oar With Storage FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDERS On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois EVergreen 5-1424

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